Archived/Level 28
Level 28 is a massive cavern mainly made out of dirt. The cavern is extremely dangerous due to the high ammounts of entities. Howevber it is thouight to be a hub of sort to many different still not found levels. The level is divided into multiple different "sections" which will be explained in this entry. The main caves: The main caves are the largest part oflvel 28. They consist of massive dirt caverns with height varying very intensly. The floor is always flat, These are the areas where you can rarely find horses.
Stone Blocks
In soem parts of the level you can find massive stone blocks, which are usualy carved to have a path to the top.
In a SDSB expedition int he year 132, Multiple explosives were detonated which resulted inf inding more areas of level 28. You can spot these by seeing holes in roofs or floors or small caves in walls.
Rock Caves
The rock caves are the second largest area, They are simmilar to the main caves except that atleast1 wall is fully made of stone. Unlike the mainc aves you cant find horses here.
Torch Room
The torch room is a room full of torches, it's the area with the least entities howevber its found very deep into level 28.
Dwarf Caves
They are smaller forms of the main caves that were found during the SDSB expedition int he year 132. Youc an get to them via the passages.
Model Rooms
In the rock caves, you can soemtimes find strange "models" of a space of different rooms. The reasoning for these existance is still unknown.
The Ladder
In the main caves, you can find a small ladder that leads to a tunnel that is blocked off.