Martian-Crowned-Republic System
A Martian Crowned Republic[1] is a political system founded, and primarily adhered to among Martian civilisations. A nation adhering to a MCR style of governance in all ways resembles and functions like a democratic republic, while still holding onto traditional royal titles for its leaders alongside bestowing some ceremonial duties to them.
With this unique system, nations adhering to it represent a unique combination of republican and monarchical elements in a single system, while still holding a deep commitment towards its democratic values.
The leader of Mars has always been democratically elected, along with several constitutional constraints preventing the concentration of power to one individual. These constraints include term limits, and constitutionally mandated adherence to democratic values and the rule of law.
This leader, despite fitting all the criteria of a president, has the title of "Crown of Mars", a royal title with historical and cultural significance to the Martians. While these are mainly intended to be symbolic, with no actual hierarchical or royal powers, the Crown does get various ceremonial duties often associated with royal titles attributed them, though these are designed to not interfere with the day-to-day functioning of government. The executive functions and powers of the Crown of Mars are considered separate from their ceremonial roles, as these roles are considered a completely separate duty from governing the republic.
In diplomatic settings the roles of the Crown are to be clarified, as it is made sure other nations understand the nature of the MCR, and thus don't misinterpret the symbolic titles and duties as indicators of absolute power
Nations under a MCR System additionally have a robust and independent judiciary that acts as a check on the power of the Crown while also upholding the rule of law. This judiciary, alongside the legislative branch of government actively clarify the nature of how the MCR System functions to avoid misunderstandings and misconceptions, in order to avoid th enation being confused for a proper monarchy.
As nations under a MCR System are indeed republics, despite their titles and ceremonial duties, the powers of the Crown and others can be revised and adapted via constitutional amendments and revisions that are deemed necessary to address challenges and strengthen democratic institutions.
Public Society
Nations under a MCR System are to value their democratic process, and make sure its benefits are taught to the public in systems such has education. This is also done to prevent anykind of "true monarchist" faction from emerging.
- ↑ Also known as Martian Crownism