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Revision as of 17:41, 15 December 2024 by Hakced (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Species|title1=Praxtin|common name=Praxtin|type=Humanoid|average height=2 Meters|skin colour=Black|respiratory gas=Oxygen|locomotive method=Bipedal|distinctions=*Muscular *Strong *Intelligent|inhabits=Karakoram|intelligence=Sapient, Sentient|homeworld=Skantos}} '''Praxtins''' are are a silicon-based humanoid species native to the volcanic continent of Karakoram on Skantos. Visually they are notable for their charcoal-black skin and tall height of around...")
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Biological Classification
Common NamePraxtin
Physical Characteristics
Average Height2 Meters
Skin ColourBlack
Respiratory GasOxygen
Locomotive MethodBipedal
  • Muscular
  • Strong
  • Intelligent
Sociocultural Characteristics
IntelligenceSapient, Sentient

Praxtins are are a silicon-based humanoid species native to the volcanic continent of Karakoram on Skantos. Visually they are notable for their charcoal-black skin and tall height of around 2 metres. They have a largely muscular frame giving them much stronger grip strength than a typical Human, though despite this muscular brutish appearance they have a notably high intelligence compared to many other species of similar technological progression which has allowed their society to advance much quicker than most other Skantoan nations.

Behaviourally Praxtins are fairly typical, though with some notable traits such as never accepting gifts unless they deem it 'earned', a deep devotion to their religion, a common xenophobia towards other Skantoan species, and a culturally instilled honesty that has lead to a lack of lying within their society.