Archived/Low Quality Articles

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This article contains an archive of several low-quality pages which were previously wholly independent pages of the wiki, although were archived due to their low quality.
MOST CORRUPT Mei'ra Goldaria Tatooine Piggy Island Yamato Hayah Rossiya Arstotzka Kauria Q'Nar Jeriya Eteria Cocala Itachia Nuevopedro Petoria Sarpistan Neo Sarpia Coruscant SSY (yorica) Isernotaria Saharia Libatria Hoth CSY Khat Poavak Geonosis Titicaca Nilastan Maldives Bornuvia Osania Ascension Island England Yetia Malta Midway Lizarb Naboo Equatoria Choros Texas Feur Island Utsong Charaland Ireland Svealand Islandia Dina North Alicorn LEAST CORRUPT Survey conducted by a team of Yetian Researchers

Ranking of every country with information from most evil to least evil (most evil at top) Luxuria "California" Yetia Spisos Iujadogia Mei'ra Sizzle Hongerswak Hayah Yamalia Uganda Zina YNF Petoria Sipedro Lustland Poavak Asophania/Denasola Sarpistan Abard Lineland* Yakamoto Kauria Itachia Utsong Duloc England Shenguo/Sakkiang Nuevopedro Nakmai Scandimar Creepyland Goldaria Yamato Skye Kalevala Italy Charaland Luvakhia Piggy Island Ellaria CSY Jeriya Anakistan Khat Wanaoishi Luvuria/Cotunauinia Choros Vedaburg Cocala Titicaca Red Army Lizarb Osania Aparty Nilastan Bornuvia saharia Islandia Isernotaria Eteria Texas Malta SS Yorica Ireland Scotland Macanaland Apothelis Equatoria Drenemoria Floria Svealand Wales Luvamatrilia Alicorn Celtic Dina

Ancient Nations from before the Year 0

Flag Name Time of existance
Ancient Apothelis 847BCE-300BCE
Athenia 1157BCE-1023BCE
Ancient Choros 1157BCE-1056BCE
Constantinia 1157BCE-948BCE 832BCE-300BCE
Doniya 1157bce-973BCE/832BCE (Depends on definition)
Ancient Lineland 723BCE-300BCE
Ancient Luxuria ?
Eastern Yetai Empire 1230BCE-1189BCE
Ancient Inchyros 973BCE-832BCE
Mikros 832BCE-300BCE
Ancient Moria 1157BCE-998BCE
Ancient Skye ?
Ancient Spisos ?
Thrace 1157BCE-969BCE
Ancient Wales ?
West Yetai Empire 1230BCE-874BCE
Yetai Empire 1579BCE-1230BCE
Duchy of Yetia 764BCE-698BCE
? Zantozacoria 1295BCE-300BCE?


Asclan War

Around Year 20 Asclan re-emerged as the first Yomtach clan in modern Yata, They settled on Easter Island and from there industrialised and sought to take their revenge on the rest of Yata. Asclan traveled to Yetia and took control of their airship docks and created the Order of Yetia, a puppet regime under their control. From there they invaded Luxuria and fought as far as Alice Springs until Sizzle's elite swordsmen managed to defeat Asclan and forced them into retreat, this lead the Yetians to revolt and Asclan to be forced to flee back to Easter Island.

Subjugation of Easter Island

Many years later, Yetian airships and navy lead a strike on Asclan as revenge to its previous conquest by Asclan. Asclan fought hard however was no match due to the damage it sustained in the Asclan war, allowing Easter Island to be captured by Yetia. Asclan from there escaped to Bermuda, Wrangel and the caves of Easter Island

Second Human-Yomtach War

Asclan was rediscovered in 24.1.2020, in which it launched an in


The Basque are a minority population in Yetia notable for their distinct language that is mostly unrelated to others. Their homelands are where much of Newtown is built so most of them have assimilated into Yetian culture and language.

Bingland after being created in the wake of the Swagonian War rose up causing Bingustani forces to be cut off. This led to Bingustan and UFR signing a armistice with Swagonia ending the war which birthed Bingland. Bingland and Swagonia became allies because of the war. Bingland shortly afterward had its first election in which the Consus Party's "Buff Pepper" won the presidency. Bingland supported Swagonia and in the Second Swagonian War intervened on their side and fought Polsk head on. They were invaded by Bingustan and almost fully captured until Blingus rebelled leading to Bingland recapturing bingbong. Bingustan did a counterinvasion in which Bingland suffered a simmilar fate until they won in the third battle of Bingbong and managed to push back the bingustanis. Bingustani occupation zone collapsed as hard as Bingustan did and Bingus Loyalists took control in far northern Bingland. Bingland liberated the rest of its territories and is was planning a counter invasion of Bingustan. Bingland later joined in the third war to protect its ally Floppa City from other nations. They initially didn't do much until they allied with Jun-Swagoland because they were tired of everyone's shit. In this they invaded Konbatyscir. They then invaded and defeated Plompystan, establishing a democratic government there. Then the second elections happened in which the Action party won with Sproingus being elected. WIP

First Binglander Election
45% Consus Party
32% Los Floppos Party
16% Democratic Party
7% Bingland Worker's Party
First Binglander Election
29% Action Party
28% Consus Party
23% Los Floppos Party
12% Democratic Party
7% Bingland Worker's Party

|-|Bingustan History= Bingustan was made by Bingus as a country for the Orientalis Bingus Tribe. Bingustan became allies with the UFR and they fought together against swagonia in the UFR-Swagonia war. This caused Bongus, who had always been jealous of his brother Bingus to rally the communists in the country and overthrow Bingus. This made Bingustan flee to exile in Trenton. They eventually couldnt manage it anymore and escaped to UFR where they are now in exile in Floppascus plotting their reconquest of Bongustan. During the Theian World War Bingustan declared war on Polsk and tried to reconquer Bongustan who allied with Polsk. They however werent able to win the war. Bingustan attempted to reconquer its land again in the Swagonian War and this time succeeed with aid from the UFR. Bongustan remained in control of the western part but Bingustan was somewhat restored in eastern Bongustan. Bingustan was initially successful capturing half of Swagonia until Bingland revolted against him forcing him to retreat and sign a armistice.Bingustan also joined in on the Second Swagonian War. This led to Bingus being temporarily overthrown by rebels and a transitional government. These were eventually seized by Bongustan and Bingus made Second Bingustan in Bingland.