Elder Gods

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Elder Gods
Biological Classification
Common NameElder Gods
TypeAmorphoid, Metaphysical
Physical Characteristics
Average HeightVaries...
Average LengthVaries...
Skin ColourVaries...
SexesMost lack a biological sex.
GendersMost lack gender presentation, although there are several exceptions.
  • Usually Immortal
  • Often are Demi-gods or rarely Gods
  • Do not fit any common shape category (ie bipedal, quadropedal, etc.)
Average LifespanUsually Immortal
EndangeredLeast Concern
Sociocultural Characteristics
IntelligenceHypersapient, Sentient

Elder Gods are a species consisting of several related cosmically significant entities with several similarities to deities. As a race, they possess powers that dwarf those of many of what they call "inferior lifeforms" or "mortals", though they may still be subdued with enough firepower. Each Elder God is a unique entity different from all others, wielding their own unique powers and magical arts. Little is known about the Elder Gods, as most sapient life is incapable of perceiving them without suffering catastrophic mental effects.

Most documented Elder Gods is situated in the Deep Core of the Milky Way in a region of space south-west of the Galactic Core alongside the Unknown Space world of Sorroda. While it is known that they reside elsewhere as well, even beyond time-and-space, none of these other residences have been sufficiently documented to give any definite answers. In the regions they inhabit, Elder Gods typically either inhabit the vacuum of space or on the surfaces of the few worlds they have conquered, silently observing in order to find entertainment.

Indifference towards life

Most Elder Gods don't interact with or even acknowledge other species[1], which is considered unusual amongst them. They see the universe with indifference and the "lesser lifeforms" in a similar way more typical Sapients would see something such as an ant. While this is quite egocentric, their indifference is largely regarded as 'positive' as if they were in fact involved with the 'lesser races' they could easily cause a great deal of destruction, as has occurred in the few occurences of Elder Gods subjugating worlds for their own entertainment, much like how a child can shine the sun's rays through a magnifying glance at insects on the ground. Due to these rare occurrences, many lesser species have over the history of the universe worshipped the Elder Gods, hoping to achieve salvation via their power.


Thanks to the great power bestowed within the Elder Gods, the mere existence or death of an Elder God usually leads to the arise of further life out of their forms, which are referred to as 'Elderspawn'. These beings are typically highly unusual and even anomalous, each bestowing within them a fragment of their forefather's power.

  1. They do not interfere with other life unless they feel it is in their interests to do so.