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Were you looking for a list of all Deities/Gods?
Biological Classification
Common Name
  • Archons
  • Gods
  • Deities
  • Divinities
Scientific Name
  • Pistiphages[1]
  • Pluripotent Entities
Physical Characteristics
Average HeightVaries
Average LengthVaries
Locomotive MethodVaries
  • Divine Properties
    • Some are Omnipotent
    • Some are Omniscient
    • Some are Omnipresent
    • Some are everything in between.
  • Their forms and abilities depend on what their worshippers believe they look like / can do, as well as the number of worshippers they have across the cosmos.
Average LifespanGenerally immortal, although many can still die, or otherwise be rendered inert or dormant.
AbilitiesThe abilities that deities possess vary greatly, though the major possible abilities they may have include:
  • Cosmic powers
  • Dimensional travel
  • Space travel
  • Immortality
  • Reality warping
  • Time warping
  • Possession
Endemic toUnknown
InhabitsCan be found anywhere, but most commonly can be found on "Spiritual Planets" such as:
Sociocultural Characteristics

Deities[2] are a wide group various divine and powerful beings that exist across the entire Omniverse, each commanding an aspect of reality within the realms of their worshippers. Their nature, form and capabilities vary greatly from region to region, planet to planet, galaxy to galaxy, universe to universe, and so on.

Groups of Deities are part of their own individual pantheons or clans, although they may still interact with those outside of their pantheons.

List of Pantheons

Though some deities reign as a sole figure outside of any given pantheon, such as:

  • Asteros (Pistiphage worshipped as one, while not technically an actual deity.)
  • Fourth Deity (Pluripotent Entity that operated as one, while not technically an actual deity.)


The powers that deities possess comes to them from worship, as well as what kind of worship. If the worshippers of any given deity believe it can accomplish something, then it can't. Although how well it can accomplish this also depends on how many worshippers it has[3], or how powerful its worshippers are. Because of this, every religion is 'correct' about their god existing, in some way or another, although stories within scripture or belief may still be false.

If gods are no longer worshipped, they will cease to be. They may simply be rendered inert, or in some state of slumber, or they may truly die. Dead gods may still retain their powers in whatever afterlife they end up in[4], although many may be "demoted" to have the powers and likeness of a mortal by the gods of an afterlife. Some gods may still be killed without losing worship via some means. Corpses of gods killed from such circumstances often leave behind artifacts of great power, although desecrating these sites can also grant dark curses.

The reason behind the significance of Worship to the existence of gods, is a form of energy radiated by religious worship has been named "Divine Energy". This Divine Energy fuels the continued existence and the abilities of deities, and without it they cannot properly exist within corporeal reality.

Types of Deities

"True" Deities

"True" Deities, usually simply known as Deities, are beings which possess various powers and traits associated with the divine, which are fueled and defined by the beliefs of the various mortals that worship each deity.


Demigods are beings who may possess the powers which can resemble that of a god, without being one. They are generally weaker than "true" deities, and don't always require worship to exist.

  1. Refers to any entity that is empowered or manifests due to faith in it existing.
  2. Also known as Gods, Divinities, and other countless names.
  3. This is why for example the god of a small cult can only exert influence over its followers, and gods worshipped by large civilisations can accomplish much more.
  4. A similar "judgement" process exists for both Deities and Mortals