Divine Energy

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Divine Energy
Frequency / Cause
  • Radiated by religious faith & belief
  • Radiated by rituals and ceremonies
  • Radiated by Deities
LocationEntire Omniverse

Divine Energy is a form of non-electromagnetic radiation that is connected to the amount of religious faith a person holds, as well as worship in general[1]. The deity being worshipped does not affect the amount of Divine Energy that is created, as worship of any deity creates the same amount[2]. Though it may be affected by doubt about the success of worship.

Divine Energy "fuels" the continued existence, and abilities of Deities, who cannot exist within corporeal reality without it. Because of this it is correlated with the presence of powerful deific entities. Though it may also bring further power to dark, malevolent entities.

  1. If a person does not believe their worship is going anywhere, then Divine Energy will not be generated.
  2. Who is being prayed to isn't important, the act of belief itself creates Divine Energy.