Chiaroscuros Duality
The Chiaroscuros Duality are a pantheon consisting of two entities, The Light and The Dark, acting as polar opposites of one another.
In the earliest days of the cosmos, struggles between the oldest of deities were commonplace. One notable struggle was between two deities, which while polar opposites, they were still intrinsically linked to each other. One was the Light, all things good and meaningful. The other was the Dark, existing only to destroy. Even though they were polar opposites to each other they were very much the same, as too much of one would always provoke chaos.
After aeons of conflict it was decided a victor could not emerge, and thus a new tactic must be made. Seeds of each force were placed in countless planets, where they each would grow and one day win out against the other. Once placed into a world each force seeks out its ideal environment, with the dark often choosing to burrow to the fiery core of the planet, while the light often decided to take a more insidious approach - burrowing into the hearts and minds of the planet's inhabitants to direct them to do what's 'right'.