Archived/Liminal Space

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What is a limspace?

Limspaces are Corrupted Timelines which often manifest in strange and unusual forms. Their laws of physics often contrast with what you would consider normal. Most Limspaces are either created by as of now unknown events leading to their Castrovalence rising above 1 leading to the timeline collapsing in on itself and becoming a corrupted mess of extradimensional matter connecting a series of chaotic and random realities together.

Due to these mainly being technical terms for how they are made many people understand it in a more simple way: Limspaces are corrupted dimensions due to timelines collapsing in on themselves causing matter from other timelines entering them causing it to connect to other timelines. This transforms the timeline into a chaotic and unusual dimension.

Limspace Systems

Limspaces often connect together and form an amalgamation of many different limspaces which can be traversed. Notable examples include the Backrooms which is a limspace system containing possibly hundereds or even thousands of sub dimensions crammed together.


Limspaces often contain native creatures. they often resemble creatures from reality but many tiumes their entire biology and appearance is so strange that there is nothing to connect them to.


Limspaces are known to often dig into your memories and generate completely new areas or locations based around your memories. They are often not exactly the same but close enough to make them feel fammilear.

List of known limspaces