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Cypos system
Astrographical Information
RimOuter Rim
SunMain sequence star.
PlanetsThree gas giants. Five rocky planets.
Societal Information
Native Species???
Governmental Information
Capital World(Third planet out from the Star is inhabited.)
Government System???

"Cypos" is a star system near the border of the Alpha and Delta quadrant. It was discovered by the "Trovu" in 350, however this information never reached back to the Human territories, making it effectively still undiscovered.


The system consists of 8 major planets orbiting a main sequence star in a planar configuration. Its orbits were described as unnatural perfect.

It posses a planet in the "Goldilocks" zone which also posses signs of life.

Story location

Cypos is the location where the first chapter of Trovu (Story) takes place. It is also the system that the "CSS Eclipse" finds itself in at the end of its standalone storyline.

In the second chapter of Trovu the then combined storylines spend the early few sub-chapters in the system preparing to make their way back home.


Hidden in an asteroid there is a station orbiting at close distance around the habitable planet.