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Cinereus Locuspopulus
Biological Classification
Common NameGrays (Colloquial human term)
Scientific NameCinereus Locuspopulus
Physical Characteristics
Average Height~2 Meters
Skin Colour
  • Gray
  • Green (Martians, Disputed)
Respiratory GasCarbon Dioxide
Locomotive MethodBipedal
  • Smaller or missing bodyparts (compared to Humans)
    • No exterior sex organs
    • Hole nose
    • No Earlobes
    • Small Chest
    • Lacking Muscular structure
  • Large head
  • Large black Eyes
PopulationSeveral Billion
EndangeredLeast Concern
Sociocultural Characteristics
HomeworldZeta Reticuli (Theorised)

Cinereus Locuspopulus, colloquially known as Grays, are a proposed family of ancestrally related sentient beings found across much of the 'southern' half of the Milky Way Galaxy. Several nations are comprised of subspecies of the original "Grays" species, the oldest of which is thought to be the Zeta Reticulans, followed by the Yeqwiquans. Martians and Xarins are often also considered to be part of the Grays family due to their similar forms, although this is often disputed due to factors such as the Martians' green skin and Xarins' isolation from the other 3* members.