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Geographic Information
CountryYatan Commonwealth
In regionDrenemoria
Political Information
Settlement hierarchyConurbation/Capitol
Demographic information
Founded in123 CE, Tritonia

Mylonagrad (Rumynskye: Милонаград, tr. Milonagrad, Yomtachan: Gurizuv) is the largest city within the Commonwealth Capital Region and the administrative center of the Yatan Commonwealth while also formerly being the capital of Tritonia and The Confederacy. The city stands south of the Ob river and on the eastern foothills of the Ural Mountains within the Confederacy Capital Region.

Mylonagrad is the most populous and largest city on Yata with a population of 14.1 million people, and being part of the larger East Ural urban metropolis, containing the cities of Mylonagrad, Almatsk, New Sizzle, Faylamere and Almytara. it exerts considerable influence over the other four cities, especially in the tourism industry. Its influence on a wider scale can be seen globally, with the city being a hub for commerce, trade. politics and business, notably hosting the UN and the Commonwealth government leading to its highly cosmopolitan culture. Mylonagrad is the largest city in the conurbation, and is also the most populous, with the other two cities of Almatsk and New Sizzle combined only having around a third of the total population of the conurbation.

A major transport hub, Mylonagrad has the largest trainstation in the world by number of platforms, Mylonagrad Central, which handles a very large number of passengers every year, while the smaller Mylonagrad Faylamere Station serves the CrossLink route. In total, 8 different railway companies serve Mylonagrad's stations, of which Mylonagrad is home to two of those companies; Connect and Airlink. Mylonagrad is served by two international airports, Mylonagrad-Westithon, which is located across the border in Carbon and the larger NSMA (standing for New Sizzle-Mylonagrad-Almatsk) International Airport.

Although founded in 123 CE, Mylonagrad had little relevance until the train station was constructed in 150 CE, which brought the second wave of prospectors and kickstarted the growth of the city. In prehistory, however, Mylonagrad was settled by the Mylonii, the namesake of the city/country, which was a tribe that, contrary to popular belief, was not connected to the ancient country of Zantozacoria. The tribe grew differently from it's neighbours east of the Urals, however little legacy of the former tribe remains today.