Sarpian Cats

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Sapiens Felis Catus
Biological Classification
Common NameSarpian Cats
Scientific NameSapiens Felis Catus
Races(Various cat breeds...)
Physical Characteristics
Average Height25 Centimetres
Average Length46 Centimetres
Hair ColourVaries greatly, but often is
  • Brown
  • Orange
  • White
  • Black
  • Gray
Respiratory GasOxygen
Locomotive MethodFacultative Quadroped
  • Greatly resemble Domestic Cats (felis catus)
  • Often has opposable thumbs
  • Intelligent
Average Lifespan56 Years
Endemic toNorth Sarpistan
Population96 Million
EndangeredLeast Concern
Sociocultural Characteristics
HabitatDesert and Arid Mountains

Sarpian Cats are a feline species belonging to the genus Felis which were created after regeneration lasers were used on North Sarpistan, which transformed them into sapient cats. This was unintentional so another laser was fired to revert them to normal. Some of the cats managed to survive and set up a temple in the Himalayas.

They lived there in isolation for a while until many ventured out and mixed amongst the population of domestic cats. Some crossbred with non-sentient cat species leading to some Sarpian Cats expressing non-domestic traits. Over time several Sarpian Cats have ventured outside of Neo-Sarpia, with a period of great migration to Theia.