World Machine

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"The World Machine"
General Information
TypeInterdimensional Portal Device
Parent LocationMount Orientalis, Theia
Height174 Metres
Date of ConstructionSometime before 362
PurposeSeizing control over space-time
Controlled ByCormac Varady
Demographic Information
Notable InhabitantsSamekh
Environmental Information
Historical Information

The World Machine was a device intended to transfer large amounts of energy from the third spatial dimension to the fourth dimension. In essence, it was an interdimensional teleportation device on an immense scale, having had the ability to both extract and transmit energy across the invisible "barrier" to fourth dimensional space. The ultimate purpose of this machine was to enable an entity to enter the fifth dimension, which was not possible within the singular fourth-dimensional realm that is both accessible and known. The World Machine was not unique to "Timeline-002"; multiple world machines existed in countless dimensions to power a fourth-dimensional world machine, and this was the only way to do so given that there are, theoretically, an infinite number of accessible third-dimensional spaces.

The World Machine in Timeline-002 was located on Mount Orientalis within the planet Theia's "Outback", and was used to siphon elemental energy to power the fourth-dimensional World Machine that would allow Cormac to gain control over spacetime. Its operation led to its cataclysmic destruction, albeit fulfilling its purpose in the process.