Atsenzak: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Planet(Inhabited)|title1=Atsenzak|image1=Atsenzak.png|system=Alpha Sol System|suns=Alpha Sol|moons=None|orbital position=7.5|class=Terrestrial|atmosphere=Thin, but breathable.|primary terrain=Desolate|surface water=0%|average surface temperature=-112°C|demonym=Atsenian|native species=|population=0|affiliation=Non-Aligned}} Atsenzak is a dwarf-planet situated in between Jupiter and Saturn.within the Alpha Sol System. Its surface primarily consists...")
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[[Category:Dwarf Planets]]
[[Category:Alpha Sol System]]

Latest revision as of 15:44, 10 January 2025

Astrographical Information
SystemAlpha Sol System
SunsAlpha Sol
Orbital Position7.5
Physical Information
AtmosphereThin, but breathable.
Societal Information

Atsenzak is a dwarf-planet situated in between Jupiter and Saturn.within the Alpha Sol System. Its surface primarily consists of a vast desolate wasteland, only occasionally interrupted by unusual artificial structures built across its surface. Whoever built these structures has been lost to history, although they do suggest that a civilisation of some-sorts existed on Atsenzak at some point in the distant past.

Atsenzak has a thin breathable atmosphere which allows extraplanetary visitors to visit it, though despite this no permanent settlements or outposts have ever been constructed on its surface.