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Not to be confused with Deshretis, whom are also occasionally known as 'Baiameans'.

Harenae Alvearia
Biological Classification
Common NameEast Baiameans
Scientific NameHarenae Alvearia
Physical Characteristics
Average Height178 Centimeters
Skin ColourDark Orange, Brown
Respiratory GasOxygen
Locomotive MethodBipedal, Flight
Average Lifespan58 Years
Population321 Million
EndangeredLeast Concern
Sociocultural Characteristics

East Baiameans are an eusocial insectoid species which inhabits far-eastern Theia. They are a caste-based species separated by positions of drones and warriors born into hives led by queens, which lay eggs for the hives and provides orders to the public leaders of the Karina Dynasty. East Baiamean queens reside underground in the bastions of the Karina Dynasty, from which they command an army's worth of East Baiamean drones. East Baiamean drones are capable of becoming warriors if they proved themselves worthy in combat, which have wings and a thick exoskeleton, and they are dedicated to warfare. East Baiameans have two sets of mandibles, outer and inner, which they use to gesture and communicate (aside from Pheromones and speaking).

It is unknown how East Baiameans arrived on (ancient) Theia, as they are genetically distinct from all known Theian species, hinting at a possible past of coming from a nearby planet or another planet within Theia's System. Despite this they were devoted to the god Pilirin[1].

When Theia became a rogue planet they hid in underground bastions for many centuries until eventually emerging in 175. Many of the surviving bastions united under the Stalgasin Bastion to form the Karina Dynasty, where 85% of Baiameans live.

  1. Though they were not the sole worshippers, as the Deshreti Species inhabiting the western parts of Baiame also worshipped Pilirin.