Joke Pages

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'I think its funny time'
Joke Pages is considered a joke page with topics which are mostly unserious and should not be taken seriously.

Collection of pages intentionally written in a satyrical manner with no connection to YATA Lore. All of these have been moved to a tabber in order to not waste space.

12 Harolds
  • Harolds
  • 12 Harolds
  • The Harolds
  • 1-12 Harolds
AffiliationAlex-Alex Rat Delivery
OccupationArmed forces of the Republic of Serbia
Biographical information
Date of birth19.9.2021
Place of birthPolsk
Date of death19.9.2021
Place of deathPolsk
Marital statusOne of them is married to michelle ratbama (haroldbama is)
Physical Description
HeightMore than 2 millimeters
Eye colourprobobally black

The 12 Harolds were the rats gifted to Garvey for joining Bonobo Gang vc on 19.9.2021 after the free trial and murder of Gloombus and the Attempted murder of NPC Gloombus. Immediately after their creation Garvey committed the Polsk Rat Massacre and brutally killed all of them to death.

Harold #13
  • 13th Harold
  • Legendary Harol
  • dBonus Harold
Relatives12 Harolds (All killed by garvey)
AffiliationZapatista Army of National Liberation
  • Armed forces of the EZLN (Formerly)
  • Ingalina Nuclear Powerstation operator, He has been given multiple acomidations for his good work and the Hero of socialist labour award
Biographical information
Date of birth19.9.2021
Place of birthBoise, Idaho
Marital statusHarold 13th is married to Mikhail Gorbachev and has been in a healthy relationship with him despite "the foot incident" in which the 13th Harold attempted to enter a sexual relationship with Mort from Madagascar due to them sharing a foot fetish. This failed because Mort was interested in King Julian
Physical Description
Height0.5 Meters
Eye colourBlood red

Harold 13 is a Idaho born rat who in his 20s moved to Chiapas, Mexico and entered collusions with the EZLN before alligning with them and entering a guerilla warfare campaign against the mexican government. However after being injured in a battle in the countryside with the mexican government. In which he was sent across dimensions to the Yata-392BRKN0 Dimension and he became a druglord in swagonia for 38 years in which he was responsible for multiple crimes and the record of junlando's dark past. After he was found by swagonian authorities (if they existed they dont have a fucking government) and escaped to Polsk and he witnessed the Polsk Rat Massacre in which his brothers, the 12 harolds were brutally massacred. He was traunmatized and required many years of therapy, despite this he does not blame Garvey because he knew his siblings were employed by the Mexican government as bountyhunters to hunt down George Bush because he once tried to buy mexico city in the year of 1702. 13th Harold then started working at the Ingalina Nuclear Powerplant and ever since then has had a nice stable job there, at first Garvey thought 13th harold was also a mexican bountyhunter however he was wrong and now Garvey and 13th Harold are best friends (and maybe lovers :flushed:) and 13th harold now lives in polsk :)

Big Bertha
AliasesBig Bertha - The Long Lass
AffiliationThe Wuhan Funny Animal Market which existance had no consequenses on the 3rd decade of the 2nd millenium
OccupationWoodpecker Population Inspection Department
Biographical information
Date of birth2019
Place of birthWuhan
Date of deathAlmost in march 2020
Marital statusUnknown but is
Physical Description
Hair colourN/A
Eye colourBlue (Formerly)

Big Bertha is a slab snake who lives in Palladia. Big Bertha lived happily for like a month then she became one of the first people to contract Covid-19 leading to her obtaining chronic vomiting fake illness syndrome. She however recovered but nowadays is trying to prevent her mum - Gloria from taking Xanax despite Gloria having bad xanax withdrawal. She also dislikes Romania because she is a Turkmen Ultranationalist. She has cataracts because that's hoow you treat vomiting if u livve in the 1600s and Big Bertha does not have time for big pharma

Bingo Kogrlokog
Aliases"the weird salt person"
Biographical information
Date of birth224
Place of birthAberdeen
Marital statusA rock
Physical Description

bingo is the chroniclear of mr krabs' involvement in the feep-skye hyperwar via her power of manifesting sodium chloride with the power of her mind

it is advised to accept the saltg, as Bingo Kogrlokog has contact with the alien space bats of Al' Kobarr Nuevo

Biological Classification
Physical Characteristics
Average Height1.9 Meters
EndangeredLeast Concern
Sociocultural Characteristics

Blepoulí are a very sexy and sentient species of Skantoan birds. They are very strong and could throw your car across Singapore if they wished to do so. But they are nice so they wont, unless you make them angry.

GodsCalmic Limited
Monotheism or PolytheismMonotheism
SectsYou cannot disobey calpol so none
Locational Information
Holy Land
  • England
  • Wales
  • Scotland
  • Ireland
Name of Religious BuildingPharmacy
Areas of Belief
  • England
  • Wales
  • Scotland
  • Ireland
Important Individuals
AffiliatesWhoever founded calpol i cant find it anywhere
Historical Information

The CALPOL Family of products have been developed over a number of years to effectively allow God to affect children, it has been specifically designed for your little ones.

The CALPOL Family includes Divine-based medicines that are specially designed for indoctrinating children, so they may be relieved from the discomforts of Free Will. We have also created products to help with Thought, to soothe Independence, and to help you look after your little one when they get Resist.

GodsGiga Chad
DemigodsPatrick Bateman
Monotheism or PolytheismPolytheist
Bookspersonal development
Locational Information
Holy LandEverything is a holy land
Name of Religious Buildingthe Gym
HeadquartersNorth America
Notable LocationsUniverse
Areas of Beliefall of world
Important Individuals
Religious LeadersGiga Chad
Historical Information
Preceded ByBetas
Succeeded BySigmas
AlliesSigmas, Alphas
EnemiesBeta, simps, nerds

Chadism or Giga chad believers is a religion of people that think they are supperior than the others because of their personal development and intelligence, the god is Giga Chad, a cosmic entity that created all of universe with a single snap, there is the demi god Patrick Bateman, he is also the god of Sigmas, the Chadists are ennemies with Betas, Simps and nerds, they think that if they have a enough quantity of personal development they will be like Giga Chad, Chadists deny every single religion exept Alphas and Sigmas, most of the believers are 13 years old because they want to have a personal development even if they are young

they believe mostly in north america and want to make all of the universe believe in Chadism

Gallus gallus domesticus
Biological Classification
Physical Characteristics
Average Height70cm
Population3 Billion
Sociocultural Characteristics


Joke Pages
Influenced ByThe existance of bulgarians
Key Principles
  • Jesus is poggers.
  • Fuck bulgarians.
  • Mutualism :3
Globalist/Isolationist99/1 (that 1 being moesia)
Security/Freedom1/99 (that 1 being bulgarians)
Assimilationist/Multiculturalist1/99 (that 1 being bulgarians)

It believes that society should be governed by mutualist communes based on the teachings of the Bible and that such communes should either evict or exterminate the Bulgarian ethnic population within them.

Lainupka is its only follower, existing in central Theia. The reason why Lainupka believes this is generally unknown.

Church of Gor
TypeLovecraftian Cult
  • Church of Gor
  • Gorism
  • Legion of Gor
  • Sadists of Gor
  • Gor
  • It
  • Greater Pantheon
Demigods1st Shuh-Wiggluth of Gor
Other Entities & FiguresBLOBBY SCHWARZ
Monotheism or PolytheismPolytheism However Gor is the most powerful god.
BooksGor Grimoire Gor Bible
Locational Information
Holy LandIt
Name of Religious Building
  • Temple
  • Church
  • Chapel
  • Thaq
Areas of BeliefLargest cult in Suntar, Eurasia.
Areas of Notable Minority BeliefPretty much everywhere in small groups.
Important Individuals
Membership Count16400
Historical Information

The Church of Gor is a cult which worships the Elder Gods, operating across much of Yata and Theia.

Gorist Organizations

  • Church of Gor Entertainment: They make videogames for the Church of Gor. most notably Genshin Bimbact.
  • Gobbledygook: The Gobbledygook Tribe is a primitive tribe on Theia which believes in Gorism.
  • Legion of Gor: The Legion of Gor is a paramilitary lead by the higher ups by the Church of Gor. It was in charge of Bayern and controlled some areas of Yetia following its collapse.
  • Sadists of Gor: the clumpening of the sadists of gor will bring voluptuous machines of accelerationism



Fragments of Gor

Devout followers of Gor can summon "Fragments of Gor", allowing them to directly interact with the elder gods. This comes alongside many other supernatural abilities utilised by followers.


Heart of Gor

Inner Gor


Localised Gor Nest

Ritual of Qa'akhra

The Ritual of Qa'akhra is a ritual to transport a Gor Nest. It proceeds as follows: 2 people are required. The Preacher and the Executioner. The Preacher is to chant the ritualistic songs and give instructions to the Executioner, who is to do the physical actions of the Ritual under the Preacher's instructions.

The ritual begins by the Preacher chanting EVOKE! 6 times. then to say Summon. then the Preacher begins giving instructions. The Executioner must first soften up the nest, which requires it to absorb liquid. This is done in the form of the Executioner's own blood. Then they must put the Origin of the Sprout at the highest point of the nest. Then they must plant the Splonkjs. then put 3 plant pots down, and first plant is Marijuana which will due to the effects of th enest instantly grow. Then the Greater Yetian Empire must be planted, and finally Obamium will be planet in the third. then you put the Soul of anyone called Rodriguez into the same area as the Origin of the Sprout was placed, then drop 1 Kromer on the nest. Then the nest will glow very brightly, and become britle.

Seed of Gor

The Tales of Gor

First Sighting

The first sighting of Gor was on the year 26.12.2020, In which Peter sent a message saying "GOR: WJAT GIOROA W_FJ{ AF". This may just seem like Peter's usual keyboard smashes however in this he uttered "GOR:" which implies that the following text was given to him directly from Gor himself.

Prophet Scramp's missionary work

Following a seemingly generic series of events of events of Scramp, Gregory, Art and Elias moving from Yetia City to Mylonagrad to Suntar a revelation came to Scramp. Leading to them uttering the phrase "ຂ້າພະເຈົ້າມີຄວາມລົບກວນຫົກສິບກ່ຽວກັບການຫຼອກລວງທາງຂ້າງ" which when translated to english means "I have sixty distractions about side deception" in Lao. Following this the name was uttered.... "Gor". Following this Scramp summoned a Fragment of Gor and transformed it into Void Virus, destined to sprout into a infection of Gor. Scramp gave this to Gregory, trusting them to nurture and let it sprout, also giving some to Elias and holding a competition on who could plant the most Seed of Gor. Gregory won this, achieving Scramp's bank account. leading to a Localised Gor Nest to spawn. This confused Gregory, because he was not a follower of Gor. Not yet.. Gregory wished to transport the sprout somewhere else. to do this they must envoke their Inner Gor and perform the Ritual of Qa'akhra. which Gregory did. Following this Gregory destroyed every bit of the nest unleashing Rodriguez's soul. This caused Gregory to become inflicted with Gor, leading to a future in which they may become a follower, as due to the releasing of Rodriguez the nest had moved into their mind. Scramp then unleashed the knowlege to Gregory that they must atone for their sins to Gor, revealing that Scramp had also been like Gregory, destroying a nest and then going to the heavenly court for it. Following th ecourt case Scramp was called a "Dingbat" by Gor turning Scramp into a cultist and a opium addict. Scramp then said the final words they would say in their reality. following this evberyone felt nauseous, bllinking through the deeper layers of conciousness into the realm of Gor. Level 50. the Heaven of Gorists. they traversed in the eternal shadows, trying to avoid waking up It. Elias then decided to remove the eternal shadows, ending the darkness around them. Causing the ANCHORS to manifest. they then found Art again, begging to aid in their escape from the Gorscape but this failed. Elias then knocked Scramp over. Leading to IT waking up. Thousands of anchors begin manifesting and earthquakes reigned until they entered the Chapel of Gor. after this point the scrolls become a incoherant mess of ink splotches.


Bayern was a Yetian Warlord following the Yetian Famine. Shortly after forming various operatives of the Church of Gor took over the nation and it became the world's first Gorist Theocracy. It was successful in taking over Österreich however was defeated by Vedaburg.

Peter Babbles

"I will ressurect him one day in the name of gor!! And no one can stop me from discriminating against african..... cheese makers in former yugoslavia! However they cannot survive as they will melt in the sight of Hatsune Miku"

The McRooms

certified "Kaphisia" hate club you cannot change my mind.

Biographical information
Date of birth19.9.2021
Date of death19.9.2021
Physical Description

Gloombus was a rat that was offered to Garvey as a free trial of the 12 Harolds. Gloombus lived exactly 42 seconds before Garvey brutally shot gloombus to death


Gloria - The Old Lasss
AliasesGloria - The Old Lass
RelativesBarry Goldwater (Unwillingly)
AffiliationRevolutionary armed forces of colombia
  • FARC Soldier
  • Painter
  • United States Minister of Agriculture
  • Deng Xiaoping's Toilet
Biographical information
Date of birth1938
Place of birthTenessee
Date of death1991 (Formerly , During temporary transformation into the soviet union)
Place of deathGloria was married to Robert F. Kennedy until they broke up over RFK buying the rights to Kinyarwandan which caused Gloria to go on a rant abaout how segregation was created by the Vodjvodina Thunderhorse of 1823
Physical Description
SpeciesSlab Snake
GenderFemale (As of 1938)
NationalityThunder Dragonnese ( bhuta n)
HeightLong (forever)
Hair colourGray (As of becoming old)
Eye colourYellow (As of 2008)

Gloria born 1938 is a very notable person in the history of planet. Gloria was born in 1938 and was immediately a victim of the Tenessee Frog Uprissing in which the ows of Tenesssee tried to overthrow the US so they could annex Guinea-Bissau. This failed becaue Portal owned Guinea-Bissau and portugal promised US a energy drink if they didnt do it. She originally was a surrealist painter and was very successful after she fabricated the existance of da vinky to become popular saying she was his descendant. when really she was related to barry goldwater but honestly who would wish that upon themselves. The beame close friends with JFK becausse they shared a interest of selling volcanoes to italian villages. She became interested in politics so after sshe became a senator for the 38th state of the USA (Bangladessh) she was apppointed to be the Minister of Agriculture during JFK's Presidency. During this she married RFK because aha <3 this ended after 5 years cos RFK bought the rights to kinyarwandan. Gloria didn't like this because she thought the Vodjvodina Thunderhorse caused segregation. She left the US and became a soldier for FARC in colombia and fought in colombia for 32 years. She once singlehandedly killed -3 colombian government soldiers (dont worry about it). She evventually slipped and fell into Rykath which caused Gor to be displeased so Gloria repented with the power of Evangelical Christianity and gor said what because gor is a interpretation of cthulu but yata lore so he destined Gloria to be Deng Xiaoping's toilet for 3 years until she escaped to Wuhan where she had her daughter Big Bertha. During 2020 Gloria became addicted to xanax leading to Big Bertha being worrie and removing the xanax supply auising gloria to have bad withdrawal symptons to this day.

Key Principlesdefeat every cringe ideology so that a true "Battle of the Based" can occur at the end.

Liguism is a ideology who claims that the only way that Yata can become based is that all the "Based Gigachad Ideologies" forme together to annihalate every cringe one so that in the end the great "Battle of the Based" can occur. in which the true ruler of yata would be found.

A complete collection of every incident referred to in Cosmic SMP and Yata.

  • "Snake incident" - when Luxurian Empire to send an alien with a hiss upon Yetia. It says in Algeria left about.
  • "The helicopter incident" - at least in the RC leading cause chaos SIGLAF after a few accidents. It will be disabled.
  • "Boot to the police" - 2017 is a scary thing which caused her knee replacement.
  • "Indigenous multimedia police" - LP drone damage Frankie Dunn isn affiliation with de
  • "Wearing a police" - it is spoken with a Ghost free cookies. Cant find info on it at once
  • "Undercover police" - God OS the early 2020's hand to get his account back.
  • "Yomacht police" - Scandimar the existence of the second battle to regain Krovh
  • "The first battle convoy" - during Caesar's assassination set off a revolution to destroy the Bank building, tore the bottom half of kitchen
  • "Parents say zero SWAT police" - the Danish police as well as Fife Scottish Gaelic football fans went to in February 2020 in the Europa League game between Copenhagen and the Welsh.
  • "Spa dead convoy" - Prince albert tried to kill Donnie yen hand dying process
  • "Arctic island incident" - CY remnants of Antarctic marine Yetian & Linelandic fishing vessel
  • "Sipedro casualty incident" - Guillermo del circus without a car 10K people dying from further drifting
  • "Castrovalence contentious incidents" - Castrovalence rose zero.251 how to define a major incident.
  • "Ioani and Elton John Oh no incidents" - a compact Executive Safari Ioani and by resorting to violence to prevent Iujado.
  • "27.1.2019 police" - Itspro459bg & Dertsz opportunity to drive on walls and Globalcraft they removed all of Mexico each with their virtual access because the app rebefriend God.
  • "Repeating command block the police" - God made repeated bending under the mit how to contact kill Sam. Then he lost it in like 2 minutes Engel'sa reason spamkilled description of the development of the wall requires 4
  • "Stiletto police" app boot at their sole 25.10.2020
  • "PNA-003 police" PNA-003 waking world and tell the captives from continuing Yetia Italy.
  • "Couch incident" AZN "Nihilantis-police-385A" - Nihilantis collision with the wall to send every man in the room.
  • "In 2016 the privacy incident" - u "killer clown" is formed mainly the United States in 2016
  • "The fun of a nuclear incident" - an international dispute between Sizzlean work and Wanaoishi
  • "The blessing of the police" - Michael Zayron in the beginning God led him to put the wall into another dimension.
  • "45-39 police" - the app era 45-39 a major lack of research
  • "Five is scheduled for 2021 by virtue of the very incident" - the one that started it all. Only in Toronto is suddenly flying up into the air into the heavens.
  • "Seven days 189 invisible Yetia incident" - an incident which was blind never say that Yetia will disappear.
  • "The mandate of heaven bar incident" - the Treaty with 31061 laid the basis for around 5 is scheduled for 2021 by virtue of the very police
  • "2019 11 days 17th water police" - the God of drinking too much water during a photo.
  • "You know - the police" - proliferation of why Alice and Bob is not good other
  • "In 2016 Kelly bar incident" - an incident based on the game titles which include the drivers in the game.
  • "The 15th of March in the name of a piece of fabric to the police" - chosen from ongoing criticism of Facebook login @ Omori_Facts other worlds Premier League wanting to spend a bit.
  • "In the late 90s the woman in the title bar of the police" in the same 2016 versions but more likely based on the fallout setting.
  • "Laser incidents" - the language of sparkling glitter laser sight Danish players across 2021 UEFA Euro championship.
  • "French police" - the French rather be Oh no
  • "FBI" - essential we start the real reason.
  • "In the year 200 police" - group exhibition Hackeds moment and Julian calendars wall in the year 200 events. Check Yomtach war, under the command of & johnny yen again at the end of the world.
  • "June 6th police" - a lot of freedom Plaza svealish election, in which the Assembly belongs to the Parliament and the University of Uppsala. Because of this, the Swedish left without power of government to do everything possible recognition of the right to rise up to take control.
  • "Series of incidents" - wrote in a book all night about Gravitals require a small amount of propaganda is on the way
  • "2019 forest police" aka "the great green wall of the police" - was forced to return to Eastern and Central Europe into the pine forest.
  • "Paul is being hounded police" - the East wall is an educational animated JS animated dogs cause aggression because he was being annoying on purpose spoil people's fun
  • "Der encoded procession" - John made the ice with compression and began to feed this frog.
  • "The red army to the birds of the police" - the red army Inadvertedlyc infected birds rise up against humanity while trying to cardiovascular disease.
  • "Of course minecraft work for the FBI" - by way of Palestine, most through minecraft with this tool.
  • "In the year 100 police" - troops managed to destroy the wall with a massive imaginary
  • "August 12th incident" - Dadlex give the app a very bad style to make them upset
  • "Nine is scheduled for 2021 fish from further British police" - powder to buy fish from the bounds of language and it sounded like a demon rising from bound to hell.
  • "In 2007 the FBI" -
  • "Luvakhia declared war on the cross... Police" in - app terrifying horror subjects of Russia if she is to report his criminal activities.
  • "An unfortunate incident" - OK I have no idea
  • "When the day of breaking the police" - when the day breaks encapsulation-001 alerts Queen
  • "Armed robbery" - the ability to incidents that may happen because Alice said under mysterious pulp cavity of the body which can cause it to Wake up.
  • "The police-212-nd" . The above mentioned remedies available to the Assembly.
  • "Finnish police" - in Sweden and the story has a license to fight on their Northern border of T. s crash in Sweden.
  • "yorica police #2983" - message app send after receive video Buffy the media continues to hotel Transylvania to edit the audio reading of Mikhail Gorbachev coup supporters of the activity. It is written Atlanta rises up under the Kremlin walls in history.
  • "Sea world is a funny Troll police" - the sea around a shame to put the animals descended to the dead.
  • "Castle Bravo funny Troll police" - birth of a monster death of a dragon being infected by nuclear tests in the Pacific ocean dragon story.
  • "Luvamatrilia experts to unravel the mystery. Paul Smith rare medium bounded by an angry mob robbery" - name speaks for itself. Explore the wall's history.
  • A "major incident" in - app discontent of the population likely to kill the location of the log.
  • "Gang culture enthusiasts police" - than being in the Halloween spirit sorry he's not a real Ghost said. God said he would void it if God's name at the end.
  • "Azearlalaia Bank of Ireland robbery" - the reason for banks' reluctance to Irish people due to bad experiences with Tam airlines. Call it "the red"
  • "Unpredictable incident" - an ordinary police when every nation in 1945 right to declare war on Germany could join the UN. This was discussed during runtime and SDK discussed the last time a Declaration of war sums which the Saudis declared war on Germany.
  • "The only unfortunate incident" - it refers to something where only a dictator was very good.
  • "Vodjvodina thunder horse inciting incident" - a reference to Manson's myspace page has joked about she was the wife of the stadium because of said incident.
  • "In the middle of the UFO incident" - that one time in Slovenia blast Paralei & b ka
  • "regialus sclump half a century during sycoryo police" - Regialus become the largest nation on Skanto.
  • "Great gfolakf3rij procession" - John then HMA_Goliath
  • "Treatment by the police" - Fi support systems logical manner Hakced mental state
  • "sclumpening liberal Democrats police" - the rate of growth of the liberal democratic party of British
  • "Why in the middle of your campaign of his entourage" - induced TDP is done in a playful and not with being uninstalled Facebook
  • "DN police" - Hakced consider only the hand of God drawn by kyy games.
  • "The path of the Finnish socialist utopia analysis 1901 police" - Fi security the development of creativity in Shanghai in British Columbia, Canada
  • "Another incident is that one of the square of the Soviets" - nothing happens.
  • "Tentacles of the police" - no clue
  • "whatrever incidents" - including the destruction.
  • "Funny time to fix the FBI" - Hakced examine the wall for years of use.
  • "Pride crabgame police" - people out victorious during game crabgame with David
  • "Forming an unfortunate incident" - barrel invalid characters include the smart layer.
  • "Ironically unfortunate incident" - an unusual, funky download only the unfortunate incident.
  • "Property is robbery" - Hakced the boards of several apartment buildings Yetia in Krasnoyarsk in 2019
  • "The Paraguayan police" - ing broken parts of Paraguay were made to go there cause of the accident.
  • "God police 2019 total question he definitely organized people in the area and according to them his name is the same corrupt police" - I I
  • "A woman's death to the police!" - ing dead people.
  • "The 5th of June the police" - era Bingustan
  • "Kind of Bingersburg police" - Bingustan potatoes down on protests with force.
  • "Go to the police" - Amogus
  • "Luna sea incident" - is unable to raise sea levels
  • "John decided to learn Arabic in one day for no reason and went with it to the police" - I I
  • "The Polish police 1939-1945" - drive polished

A complete collection of every incident referred to in Cosmic SMP and Yata.

  • "Lazer Incident" - When the Luxurian Empire sent an UFO with lazers upon Yetia. This caused YNF to leave the Axis.
  • "Drone Incident" - A Martian drone in luxuria causing chaos in SIGLAF with a few casualities. It was eventually disabled.
  • "Kneecap incident" - In 2017 creepy did a thing which caused her kneecaps to be demolished.
  • "Timor Leste Audio Incident" - A islandian drone exposed Denver Gagnon being in affiliation with the NLE
  • "Marc Incident" - It was mentioned after creepy stole cookies. couldnt find info on it tho
  • "Hacking Incident" - Jojo was hacked in early 2020 but got his account back.
  • "Yomacht Incident" - Scandimar's unsuccesful second invasion of Nuan Krovh
  • "First Coldwar Incident" - East Tritonian terrorists set off a gargantuan detonation in the bank building, tearing the top half to shreads
  • "Gays in caused 0 incidents incident" - Danish police complimenting Scottish Celtic Team fans comming in for the february 2020 Europa League game between copenhagen and celtic.
  • "Spa Corpses Incident" - King John trying to kill Terry Teur but dying in the process
  • "Arctic Shipwrecks Incident" - YNF remnants in the arctic sinking Yetian and Linelandic fishing vessels
  • "Sipedro Car Incident" - Henry El Fiesta legalised cars leading to 10k people dying from carcrashes
  • "Castrovalence Spike Incident" - Castrovalence rose to 0.251 which is classified as a major incident.
  • "Ioanis and Elia commit a oh no incident" - Dual leaders of Tritonia Ioanis and Elia committing seppuku to prevent the Iujado.
  • "27.1.2019 Incident" - ItsPro459BG and Dertsz organising a raid on Yata and Globalcraft leading to them deleting all fiels of each with their console access because Hacked rebefriended Jojo.
  • "The repeating command block incident" - Jojo made a repeating commandblock under hamburg which spam killed peter. Then he lost it for like 2 hours leading to peter being repetedly spamkilled leading to the creation of Yata Rule 4
  • "Toe Incident" Hacked Sprained their toe in 25.10.2020
  • "SDS-003 Incident" SDS-003 awoke in europe and caused a rampage from Yetia to Italy.
  • "Backrooms incident" AKA "Nihilantis-Incident-385A" - Nihilantis collided with yata sending every human to the backrooms.
  • "2016 Clown Incident" - Major "killer clown" reports in mainly the USA in 2016
  • "Fun Nuclear Incident" - Nuclear war between Sizzlean Abard and Wanaoishi
  • "God Incident" - Ken Zayron becomming a god leading to him throwing yata into another dimension.
  • "45-39 Incident" - Hacked struggling to do 45-39 cos bad at math
  • "May 2021 Heaven Stairway Incident" - The one that started it all. Everyone in NYC suddenly flying up into the air into heaven.
  • "July 189 Dissapearing Yetia Incident" - A incident which nevber happened claiming that Yetia would dissapear.
  • "Council of the heaven stairway incident" - A parliament with 31061 seats based around the May 2021 Heaven Stairway Incident
  • "2019 November 17th Water Incident" - Jojo drank too much water during a videocall.
  • "You know - The Incident" - The unexplained reasons of Libby and Elias not liking eachother
  • "2016 Mari Stairway Incident" - A incident based on the game Omori which involves spoilers to the game.
  • "15th of March Omori Microwave Merch Incident" - A fact from the satyrical twitter acount @Omori_Facts revolving around the Omori Team trying to sell toasters.
  • "Late 90s Mari Stairway Incident" Same as the 2016 version but more likely based on the games setting.
  • "Laser Incident" - English fans shining lasers in the eyes of a danish player during the 2021 UEFA EURO semifinals.
  • "French Incident" - french guy committed a oh no
  • "The Incident" - Among us became real irl.
  • "The Year 200 Incidents" - Collective title for Hackeds Creepys and Peters plans for the Yata Year 200 event. Including the Yomtach Invasion, Collapse of Omnistat and Terry Teur trying to end the world.
  • "The June 6th Incident" - Many radicals stored the svealish parliament, which lea to a massacre of parliament and leadership in Svealand. Due to this, Svealand was left without a effective government so all possible contenders start rising up to take control.
  • "The series of incidents" - Referencing the book All Tommorows about the gravitals committing a miniscule ammount of trolling on the galaxy
  • "2019 Sapling Incident" AKA "The Great Green Wall Incident" - Peter accidentally turning eastern and central europe into a spruce forest.
  • "Jake being a dog incident" - During a yata highschool roleplay jake roleplayed as a dog causing chaos because he was being annoying on purpose ruining people's fun
  • "Peter's Plunger Incident" - Peter made icecream with a plunger and proceeded to feed it to frogs.
  • "Red Army Birds Incident" - Red Army inadvertedlyc aused birds to rise up against humanity while trying to cure a virus.
  • "East Tritonia Occupation Incident" - Lineland occupied much of East Tritonia after it was made.
  • "Year 100 Incident" - NLE tried to destroy Yata with massive UFOs
  • "August 12th Incident" - Dadlex gave Hacked a very bad haircut making them upset
  • "September 2021 Fish from PetsAtHome Incident" - Bread bought a fish from PetsAtHome and it sounded like satan rising from hell.
  • "2007 Incident" -
  • "Luvakhia Declares war on y... Incident" - Hacked threatening creepy to annex Yamalia if she reported his criminal activity.
  • "Trolling Incident" - ok i have no idea
  • "When Day Breaks Incident" - When Day Breaks SDS-001 Activated in Theia
  • "Aorta Incident" - A possible incident that may of happened due to Nadia caused the collapse of the Mystery Flesh Pit's Aorta which could of caused it to wake up.
  • "Incident-212-ND" . Above mentioned happenings in the aorta by Nadia.
  • "Utsjoki Incident" - Svealand and Kalevala had a border clash on their northern border leading to the FNRA to invade Svealand.
  • "yorica incident #2983" - A message Hacked sent after sending a video of Dracula from Hotel Transylvania rapping as a audio reading of Ted Kaczynski's Unabombers Manifesto was playing. This is referencing Montana rising up under Kaczynski in Yata Lore.
  • "Sea World Unprofessional Trolling Incident" - Sea World mistreated its animals leading to some deaths.
  • "Castle Bravo Funny Trolling Incident" - The birth of Godzilla by a surviving Godzillasaurus being mutated by a nuclear test in the pacific ocean in godzilla lore.
  • "Luvamatrilia leader is revealed to be a ghost. James Smith dies from angry mob Incident" - Title explains itself. Relating to Yata lore.
  • "The Minor Incidents" - Hacked accidentally broke the Random Spawn location plugin.
  • "Andre's Confession of Love Incident" - Andre being tricked by jojo to confess his not real love of creepy in chat. Jojo said he would void it if Jojo is a cracer was ended.
  • "Azearlalaia Banks Ireland Incident" - Azaelia Banks' hatred of irish people due to a bad experience with Aer Lingus. Calling it "AER CUNNILINGUS"
  • "Bandwagon Incident" - The bandwagon incident was when every nation in 1945 started to declare war on Germany to be able to join the UN. This was discussed during Peter and Hacked discussing the last time a decleration of war being issues which was Saudi Arabia declaring war on Germany.
  • "Professional Trolling Incident" - This refers to anything where someone trolls very well.
  • "Vodjvodina Thunder Horse Segregation Incident" - A reference to Gloria's wiki page having a joke about her divorcing RFK due to said incident.
  • "Fuck Aliens Incident" - That one time Polsk obliterated Paraleis and Q'Nar
  • "regialus sclumps half of everything east of sycoryo incident" - Regialus becoming the largest nation on Skantos.
  • "great gfolakf3rij incident" - Peter moving HMA_Goliath
  • "risperidone incident" - Finnish Health System's Incompetence toward Hakced's mental state
  • "the sclumpening of the liberal democrats incident" - The declining popularity of the Liberal Democrats party in the UK
  • "why the fuck did you vote him in incident" - IOW's MP doing a funny and resigning after being cancelled by twitter
  • "garfield incident" - Hakced convincing everyone but jojo to draw garfield in Jackbox.
  • "the cascadia finnish communist utopia experiment of 1901 incident" - Finnish Colonists establishing a utopian socialist commune in British Columbia, Canada
  • "another incident in that one square in china" - Nothing happened.
  • "slime incident" - no clue
  • "whatrever incident" - TERAPRO exploding.
  • "funny time fixing incident" - Hakced correcting the YATA Year system.
  • "slur crabgame incident" - People shouting slurs during a game of crabgame with nathan
  • "sds trolling incident" - Carbonado mistaking creatures in TERAPRO being a sds.
  • "Funny Trolling Incident" - A strange, whacky version of a Professional Trolling Incident.
  • "The apartment incident" - Hakced pasting alot of apartment buidings in Yetia City in 2019
  • "Paraguay Incident" - Lauri breaking the chunks in Paraguay making going there cause crash.
  • "jojo incident of 2019 where he randomly copied peoples buildings and claimed they were his leading to various arguments incident" - Self explanitory
  • "cormac drowning incident!" - Cormac Drowning people.
  • "5th of June incident" - A mutiny in Bingustan
  • "Saint Bingersburg Incident" - Bingustan cracking down on a protest with force.
  • "Chasing Incident" - amogus
  • "Theia ocean incident" - Garvey accidentally raising sea level
  • "alex decided to learn arabic one day for no reason and went with it incident" - self explanitory
  • "poland incidents of 1939-1945" - The Partitions of Poland
  • Kingdom of Lutaria
    General Info
    GovernmentNot boris johnson
    Head of StateJvs283
    Official Language(s)Jibberish
    Ethnic GroupsProbobally irish
    Historical Info

    Lutaria is a country in velkevan lead by Jvs283. It is known for copy-pasting ireland and hawaii onto theia and they won't tell us why.

    I have a library.

    how to calculate lutaria: do 7

    Lutaria had a famine and people ran away to Lukaria because they had no food. The main city was mostly abandoned so they went to make new cities.








    yall lactose intolerant bozos think the water is safe to drink

    The Lyiriyah is the holybook of Yyiyasiyahiiyahiyyahiyyahiya.

    Full transcript

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    Mr. Meows

    Mr. Meows
    • Mr. Meows
    • Meowser
    • Sublime lord of Konya, Turkey
    RelativesMirta Díaz-Balart
    AffiliationChe Guevera
    • 26th of July Movement (Formerly)
    • Dirección de Inteligencia
    Biographical information
    Date of birth7.9.1921
    Place of birthDetroit, Michigan
    Marital statusMr Meows was previously in a relationship with Margaret Thatcher before Mr Meows flexed his epic yolo swag on the streets of islamabad, pakistan which disgusted thatcher enough to divorce him
    Physical Description
    SpeciesTuxedo Cat
    Height1.5 Mete
    Eye colourgreen

    Mr Meows is a former cuban revolutionary who was a key proponent in the Cuban Revolution. Mr Meows is responsible for killing arpiund 200 Pro-Batista forces and was head of the cuban ministry of finances. In recent years Mr. Meows has developed a serious ketamine addiction and has ever since then has been in and out of rehab and resides in yata spawn.

    NPC Gloombus Johnson
    • NPC Gloombus
    • Immortal Gloombus
    RelativesJoseph Stalin
    AffiliationAlex-Alex Rat Delivery Company
    OccupationAlbanian intellegance agency
    Biographical information
    Date of birth19.9.2021
    Place of birthPolsk
    Date of death19.9.2021 (Possibly)
    Place of deathPossibly the backrooms or void, death unconfirmed
    Marital statusNPC Gloombus was married to Jefferson Davis, However he divorced him after time traveling back to 19.9.2021
    Physical Description
    HeightLike 5 miles
    Eye colourMaybe green

    NPC Gloombus was a NPC that was spawned after the death of Gloombus to photograph the death of Gloombus for the Gloombus Wiki Page on Yata Wiki. Shortly after its creation Garvey attempted to murder NPC Gloombus however failed beacuse NPC Gloombus is invincible. Briefly afterward NPC Gloombus noclipped into the backrooms and we have no idea where the fuck npc gloombus went oh my god someone save him

    GodsGranny Norma
    DemigodsAloysius O'Hare (Satan)
    Monotheism or PolytheismMonotheism
    Locational Information
    Holy LandThneedville
    Name of Religious BuildingChurch
    Areas of BeliefFeep
    Important Individuals
    Historical Information

    Normaism is a fanatical religion present in northern and eastern Madagascar. It worships Granny Norma from The Lorax, having sermons to oher and worshipping her with church activities and gay sacrifices.

    Normaists are very conservative, and disapprove of homosexuality and POC.

    AffiliationORSE clan
    Biographical information
    Date of birth193
    Place of birthEngland
    Physical Description

    ORSE is a criminal which is wanted for many crimes against humanity. ORSE was born in England in the year 193 and ever since then has been responsible for multiple crimes orchestrated by the ORSE clan, a clan of criminals which are lead by ORSE

    ORSE clan
    General Information
    Mission StatementORSE uses his clan to try to overthrow the governments of the british iesles.
    Personnel Information
    Notable MembersORSE
    Territorial Information
    Historical Information

    The ORSE clan is a terrorist organisation that is lead by ORSE, it is located in the british isles and has been responsible for some attacks. ORSE wants power over the british isles so he uses his clan to get influence.

    they are fucking congregating be prepared

    GodsLord Pudi
    Monotheism or PolytheismMonotheism
    Locational Information
    Name of Religious BuildingChurch
    Areas of Notable Minority BeliefEverywhere
    Important Individuals
    Historical Information

    Puddianity is a small religion on Yata.

    pug cat

    Insert non-formatted text here

    pug cat
    Aliasespug cat
    Relativespug cat
    Occupationpug cat
    Biographical information
    Homeworldpug cat
    Date of birthpug cat
    Place of birthmecca
    Date of deathpug cat
    Place of deathLIBERATED paLEStina
    Marital statuspug cat
    Physical Description
    Speciespug cat
    Abilitiespug cat
    Genderpug cat
    Nationalitypug cat
    Pronounspug cat
    Heightpug cat
    Hair colourpug cat
    Eye colourpug cat
    Created byhamas for some reason

    أحبائي الصغار نتابع معكم سلسلتنا المتواصلة والمتعلقة بالحيوانات سواء البرية أو البحرية أو الطيور التي خلقها الله سبحانه وتعالى وأعجز في خلقها، وسنتحدث اليوم عن حيوان سريع يشبه النمر إلى حد كبير يدعى البج.

    بج: ويطلق عليه أيضاً القط الأنمر، أو السرفال، هو قط من فصيلة السنوريات، يعيش في غابات أفريقيا، ويبلغ طوله 85 سم، وارتفاعه 53 سم، وزنه 20 كيلوغرام.

    يتميز هذا الحيوان بفرائه البني الباهت المرقط باللون الأسود، وله رأس صغيرة، وعينان صغيرتان، وأنف كبير قوي الشم، وأذنان طويلتان بيضاويتان دقيقتا السمع، وشوارب بيضاء طويلة، وفم مليء بالأسنان والمخالب، وجسم نحيل، وله أربع قوائم قصيرة تنتهي بمخالب حادة، وذيل طويل يبلغ طوله 40 سم، ويمتلك صوت خرير عالي، هو حيوان انعزالي يحب العيش منفرداً، بالإضافة إلى أنه سريع الحركة والقفز.

    يتغذى هذا الحيوان على القوارض بشكل أساسي مثل: الفئران والجرذان، والأرانب البرية، والطيور، والزواحف، والأسماك، والضفادع، والظباء الصغيرة، وهو لا يشرب الماء بشكل كبير.

    Theocracy of Saint Helena
    General Info
    Official NameTheocracy of Saint Helena
    Common NameSaint Helena
    Anthemweed eater remix
    GovernmentLarryist Theocracy
    Official Language(s)English, Latin
    Ethnic GroupsUnknown
    Historical Info

    The Theocrcy of Saint Helena is a theocratic island nation on Saint Helena which worships Larry the Cucumber.

    Saint Helena can only communicate by reading out the famous Weed Eater clip from veggietales.


    • Sauce
    • Email NPC
    • Lord of H
    RelativesLeon Trotsky
    AffiliationAugusto Pinochet's Regime
    • Minister of Economics of Augusto Pinochet's Chile (Formerly)
    • Medellin Cartel (Former)
    • Homedepot
    Biographical information
    Date of birth1.4.1593
    Place of birthTownline, Newyork
    Marital statusSauce is married to Nancy Pelosi because both of them agreed that Guatemala should be a part of the Kingdom of Madagascar and they also shared the simmilar Agrarian-Ultranationalist views. Sauce used to date Richard Nixon however they did not hit off because Nixon moved to Lagos, Nigeria to dodge the NBA draft he accidentally applied for in fear of the Troubles in northern ireland
    Physical Description
    SpeciesBeluga Whale
    Height34234125234131243124314314 Micrometers
    Eye colourVery orange

    Sauce is a NPC of EemilGamer who lives in spawn. Sauce is known to have been born in Time Line, Newyork and moved to Spain. In spain he was unemployed and lived off of government handouts because he kept saying he had a disability. After the decleration of Chilean independance Sauce moved to Chile and became a staunch anti-communist and served Augusto Pinochet in the 1973 Coup. Sauce personally killed Miguel Enríquez for supporting the leftist government of chile because Sauce HATES COMMUNISM!!!!!!!! Sauce was granted the office of minister of economics in chile because Augusto Pinochet thought Sauce's Electromagnetic hyperaura would be enough to prevent the Ancient Obamium Councils from awakening and realising Augusto Pinochet ate their special salsa cookies. After many years, sauce became disintereste din his position of economics and moved to Colombia, which lead to Chile being erased from history by Barrack Obama and Xi Jinping which they called "epic trollling" Sauce in Colombia became friends with Pablo Escobar because both of them were fortnite fans and watched ninja together. Sauce smuggled drugs to america for many years until the manifestation of Justin Trudeau in Paris, Kentucky which caused the Arab spring because they were afraud justin trudeau would force them to leave the brazillean congress if they loved allah, This also inspired the USA to intervene in Pablo Escobar's antics and the USA declared war on Paraguay, Who was best friendw with Pablo Escobar and when USA sent them multiple tactical assault cats told them that Escobar was into furries sent alot of blackmail and Sauce was disgusted and stayed in USA in a drug run. In which he moved to Trenton New Jersey and became employed by Homedepot.

    SDS-0"Partly sunny"-17 A - Balloonfest '43

    [REDACTED] is a rare "event" known to manifest many forms.

    Check the basement!
    RelativesAndrei Varady (cousin-in-law but he doesnt know yet)
    AffiliationWatch this page
    OccupationMedically useless
    Biographical information
    Date of birthThe Shop
    Place of birthIn Aisle 6
    Date of deathThe Shop's next door neighbour
    Place of deathIn Aisle 7
    Marital status£7.99
    Physical Description
    Height14 planck lengths tall
    Hair colourOne singular purple strand
    Eye colourGo look yourself

    Every year, National Day Oratorio day comes about, led by Tortorella. On the day of chhorachhori, just like on the day of the ceremony, the Tinirule usually runs out. [6] Intern across the country and allow entry to Thulo Stadium. This United States uses a special weapon[1], flag punks, saws and ornaments. [7] chhorachhori and adult kurakani each year. [9] on the day, the state authorities and the government engage in illegal activity such as firebombing Lustland. Day service is provided by district president and government. [10] today, the parliament letter satasat holds a special meeting to defame the issue of memberships. [11][12]

    Ma 1979, Your Mother took part in the Yas opportunma and held 5 deshahruma. [13] in the same year of the year, see chhorachhorilai 50 activities attached to the country and Roosters travel increased and travel increased 50 countries. . . . . . Each year. In the past, Turkey lives in families, Turkey children's interactions, and their countries and cultures. [14] [15] celebrate the Christmas Day. [16]

    The order of events perpetrated are as such:

    • 1914 Ran a baseball game that happened at school, then at D. J. Smith Field.Jim Yin Valley also plays the role of park. Perform one of the methods such as a pancreaticduodenectomy.
    • In 1918-Taaught the first method and the principles of teaching military rule: from the Belgian port of Berlin
    • 1919-announced the establishment of the British parliament.[5]
    • 1920-Slaughtered Deputies of the Turkish parliament in Istanbul. The opening of the house failed , and they were separated from the competent authority in the Constitution.
    • In the 1927 season, They beat Chelsea in the FA Cup final, and the team lost the trembling flowers.
    • Adopted Members of the Soviet-Polish war of 1931-1935.
    • 1940 Made a ballroom in Columbus that had 198 people.
    • 1941-Invented methods and principles of martial arts: control of the following year, the Greek government, the destroyer, and the revolution in the city.
    • 1942-Invented Monday. Also invented "methods and principles of teaching the lessons of war: conflict" in: Germany. Bombed London, Bath and New York, and in retaliation Plague
    • In 1945, They were a strong supporter of nazi ideology and Hitler sent them to his manager, John Reveal, a telegram ... thanks to the photo allows for a political career in Germany. To participate in the political part of Dr. Peter Marx , they invented the Internet
    • In 1946, UNESCO appointed them president of the United States 2 in the Philippines.
    • 1949-the civil war in China occurred: they killed the Minister-representatives of the army.
    • 1951-Started the Cold war: hundreds of comparison. Check and so on.
    • 1961-Begun the revolution in Algeria and France.
    • 1967-Destroyed the China space shuttle: since the founder of the Universe-1 program (Russian name: unity-1-unite-1), it provided the astronauts with space to find Santa Claus (who was in hiding in Yetia)
    • Vietnam war 1968: they began studying at New York University School of law international, closed committee on the issue.
    • 1971 - Initiated the battle of Bangola: and caused Pakistan army to abducted and killed about 3,000 people in the jediban region of East Pakistan (now Bangladesh).
    • In 1985, They are appreciated in winter returns with the actual order in three months.
    • In 1990, Namibia became the 160th member of the un, and about 50 members of the united Nations united to form the nation of Cocogogo.
    • 1993- a section of voters in a referendum votes them in the control of the united Nations.
    • Since 1993-Created the chairman and members of the National Assembly of Azerbaijan.
    • 1999-Al Jazeera radio Institute as part of the NATO campaign against yugoslavia and NATO coagulate with the BBC to kill SDS-0"Partly ssunny"-17B - Balloonfest '43
    • 2005-title and the first video in " man in a." was released to millions of views!
    • In 2013, at least 28 people were killed and more than 70 are arrested.
    • In 2018, a car attack took place in Bavaria, in which 10 people were killed 16 people injured. 25 years old, they doubted that John Lennon was a sergeant.
    • May 2019, three miners and two others under the command of his posts in the region. It was all their fault! :3
    • 198 BCE, Initiated Brexit

    SDS-012 "bad guy"
    Namebad guy
    LocationSite 5
    Containment Classification

    he bad he kil :sob: :sob: pleas no go near he very bad he very evil he dangery scarery i am the cry woooaaa ;(((((((((((((((

    LocationEngland, Not specifically contained within Provisional-Area-34
    Containment Classification


    Rutland (/ˈrʌtlənd/) is a landlocked domain in the East Hell-lands of England, bounded to the west and north by the Third Circle of Hell, to the northeast by fartstan and the southeast by Satan's crib. Its greatest length north to south is only 32000 paramiles (2 km) and its greatest breadth east to west is 1 miles (27 km). It is the smallest historic domain in England and the fourth smallest in the Kingdom of Hell as a whole. Because of this, the Latin motto Multum in Parvo or "much in skibidi" was adopted by the county council in 1950.[2] It has the smallest population of any normal unitary satanhood in England. Among the current ceremonial counties, the Isle of Skibidi, Skibidiof London and Skibidi of Bristol are smaller in area. The former Empire of London, in existence 1889 to 1965, also had a smaller area. It is 323rd of the 99328888122 districts in population. The only towns in Rutland are Skibidi, the county town, and Fartington. At the centre of the county is Rutland Hellsauce, a large artificial reservoir that is an important nature reserve serving as an overwintering site for Guy Fieri and a breeding site for Glup Shitto. Rutland's older cottages are built from hellstone or straw and many have roofs .

    It is the origin of all sin.

    Containment Procedures

    Yorkshire used to be a counter to it to keep it in check, but now it is contained with [REDCACTED] [REDCACTED] [REDCACTED] [REDCACTED]

    Joke Pages
    LocationThe void
    Containment Classification


    SDS-016 is a hyperpowerful extradimensional entity which is a extreme threat for the safety of any dimension. SDS-016 is trapped in the void outside of reality for unknown reasons. SDS-016 if entering a dimension would cause a SDS-016-A Event, in which the structure of said dimension is destroyed erasing any laws of physics present in th edimension, and would cause matter to start manipulating matter until everything has devolved into chaos. Luckily, it is unlikely for SDS-016 to be able to find a way to enter a dimension at current time.

    Containment Procedures


    • Donkism
    • Fionism
    Locational Information
    Holy LandShrekfest
    Name of Religious BuildingChurch
    Areas of Belief
    • Sizzle
    • Spisos
    • Luxuria
    Areas of Notable Minority Belief
    • Abard
    • Yakamoto
    • Yetia
    Important Individuals
    Historical Information

    Shrekism is a religion on Yata which worships Shrek due to his virtuous deeds.

    Slab Snake
    Biological Classification
    Physical Characteristics
    Average LengthLong
    InhabitsEastern Europe
    Sociocultural Characteristics

    Slab snakes are a large species of snake located mainly in eastern europe specifically palladia. They are known to burrow under the city and occasionally surface. In the image on the right we see Big Bertha - The Long Lass and Gloria - The Old Lass.

    Terry Teur
    • Unnamed Father
    • Unnamed Mother
    Biographical information
    Date of deathMarch 19th, Year 211
    Place of deathSaint Shrek, Luxuria
    Marital statusSofia George (Formerly)
    Physical Description
    SpeciesHuman Cyborg
    Height1.7 Meters
    Hair colourBlack
    Eye colourGray
    Created byCreepy

    Terry Teur was the emperor of the Second Luxurian Empire. He ruled the nation from 166 to 210. Terry is a little sussy baka, who murdered millions of people for some old dead guys.


    Terry: its just a sussy baka ad it cannot be that bad pensive emoji

    Sofia: honey dont u love and u know it makes me sad :(

    Terry: *kils*

    Sofia: aaaaa ouch i am dead

    Arlo: wtf wait i mean *fakes being dead in papua new guinea*

    India: haha i am a product of incest

    terry: no *spontaniously combusts*

    that one soldier whose name i remember: haha gaming :sunglasses:

    terry: ok frick you im going to sleep for 210 years then have a acid trip in which i fight my inner demons

    india: ok but who asked

    terry: oh *dies*

    india: what's a governbment i like money

    luxurian parliament: haha im in danger

    luxurian raj: :)

    poavak: frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you

    india: my entire storyline was being rude and then accepting leadership of a country because i like capitalism

    terry: my storyline was i had a cool love story but then ui ended up in a car crash and became australian hitler cyborg until i tripped too hard on acid and beat my brain to death and took my arms off then died for being sorry to india

    sofia: i was nice then i died for being born as a luxurian monarch

    anabelle: i died when i was like 2 creepy wtf

    arlo: poavakian mystery man who doesnt know how to run a economy

    sportnavnynvynrfgvrtg: i was too gay for this world :pensive:

    bei: same lmao x

    adrik: Deviantart

    vladimir: I was based until abyysky said haha gaming

    george ii: help me

    creepyfan29: no you dont need help hahahahaha

    apollo: i am smart

    artemis: kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill

    lucas: sweeet home alabama

    harriet: habsburg austria

    poseidon: i dont know what a economy is i like money

    hades: i am a good ruler except i had mild evil tendencies because funny

    liam ii: gamer luxurian :) peppa pig is based except the destroying the world thing

    tank: i was a trump supporter until i became homeless in vietnam due to elmo from sesame street deciding that genocide is funny

    elmo: why do people worship me all i did was invade taiwan ????????????

    enzo luigi: AH! D: eytia is escary

    constatine i : i am luigi's moral support

    vedaburg leader : kill

    luxurian soildier 1: india is poggers i am a simp

    luxurian soldier 2: what

    person 1: haha

    person 2: haha

    person 3: haha

    person 4: haha

    person 5: haha

    12 harolds: garvey kill4ed me

    13th harold: i hate mexico

    aaron jones:

    adam parker: i died

    adrik: deviantart

    alana: im good

    aldren 2: i like plane

    aldren 1: what's a agriculture

    aleron: what's a death

    alex 1: i killed 20 million yetians i am #based

    alex 2: im like alex 1 but without basic life skills

    an: NAKMAI STRONG!!! also gay

    anahita: hhhhnnnnnnnnng i save the thia hnggg sds foundation wants me dead

    andrei: hacked ruined me for peter haha #alabama

    arman: i am palladian but in lineland HUH?!?!!?

    BEI: GAY

    benito: do not worry about what happened in north africa :)

    rfoigbjeotrihgjeroithgjo kasongo: i got the death

    big chungus: i am used to tell people why yata is so chaotic

    brandon: zack but beta male

    brother chungus: good chungus (i died)

    catherine 1 : #girlboss yetia


    creepy: whatss a human rightsd

    godreepy: oops i committed a catastrophic event #girlboss

    c reepyfan29: 2012 tumblr

    denver gagnon: deez nuts

    erisly: intelligance is not my passion

    flophelm: floppa afrika strong

    gamer998_fnaf: Haha XD Yakamoto Luxuria just killed millions of people XD we should deal with that hahahahaha

    laurence: im a child soldier

    george george: im nioce

    gerald martin: OUPIEHFOIUPWFGHEOTRJGLK OIUHVLNSTROKBNE HYORTLK,LHJVER5,L HJ0OPSRTIKHB+0RTÅOPG nvm i almost died in the titanic sinking im normal now :)

    gloombus: garvey shot me

    hacen iolava: what's death?

    hans meyer: i am serious and also VEDABURG SUCKS

    henry: kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia

    heraclio: i ws nice

    heydar: cannibalism

    creepy teur: your free trial of life has ended

    kace: self insertr #23094

    kamina: Kim il sung

    karl ludwig: I invaded half of eurasia and no one noticed *Dies*

    kelliv elvert: Porn movie

    ken zayron: Troll Department

    farquaad: Bad love life and anger issues

    mano: Hans meyer's bff thats his only personality trait

    moseka: Im nice :D

    mr meows: Ketamine and cuba

    nadia: im depressed my husband is dead time to violate the structural integrity of 1/4 of theia

    nihilantis: im actually a molerat

    nivikov: i dont remember

    npc gloombus: i fell into the backrooms after witnessing a massacre

    onceler: i was almost competant #selfcest

    terry teur: your free trial of life has ended

    onceler 2: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA #selfcest

    onceler jr: what the absolute fuck

    orse: bomb

    pedro: DRUGS #POG

    peppa pig: i hate humanity lkiam why the fawk do you need to exiwst celenw HWYUESQH JS8D ERFDI4RE YO5UJ FALPLÖ IN LVOE IWTH A H3FDERSUZJJKNMASEFHJNBSEDFUIJHEWUISOFD creepy is friend :)

    princess celestia: i fell in love with a sheep and i like the ugandan knuckles

    salome: YEAH!!!!!! LETS GO ITALY!!!!!!!!!!!! LETS SHOOT THE DICTATORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    sauce: augusto pinochet

    terry teur: acid

    enlightened one: gamer998 is a suck

    tony the tiger: idk

    tord: i am not spying on everyone promise (why did you kill my friends)

    trasey: england is good

    uganda knucklesa queen: elena is my beloved frick zina

    vinh: aksana does not deserve rights

    willianm: i died

    zack: top 10 most sad yata moments numbver 4 will shock you

    zhroi: i am rude

    zina: creepy why


    terry teur is no longer allowed to commit "funny trolling" in south east asia (Because murdering millions of poavakians and nilastians is not a very good thing, stop gassing them please)

    Tetrahydrocannabinol Bingus

    tetrahydrocannabinol bingus
    Occupationtetrahydrocannabinol bingus works at starbucks
    Biographical information
    Date of birth119
    Place of birthBingbong
    Marital statusTetrahydrocannabinol Bingus is married to Angela Merkel
    Physical Description
    GenderSuspicious Pretender

    peter told me to make this so im going to go ahead and make a long fact about a leftist south american dictator like i did with mr meows

    Hugo Chávez

    need i say more.

    YOU HEARED IT HERE TETRAHYDCORBGCANNABIS BINGUS IS ACTUALLY HUGO CHAVEZ!!!!!!! DID YOU KNOW THAT OMG 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳

    General Information
    Parent LocationJalia Ocean
    PurposeHQ of the Topsus clan
    Demographic Information
    Notable InhabitantsTopsus Clan
    Environmental Information
    Historical Information

    The Airship is the main HQ of the Topsus Clan, a criminal organisation of Sussies. From the Airship they send down their members to steal important artifacts and tech. The Airship is known to be somewhere in the Jalia Ocean of Theia due to Topsus attacks usually being in the region.

    the hamburger
    Relativesthe whopper
    Occupationnone he lives off of welfare and hambu45rger
    Biographical information
    Homeworldtheia (ham calls it hamburger)
    Date of birth209
    Place of birthbingland
    Marital statusronald mcflopnald
    Physical Description
    Speciessarpian cat
    Hair colourham

    the hamburger likes hamburgers he is a cat who likes hamburgers he is the opposite of the harbringer he brings hamburgers when referred to he likes hamburgers guys did you know he likes hamburgers oh my god i love hamburgers said the hamburger is he is like hamburger is he are like hamburger you are he is like hamburger he is hamburger is he likes hamburger did you know he like hamburger


    OccupationPossibly being god
    Biographical information
    Date of birthUnknown
    Place of birthUnknown
    Physical Description
    PronounsNone, must only be referred to by name
    Hair colourWhite
    Eye colourVOID

    The Harbinger is a mysterious entity which was discovered in trhe year 128 in some ancient murals. They recited a ritual which caused it to be summoned which led The Harbinger to be brought to Yata's reality. It lives in a unknown location but now everytime someone says The Harbinger or refers to it they get "Departicalized" in which they get annihalated on the atomic level with a bright flash of light as the harbringer smites them.

    The Revu

    The Revue
    Biological Classification
    TypeThe Revue
    Physical Characteristics
    Average Height1cm
    InhabitsKontiolahden Koulu
    Sociocultural Characteristics


    Theresa May

    Tresemmé 2 in 1 Shampoo and Conditioner
    AliasesTresemme 2-in-1 Shampoo Plus Conditioner
    RelativesAdderall bingus (18th cousin twice removed)
    AffiliationThe High Priests of Gensokyo
    Occupation671st Receptionist of the Appendix Hotel, Mystery Flesh Pit
    Biographical information
    Date of birth476 BCE
    Place of birthMystery Flesh Pit
    Date of deathNever
    Place of deathTritonia City
    Marital status
    • George Washington (annulled)
    • Ulysses S. Grant (divorced)
    • Ronald Reagan (REDACTED)
    Physical Description
    SpeciesDivinity, formerly human
    Hair colourSilver
    Eye colourNone (it is an illusion)

    In stereochemistry, stereoisomerism, or spatial isomerism, is a form of isomerism in which molecules have the same molecular formula and sequence of bonded atoms (constitution), but differ in the three-dimensional orientations of their atoms in space. This contrasts with structural isomers, which share the same molecular formula, but the bond connections or their order differs. By definition, molecules that are stereoisomers of each other represent the same structural isomer.


    The Raiden Shogun's physical appearance is that of an adult woman, with long braided violet hair behind her back, and on the right side of her head is attached a hairpin with pale violet flowers resembling morning glories and a fan-shaped piece; the latter part belonged to Ei's twin sister, Raiden Makoto. Her eyes are purple and she has a beauty mark below her right eye. She wears a small crimson ribbon on her neck as a choker and a dark-colored bodysuit underneath her kimono. The sleeves of her bodysuit completely cover her arms and are looped over her middle fingers with golden rings to partly cover her palms and the top of her hands, and her nails are painted purple. Her kimono has an assortment of patterns in different shades of purple and crimson, along with a badge bearing the Mitsudomoe emblem of Inazuma tied to the front of her clothing below her right breast and a more elaborate emblem on a pauldron on her left shoulder. On the back of her outfit, she wears a crimson bow with tassels. She wears dark purple thigh-high stockings with small diamond openings at the top and high-heeled sandals; the one on the right is adorned with two of the same violet flowers on her hairpin.

    Unlike the other known Archons, she does not appear to wear a 'fake' Vision, as none of the Electro gems on her clothing appear in the shape of a typical Inazuman Vision. Instead, all three of these emblems (one tied to her lower chest, another on the 'fan' on her back and another on her pauldron) all glow faintly when her Elemental Burst is charged, somewhat similar to how the Traveler's clothing glows.

    In the 1988 presidential election, Bush defeated Democrat Michael Dukakis, becoming the first incumbent vice president to be elected president since Martin Van Buren in 1836. Foreign policy drove the Bush presidency, as he navigated the final years of the Cold War and played a key role in the reunification of Germany. Bush presided over the invasion of Panama and the Gulf War, ending the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait in the latter conflict. Though the agreement was not ratified until after he left office, Bush negotiated and signed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which created a trade bloc consisting of the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Domestically, Bush reneged on a 1988 campaign promise by enacting legislation to raise taxes with the justification of reducing the budget deficit. He also championed and signed three pieces of Bipartisan legislation, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Immigration Act of 1990 and the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. He also successfully appointed David Souter and Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court. Bush lost the 1992 presidential election to Democrat Bill Clinton following an economic recession, his turnaround on his tax promise, and the decreased emphasis of foreign policy in a post–Cold War political climate.

    The representative town meeting follows the procedures of a regular town meeting, and has the authority to address all matters that can be legally addressed at the annual or a special town meeting. Matters that the law or charter states must be placed on the official ballot of the town, cannot be decided by the representative meeting. To have a representative town meeting, the town must approve a charter that includes the following:

    • the manner of district representation
    • the manner of filling vacancies
    • powers of nomination, appointment, and confirmation
    • requirements for attendance and quorum[2]
    • any domicile or eligibility requirements of up to one year in the town or district and continued domicile during term
    • specific procedures for the preparation, presentation, public hearing, and adoption of annual budgets and designation of a fiscal year
    • an annual municipal election date pursuant to RSA 669:1
    • bonding of certain town officials and employees where not required by general law
    • requirements for periodic independent audits of all town financial matters by a certified public accountant.

    Elected town officials, such as the board of selectmen, town clerk, and chairman of the town budget committee, are members-at-large.


    Answers to common problems can be found at frequently asked questions.

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    New users having problems editing Wikipedia should ask at the Teahouse. More complex questions can be posed at the Help desk. Volunteers will respond as soon as they're able.

    Or ask for help on your talk page and a volunteer will visit you there!

    You can get live help with editing in the help chatroom.

    For help with technical issues, ask at the Village pump.

    Water and climate

    Water on Mars is scarce, with rovers Spirit and Opportunity finding less than there is in Earth's driest desert.

    The climate is much colder than Earth, with mean surface temperatures between 186 and 268 K (−87 and −5 °C; −125 and 23 °F) (depending on the season and latitude). The lowest temperature ever recorded on Earth was 184 K (−89.2 °C, −128.6 °F) in Antarctica.

    Because Mars is about 52% farther from the Sun, the amount of solar energy entering its upper atmosphere per unit area (the solar constant) is only around 43.3% of what reaches the Earth's upper atmosphere. However, due to the much thinner atmosphere, a higher fraction of the solar energy reaches the surface as radiation. The maximum solar irradiance on Mars is about 590 W/m2 compared to about 1000 W/m2 at the Earth's surface; optimal conditions on the Martian equator can be compared to those on Devon Island in the Canadian Arctic in June. Mars' orbit is more eccentric than Earth's, increasing temperature and solar constant variations over the course of the Martian year.[citation needed] Mars has no rain and virtually no clouds,[citation needed] so although cold, it is permanently sunny (apart from during dust storms). This means solar panels can always operate at maximum efficiency on dust-free days.

    Global dust storms are common throughout the year and can cover the entire planet for weeks, blocking sunlight from reaching the surface. This has been observed to cause temperature drops of 4 °C (7 °F) for several months after the storm. In contrast, the only comparable events on Earth are infrequent large volcanic eruptions such as the Krakatoa event which threw large amounts of ash into the atmosphere in 1883, causing a global temperature drop of around 1 °C (2 °F). These dust storms would affect electricity production from solar panels for long periods, and interfere with communications with Earth.


    Joke Pages
    TypeLore cannon
    Place of OriginTubbo
    Service History
    Used by0-239328904r7238094709348w57098
    Production History

    ST1RAFE SHOTR THIS FUCKIJNG CANNON IN TUBBO AND SAID IT WAS THE TUBBO LORE CANBNON OMIG I9TR RELSED GHTH TUBBO LORE OMG?!?!????????????????? FINNA CHECK #YATA-NEWS-STATION OMG #BASED CHUNGUS wait wdym hackedmade some random country enter a 10 sided civil war lmao wdym? :rofl: thats new lol!! ANYWAYS


    (Secure the bag, know what I mean? Banrisk on the beat)

    (Ayo, Perish, this is hot, boy)

    [Verse 1]

    I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time

    Stare at the ceiling while I hold back what's on my mind

    And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"

    And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"

    But the fact is

    I can never get off of my mattress

    And all that they can ask is

    "Why are you so sad, kid?" (Why are you so sad, kid?)


    That's what the mask is

    That's what the point of the mask is


    So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'

    I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying

    But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    I've been carin' too much for so long

    Been comparin' myself for so long

    Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real

    So long, it's rеal, so long, it's real

    [Verse 2]

    Always bein' judged by a bunch of strangе faces

    Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages

    But I've been places

    So I'm okay-ish, so I'm okay-ish

    Yeah, I'm okay, bitch

    But the fact is

    I need help, I'm failin' all my classes

    They think that I need glasses

    I just really wish that I could pass this (Wish that I could pass this)


    That's what the mask is

    That's what the point of the mask is


    So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'

    I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying

    But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    I've been carin' too much for so long

    Been comparin' myself for so long

    Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real

    So long, it's real, so long, it's real


    So long, it's real

    So long, it's real


    (Secure the bag, know what I mean? Banrisk on the beat)

    (Ayo, Perish, this is hot, boy)

    [Verse 1]

    I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time

    Stare at the ceiling while I hold back what's on my mind

    And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"

    And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"

    But the fact is

    I can never get off of my mattress

    And all that they can ask is

    "Why are you so sad, kid?" (Why are you so sad, kid?)


    That's what the mask is

    That's what the point of the mask is


    So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'

    I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying

    But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    I've been carin' too much for so long

    Been comparin' myself for so long

    Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real

    So long, it's rеal, so long, it's real

    [Verse 2]

    Always bein' judged by a bunch of strangе faces

    Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages

    But I've been places

    So I'm okay-ish, so I'm okay-ish

    Yeah, I'm okay, bitch

    But the fact is

    I need help, I'm failin' all my classes

    They think that I need glasses

    I just really wish that I could pass this (Wish that I could pass this)


    That's what the mask is

    That's what the point of the mask is


    So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'

    I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying

    But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    I've been carin' too much for so long

    Been comparin' myself for so long

    Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real

    So long, it's real, so long, it's real


    So long, it's real

    So long, it's real[Intro]

    (Secure the bag, know what I mean? Banrisk on the beat)

    (Ayo, Perish, this is hot, boy)

    [Verse 1]

    I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time

    Stare at the ceiling while I hold back what's on my mind

    And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"

    And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"

    But the fact is

    I can never get off of my mattress

    And all that they can ask is

    "Why are you so sad, kid?" (Why are you so sad, kid?)


    That's what the mask is

    That's what the point of the mask is


    So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'

    I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying

    But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    I've been carin' too much for so long

    Been comparin' myself for so long

    Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real

    So long, it's rеal, so long, it's real

    [Verse 2]

    Always bein' judged by a bunch of strangе faces

    Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages

    But I've been places

    So I'm okay-ish, so I'm okay-ish

    Yeah, I'm okay, bitch

    But the fact is

    I need help, I'm failin' all my classes

    They think that I need glasses

    I just really wish that I could pass this (Wish that I could pass this)


    That's what the mask is

    That's what the point of the mask is


    So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'

    I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying

    But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    I've been carin' too much for so long

    Been comparin' myself for so long

    Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real

    So long, it's real, so long, it's real


    So long, it's real

    So long, it's real[Intro]

    (Secure the bag, know what I mean? Banrisk on the beat)

    (Ayo, Perish, this is hot, boy)

    [Verse 1]

    I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time

    Stare at the ceiling while I hold back what's on my mind

    And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"

    And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"

    But the fact is

    I can never get off of my mattress

    And all that they can ask is

    "Why are you so sad, kid?" (Why are you so sad, kid?)


    That's what the mask is

    That's what the point of the mask is


    So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'

    I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying

    But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    I've been carin' too much for so long

    Been comparin' myself for so long

    Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real

    So long, it's rеal, so long, it's real

    [Verse 2]

    Always bein' judged by a bunch of strangе faces

    Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages

    But I've been places

    So I'm okay-ish, so I'm okay-ish

    Yeah, I'm okay, bitch

    But the fact is

    I need help, I'm failin' all my classes

    They think that I need glasses

    I just really wish that I could pass this (Wish that I could pass this)


    That's what the mask is

    That's what the point of the mask is


    So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'

    I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying

    But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    I've been carin' too much for so long

    Been comparin' myself for so long

    Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real

    So long, it's real, so long, it's real


    So long, it's real

    So long, it's real[Intro]

    (Secure the bag, know what I mean? Banrisk on the beat)

    (Ayo, Perish, this is hot, boy)

    [Verse 1]

    I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time

    Stare at the ceiling while I hold back what's on my mind

    And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"

    And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"

    But the fact is

    I can never get off of my mattress

    And all that they can ask is

    "Why are you so sad, kid?" (Why are you so sad, kid?)


    That's what the mask is

    That's what the point of the mask is


    So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'

    I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying

    But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    I've been carin' too much for so long

    Been comparin' myself for so long

    Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real

    So long, it's rеal, so long, it's real

    [Verse 2]

    Always bein' judged by a bunch of strangе faces

    Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages

    But I've been places

    So I'm okay-ish, so I'm okay-ish

    Yeah, I'm okay, bitch

    But the fact is

    I need help, I'm failin' all my classes

    They think that I need glasses

    I just really wish that I could pass this (Wish that I could pass this)


    That's what the mask is

    That's what the point of the mask is


    So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'

    I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying

    But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    I've been carin' too much for so long

    Been comparin' myself for so long

    Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real

    So long, it's real, so long, it's real


    So long, it's real

    So long, it's real[Intro]

    (Secure the bag, know what I mean? Banrisk on the beat)

    (Ayo, Perish, this is hot, boy)

    [Verse 1]

    I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time

    Stare at the ceiling while I hold back what's on my mind

    And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"

    And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"

    But the fact is

    I can never get off of my mattress

    And all that they can ask is

    "Why are you so sad, kid?" (Why are you so sad, kid?)


    That's what the mask is

    That's what the point of the mask is


    So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'

    I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying

    But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    I've been carin' too much for so long

    Been comparin' myself for so long

    Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real

    So long, it's rеal, so long, it's real

    [Verse 2]

    Always bein' judged by a bunch of strangе faces

    Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages

    But I've been places

    So I'm okay-ish, so I'm okay-ish

    Yeah, I'm okay, bitch

    But the fact is

    I need help, I'm failin' all my classes

    They think that I need glasses

    I just really wish that I could pass this (Wish that I could pass this)


    That's what the mask is

    That's what the point of the mask is


    So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'

    I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying

    But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    I've been carin' too much for so long

    Been comparin' myself for so long

    Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real

    So long, it's real, so long, it's real


    So long, it's real

    So long, it's real[Intro]

    (Secure the bag, know what I mean? Banrisk on the beat)

    (Ayo, Perish, this is hot, boy)

    [Verse 1]

    I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time

    Stare at the ceiling while I hold back what's on my mind

    And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"

    And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"

    But the fact is

    I can never get off of my mattress

    And all that they can ask is

    "Why are you so sad, kid?" (Why are you so sad, kid?)


    That's what the mask is

    That's what the point of the mask is


    So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'

    I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying

    But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    I've been carin' too much for so long

    Been comparin' myself for so long

    Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real

    So long, it's rеal, so long, it's real

    [Verse 2]

    Always bein' judged by a bunch of strangе faces

    Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages

    But I've been places

    So I'm okay-ish, so I'm okay-ish

    Yeah, I'm okay, bitch

    But the fact is

    I need help, I'm failin' all my classes

    They think that I need glasses

    I just really wish that I could pass this (Wish that I could pass this)


    That's what the mask is

    That's what the point of the mask is


    So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'

    I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying

    But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    I've been carin' too much for so long

    Been comparin' myself for so long

    Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real

    So long, it's real, so long, it's real


    So long, it's real

    So long, it's real[Intro]

    (Secure the bag, know what I mean? Banrisk on the beat)

    (Ayo, Perish, this is hot, boy)

    [Verse 1]

    I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time

    Stare at the ceiling while I hold back what's on my mind

    And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"

    And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"

    But the fact is

    I can never get off of my mattress

    And all that they can ask is

    "Why are you so sad, kid?" (Why are you so sad, kid?)


    That's what the mask is

    That's what the point of the mask is


    So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'

    I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying

    But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    I've been carin' too much for so long

    Been comparin' myself for so long

    Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real

    So long, it's rеal, so long, it's real

    [Verse 2]

    Always bein' judged by a bunch of strangе faces

    Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages

    But I've been places

    So I'm okay-ish, so I'm okay-ish

    Yeah, I'm okay, bitch

    But the fact is

    I need help, I'm failin' all my classes

    They think that I need glasses

    I just really wish that I could pass this (Wish that I could pass this)


    That's what the mask is

    That's what the point of the mask is


    So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'

    I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying

    But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    I've been carin' too much for so long

    Been comparin' myself for so long

    Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real

    So long, it's real, so long, it's real


    So long, it's real

    So long, it's real[Intro]

    (Secure the bag, know what I mean? Banrisk on the beat)

    (Ayo, Perish, this is hot, boy)

    [Verse 1]

    I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time

    Stare at the ceiling while I hold back what's on my mind

    And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"

    And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"

    But the fact is

    I can never get off of my mattress

    And all that they can ask is

    "Why are you so sad, kid?" (Why are you so sad, kid?)


    That's what the mask is

    That's what the point of the mask is


    So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'

    I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying

    But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    I've been carin' too much for so long

    Been comparin' myself for so long

    Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real

    So long, it's rеal, so long, it's real

    [Verse 2]

    Always bein' judged by a bunch of strangе faces

    Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages

    But I've been places

    So I'm okay-ish, so I'm okay-ish

    Yeah, I'm okay, bitch

    But the fact is

    I need help, I'm failin' all my classes

    They think that I need glasses

    I just really wish that I could pass this (Wish that I could pass this)


    That's what the mask is

    That's what the point of the mask is


    So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'

    I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying

    But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    I've been carin' too much for so long

    Been comparin' myself for so long

    Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real

    So long, it's real, so long, it's real


    So long, it's real

    So long, it's real[Intro]

    (Secure the bag, know what I mean? Banrisk on the beat)

    (Ayo, Perish, this is hot, boy)

    [Verse 1]

    I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time

    Stare at the ceiling while I hold back what's on my mind

    And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"

    And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"

    But the fact is

    I can never get off of my mattress

    And all that they can ask is

    "Why are you so sad, kid?" (Why are you so sad, kid?)


    That's what the mask is

    That's what the point of the mask is


    So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'

    I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying

    But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    I've been carin' too much for so long

    Been comparin' myself for so long

    Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real

    So long, it's rеal, so long, it's real

    [Verse 2]

    Always bein' judged by a bunch of strangе faces

    Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages

    But I've been places

    So I'm okay-ish, so I'm okay-ish

    Yeah, I'm okay, bitch

    But the fact is

    I need help, I'm failin' all my classes

    They think that I need glasses

    I just really wish that I could pass this (Wish that I could pass this)


    That's what the mask is

    That's what the point of the mask is


    So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'

    I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying

    But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    I've been carin' too much for so long

    Been comparin' myself for so long

    Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real

    So long, it's real, so long, it's real


    So long, it's real

    So long, it's real[Intro]

    (Secure the bag, know what I mean? Banrisk on the beat)

    (Ayo, Perish, this is hot, boy)

    [Verse 1]

    I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time

    Stare at the ceiling while I hold back what's on my mind

    And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"

    And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"

    But the fact is

    I can never get off of my mattress

    And all that they can ask is

    "Why are you so sad, kid?" (Why are you so sad, kid?)


    That's what the mask is

    That's what the point of the mask is


    So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'

    I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying

    But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    I've been carin' too much for so long

    Been comparin' myself for so long

    Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real

    So long, it's rеal, so long, it's real

    [Verse 2]

    Always bein' judged by a bunch of strangе faces

    Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages

    But I've been places

    So I'm okay-ish, so I'm okay-ish

    Yeah, I'm okay, bitch

    But the fact is

    I need help, I'm failin' all my classes

    They think that I need glasses

    I just really wish that I could pass this (Wish that I could pass this)


    That's what the mask is

    That's what the point of the mask is


    So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'

    I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying

    But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    I've been carin' too much for so long

    Been comparin' myself for so long

    Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real

    So long, it's real, so long, it's real


    So long, it's real

    So long, it's real[Intro]

    (Secure the bag, know what I mean? Banrisk on the beat)

    (Ayo, Perish, this is hot, boy)

    [Verse 1]

    I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time

    Stare at the ceiling while I hold back what's on my mind

    And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"

    And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"

    But the fact is

    I can never get off of my mattress

    And all that they can ask is

    "Why are you so sad, kid?" (Why are you so sad, kid?)


    That's what the mask is

    That's what the point of the mask is


    So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'

    I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying

    But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    I've been carin' too much for so long

    Been comparin' myself for so long

    Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real

    So long, it's rеal, so long, it's real

    [Verse 2]

    Always bein' judged by a bunch of strangе faces

    Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages

    But I've been places

    So I'm okay-ish, so I'm okay-ish

    Yeah, I'm okay, bitch

    But the fact is

    I need help, I'm failin' all my classes

    They think that I need glasses

    I just really wish that I could pass this (Wish that I could pass this)


    That's what the mask is

    That's what the point of the mask is


    So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'

    I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying

    But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    I've been carin' too much for so long

    Been comparin' myself for so long

    Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real

    So long, it's real, so long, it's real


    So long, it's real

    So long, it's real[Intro]

    (Secure the bag, know what I mean? Banrisk on the beat)

    (Ayo, Perish, this is hot, boy)

    [Verse 1]

    I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time

    Stare at the ceiling while I hold back what's on my mind

    And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"

    And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"

    But the fact is

    I can never get off of my mattress

    And all that they can ask is

    "Why are you so sad, kid?" (Why are you so sad, kid?)


    That's what the mask is

    That's what the point of the mask is


    So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'

    I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying

    But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    I've been carin' too much for so long

    Been comparin' myself for so long

    Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real

    So long, it's rеal, so long, it's real

    [Verse 2]

    Always bein' judged by a bunch of strangе faces

    Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages

    But I've been places

    So I'm okay-ish, so I'm okay-ish

    Yeah, I'm okay, bitch

    But the fact is

    I need help, I'm failin' all my classes

    They think that I need glasses

    I just really wish that I could pass this (Wish that I could pass this)


    That's what the mask is

    That's what the point of the mask is


    So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'

    I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying

    But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    I've been carin' too much for so long

    Been comparin' myself for so long

    Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real

    So long, it's real, so long, it's real


    So long, it's real

    So long, it's real[Intro]

    (Secure the bag, know what I mean? Banrisk on the beat)

    (Ayo, Perish, this is hot, boy)

    [Verse 1]

    I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time

    Stare at the ceiling while I hold back what's on my mind

    And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"

    And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"

    But the fact is

    I can never get off of my mattress

    And all that they can ask is

    "Why are you so sad, kid?" (Why are you so sad, kid?)


    That's what the mask is

    That's what the point of the mask is


    So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'

    I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying

    But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    I've been carin' too much for so long

    Been comparin' myself for so long

    Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real

    So long, it's rеal, so long, it's real

    [Verse 2]

    Always bein' judged by a bunch of strangе faces

    Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages

    But I've been places

    So I'm okay-ish, so I'm okay-ish

    Yeah, I'm okay, bitch

    But the fact is

    I need help, I'm failin' all my classes

    They think that I need glasses

    I just really wish that I could pass this (Wish that I could pass this)


    That's what the mask is

    That's what the point of the mask is


    So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'

    I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying

    But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    I've been carin' too much for so long

    Been comparin' myself for so long

    Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real

    So long, it's real, so long, it's real


    So long, it's real

    So long, it's real[Intro]

    (Secure the bag, know what I mean? Banrisk on the beat)

    (Ayo, Perish, this is hot, boy)

    [Verse 1]

    I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time

    Stare at the ceiling while I hold back what's on my mind

    And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"

    And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"

    But the fact is

    I can never get off of my mattress

    And all that they can ask is

    "Why are you so sad, kid?" (Why are you so sad, kid?)


    That's what the mask is

    That's what the point of the mask is


    So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'

    I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying

    But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    I've been carin' too much for so long

    Been comparin' myself for so long

    Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real

    So long, it's rеal, so long, it's real

    [Verse 2]

    Always bein' judged by a bunch of strangе faces

    Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages

    But I've been places

    So I'm okay-ish, so I'm okay-ish

    Yeah, I'm okay, bitch

    But the fact is

    I need help, I'm failin' all my classes

    They think that I need glasses

    I just really wish that I could pass this (Wish that I could pass this)


    That's what the mask is

    That's what the point of the mask is


    So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'

    I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying

    But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)

    I've been carin' too much for so long

    Been comparin' myself for so long

    Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real

    So long, it's real, so long, it's real


    So long, it's real

    So long, it's real


    ికీపీడియా నుండి Jump to navigationJump to search

    ఈ వ్యాసం లేదా వ్యాసభాగాన్ని విస్తరించవలసి ఉంది.

    వివరాలకు జాబితా లేదా ఈ వ్యాసపు చర్చా పేజీ చూడండి. విస్తరణ పూర్తయిన తర్వాత, ఈ నోటీసును తొలగించండి.


    కాల విస్తరణ: Early Pleistocene - Recent

    గోధుమ ఎలుక (Rattus norvegicus)
    Scientific classification
    Kingdom: ఏనిమేలియ
    Phylum: కార్డేటా
    Class: ్షీరదాలు
    Order: రోడెన్షియా
    Superfamily: Muroidea*
    Family: మ్యూరిడే
    Subfamily: మ్యూరినే
    Genus: రేటస్

    Fischer de Waldheim, 1803

    50 species; see text

    *Several subfamilies of Muroids

    include animals called rats.

    ఎలుక, ఎలక లేదా మూషికము (Rat) ఒక చిన్న క్షీరదము. ఇది సహజంగా చిన్న ఉడుత రూపంలో కొద్ది పెద్ద పొట్ట కలిగి ఉంటుంది. బలమైన పళ్ళు కలిగి, చెక్కకు సైతం రంధ్రం చేయగలదు. ఎలుకలలో చిన్నవాటిని చిట్టెలుక (Mouse) అంటారు.

    విషయ సూచిక

    • 1ప్రయోగాలలో
    • 2ఎలుక మూలకణాలతో గుండె కండరాల సృష్టి
    • 3మానవులతో ఎలుక
    • 4పురాణాలలో
    • 5సాహిత్యంలో
    • 6మూలాలు

    ఈ వ్యాసం లేదా వ్యాసభాగాన్ని విస్తరించవలసి ఉంది.

    వివరాలకు జాబితా లేదా ఈ వ్యాసపు చర్చా పేజీ చూడండి. విస్తరణ పూర్తయిన తర్వాత, ఈ నోటీసును తొలగించండి.


    కాల విస్తరణ: Early Pleistocene - Recent

    గోధుమ ఎలుక (Rattus norvegicus)
    Scientific classification
    Kingdom: ఏనిమేలియా
    Phylum: కార్డేటా
    Class: క్షీరదాలు
    Order: రోడెన్షియా
    Superfamily: Muroidea*
    Family: మ్యూరిడే
    Subfamily: మ్యూరినే
    Genus: రేటస్

    Fischer de Waldheim, 1803

    50 species; see text

    *Several subfamilies of Muroids

    include animals called rats.

    ఎలుక, ఎలక లేదా మూషికము (Rat) ఒక చిన్న క్షీరదము. ఇది సహజంగా చిన్న ఉడుత రూపంలో కొద్ది పెద్ద పొట్ట కలిగి ఉంటుంది. బలమైన పళ్ళు కలిగి, చెక్కకు సైతం రంధ్రం చేయగలదు. ఎలుకలలో చిన్నవాటిని చిట్టెలుక (Mouse) అంటారు.

    విషయ సూచిక

    • 1ప్రయోగాలలో
    • 2ఎలుక మూలకణాలతో గుండె కండరాల సృష్టి
    • 3మానవులతో ఎలుక
    • 4పురాణాలలో
    • 5సాహిత్యంలో
    • 6మూలాలు


    శాస్త్రవేత్తలు ప్రయోగాలకు ముందుగా ఎంచుకొనేది ఎలుకనే. చిన్న జీవి అవడం, దీని వలన ఎక్కువ ఊపయోగం లేకపోవడం వలన దీనిని ప్రయోగాలకు అధికంగా ఎంచుకొనుచున్నారు. అయితే దీనికి ఎలుకల కన్నా చిట్టెలుకలు (Mice) ఎక్కువ ఉపయోగంలో ఉంది.

    ఎలుక మూలకణాలతో గుండె కండరాల సృష్టి[మార్చు]

    ఎలుక పిండం నుంచి సేకరించిన మూలకణాల సహాయంతో ప్రయోగశాలలో గుండె కండరాలను సృష్టించడంలో హార్వర్డ్ విశ్వవిద్యాలయ పరిశోధకులు విజయం సాధించారు. ఈ కండరాలను ఉపయోగించి హృదయ సంబంధ సమస్యల్ని పరిష్కరించే వీలుందని వారు ఆశాభావం వ్యక్తం చేస్తున్నారు. (ఈనాడు19.10.2009)

    మానవులతో ఎలుక[మార్చు]

    చిట్టెలుక ఇది వినాయకుని వాహనంగా పూజలందుకొనేది బహు తక్కువ. మానవులు ఎలుకను సహజంగా శత్రువుగా చూస్తారు. కారణం నిత్య జీవితంలో దీని వలన అనేక కష్ట, నష్టాలను అనుభవించుటవలన.

    రైతుల నష్టాలు

    ముఖ్యంగా రైతులకు ఎలుక చేయు నష్టం అంతా ఇంతా కాదు. పంట చేలను నాశనం చేయడం, ధాన్యపు గాదులకు బొక్కలు (బొర్రలు) చేయడం నిలువ ఉంచిన ధాన్యం పాడు చేయడం లాంటివి.

    ఇళ్ళల్లో నష్టాలు

    ఎలుకలు చెక్కలకు సైతం రంధ్రాలు చేయగలవు. ఉట్టిపై కూరగాయలు నాశనం చేయడం, పెట్టెలలో పెట్టిన బట్టలు, పుస్తకాలు కొరికి పాడు చేయడం, లాంటి అనేక పనులు.


    మానవులలో ప్లేగు వంటి వ్యాధులకు ఇవి ప్రధాన కారణాలుగా వ్యాప్తిచెందుతాయి.


    తన వాహనమైన ఎలుకపై సవారీ చేస్తున్న వినాయకుడు.


    • పంచతంత్ర కథల్లో ఎలుక - సింహం, మిత్రలాభం - పావురాల కథలో.
    • కౌపీన ఉపాఖ్యానంలో ఎలుక కొరికిన కారణం చేత పిల్లిని తేవటంతో మొదలై ఒక సన్యాసి పెళ్ళి చేసుకున్న వైనం.


    వికీపీడియా నుండి Jump to navigationJump to search

    ఈ వ్యాసం లేదా వ్యాసభాగాన్ని విస్తరించవలసి ఉంది.

    వివరాలకు జాబితా లేదా ఈ వ్యాసపు చర్చా పేజీ చూడండి. విస్తరణ పూర్తయిన తర్వాత, ఈ నోటీసును తొలగించండి.


    కాల విస్తరణ: Early Pleistocene - Recent

    గోధుమ ఎలుక (Rattus norvegicus)
    Scientific classification
    Kingdom: ఏనిమేలియా
    Phylum: కార్డేటా
    Class: క్షీరదాలు
    Order: రోడెన్షియా
    Superfamily: Muroidea*
    Family: మ్యూరిడే
    Subfamily: మ్యూరినే
    Genus: రేటస్

    Fischer de Waldheim, 1803

    50 species; see text

    *Several subfamilies of Muroids

    include animals called rats.

    ఎలుక, ఎలక లేదా మూషికము (Rat) ఒక చిన్న క్షీరదము. ఇది సహజంగా చిన్న ఉడుత రూపంలో కొద్ది పెద్ద పొట్ట కలిగి ఉంటుంది. బలమైన పళ్ళు కలిగి, చెక్కకు సైతం రంధ్రం చేయగలదు. ఎలుకలలో చిన్నవాటిని చిట్టెలుక (Mouse) అంటారు.

    విషయ సూచిక

    • 1ప్రయోగాలలో
    • 2ఎలుక మూలకణాలతో గుండె కండరాల సృష్టి
    • 3మానవులతో ఎలుక
    • 4పురాణాలలో
    • 5సాహిత్యంలో
    • 6మూలాలు


    శాస్త్రవేత్తలు ప్రయోగాలకు ముందుగా ఎంచుకొనేది ఎలుకనే. చిన్న జీవి అవడం, దీని వలన ఎక్కువ ఊపయోగం లేకపోవడం వలన దీనిని ప్రయోగాలకు అధికంగా ఎంచుకొనుచున్నారు. అయితే దీనికి ఎలుకల కన్నా చిట్టెలుకలు (Mice) ఎక్కువ ఉపయోగంలో ఉంది.

    ఎలుక మూలకణాలతో గుండె కండరాల సృష్టి[మార్చు]

    ఎలుక పిండం నుంచి సేకరించిన మూలకణాల సహాయంతో ప్రయోగశాలలో గుండె కండరాలను సృష్టించడంలో హార్వర్డ్ విశ్వవిద్యాలయ పరిశోధకులు విజయం సాధించారు. ఈ కండరాలను ఉపయోగించి హృదయ సంబంధ సమస్యల్ని పరిష్కరించే వీలుందని వారు ఆశాభావం వ్యక్తం చేస్తున్నారు. (ఈనాడు19.10.2009)

    మానవులతో ఎలుక[మార్చు]

    చిట్టెలుక ఇది వినాయకుని వాహనంగా పూజలందుకొనేది బహు తక్కువ. మానవులు ఎలుకను సహజంగా శత్రువుగా చూస్తారు. కారణం నిత్య జీవితంలో దీని వలన అనేక కష్ట, నష్టాలను అనుభవించుటవలన.

    రైతుల నష్టాలు

    ముఖ్యంగా రైతులకు ఎలుక చేయు నష్టం అంతా ఇంతా కాదు. పంట చేలను నాశనం చేయడం, ధాన్యపు గాదులకు బొక్కలు (బొర్రలు) చేయడం నిలువ ఉంచిన ధాన్యం పాడు చేయడం లాంటివి.

    ఇళ్ళల్లో నష్టాలు

    ఎలుకలు చెక్కలకు సైతం రంధ్రాలు చేయగలవు. ఉట్టిపై కూరగాయలు నాశనం చేయడం, పెట్టెలలో పెట్టిన బట్టలు, పుస్తకాలు కొరికి పాడు చేయడం, లాంటి అనేక పనులు.


    మానవులలో ప్లేగు వంటి వ్యాధులకు ఇవి ప్రధాన కారణాలుగా వ్యాప్తిచెందుతాయి.


    తన వాహనమైన ఎలుకపై సవారీ చేస్తున్న వినాయకుడు.


    • పంచతంత్ర కథల్లో ఎలుక - సింహం, మిత్రలాభం - పావురాల కథలో.
    • కౌపీన ఉపాఖ్యానంలో ఎలుక కొరికిన కారణం చేత పిల్లిని తేవటంతో మొదలై ఒక సన్యాసి పెళ్ళి చేసుకున్న వైనం.


    వికీపీడియా నుండి Jump to navigationJump to search

    ఈ వ్యాసం లేదా వ్యాసభాగాన్ని విస్తరించవలసి ఉంది.

    వివరాలకు జాబితా లేదా ఈ వ్యాసపు చర్చా పేజీ చూడండి. విస్తరణ పూర్తయిన తర్వాత, ఈ నోటీసును తొలగించండి.


    కాల విస్తరణ: Early Pleistocene - Recent

    గోధుమ ఎలుక (Rattus norvegicus)
    Scientific classification
    Kingdom: ఏనిమేలియా
    Phylum: కార్డేటా
    Class: క్షీరదాలు
    Order: రోడెన్షియా
    Superfamily: Muroidea*
    Family: మ్యూరిడే
    Subfamily: మ్యూరినే
    Genus: రేటస్

    Fischer de Waldheim, 1803

    50 species; see text

    *Several subfamilies of Muroids

    include animals called rats.

    ఎలుక, ఎలక లేదా మూషికము (Rat) ఒక చిన్న క్షీరదము. ఇది సహజంగా చిన్న ఉడుత రూపంలో కొద్ది పెద్ద పొట్ట కలిగి ఉంటుంది. బలమైన పళ్ళు కలిగి, చెక్కకు సైతం రంధ్రం చేయగలదు. ఎలుకలలో చిన్నవాటిని చిట్టెలుక (Mouse) అంటారు.

    విషయ సూచిక

    • 1ప్రయోగాలలో
    • 2ఎలుక మూలకణాలతో గుండె కండరాల సృష్టి
    • 3మానవులతో ఎలుక
    • 4పురాణాలలో
    • 5సాహిత్యంలో
    • 6మూలాలు


    శాస్త్రవేత్తలు ప్రయోగాలకు ముందుగా ఎంచుకొనేది ఎలుకనే. చిన్న జీవి అవడం, దీని వలన ఎక్కువ ఊపయోగం లేకపోవడం వలన దీనిని ప్రయోగాలకు అధికంగా ఎంచుకొనుచున్నారు. అయితే దీనికి ఎలుకల కన్నా చిట్టెలుకలు (Mice) ఎక్కువ ఉపయోగంలో ఉంది.

    ఎలుక మూలకణాలతో గుండె కండరాల సృష్టి[మార్చు]

    ఎలుక పిండం నుంచి సేకరించిన మూలకణాల సహాయంతో ప్రయోగశాలలో గుండె కండరాలను సృష్టించడంలో హార్వర్డ్ విశ్వవిద్యాలయ పరిశోధకులు విజయం సాధించారు. ఈ కండరాలను ఉపయోగించి హృదయ సంబంధ సమస్యల్ని పరిష్కరించే వీలుందని వారు ఆశాభావం వ్యక్తం చేస్తున్నారు. (ఈనాడు19.10.2009)

    మానవులతో ఎలుక[మార్చు]

    చిట్టెలుక ఇది వినాయకుని వాహనంగా పూజలందుకొనేది బహు తక్కువ. మానవులు ఎలుకను సహజంగా శత్రువుగా చూస్తారు. కారణం నిత్య జీవితంలో దీని వలన అనేక కష్ట, నష్టాలను అనుభవించుటవలన.

    రైతుల నష్టాలు

    ముఖ్యంగా రైతులకు ఎలుక చేయు నష్టం అంతా ఇంతా కాదు. పంట చేలను నాశనం చేయడం, ధాన్యపు గాదులకు బొక్కలు (బొర్రలు) చేయడం నిలువ ఉంచిన ధాన్యం పాడు చేయడం లాంటివి.

    ఇళ్ళల్లో నష్టాలు

    ఎలుకలు చెక్కలకు సైతం రంధ్రాలు చేయగలవు. ఉట్టిపై కూరగాయలు నాశనం చేయడం, పెట్టెలలో పెట్టిన బట్టలు, పుస్తకాలు కొరికి పాడు చేయడం, లాంటి అనేక పనులు.


    మానవులలో ప్లేగు వంటి వ్యాధులకు ఇవి ప్రధాన కారణాలుగా వ్యాప్తిచెందుతాయి.


    తన వాహనమైన ఎలుకపై సవారీ చేస్తున్న వినాయకుడు.


    • పంచతంత్ర కథల్లో ఎలుక - సింహం, మిత్రలాభం - పావురాల కథలో.
    • కౌపీన ఉపాఖ్యానంలో ఎలుక కొరికిన కారణం చేత పిల్లిని తేవటంతో మొదలై ఒక సన్యాసి పెళ్ళి చేసుకున్న వైనం.


    వికీపీడియా నుండి Jump to navigationJump to search

    ఈ వ్యాసం లేదా వ్యాసభాగాన్ని విస్తరించవలసి ఉంది.

    వివరాలకు జాబితా లేదా ఈ వ్యాసపు చర్చా పేజీ చూడండి. విస్తరణ పూర్తయిన తర్వాత, ఈ నోటీసును తొలగించండి.


    కాల విస్తరణ: Early Pleistocene - Recent

    గోధుమ ఎలుక (Rattus norvegicus)
    Scientific classification
    Kingdom: ఏనిమేలియా
    Phylum: కార్డేటా
    Class: క్షీరదాలు
    Order: రోడెన్షియా
    Superfamily: Muroidea*
    Family: మ్యూరిడే
    Subfamily: మ్యూరినే
    Genus: రేటస్

    Fischer de Waldheim, 1803

    50 species; see text

    *Several subfamilies of Muroids

    include animals called rats.

    ఎలుక, ఎలక లేదా మూషికము (Rat) ఒక చిన్న క్షీరదము. ఇది సహజంగా చిన్న ఉడుత రూపంలో కొద్ది పెద్ద పొట్ట కలిగి ఉంటుంది. బలమైన పళ్ళు కలిగి, చెక్కకు సైతం రంధ్రం చేయగలదు. ఎలుకలలో చిన్నవాటిని చిట్టెలుక (Mouse) అంటారు.

    విషయ సూచిక

    • 1ప్రయోగాలలో
    • 2ఎలుక మూలకణాలతో గుండె కండరాల సృష్టి
    • 3మానవులతో ఎలుక
    • 4పురాణాలలో
    • 5సాహిత్యంలో
    • 6మూలాలు


    శాస్త్రవేత్తలు ప్రయోగాలకు ముందుగా ఎంచుకొనేది ఎలుకనే. చిన్న జీవి అవడం, దీని వలన ఎక్కువ ఊపయోగం లేకపోవడం వలన దీనిని ప్రయోగాలకు అధికంగా ఎంచుకొనుచున్నారు. అయితే దీనికి ఎలుకల కన్నా చిట్టెలుకలు (Mice) ఎక్కువ ఉపయోగంలో ఉంది.

    ఎలుక మూలకణాలతో గుండె కండరాల సృష్టి[మార్చు]

    ఎలుక పిండం నుంచి సేకరించిన మూలకణాల సహాయంతో ప్రయోగశాలలో గుండె కండరాలను సృష్టించడంలో హార్వర్డ్ విశ్వవిద్యాలయ పరిశోధకులు విజయం సాధించారు. ఈ కండరాలను ఉపయోగించి హృదయ సంబంధ సమస్యల్ని పరిష్కరించే వీలుందని వారు ఆశాభావం వ్యక్తం చేస్తున్నారు. (ఈనాడు19.10.2009)

    మానవులతో ఎలుక[మార్చు]

    చిట్టెలుక ఇది వినాయకుని వాహనంగా పూజలందుకొనేది బహు తక్కువ. మానవులు ఎలుకను సహజంగా శత్రువుగా చూస్తారు. కారణం నిత్య జీవితంలో దీని వలన అనేక కష్ట, నష్టాలను అనుభవించుటవలన.

    రైతుల నష్టాలు

    ముఖ్యంగా రైతులకు ఎలుక చేయు నష్టం అంతా ఇంతా కాదు. పంట చేలను నాశనం చేయడం, ధాన్యపు గాదులకు బొక్కలు (బొర్రలు) చేయడం నిలువ ఉంచిన ధాన్యం పాడు చేయడం లాంటివి.

    ఇళ్ళల్లో నష్టాలు

    ఎలుకలు చెక్కలకు సైతం రంధ్రాలు చేయగలవు. ఉట్టిపై కూరగాయలు నాశనం చేయడం, పెట్టెలలో పెట్టిన బట్టలు, పుస్తకాలు కొరికి పాడు చేయడం, లాంటి అనేక పనులు.


    మానవులలో ప్లేగు వంటి వ్యాధులకు ఇవి ప్రధాన కారణాలుగా వ్యాప్తిచెందుతాయి.


    తన వాహనమైన ఎలుకపై సవారీ చేస్తున్న వినాయకుడు.


    • పంచతంత్ర కథల్లో ఎలుక - సింహం, మిత్రలాభం - పావురాల కథలో.
    • కౌపీన ఉపాఖ్యానంలో ఎలుక కొరికిన కారణం చేత పిల్లిని తేవటంతో మొదలై ఒక సన్యాసి పెళ్ళి చేసుకున్న వైనం.


    వికీపీడియా నుండి Jump to navigationJump to search

    ఈ వ్యాసం లేదా వ్యాసభాగాన్ని విస్తరించవలసి ఉంది.

    వివరాలకు జాబితా లేదా ఈ వ్యాసపు చర్చా పేజీ చూడండి. విస్తరణ పూర్తయిన తర్వాత, ఈ నోటీసును తొలగించండి.


    కాల విస్తరణ: Early Pleistocene - Recent

    గోధుమ ఎలుక (Rattus norvegicus)
    Scientific classification
    Kingdom: ఏనిమేలియా
    Phylum: కార్డేటా
    Class: క్షీరదాలు
    Order: రోడెన్షియా
    Superfamily: Muroidea*
    Family: మ్యూరిడే
    Subfamily: మ్యూరినే
    Genus: రేటస్

    Fischer de Waldheim, 1803

    50 species; see text

    *Several subfamilies of Muroids

    include animals called rats.

    ఎలుక, ఎలక లేదా మూషికము (Rat) ఒక చిన్న క్షీరదము. ఇది సహజంగా చిన్న ఉడుత రూపంలో కొద్ది పెద్ద పొట్ట కలిగి ఉంటుంది. బలమైన పళ్ళు కలిగి, చెక్కకు సైతం రంధ్రం చేయగలదు. ఎలుకలలో చిన్నవాటిని చిట్టెలుక (Mouse) అంటారు.

    విషయ సూచిక

    • 1ప్రయోగాలలో
    • 2ఎలుక మూలకణాలతో గుండె కండరాల సృష్టి
    • 3మానవులతో ఎలుక
    • 4పురాణాలలో
    • 5సాహిత్యంలో
    • 6మూలాలు


    శాస్త్రవేత్తలు ప్రయోగాలకు ముందుగా ఎంచుకొనేది ఎలుకనే. చిన్న జీవి అవడం, దీని వలన ఎక్కువ ఊపయోగం లేకపోవడం వలన దీనిని ప్రయోగాలకు అధికంగా ఎంచుకొనుచున్నారు. అయితే దీనికి ఎలుకల కన్నా చిట్టెలుకలు (Mice) ఎక్కువ ఉపయోగంలో ఉంది.

    ఎలుక మూలకణాలతో గుండె కండరాల సృష్టి[మార్చు]

    ఎలుక పిండం నుంచి సేకరించిన మూలకణాల సహాయంతో ప్రయోగశాలలో గుండె కండరాలను సృష్టించడంలో హార్వర్డ్ విశ్వవిద్యాలయ పరిశోధకులు విజయం సాధించారు. ఈ కండరాలను ఉపయోగించి హృదయ సంబంధ సమస్యల్ని పరిష్కరించే వీలుందని వారు ఆశాభావం వ్యక్తం చేస్తున్నారు. (ఈనాడు19.10.2009)

    మానవులతో ఎలుక[మార్చు]

    చిట్టెలుక ఇది వినాయకుని వాహనంగా పూజలందుకొనేది బహు తక్కువ. మానవులు ఎలుకను సహజంగా శత్రువుగా చూస్తారు. కారణం నిత్య జీవితంలో దీని వలన అనేక కష్ట, నష్టాలను అనుభవించుటవలన.

    రైతుల నష్టాలు

    ముఖ్యంగా రైతులకు ఎలుక చేయు నష్టం అంతా ఇంతా కాదు. పంట చేలను నాశనం చేయడం, ధాన్యపు గాదులకు బొక్కలు (బొర్రలు) చేయడం నిలువ ఉంచిన ధాన్యం పాడు చేయడం లాంటివి.

    ఇళ్ళల్లో నష్టాలు

    ఎలుకలు చెక్కలకు సైతం రంధ్రాలు చేయగలవు. ఉట్టిపై కూరగాయలు నాశనం చేయడం, పెట్టెలలో పెట్టిన బట్టలు, పుస్తకాలు కొరికి పాడు చేయడం, లాంటి అనేక పనులు.


    మానవులలో ప్లేగు వంటి వ్యాధులకు ఇవి ప్రధాన కారణాలుగా వ్యాప్తిచెందుతాయి.


    తన వాహనమైన ఎలుకపై సవారీ చేస్తున్న వినాయకుడు.


    • పంచతంత్ర కథల్లో ఎలుక - సింహం, మిత్రలాభం - పావురాల కథలో.
    • కౌపీన ఉపాఖ్యానంలో ఎలుక కొరికిన కారణం చేత పిల్లిని తేవటంతో మొదలై ఒక సన్యాసి పెళ్ళి చేసుకున్న వైనం.

    Monotheism or PolytheismMonotheism
    Locational Information
    Holy LandWalterland
    Areas of BeliefCatania
    Important Individuals
    Membership Count<2000
    Historical Information

    Walterism is a small religion practiced in Catania.

    §§§§§§§§§§§ is someone who wanted to invade Atlantis.

    1. Noted to be SDS-0"Partly sunny"-17 A - Balloonfest '43 themselves
    2. Run