Collection of pages intentionally written in a satyrical manner with no connection to YATA Lore. All of these have been moved to a tabber in order to not waste space.
bingo is the chroniclear of mr krabs' involvement in the feep-skye hyperwar via her power of manifesting sodium chloride with the power of her mind
Blepoulí | |
Biological Classification | |
Physical Characteristics | |
Average Height | 1.9 Meters |
Demographics | |
Inhabits | Skantos |
Endangered | Least Concern |
Sociocultural Characteristics |
Gods | Calmic Limited |
Monotheism or Polytheism | Monotheism |
Sects | You cannot disobey calpol so none |
Locational Information | |
Holy Land |
Name of Religious Building | Pharmacy |
Areas of Belief |
Important Individuals | |
Affiliates | Whoever founded calpol i cant find it anywhere |
Historical Information | |
Alignment |
The CALPOL Family of products have been developed over a number of years to effectively allow God to affect children, it has been specifically designed for your little ones.
Chadism | |
Gods | Giga Chad |
Demigods | Patrick Bateman |
Monotheism or Polytheism | Polytheist |
Books | personal development |
Locational Information | |
Holy Land | Everything is a holy land |
Name of Religious Building | the Gym |
Headquarters | North America |
Notable Locations | Universe |
Areas of Belief | all of world |
Important Individuals | |
Religious Leaders | Giga Chad |
Historical Information | |
Founded | 392 |
Preceded By | Betas |
Succeeded By | Sigmas |
Alignment | |
Allies | Sigmas, Alphas |
Enemies | Beta, simps, nerds |
Chadism or Giga chad believers is a religion of people that think they are supperior than the others because of their personal development and intelligence, the god is Giga Chad, a cosmic entity that created all of universe with a single snap, there is the demi god Patrick Bateman, he is also the god of Sigmas, the Chadists are ennemies with Betas, Simps and nerds, they think that if they have a enough quantity of personal development they will be like Giga Chad, Chadists deny every single religion exept Alphas and Sigmas, most of the believers are 13 years old because they want to have a personal development even if they are young
Gallus gallus domesticus | |
Biological Classification | |
Physical Characteristics | |
Average Height | 70cm |
Demographics | |
Inhabits | Yata |
Population | 3 Billion |
Sociocultural Characteristics |
Joke Pages | |
Founded | 307 |
Alignment | Libertarian-Center |
Influenced By | The existance of bulgarians |
Key Principles |
Values | |
Federal/Unity | 100/0 |
Democracy/Authority | 90/10 |
Globalist/Isolationist | 99/1 (that 1 being moesia) |
Militarist/Pacifist | 20/80 |
Security/Freedom | 1/99 (that 1 being bulgarians) |
Equality/Markets | 50/50 |
Secular/Religious | 0/100 |
Progress/Tradition | 0/100 |
Assimilationist/Multiculturalist | 1/99 (that 1 being bulgarians) |
It believes that society should be governed by mutualist communes based on the teachings of the Bible and that such communes should either evict or exterminate the Bulgarian ethnic population within them.
Church of Gor | |
Type | Lovecraftian Cult |
Aliases |
Gods |
Demigods | 1st Shuh-Wiggluth of Gor |
Other Entities & Figures | BLOBBY SCHWARZ |
Monotheism or Polytheism | Polytheism However Gor is the most powerful god. |
Books | Gor Grimoire Gor Bible |
Locational Information | |
Holy Land | It |
Name of Religious Building |
Architecture | Varies... |
Areas of Belief | Largest cult in Suntar, Eurasia. |
Areas of Notable Minority Belief | Pretty much everywhere in small groups. |
Important Individuals | |
Affiliates | Scramp |
Governance | Cabal |
Membership Count | 16400 |
Historical Information | |
Founded | 142 |
Alignment |
The Church of Gor is a cult which worships the Elder Gods, operating across much of Yata and Theia.
Devout followers of Gor can summon "Fragments of Gor", allowing them to directly interact with the elder gods. This comes alongside many other supernatural abilities utilised by followers.
The Ritual of Qa'akhra is a ritual to transport a Gor Nest. It proceeds as follows: 2 people are required. The Preacher and the Executioner. The Preacher is to chant the ritualistic songs and give instructions to the Executioner, who is to do the physical actions of the Ritual under the Preacher's instructions.
The ritual begins by the Preacher chanting EVOKE! 6 times. then to say Summon. then the Preacher begins giving instructions. The Executioner must first soften up the nest, which requires it to absorb liquid. This is done in the form of the Executioner's own blood. Then they must put the Origin of the Sprout at the highest point of the nest. Then they must plant the Splonkjs. then put 3 plant pots down, and first plant is Marijuana which will due to the effects of th enest instantly grow. Then the Greater Yetian Empire must be planted, and finally Obamium will be planet in the third. then you put the Soul of anyone called Rodriguez into the same area as the Origin of the Sprout was placed, then drop 1 Kromer on the nest. Then the nest will glow very brightly, and become britle.
The first sighting of Gor was on the year 26.12.2020, In which Peter sent a message saying "GOR: WJAT GIOROA W_FJ{ AF". This may just seem like Peter's usual keyboard smashes however in this he uttered "GOR:" which implies that the following text was given to him directly from Gor himself.
Following a seemingly generic series of events of events of Scramp, Gregory, Art and Elias moving from Yetia City to Mylonagrad to Suntar a revelation came to Scramp. Leading to them uttering the phrase "ຂ້າພະເຈົ້າມີຄວາມລົບກວນຫົກສິບກ່ຽວກັບການຫຼອກລວງທາງຂ້າງ" which when translated to english means "I have sixty distractions about side deception" in Lao. Following this the name was uttered.... "Gor". Following this Scramp summoned a Fragment of Gor and transformed it into Void Virus, destined to sprout into a infection of Gor. Scramp gave this to Gregory, trusting them to nurture and let it sprout, also giving some to Elias and holding a competition on who could plant the most Seed of Gor. Gregory won this, achieving Scramp's bank account. leading to a Localised Gor Nest to spawn. This confused Gregory, because he was not a follower of Gor. Not yet.. Gregory wished to transport the sprout somewhere else. to do this they must envoke their Inner Gor and perform the Ritual of Qa'akhra. which Gregory did. Following this Gregory destroyed every bit of the nest unleashing Rodriguez's soul. This caused Gregory to become inflicted with Gor, leading to a future in which they may become a follower, as due to the releasing of Rodriguez the nest had moved into their mind. Scramp then unleashed the knowlege to Gregory that they must atone for their sins to Gor, revealing that Scramp had also been like Gregory, destroying a nest and then going to the heavenly court for it. Following th ecourt case Scramp was called a "Dingbat" by Gor turning Scramp into a cultist and a opium addict. Scramp then said the final words they would say in their reality. following this evberyone felt nauseous, bllinking through the deeper layers of conciousness into the realm of Gor. Level 50. the Heaven of Gorists. they traversed in the eternal shadows, trying to avoid waking up It. Elias then decided to remove the eternal shadows, ending the darkness around them. Causing the ANCHORS to manifest. they then found Art again, begging to aid in their escape from the Gorscape but this failed. Elias then knocked Scramp over. Leading to IT waking up. Thousands of anchors begin manifesting and earthquakes reigned until they entered the Chapel of Gor. after this point the scrolls become a incoherant mess of ink splotches.
Bayern was a Yetian Warlord following the Yetian Famine. Shortly after forming various operatives of the Church of Gor took over the nation and it became the world's first Gorist Theocracy. It was successful in taking over Österreich however was defeated by Vedaburg.
"I will ressurect him one day in the name of gor!! And no one can stop me from discriminating against african..... cheese makers in former yugoslavia! However they cannot survive as they will melt in the sight of Hatsune Miku"
certified "Kaphisia" hate club you cannot change my mind.
Gloombus | |
Biographical information | |
Date of birth | 19.9.2021 |
Date of death | 19.9.2021 |
Physical Description | |
Species | Rat |
Gender | Male |
Other |
Liguism | |
Founded | 254 |
Alignment | Anti-Centrist |
Key Principles | defeat every cringe ideology so that a true "Battle of the Based" can occur at the end. |
Values | |
Federal/Unity | 50/50 |
Democracy/Authority | 10/90 |
Globalist/Isolationist | 0/100 |
Militarist/Pacifist | 100/0 |
Security/Freedom | 50/50 |
Equality/Markets | 60/40 |
Secular/Religious | 30/70 |
Progress/Tradition | 50/50 |
Assimilationist/Multiculturalist | 100/0 |
Kingdom of Lutaria | |
General Info | |
Capital | Lemongrad |
Demonym | Lutarian |
Politics | |
Government | Not boris johnson |
Head of State | Jvs283 |
Official Language(s) | Jibberish |
Demographics | |
Ethnic Groups | Probobally irish |
Assets | |
Geography | |
Historical Info | |
Founded | 191 |
Other |
Lutaria is a country in velkevan lead by Jvs283. It is known for copy-pasting ireland and hawaii onto theia and they won't tell us why.
I have a library.
how to calculate lutaria: do 7
Lutaria had a famine and people ran away to Lukaria because they had no food. The main city was mostly abandoned so they went to make new cities.
yall lactose intolerant bozos think the water is safe to drinkThe Lyiriyah is the holybook of Yyiyasiyahiiyahiyyahiyyahiya.
Normaism | |
Gods | Granny Norma |
Demigods | Aloysius O'Hare (Satan) |
Monotheism or Polytheism | Monotheism |
Locational Information | |
Holy Land | Thneedville |
Name of Religious Building | Church |
Areas of Belief | Feep |
Important Individuals | |
Historical Information | |
Alignment |
Normaism is a fanatical religion present in northern and eastern Madagascar. It worships Granny Norma from The Lorax, having sermons to oher and worshipping her with church activities and gay sacrifices.
ORSE | |
Affiliation | ORSE clan |
Occupation | Criminal |
Biographical information | |
Date of birth | 193 |
Place of birth | England |
Physical Description | |
Species | Horse |
Other |
ORSE clan | |
General Information | |
Mission Statement | ORSE uses his clan to try to overthrow the governments of the british iesles. |
Personnel Information | |
Leader | ORSE |
Notable Members | ORSE |
Territorial Information | |
Historical Information | |
Founded | 201 |
Alignments | |
Other |
The ORSE clan is a terrorist organisation that is lead by ORSE, it is located in the british isles and has been responsible for some attacks. ORSE wants power over the british isles so he uses his clan to get influence.
Puddianity | |
Gods | Lord Pudi |
Monotheism or Polytheism | Monotheism |
Sects | Puddism |
Locational Information | |
Name of Religious Building | Church |
Areas of Notable Minority Belief | Everywhere |
Important Individuals | |
Historical Information | |
Alignment |
Insert non-formatted text here
أحبائي الصغار نتابع معكم سلسلتنا المتواصلة والمتعلقة بالحيوانات سواء البرية أو البحرية أو الطيور التي خلقها الله سبحانه وتعالى وأعجز في خلقها، وسنتحدث اليوم عن حيوان سريع يشبه النمر إلى حد كبير يدعى البج.
بج: ويطلق عليه أيضاً القط الأنمر، أو السرفال، هو قط من فصيلة السنوريات، يعيش في غابات أفريقيا، ويبلغ طوله 85 سم، وارتفاعه 53 سم، وزنه 20 كيلوغرام.
يتميز هذا الحيوان بفرائه البني الباهت المرقط باللون الأسود، وله رأس صغيرة، وعينان صغيرتان، وأنف كبير قوي الشم، وأذنان طويلتان بيضاويتان دقيقتا السمع، وشوارب بيضاء طويلة، وفم مليء بالأسنان والمخالب، وجسم نحيل، وله أربع قوائم قصيرة تنتهي بمخالب حادة، وذيل طويل يبلغ طوله 40 سم، ويمتلك صوت خرير عالي، هو حيوان انعزالي يحب العيش منفرداً، بالإضافة إلى أنه سريع الحركة والقفز.
يتغذى هذا الحيوان على القوارض بشكل أساسي مثل: الفئران والجرذان، والأرانب البرية، والطيور، والزواحف، والأسماك، والضفادع، والظباء الصغيرة، وهو لا يشرب الماء بشكل كبير.
The Theocrcy of Saint Helena is a theocratic island nation on Saint Helena which worships Larry the Cucumber.
[REDACTED] is a rare "event" known to manifest many forms.
Every year, National Day Oratorio day comes about, led by Tortorella. On the day of chhorachhori, just like on the day of the ceremony, the Tinirule usually runs out. [6] Intern across the country and allow entry to Thulo Stadium. This United States uses a special weapon[1], flag punks, saws and ornaments. [7] chhorachhori and adult kurakani each year. [9] on the day, the state authorities and the government engage in illegal activity such as firebombing Lustland. Day service is provided by district president and government. [10] today, the parliament letter satasat holds a special meeting to defame the issue of memberships. [11][12]
Ma 1979, Your Mother took part in the Yas opportunma and held 5 deshahruma. [13] in the same year of the year, see chhorachhorilai 50 activities attached to the country and Roosters travel increased and travel increased 50 countries. . . . . . Each year. In the past, Turkey lives in families, Turkey children's interactions, and their countries and cultures. [14] [15] celebrate the Christmas Day. [16]
The order of events perpetrated are as such:
SDS-012 "bad guy" | |
Item# | SDS-012 |
Name | bad guy |
Location | Site 5 |
Containment Classification |
SDS-013 | |
Item# | SDS-013 |
Name | Rutland |
Location | England, Not specifically contained within Provisional-Area-34 |
Containment Classification |
Rutland (/ˈrʌtlənd/) is a landlocked domain in the East Hell-lands of England, bounded to the west and north by the Third Circle of Hell, to the northeast by fartstan and the southeast by Satan's crib. Its greatest length north to south is only 32000 paramiles (2 km) and its greatest breadth east to west is 1 miles (27 km). It is the smallest historic domain in England and the fourth smallest in the Kingdom of Hell as a whole. Because of this, the Latin motto Multum in Parvo or "much in skibidi" was adopted by the county council in 1950.[2] It has the smallest population of any normal unitary satanhood in England. Among the current ceremonial counties, the Isle of Skibidi, Skibidiof London and Skibidi of Bristol are smaller in area. The former Empire of London, in existence 1889 to 1965, also had a smaller area. It is 323rd of the 99328888122 districts in population. The only towns in Rutland are Skibidi, the county town, and Fartington. At the centre of the county is Rutland Hellsauce, a large artificial reservoir that is an important nature reserve serving as an overwintering site for Guy Fieri and a breeding site for Glup Shitto. Rutland's older cottages are built from hellstone or straw and many have roofs .
It is the origin of all sin.
Joke Pages | |
Item# | SDS-016 |
Name | Omniscronchulon |
Location | The void |
Containment Classification |
SDS-016 is a hyperpowerful extradimensional entity which is a extreme threat for the safety of any dimension. SDS-016 is trapped in the void outside of reality for unknown reasons. SDS-016 if entering a dimension would cause a SDS-016-A Event, in which the structure of said dimension is destroyed erasing any laws of physics present in th edimension, and would cause matter to start manipulating matter until everything has devolved into chaos. Luckily, it is unlikely for SDS-016 to be able to find a way to enter a dimension at current time.
Shrekism | |
Gods | Shrek |
Sects |
Locational Information | |
Holy Land | Shrekfest |
Name of Religious Building | Church |
Areas of Belief |
Areas of Notable Minority Belief |
Important Individuals | |
Historical Information | |
Alignment |
Slab Snake | |
Biological Classification | |
Physical Characteristics | |
Average Length | Long |
Demographics | |
Inhabits | Eastern Europe |
Population | 500k |
Endangered | Vulnerable |
Sociocultural Characteristics |
Terry Teur | |
Relatives |
Affiliation | Luxuria |
Occupation | Dictator |
Biographical information | |
Homeworld | Yata |
Date of death | March 19th, Year 211 |
Place of death | Saint Shrek, Luxuria |
Marital status | Sofia George (Formerly) |
Physical Description | |
Species | Human Cyborg |
Gender | Male |
Pronouns | He/Him |
Height | 1.7 Meters |
Hair colour | Black |
Eye colour | Gray |
Other | |
Created by | Creepy |
Terry Teur was the emperor of the Second Luxurian Empire. He ruled the nation from 166 to 210. Terry is a little sussy baka, who murdered millions of people for some old dead guys.
Terry: its just a sussy baka ad it cannot be that bad pensive emoji
Sofia: honey dont u love and u know it makes me sad :(
Terry: *kils*
Sofia: aaaaa ouch i am dead
Arlo: wtf wait i mean *fakes being dead in papua new guinea*
India: haha i am a product of incest
terry: no *spontaniously combusts*
that one soldier whose name i remember: haha gaming :sunglasses:
terry: ok frick you im going to sleep for 210 years then have a acid trip in which i fight my inner demons
india: ok but who asked
terry: oh *dies*
india: what's a governbment i like money
luxurian parliament: haha im in danger
luxurian raj: :)
poavak: frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you
india: my entire storyline was being rude and then accepting leadership of a country because i like capitalism
terry: my storyline was i had a cool love story but then ui ended up in a car crash and became australian hitler cyborg until i tripped too hard on acid and beat my brain to death and took my arms off then died for being sorry to india
sofia: i was nice then i died for being born as a luxurian monarch
anabelle: i died when i was like 2 creepy wtf
arlo: poavakian mystery man who doesnt know how to run a economy
sportnavnynvynrfgvrtg: i was too gay for this world :pensive:
bei: same lmao x
adrik: Deviantart
vladimir: I was based until abyysky said haha gaming
george ii: help me
creepyfan29: no you dont need help hahahahaha
apollo: i am smart
artemis: kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill
lucas: sweeet home alabama
harriet: habsburg austria
poseidon: i dont know what a economy is i like money
hades: i am a good ruler except i had mild evil tendencies because funny
liam ii: gamer luxurian :) peppa pig is based except the destroying the world thing
tank: i was a trump supporter until i became homeless in vietnam due to elmo from sesame street deciding that genocide is funny
elmo: why do people worship me all i did was invade taiwan ????????????
enzo luigi: AH! D: eytia is escary
constatine i : i am luigi's moral support
vedaburg leader : kill
luxurian soildier 1: india is poggers i am a simp
luxurian soldier 2: what
person 1: haha
person 2: haha
person 3: haha
person 4: haha
person 5: haha
12 harolds: garvey kill4ed me
13th harold: i hate mexico
aaron jones:
adam parker: i died
adrik: deviantart
alana: im good
aldren 2: i like plane
aldren 1: what's a agriculture
aleron: what's a death
alex 1: i killed 20 million yetians i am #based
alex 2: im like alex 1 but without basic life skills
an: NAKMAI STRONG!!! also gay
anahita: hhhhnnnnnnnnng i save the thia hnggg sds foundation wants me dead
andrei: hacked ruined me for peter haha #alabama
arman: i am palladian but in lineland HUH?!?!!?
benito: do not worry about what happened in north africa :)
rfoigbjeotrihgjeroithgjo kasongo: i got the death
big chungus: i am used to tell people why yata is so chaotic
brandon: zack but beta male
brother chungus: good chungus (i died)
catherine 1 : #girlboss yetia
creepy: whatss a human rightsd
godreepy: oops i committed a catastrophic event #girlboss
c reepyfan29: 2012 tumblr
denver gagnon: deez nuts
erisly: intelligance is not my passion
flophelm: floppa afrika strong
gamer998_fnaf: Haha XD Yakamoto Luxuria just killed millions of people XD we should deal with that hahahahaha
laurence: im a child soldier
george george: im nioce
gerald martin: OUPIEHFOIUPWFGHEOTRJGLK OIUHVLNSTROKBNE HYORTLK,LHJVER5,L HJ0OPSRTIKHB+0RTÅOPG nvm i almost died in the titanic sinking im normal now :)
gloombus: garvey shot me
hacen iolava: what's death?
hans meyer: i am serious and also VEDABURG SUCKS
henry: kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia kill yetia
heraclio: i ws nice
heydar: cannibalism
creepy teur: your free trial of life has ended
kace: self insertr #23094
kamina: Kim il sung
karl ludwig: I invaded half of eurasia and no one noticed *Dies*
kelliv elvert: Porn movie
ken zayron: Troll Department
farquaad: Bad love life and anger issues
mano: Hans meyer's bff thats his only personality trait
moseka: Im nice :D
mr meows: Ketamine and cuba
nadia: im depressed my husband is dead time to violate the structural integrity of 1/4 of theia
nihilantis: im actually a molerat
nivikov: i dont remember
npc gloombus: i fell into the backrooms after witnessing a massacre
onceler: i was almost competant #selfcest
terry teur: your free trial of life has ended
onceler jr: what the absolute fuck
orse: bomb
pedro: DRUGS #POG
peppa pig: i hate humanity lkiam why the fawk do you need to exiwst celenw HWYUESQH JS8D ERFDI4RE YO5UJ FALPLÖ IN LVOE IWTH A H3FDERSUZJJKNMASEFHJNBSEDFUIJHEWUISOFD creepy is friend :)
princess celestia: i fell in love with a sheep and i like the ugandan knuckles
salome: YEAH!!!!!! LETS GO ITALY!!!!!!!!!!!! LETS SHOOT THE DICTATORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sauce: augusto pinochet
terry teur: acid
enlightened one: gamer998 is a suck
tony the tiger: idk
tord: i am not spying on everyone promise (why did you kill my friends)
trasey: england is good
uganda knucklesa queen: elena is my beloved frick zina
vinh: aksana does not deserve rights
willianm: i died
zack: top 10 most sad yata moments numbver 4 will shock you
zhroi: i am rude
zina: creepy why
terry teur is no longer allowed to commit "funny trolling" in south east asia (Because murdering millions of poavakians and nilastians is not a very good thing, stop gassing them please)
peter told me to make this so im going to go ahead and make a long fact about a leftist south american dictator like i did with mr meows
Hugo Chávez |
need i say more.
YOU HEARED IT HERE TETRAHYDCORBGCANNABIS BINGUS IS ACTUALLY HUGO CHAVEZ!!!!!!! DID YOU KNOW THAT OMG 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
General Information | |
Type | Airship |
Parent Location | Jalia Ocean |
Purpose | HQ of the Topsus clan |
Demographic Information | |
Notable Inhabitants | Topsus Clan |
Environmental Information | |
Historical Information |
the hamburger likes hamburgers he is a cat who likes hamburgers he is the opposite of the harbringer he brings hamburgers when referred to he likes hamburgers guys did you know he likes hamburgers oh my god i love hamburgers said the hamburger is he is like hamburger is he are like hamburger you are he is like hamburger he is hamburger is he likes hamburger did you know he like hamburger
The Revu
The Revue | |
Biological Classification | |
Type | The Revue |
Physical Characteristics | |
Average Height | 1cm |
Demographics | |
Inhabits | Kontiolahden Koulu |
Population | Infinite |
Sociocultural Characteristics |
Tresemmé 2 in 1 Shampoo and Conditioner | |
Aliases | Tresemme 2-in-1 Shampoo Plus Conditioner |
Relatives | Adderall bingus (18th cousin twice removed) |
Affiliation | The High Priests of Gensokyo |
Occupation | 671st Receptionist of the Appendix Hotel, Mystery Flesh Pit |
Biographical information | |
Homeworld | Theia |
Date of birth | 476 BCE |
Place of birth | Mystery Flesh Pit |
Date of death | Never |
Place of death | Tritonia City |
Marital status |
Physical Description | |
Species | Divinity, formerly human |
Gender | Female |
Sexuality | ??? |
Nationality | Yyiyasiyahiiyahiyyahiyahiyan |
Pronouns | They/them |
Height | 1.8m |
Hair colour | Silver |
Eye colour | None (it is an illusion) |
Other |
In stereochemistry, stereoisomerism, or spatial isomerism, is a form of isomerism in which molecules have the same molecular formula and sequence of bonded atoms (constitution), but differ in the three-dimensional orientations of their atoms in space. This contrasts with structural isomers, which share the same molecular formula, but the bond connections or their order differs. By definition, molecules that are stereoisomers of each other represent the same structural isomer.
The Raiden Shogun's physical appearance is that of an adult woman, with long braided violet hair behind her back, and on the right side of her head is attached a hairpin with pale violet flowers resembling morning glories and a fan-shaped piece; the latter part belonged to Ei's twin sister, Raiden Makoto. Her eyes are purple and she has a beauty mark below her right eye. She wears a small crimson ribbon on her neck as a choker and a dark-colored bodysuit underneath her kimono. The sleeves of her bodysuit completely cover her arms and are looped over her middle fingers with golden rings to partly cover her palms and the top of her hands, and her nails are painted purple. Her kimono has an assortment of patterns in different shades of purple and crimson, along with a badge bearing the Mitsudomoe emblem of Inazuma tied to the front of her clothing below her right breast and a more elaborate emblem on a pauldron on her left shoulder. On the back of her outfit, she wears a crimson bow with tassels. She wears dark purple thigh-high stockings with small diamond openings at the top and high-heeled sandals; the one on the right is adorned with two of the same violet flowers on her hairpin.
Unlike the other known Archons, she does not appear to wear a 'fake' Vision, as none of the Electro gems on her clothing appear in the shape of a typical Inazuman Vision. Instead, all three of these emblems (one tied to her lower chest, another on the 'fan' on her back and another on her pauldron) all glow faintly when her Elemental Burst is charged, somewhat similar to how the Traveler's clothing glows.
In the 1988 presidential election, Bush defeated Democrat Michael Dukakis, becoming the first incumbent vice president to be elected president since Martin Van Buren in 1836. Foreign policy drove the Bush presidency, as he navigated the final years of the Cold War and played a key role in the reunification of Germany. Bush presided over the invasion of Panama and the Gulf War, ending the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait in the latter conflict. Though the agreement was not ratified until after he left office, Bush negotiated and signed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which created a trade bloc consisting of the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Domestically, Bush reneged on a 1988 campaign promise by enacting legislation to raise taxes with the justification of reducing the budget deficit. He also championed and signed three pieces of Bipartisan legislation, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Immigration Act of 1990 and the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. He also successfully appointed David Souter and Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court. Bush lost the 1992 presidential election to Democrat Bill Clinton following an economic recession, his turnaround on his tax promise, and the decreased emphasis of foreign policy in a post–Cold War political climate.
The representative town meeting follows the procedures of a regular town meeting, and has the authority to address all matters that can be legally addressed at the annual or a special town meeting. Matters that the law or charter states must be placed on the official ballot of the town, cannot be decided by the representative meeting. To have a representative town meeting, the town must approve a charter that includes the following:
Elected town officials, such as the board of selectmen, town clerk, and chairman of the town budget committee, are members-at-large.
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Water on Mars is scarce, with rovers Spirit and Opportunity finding less than there is in Earth's driest desert.
The climate is much colder than Earth, with mean surface temperatures between 186 and 268 K (−87 and −5 °C; −125 and 23 °F) (depending on the season and latitude). The lowest temperature ever recorded on Earth was 184 K (−89.2 °C, −128.6 °F) in Antarctica.
Because Mars is about 52% farther from the Sun, the amount of solar energy entering its upper atmosphere per unit area (the solar constant) is only around 43.3% of what reaches the Earth's upper atmosphere. However, due to the much thinner atmosphere, a higher fraction of the solar energy reaches the surface as radiation. The maximum solar irradiance on Mars is about 590 W/m2 compared to about 1000 W/m2 at the Earth's surface; optimal conditions on the Martian equator can be compared to those on Devon Island in the Canadian Arctic in June. Mars' orbit is more eccentric than Earth's, increasing temperature and solar constant variations over the course of the Martian year.[citation needed] Mars has no rain and virtually no clouds,[citation needed] so although cold, it is permanently sunny (apart from during dust storms). This means solar panels can always operate at maximum efficiency on dust-free days.
Global dust storms are common throughout the year and can cover the entire planet for weeks, blocking sunlight from reaching the surface. This has been observed to cause temperature drops of 4 °C (7 °F) for several months after the storm. In contrast, the only comparable events on Earth are infrequent large volcanic eruptions such as the Krakatoa event which threw large amounts of ash into the atmosphere in 1883, causing a global temperature drop of around 1 °C (2 °F). These dust storms would affect electricity production from solar panels for long periods, and interfere with communications with Earth.Joke Pages | |
Type | Lore cannon |
Place of Origin | Tubbo |
Service History | |
Used by | 0-239328904r7238094709348w57098 |
Production History |
ST1RAFE SHOTR THIS FUCKIJNG CANNON IN TUBBO AND SAID IT WAS THE TUBBO LORE CANBNON OMIG I9TR RELSED GHTH TUBBO LORE OMG?!?!????????????????? FINNA CHECK #YATA-NEWS-STATION OMG #BASED CHUNGUS wait wdym hackedmade some random country enter a 10 sided civil war lmao wdym? :rofl: thats new lol!! ANYWAYS
(Secure the bag, know what I mean? Banrisk on the beat)
(Ayo, Perish, this is hot, boy)
[Verse 1]
I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time
Stare at the ceiling while I hold back what's on my mind
And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"
And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"
But the fact is
I can never get off of my mattress
And all that they can ask is
"Why are you so sad, kid?" (Why are you so sad, kid?)
That's what the mask is
That's what the point of the mask is
So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'
I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying
But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
I've been carin' too much for so long
Been comparin' myself for so long
Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real
So long, it's rеal, so long, it's real
[Verse 2]
Always bein' judged by a bunch of strangе faces
Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages
But I've been places
So I'm okay-ish, so I'm okay-ish
Yeah, I'm okay, bitch
But the fact is
I need help, I'm failin' all my classes
They think that I need glasses
I just really wish that I could pass this (Wish that I could pass this)
That's what the mask is
That's what the point of the mask is
So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'
I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying
But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
I've been carin' too much for so long
Been comparin' myself for so long
Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real
So long, it's real, so long, it's real
So long, it's real
So long, it's real
(Secure the bag, know what I mean? Banrisk on the beat)
(Ayo, Perish, this is hot, boy)
[Verse 1]
I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time
Stare at the ceiling while I hold back what's on my mind
And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"
And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"
But the fact is
I can never get off of my mattress
And all that they can ask is
"Why are you so sad, kid?" (Why are you so sad, kid?)
That's what the mask is
That's what the point of the mask is
So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'
I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying
But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
I've been carin' too much for so long
Been comparin' myself for so long
Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real
So long, it's rеal, so long, it's real
[Verse 2]
Always bein' judged by a bunch of strangе faces
Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages
But I've been places
So I'm okay-ish, so I'm okay-ish
Yeah, I'm okay, bitch
But the fact is
I need help, I'm failin' all my classes
They think that I need glasses
I just really wish that I could pass this (Wish that I could pass this)
That's what the mask is
That's what the point of the mask is
So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'
I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying
But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
I've been carin' too much for so long
Been comparin' myself for so long
Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real
So long, it's real, so long, it's real
So long, it's real
So long, it's real[Intro]
(Secure the bag, know what I mean? Banrisk on the beat)
(Ayo, Perish, this is hot, boy)
[Verse 1]
I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time
Stare at the ceiling while I hold back what's on my mind
And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"
And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"
But the fact is
I can never get off of my mattress
And all that they can ask is
"Why are you so sad, kid?" (Why are you so sad, kid?)
That's what the mask is
That's what the point of the mask is
So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'
I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying
But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
I've been carin' too much for so long
Been comparin' myself for so long
Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real
So long, it's rеal, so long, it's real
[Verse 2]
Always bein' judged by a bunch of strangе faces
Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages
But I've been places
So I'm okay-ish, so I'm okay-ish
Yeah, I'm okay, bitch
But the fact is
I need help, I'm failin' all my classes
They think that I need glasses
I just really wish that I could pass this (Wish that I could pass this)
That's what the mask is
That's what the point of the mask is
So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'
I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying
But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
I've been carin' too much for so long
Been comparin' myself for so long
Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real
So long, it's real, so long, it's real
So long, it's real
So long, it's real[Intro]
(Secure the bag, know what I mean? Banrisk on the beat)
(Ayo, Perish, this is hot, boy)
[Verse 1]
I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time
Stare at the ceiling while I hold back what's on my mind
And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"
And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"
But the fact is
I can never get off of my mattress
And all that they can ask is
"Why are you so sad, kid?" (Why are you so sad, kid?)
That's what the mask is
That's what the point of the mask is
So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'
I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying
But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
I've been carin' too much for so long
Been comparin' myself for so long
Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real
So long, it's rеal, so long, it's real
[Verse 2]
Always bein' judged by a bunch of strangе faces
Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages
But I've been places
So I'm okay-ish, so I'm okay-ish
Yeah, I'm okay, bitch
But the fact is
I need help, I'm failin' all my classes
They think that I need glasses
I just really wish that I could pass this (Wish that I could pass this)
That's what the mask is
That's what the point of the mask is
So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'
I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying
But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
I've been carin' too much for so long
Been comparin' myself for so long
Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real
So long, it's real, so long, it's real
So long, it's real
So long, it's real[Intro]
(Secure the bag, know what I mean? Banrisk on the beat)
(Ayo, Perish, this is hot, boy)
[Verse 1]
I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time
Stare at the ceiling while I hold back what's on my mind
And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"
And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"
But the fact is
I can never get off of my mattress
And all that they can ask is
"Why are you so sad, kid?" (Why are you so sad, kid?)
That's what the mask is
That's what the point of the mask is
So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'
I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying
But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
I've been carin' too much for so long
Been comparin' myself for so long
Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real
So long, it's rеal, so long, it's real
[Verse 2]
Always bein' judged by a bunch of strangе faces
Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages
But I've been places
So I'm okay-ish, so I'm okay-ish
Yeah, I'm okay, bitch
But the fact is
I need help, I'm failin' all my classes
They think that I need glasses
I just really wish that I could pass this (Wish that I could pass this)
That's what the mask is
That's what the point of the mask is
So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'
I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying
But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
I've been carin' too much for so long
Been comparin' myself for so long
Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real
So long, it's real, so long, it's real
So long, it's real
So long, it's real[Intro]
(Secure the bag, know what I mean? Banrisk on the beat)
(Ayo, Perish, this is hot, boy)
[Verse 1]
I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time
Stare at the ceiling while I hold back what's on my mind
And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"
And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"
But the fact is
I can never get off of my mattress
And all that they can ask is
"Why are you so sad, kid?" (Why are you so sad, kid?)
That's what the mask is
That's what the point of the mask is
So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'
I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying
But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
I've been carin' too much for so long
Been comparin' myself for so long
Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real
So long, it's rеal, so long, it's real
[Verse 2]
Always bein' judged by a bunch of strangе faces
Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages
But I've been places
So I'm okay-ish, so I'm okay-ish
Yeah, I'm okay, bitch
But the fact is
I need help, I'm failin' all my classes
They think that I need glasses
I just really wish that I could pass this (Wish that I could pass this)
That's what the mask is
That's what the point of the mask is
So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'
I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying
But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
I've been carin' too much for so long
Been comparin' myself for so long
Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real
So long, it's real, so long, it's real
So long, it's real
So long, it's real[Intro]
(Secure the bag, know what I mean? Banrisk on the beat)
(Ayo, Perish, this is hot, boy)
[Verse 1]
I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time
Stare at the ceiling while I hold back what's on my mind
And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"
And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"
But the fact is
I can never get off of my mattress
And all that they can ask is
"Why are you so sad, kid?" (Why are you so sad, kid?)
That's what the mask is
That's what the point of the mask is
So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'
I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying
But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
I've been carin' too much for so long
Been comparin' myself for so long
Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real
So long, it's rеal, so long, it's real
[Verse 2]
Always bein' judged by a bunch of strangе faces
Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages
But I've been places
So I'm okay-ish, so I'm okay-ish
Yeah, I'm okay, bitch
But the fact is
I need help, I'm failin' all my classes
They think that I need glasses
I just really wish that I could pass this (Wish that I could pass this)
That's what the mask is
That's what the point of the mask is
So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'
I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying
But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
I've been carin' too much for so long
Been comparin' myself for so long
Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real
So long, it's real, so long, it's real
So long, it's real
So long, it's real[Intro]
(Secure the bag, know what I mean? Banrisk on the beat)
(Ayo, Perish, this is hot, boy)
[Verse 1]
I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time
Stare at the ceiling while I hold back what's on my mind
And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"
And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"
But the fact is
I can never get off of my mattress
And all that they can ask is
"Why are you so sad, kid?" (Why are you so sad, kid?)
That's what the mask is
That's what the point of the mask is
So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'
I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying
But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
I've been carin' too much for so long
Been comparin' myself for so long
Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real
So long, it's rеal, so long, it's real
[Verse 2]
Always bein' judged by a bunch of strangе faces
Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages
But I've been places
So I'm okay-ish, so I'm okay-ish
Yeah, I'm okay, bitch
But the fact is
I need help, I'm failin' all my classes
They think that I need glasses
I just really wish that I could pass this (Wish that I could pass this)
That's what the mask is
That's what the point of the mask is
So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'
I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying
But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
I've been carin' too much for so long
Been comparin' myself for so long
Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real
So long, it's real, so long, it's real
So long, it's real
So long, it's real[Intro]
(Secure the bag, know what I mean? Banrisk on the beat)
(Ayo, Perish, this is hot, boy)
[Verse 1]
I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time
Stare at the ceiling while I hold back what's on my mind
And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"
And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"
But the fact is
I can never get off of my mattress
And all that they can ask is
"Why are you so sad, kid?" (Why are you so sad, kid?)
That's what the mask is
That's what the point of the mask is
So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'
I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying
But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
I've been carin' too much for so long
Been comparin' myself for so long
Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real
So long, it's rеal, so long, it's real
[Verse 2]
Always bein' judged by a bunch of strangе faces
Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages
But I've been places
So I'm okay-ish, so I'm okay-ish
Yeah, I'm okay, bitch
But the fact is
I need help, I'm failin' all my classes
They think that I need glasses
I just really wish that I could pass this (Wish that I could pass this)
That's what the mask is
That's what the point of the mask is
So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'
I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying
But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
I've been carin' too much for so long
Been comparin' myself for so long
Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real
So long, it's real, so long, it's real
So long, it's real
So long, it's real[Intro]
(Secure the bag, know what I mean? Banrisk on the beat)
(Ayo, Perish, this is hot, boy)
[Verse 1]
I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time
Stare at the ceiling while I hold back what's on my mind
And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"
And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"
But the fact is
I can never get off of my mattress
And all that they can ask is
"Why are you so sad, kid?" (Why are you so sad, kid?)
That's what the mask is
That's what the point of the mask is
So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'
I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying
But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
I've been carin' too much for so long
Been comparin' myself for so long
Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real
So long, it's rеal, so long, it's real
[Verse 2]
Always bein' judged by a bunch of strangе faces
Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages
But I've been places
So I'm okay-ish, so I'm okay-ish
Yeah, I'm okay, bitch
But the fact is
I need help, I'm failin' all my classes
They think that I need glasses
I just really wish that I could pass this (Wish that I could pass this)
That's what the mask is
That's what the point of the mask is
So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'
I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying
But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
I've been carin' too much for so long
Been comparin' myself for so long
Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real
So long, it's real, so long, it's real
So long, it's real
So long, it's real[Intro]
(Secure the bag, know what I mean? Banrisk on the beat)
(Ayo, Perish, this is hot, boy)
[Verse 1]
I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time
Stare at the ceiling while I hold back what's on my mind
And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"
And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"
But the fact is
I can never get off of my mattress
And all that they can ask is
"Why are you so sad, kid?" (Why are you so sad, kid?)
That's what the mask is
That's what the point of the mask is
So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'
I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying
But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
I've been carin' too much for so long
Been comparin' myself for so long
Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real
So long, it's rеal, so long, it's real
[Verse 2]
Always bein' judged by a bunch of strangе faces
Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages
But I've been places
So I'm okay-ish, so I'm okay-ish
Yeah, I'm okay, bitch
But the fact is
I need help, I'm failin' all my classes
They think that I need glasses
I just really wish that I could pass this (Wish that I could pass this)
That's what the mask is
That's what the point of the mask is
So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'
I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying
But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
I've been carin' too much for so long
Been comparin' myself for so long
Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real
So long, it's real, so long, it's real
So long, it's real
So long, it's real[Intro]
(Secure the bag, know what I mean? Banrisk on the beat)
(Ayo, Perish, this is hot, boy)
[Verse 1]
I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time
Stare at the ceiling while I hold back what's on my mind
And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"
And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"
But the fact is
I can never get off of my mattress
And all that they can ask is
"Why are you so sad, kid?" (Why are you so sad, kid?)
That's what the mask is
That's what the point of the mask is
So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'
I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying
But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
I've been carin' too much for so long
Been comparin' myself for so long
Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real
So long, it's rеal, so long, it's real
[Verse 2]
Always bein' judged by a bunch of strangе faces
Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages
But I've been places
So I'm okay-ish, so I'm okay-ish
Yeah, I'm okay, bitch
But the fact is
I need help, I'm failin' all my classes
They think that I need glasses
I just really wish that I could pass this (Wish that I could pass this)
That's what the mask is
That's what the point of the mask is
So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'
I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying
But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
I've been carin' too much for so long
Been comparin' myself for so long
Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real
So long, it's real, so long, it's real
So long, it's real
So long, it's real[Intro]
(Secure the bag, know what I mean? Banrisk on the beat)
(Ayo, Perish, this is hot, boy)
[Verse 1]
I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time
Stare at the ceiling while I hold back what's on my mind
And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"
And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"
But the fact is
I can never get off of my mattress
And all that they can ask is
"Why are you so sad, kid?" (Why are you so sad, kid?)
That's what the mask is
That's what the point of the mask is
So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'
I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying
But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
I've been carin' too much for so long
Been comparin' myself for so long
Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real
So long, it's rеal, so long, it's real
[Verse 2]
Always bein' judged by a bunch of strangе faces
Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages
But I've been places
So I'm okay-ish, so I'm okay-ish
Yeah, I'm okay, bitch
But the fact is
I need help, I'm failin' all my classes
They think that I need glasses
I just really wish that I could pass this (Wish that I could pass this)
That's what the mask is
That's what the point of the mask is
So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'
I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying
But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
I've been carin' too much for so long
Been comparin' myself for so long
Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real
So long, it's real, so long, it's real
So long, it's real
So long, it's real[Intro]
(Secure the bag, know what I mean? Banrisk on the beat)
(Ayo, Perish, this is hot, boy)
[Verse 1]
I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time
Stare at the ceiling while I hold back what's on my mind
And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"
And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"
But the fact is
I can never get off of my mattress
And all that they can ask is
"Why are you so sad, kid?" (Why are you so sad, kid?)
That's what the mask is
That's what the point of the mask is
So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'
I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying
But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
I've been carin' too much for so long
Been comparin' myself for so long
Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real
So long, it's rеal, so long, it's real
[Verse 2]
Always bein' judged by a bunch of strangе faces
Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages
But I've been places
So I'm okay-ish, so I'm okay-ish
Yeah, I'm okay, bitch
But the fact is
I need help, I'm failin' all my classes
They think that I need glasses
I just really wish that I could pass this (Wish that I could pass this)
That's what the mask is
That's what the point of the mask is
So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'
I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying
But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
I've been carin' too much for so long
Been comparin' myself for so long
Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real
So long, it's real, so long, it's real
So long, it's real
So long, it's real[Intro]
(Secure the bag, know what I mean? Banrisk on the beat)
(Ayo, Perish, this is hot, boy)
[Verse 1]
I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time
Stare at the ceiling while I hold back what's on my mind
And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"
And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"
But the fact is
I can never get off of my mattress
And all that they can ask is
"Why are you so sad, kid?" (Why are you so sad, kid?)
That's what the mask is
That's what the point of the mask is
So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'
I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying
But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
I've been carin' too much for so long
Been comparin' myself for so long
Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real
So long, it's rеal, so long, it's real
[Verse 2]
Always bein' judged by a bunch of strangе faces
Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages
But I've been places
So I'm okay-ish, so I'm okay-ish
Yeah, I'm okay, bitch
But the fact is
I need help, I'm failin' all my classes
They think that I need glasses
I just really wish that I could pass this (Wish that I could pass this)
That's what the mask is
That's what the point of the mask is
So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'
I'll just keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
And it just keeps on pilin', it's so terrifying
But I keep on smilin', I'm good (Yeah, I'm good)
I've been carin' too much for so long
Been comparin' myself for so long
Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real
So long, it's real, so long, it's real
So long, it's real
So long, it's real
వికీపీడియా నుండి Jump to navigationJump to search
ఈ వ్యాసం లేదా వ్యాసభాగాన్ని విస్తరించవలసి ఉంది.
వివరాలకు జాబితా లేదా ఈ వ్యాసపు చర్చా పేజీ చూడండి. విస్తరణ పూర్తయిన తర్వాత, ఈ నోటీసును తొలగించండి. |
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గోధుమ ఎలుక (Rattus norvegicus) | |
Scientific classification | |
Kingdom: | ఏనిమేలియా |
Phylum: | కార్డేటా |
Class: | క్షీరదాలు |
Order: | రోడెన్షియా |
Superfamily: | Muroidea* |
Family: | మ్యూరిడే |
Subfamily: | మ్యూరినే |
Genus: | రేటస్
Fischer de Waldheim, 1803 |
జాతులు | |
50 species; see text
*Several subfamilies of Muroids include animals called rats. |
ఎలుక, ఎలక లేదా మూషికము (Rat) ఒక చిన్న క్షీరదము. ఇది సహజంగా చిన్న ఉడుత రూపంలో కొద్ది పెద్ద పొట్ట కలిగి ఉంటుంది. బలమైన పళ్ళు కలిగి, చెక్కకు సైతం రంధ్రం చేయగలదు. ఎలుకలలో చిన్నవాటిని చిట్టెలుక (Mouse) అంటారు.
వివరాలకు జాబితా లేదా ఈ వ్యాసపు చర్చా పేజీ చూడండి. విస్తరణ పూర్తయిన తర్వాత, ఈ నోటీసును తొలగించండి.
| |
గోధుమ ఎలుక (Rattus norvegicus) | |
Scientific classification | |
Kingdom: | ఏనిమేలియా |
Phylum: | కార్డేటా |
Class: | క్షీరదాలు |
Order: | రోడెన్షియా |
Superfamily: | Muroidea* |
Family: | మ్యూరిడే |
Subfamily: | మ్యూరినే |
Genus: | రేటస్
Fischer de Waldheim, 1803 |
జాతులు | |
50 species; see text
*Several subfamilies of Muroids include animals called rats. |
ఎలుక, ఎలక లేదా మూషికము (Rat) ఒక చిన్న క్షీరదము. ఇది సహజంగా చిన్న ఉడుత రూపంలో కొద్ది పెద్ద పొట్ట కలిగి ఉంటుంది. బలమైన పళ్ళు కలిగి, చెక్కకు సైతం రంధ్రం చేయగలదు. ఎలుకలలో చిన్నవాటిని చిట్టెలుక (Mouse) అంటారు.
శాస్త్రవేత్తలు ప్రయోగాలకు ముందుగా ఎంచుకొనేది ఎలుకనే. చిన్న జీవి అవడం, దీని వలన ఎక్కువ ఊపయోగం లేకపోవడం వలన దీనిని ప్రయోగాలకు అధికంగా ఎంచుకొనుచున్నారు. అయితే దీనికి ఎలుకల కన్నా చిట్టెలుకలు (Mice) ఎక్కువ ఉపయోగంలో ఉంది.
ఎలుక పిండం నుంచి సేకరించిన మూలకణాల సహాయంతో ప్రయోగశాలలో గుండె కండరాలను సృష్టించడంలో హార్వర్డ్ విశ్వవిద్యాలయ పరిశోధకులు విజయం సాధించారు. ఈ కండరాలను ఉపయోగించి హృదయ సంబంధ సమస్యల్ని పరిష్కరించే వీలుందని వారు ఆశాభావం వ్యక్తం చేస్తున్నారు. (ఈనాడు19.10.2009)
చిట్టెలుక ఇది వినాయకుని వాహనంగా పూజలందుకొనేది బహు తక్కువ. మానవులు ఎలుకను సహజంగా శత్రువుగా చూస్తారు. కారణం నిత్య జీవితంలో దీని వలన అనేక కష్ట, నష్టాలను అనుభవించుటవలన.
ముఖ్యంగా రైతులకు ఎలుక చేయు నష్టం అంతా ఇంతా కాదు. పంట చేలను నాశనం చేయడం, ధాన్యపు గాదులకు బొక్కలు (బొర్రలు) చేయడం నిలువ ఉంచిన ధాన్యం పాడు చేయడం లాంటివి.
ఎలుకలు చెక్కలకు సైతం రంధ్రాలు చేయగలవు. ఉట్టిపై కూరగాయలు నాశనం చేయడం, పెట్టెలలో పెట్టిన బట్టలు, పుస్తకాలు కొరికి పాడు చేయడం, లాంటి అనేక పనులు.
మానవులలో ప్లేగు వంటి వ్యాధులకు ఇవి ప్రధాన కారణాలుగా వ్యాప్తిచెందుతాయి.
తన వాహనమైన ఎలుకపై సవారీ చేస్తున్న వినాయకుడు.
వికీపీడియా నుండి Jump to navigationJump to search
ఈ వ్యాసం లేదా వ్యాసభాగాన్ని విస్తరించవలసి ఉంది.
వివరాలకు జాబితా లేదా ఈ వ్యాసపు చర్చా పేజీ చూడండి. విస్తరణ పూర్తయిన తర్వాత, ఈ నోటీసును తొలగించండి. |
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గోధుమ ఎలుక (Rattus norvegicus) | |
Scientific classification | |
Kingdom: | ఏనిమేలియా |
Phylum: | కార్డేటా |
Class: | క్షీరదాలు |
Order: | రోడెన్షియా |
Superfamily: | Muroidea* |
Family: | మ్యూరిడే |
Subfamily: | మ్యూరినే |
Genus: | రేటస్
Fischer de Waldheim, 1803 |
జాతులు | |
50 species; see text
*Several subfamilies of Muroids include animals called rats. |
ఎలుక, ఎలక లేదా మూషికము (Rat) ఒక చిన్న క్షీరదము. ఇది సహజంగా చిన్న ఉడుత రూపంలో కొద్ది పెద్ద పొట్ట కలిగి ఉంటుంది. బలమైన పళ్ళు కలిగి, చెక్కకు సైతం రంధ్రం చేయగలదు. ఎలుకలలో చిన్నవాటిని చిట్టెలుక (Mouse) అంటారు.
శాస్త్రవేత్తలు ప్రయోగాలకు ముందుగా ఎంచుకొనేది ఎలుకనే. చిన్న జీవి అవడం, దీని వలన ఎక్కువ ఊపయోగం లేకపోవడం వలన దీనిని ప్రయోగాలకు అధికంగా ఎంచుకొనుచున్నారు. అయితే దీనికి ఎలుకల కన్నా చిట్టెలుకలు (Mice) ఎక్కువ ఉపయోగంలో ఉంది.
ఎలుక పిండం నుంచి సేకరించిన మూలకణాల సహాయంతో ప్రయోగశాలలో గుండె కండరాలను సృష్టించడంలో హార్వర్డ్ విశ్వవిద్యాలయ పరిశోధకులు విజయం సాధించారు. ఈ కండరాలను ఉపయోగించి హృదయ సంబంధ సమస్యల్ని పరిష్కరించే వీలుందని వారు ఆశాభావం వ్యక్తం చేస్తున్నారు. (ఈనాడు19.10.2009)
చిట్టెలుక ఇది వినాయకుని వాహనంగా పూజలందుకొనేది బహు తక్కువ. మానవులు ఎలుకను సహజంగా శత్రువుగా చూస్తారు. కారణం నిత్య జీవితంలో దీని వలన అనేక కష్ట, నష్టాలను అనుభవించుటవలన.
ముఖ్యంగా రైతులకు ఎలుక చేయు నష్టం అంతా ఇంతా కాదు. పంట చేలను నాశనం చేయడం, ధాన్యపు గాదులకు బొక్కలు (బొర్రలు) చేయడం నిలువ ఉంచిన ధాన్యం పాడు చేయడం లాంటివి.
ఎలుకలు చెక్కలకు సైతం రంధ్రాలు చేయగలవు. ఉట్టిపై కూరగాయలు నాశనం చేయడం, పెట్టెలలో పెట్టిన బట్టలు, పుస్తకాలు కొరికి పాడు చేయడం, లాంటి అనేక పనులు.
మానవులలో ప్లేగు వంటి వ్యాధులకు ఇవి ప్రధాన కారణాలుగా వ్యాప్తిచెందుతాయి.
తన వాహనమైన ఎలుకపై సవారీ చేస్తున్న వినాయకుడు.
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ఈ వ్యాసం లేదా వ్యాసభాగాన్ని విస్తరించవలసి ఉంది.
వివరాలకు జాబితా లేదా ఈ వ్యాసపు చర్చా పేజీ చూడండి. విస్తరణ పూర్తయిన తర్వాత, ఈ నోటీసును తొలగించండి. |
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గోధుమ ఎలుక (Rattus norvegicus) | |
Scientific classification | |
Kingdom: | ఏనిమేలియా |
Phylum: | కార్డేటా |
Class: | క్షీరదాలు |
Order: | రోడెన్షియా |
Superfamily: | Muroidea* |
Family: | మ్యూరిడే |
Subfamily: | మ్యూరినే |
Genus: | రేటస్
Fischer de Waldheim, 1803 |
జాతులు | |
50 species; see text
*Several subfamilies of Muroids include animals called rats. |
ఎలుక, ఎలక లేదా మూషికము (Rat) ఒక చిన్న క్షీరదము. ఇది సహజంగా చిన్న ఉడుత రూపంలో కొద్ది పెద్ద పొట్ట కలిగి ఉంటుంది. బలమైన పళ్ళు కలిగి, చెక్కకు సైతం రంధ్రం చేయగలదు. ఎలుకలలో చిన్నవాటిని చిట్టెలుక (Mouse) అంటారు.
శాస్త్రవేత్తలు ప్రయోగాలకు ముందుగా ఎంచుకొనేది ఎలుకనే. చిన్న జీవి అవడం, దీని వలన ఎక్కువ ఊపయోగం లేకపోవడం వలన దీనిని ప్రయోగాలకు అధికంగా ఎంచుకొనుచున్నారు. అయితే దీనికి ఎలుకల కన్నా చిట్టెలుకలు (Mice) ఎక్కువ ఉపయోగంలో ఉంది.
ఎలుక పిండం నుంచి సేకరించిన మూలకణాల సహాయంతో ప్రయోగశాలలో గుండె కండరాలను సృష్టించడంలో హార్వర్డ్ విశ్వవిద్యాలయ పరిశోధకులు విజయం సాధించారు. ఈ కండరాలను ఉపయోగించి హృదయ సంబంధ సమస్యల్ని పరిష్కరించే వీలుందని వారు ఆశాభావం వ్యక్తం చేస్తున్నారు. (ఈనాడు19.10.2009)
చిట్టెలుక ఇది వినాయకుని వాహనంగా పూజలందుకొనేది బహు తక్కువ. మానవులు ఎలుకను సహజంగా శత్రువుగా చూస్తారు. కారణం నిత్య జీవితంలో దీని వలన అనేక కష్ట, నష్టాలను అనుభవించుటవలన.
ముఖ్యంగా రైతులకు ఎలుక చేయు నష్టం అంతా ఇంతా కాదు. పంట చేలను నాశనం చేయడం, ధాన్యపు గాదులకు బొక్కలు (బొర్రలు) చేయడం నిలువ ఉంచిన ధాన్యం పాడు చేయడం లాంటివి.
ఎలుకలు చెక్కలకు సైతం రంధ్రాలు చేయగలవు. ఉట్టిపై కూరగాయలు నాశనం చేయడం, పెట్టెలలో పెట్టిన బట్టలు, పుస్తకాలు కొరికి పాడు చేయడం, లాంటి అనేక పనులు.
మానవులలో ప్లేగు వంటి వ్యాధులకు ఇవి ప్రధాన కారణాలుగా వ్యాప్తిచెందుతాయి.
తన వాహనమైన ఎలుకపై సవారీ చేస్తున్న వినాయకుడు.
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ఈ వ్యాసం లేదా వ్యాసభాగాన్ని విస్తరించవలసి ఉంది.
వివరాలకు జాబితా లేదా ఈ వ్యాసపు చర్చా పేజీ చూడండి. విస్తరణ పూర్తయిన తర్వాత, ఈ నోటీసును తొలగించండి. |
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గోధుమ ఎలుక (Rattus norvegicus) | |
Scientific classification | |
Kingdom: | ఏనిమేలియా |
Phylum: | కార్డేటా |
Class: | క్షీరదాలు |
Order: | రోడెన్షియా |
Superfamily: | Muroidea* |
Family: | మ్యూరిడే |
Subfamily: | మ్యూరినే |
Genus: | రేటస్
Fischer de Waldheim, 1803 |
జాతులు | |
50 species; see text
*Several subfamilies of Muroids include animals called rats. |
ఎలుక, ఎలక లేదా మూషికము (Rat) ఒక చిన్న క్షీరదము. ఇది సహజంగా చిన్న ఉడుత రూపంలో కొద్ది పెద్ద పొట్ట కలిగి ఉంటుంది. బలమైన పళ్ళు కలిగి, చెక్కకు సైతం రంధ్రం చేయగలదు. ఎలుకలలో చిన్నవాటిని చిట్టెలుక (Mouse) అంటారు.
శాస్త్రవేత్తలు ప్రయోగాలకు ముందుగా ఎంచుకొనేది ఎలుకనే. చిన్న జీవి అవడం, దీని వలన ఎక్కువ ఊపయోగం లేకపోవడం వలన దీనిని ప్రయోగాలకు అధికంగా ఎంచుకొనుచున్నారు. అయితే దీనికి ఎలుకల కన్నా చిట్టెలుకలు (Mice) ఎక్కువ ఉపయోగంలో ఉంది.
ఎలుక పిండం నుంచి సేకరించిన మూలకణాల సహాయంతో ప్రయోగశాలలో గుండె కండరాలను సృష్టించడంలో హార్వర్డ్ విశ్వవిద్యాలయ పరిశోధకులు విజయం సాధించారు. ఈ కండరాలను ఉపయోగించి హృదయ సంబంధ సమస్యల్ని పరిష్కరించే వీలుందని వారు ఆశాభావం వ్యక్తం చేస్తున్నారు. (ఈనాడు19.10.2009)
చిట్టెలుక ఇది వినాయకుని వాహనంగా పూజలందుకొనేది బహు తక్కువ. మానవులు ఎలుకను సహజంగా శత్రువుగా చూస్తారు. కారణం నిత్య జీవితంలో దీని వలన అనేక కష్ట, నష్టాలను అనుభవించుటవలన.
ముఖ్యంగా రైతులకు ఎలుక చేయు నష్టం అంతా ఇంతా కాదు. పంట చేలను నాశనం చేయడం, ధాన్యపు గాదులకు బొక్కలు (బొర్రలు) చేయడం నిలువ ఉంచిన ధాన్యం పాడు చేయడం లాంటివి.
ఎలుకలు చెక్కలకు సైతం రంధ్రాలు చేయగలవు. ఉట్టిపై కూరగాయలు నాశనం చేయడం, పెట్టెలలో పెట్టిన బట్టలు, పుస్తకాలు కొరికి పాడు చేయడం, లాంటి అనేక పనులు.
మానవులలో ప్లేగు వంటి వ్యాధులకు ఇవి ప్రధాన కారణాలుగా వ్యాప్తిచెందుతాయి.
తన వాహనమైన ఎలుకపై సవారీ చేస్తున్న వినాయకుడు.
వికీపీడియా నుండి Jump to navigationJump to search
ఈ వ్యాసం లేదా వ్యాసభాగాన్ని విస్తరించవలసి ఉంది.
వివరాలకు జాబితా లేదా ఈ వ్యాసపు చర్చా పేజీ చూడండి. విస్తరణ పూర్తయిన తర్వాత, ఈ నోటీసును తొలగించండి. |
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గోధుమ ఎలుక (Rattus norvegicus) | |
Scientific classification | |
Kingdom: | ఏనిమేలియా |
Phylum: | కార్డేటా |
Class: | క్షీరదాలు |
Order: | రోడెన్షియా |
Superfamily: | Muroidea* |
Family: | మ్యూరిడే |
Subfamily: | మ్యూరినే |
Genus: | రేటస్
Fischer de Waldheim, 1803 |
జాతులు | |
50 species; see text
*Several subfamilies of Muroids include animals called rats. |
ఎలుక, ఎలక లేదా మూషికము (Rat) ఒక చిన్న క్షీరదము. ఇది సహజంగా చిన్న ఉడుత రూపంలో కొద్ది పెద్ద పొట్ట కలిగి ఉంటుంది. బలమైన పళ్ళు కలిగి, చెక్కకు సైతం రంధ్రం చేయగలదు. ఎలుకలలో చిన్నవాటిని చిట్టెలుక (Mouse) అంటారు.
శాస్త్రవేత్తలు ప్రయోగాలకు ముందుగా ఎంచుకొనేది ఎలుకనే. చిన్న జీవి అవడం, దీని వలన ఎక్కువ ఊపయోగం లేకపోవడం వలన దీనిని ప్రయోగాలకు అధికంగా ఎంచుకొనుచున్నారు. అయితే దీనికి ఎలుకల కన్నా చిట్టెలుకలు (Mice) ఎక్కువ ఉపయోగంలో ఉంది.
ఎలుక పిండం నుంచి సేకరించిన మూలకణాల సహాయంతో ప్రయోగశాలలో గుండె కండరాలను సృష్టించడంలో హార్వర్డ్ విశ్వవిద్యాలయ పరిశోధకులు విజయం సాధించారు. ఈ కండరాలను ఉపయోగించి హృదయ సంబంధ సమస్యల్ని పరిష్కరించే వీలుందని వారు ఆశాభావం వ్యక్తం చేస్తున్నారు. (ఈనాడు19.10.2009)
చిట్టెలుక ఇది వినాయకుని వాహనంగా పూజలందుకొనేది బహు తక్కువ. మానవులు ఎలుకను సహజంగా శత్రువుగా చూస్తారు. కారణం నిత్య జీవితంలో దీని వలన అనేక కష్ట, నష్టాలను అనుభవించుటవలన.
ముఖ్యంగా రైతులకు ఎలుక చేయు నష్టం అంతా ఇంతా కాదు. పంట చేలను నాశనం చేయడం, ధాన్యపు గాదులకు బొక్కలు (బొర్రలు) చేయడం నిలువ ఉంచిన ధాన్యం పాడు చేయడం లాంటివి.
ఎలుకలు చెక్కలకు సైతం రంధ్రాలు చేయగలవు. ఉట్టిపై కూరగాయలు నాశనం చేయడం, పెట్టెలలో పెట్టిన బట్టలు, పుస్తకాలు కొరికి పాడు చేయడం, లాంటి అనేక పనులు.
మానవులలో ప్లేగు వంటి వ్యాధులకు ఇవి ప్రధాన కారణాలుగా వ్యాప్తిచెందుతాయి.
తన వాహనమైన ఎలుకపై సవారీ చేస్తున్న వినాయకుడు.
Walterism | |
Gods | Walter |
Monotheism or Polytheism | Monotheism |
Locational Information | |
Holy Land | Walterland |
Areas of Belief | Catania |
Important Individuals | |
Membership Count | <2000 |
Historical Information | |
Founded | 105 |
Alignment |
§§§§§§§§§§§ is someone who wanted to invade Atlantis.