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Cryptobranchus Sapiensoris
Biological Classification
Common NameYomtach
Scientific NameCryptobranchus Sapiensoris
Physical Characteristics
Average Height3 Meters
Skin ColourWhite
Hair ColourBlack
Respiratory GasOxygen
Locomotive MethodBipedal
  • Tall
  • Is not capable of pronouncing most human words
  • Muscular
  • Small patches of dark hair
  • Clawed feet
Average Lifespan81 Years
Endemic toAmazon Rainforest
Population83 Million
EndangeredNear Vulnerable
Sociocultural Characteristics
IntelligenceSentient, Sapient
HabitatRainforests (Originally)

Yomtachs (Cryptobranchus Sapiensoris) are a species of Amphibians which are descended from a South American now extinct species of Cryptobranchidae, with its closest living relative being the Cryptobranchus alleganiensis, and closest known extinct relative being Andrias Matthewi, as of now any closer relatives have not been found. They are semi-aquatic as in the past they hunted in the rivers of the Amazon Rainforest. They nowadays are less-dependant on water however still require higher amounts than Humans. Yomtachs also lay around 50 eggs at once.


Their heads hang down from the neck and are far more flexible than humans. Yomtachs have small patches of black hairs which are thought to have in the past been used for noticing fish brushing past them. They have gills on the lower part of their neck and have claw-like feet. They are typically 3-4 meters tall.


Yomtachs distinguish themselves into Clans in which the strongest male takes charge as the chief. These usually consist of a group of Yomtachs spanning from the population, having around 1000-20000 members each. If neighbouring clans are under threat they often form a Clan Union such as Nuan Krovh. These clans elect their leader via a Council known as the Kghyrjaeg, with this elected leader being known as the High Chief, making the clan union have the prefix of "High Chiefdom of..." an example of this is the High Chiefdom of Asclan.


Ancient Era

Yomtachs have existed for a long time, as the oldest fossil of a genetically-modern Yomtach have been found at 143000 BCE at oldest. These have all been found in the central parts of the Amazon River Basin. This has lead to agreement that Yomtachs originated from the Amazon Rainforest. In which the oldest clans have also been found. Yomtachs spread across the americas much like Humans did afro-eurasia.

Humans and Yomtachs first came into contact with eachother in 16943 BCE in what is now known as southern Spisos. They were initially friendly to eachother, co-oporating in the hunting of the Ancientfolk. However this amiability was not to last because due to unknown reasons the Yomtachs and Humans entered into the Human-Yomtach War. Yomtachs and Humans fought relentlessly from 15638 BCE to 15081 BCE in which Humans decided to punish and blame the Yomtachs for what they had done. In this they began mass-killing the Yomtachs. Remaining survivors escaped to secluded areas or underground with many estaping to the Kaurian Archipeligo, Greenland or the jungles of Luxurian New Guinea.

Re-emergence Era

The most notable of these clans was Asclan. Which re-emerged in the early modern era aproximately 15 CE. In which they attempted to destroy the human nations of the time, They were however defeated and forced to escape to a new island. They escaped to the islands of Wrangel and Bermuda.

In the year 84 Asclan war discovered again, in which their base on Bermuda was raided and destroyed. this angered them causing them to charge across from their settlement on Wrangel Island. In which they conquered vast swaths of Asia and North America. They killed any humans they saw as a quest for revenge that had been caused upon them. They were eventually defeated because Spisos managed to convince a yomtach that humanity has become better and no longer wipes out species due to conflicts. These ideals spread across the invading forces causing the split of the yomtachs into the Anti-Human sect and the Pro-Human sect with a majority being Pro-Human.

The Pro-Human sects joined and settled human nations or set up their own clans in territories. This also lead to the creation of Yomlish, the second language of Yomtachs. In this they primarily make up the construction and manual labour parts of jobs due to their size and strength. They also joined in on human sports with a football team in yetia known as Porgtohtz, 2 in sipedro known as Noisiced and Htmard and a team in england known as Yohteat. A rugby team was also made in Luxuria known as Ylmlac Krovh. These were also the first nations to accept Yomtachs into their nations. With Sipedro being the most accepting.

Sizzle was not very accepting of them, trying to shut down clans forming in Mongolia and Manchuria. Arresting any who try to enter. Lineland agreed with this, because neither wanted Yomtachs to enter them due to the Second Human-Yomtach War.

During the Luxurian Purge the yomtachs in Luxuria formed a clan union known as the high chiefdom of Ahteat tnes noihsaf. They accepted humans to join and became the de-facto governing body in the outback during the purge. In this they tried to signal to the international community that they needed help, however due to their location being inland in the mountains between Alice Springs and Siglaf they were primarily unaided. During the confrontation between John I and Terry Teur (Creepy) 3 Yomtachs came in to savbe John. Because of this help John's last dying with was to legalise Yomtach settlement in Sizzle.

Shortly after this the clan union of Nuan Krovh was formed, because Scandimar threatened genocide if they did not leave Scandinavia. Nuan Krovh denied this, leading to Scandimar leading a army and destroying the Yomtach villages in the region. Nuan Krovh however eventually began winning battles and defeated Scandimar's army, leading to a unofficial white peace. After this Scandimar tried to offer a one country 2 systems policy with the ally clan of Nuan Krovh, this being Yumranrujg. This failed however so Scandimar marched in and defeated Yumranrujg, whose survivors went to Nuan Krovh. In Response the Nuan Krovh move up to Malmå and begin stratergising a defence or attack against Scandimar. This causes Scandimar to feel threatened and launch a second invasion of Nuan Krovh. In this war Scandimar was victorious and took over Nuan Krovh, forcing Nuan Krovh to go into caves.

During the outbreak of Hansen's Disease Yomtachs were immune, so they helped Humans stay safe from the virus.

During a clan-war in New Guinea a general known as General Esuap was mortally wounded by a explosion, he was a strategic genious often called the greatest stratergist in history. His remains were taken by Big Chungus who turned him into a cyborg general for his new Second Yetian Empire. In which he was the Field Marshal of the Yetian Military during World War 5 and was in charge of the Yetia City Garrison. After the defeat in the war he escaped to Nuan Krovh, which he became the leader of in a coup. Because of what Big Chungus was doing to Yomtachs he joined the Anti-Human sect of Yomtachs and eventually joined up with Asclan and Yomtachia as the "Council of 3" which was the leadership of the Anti-Human sect.

Quatritonia, as a response to what Scandimar was doing in Nuan Krovh sailed to the Amazon and took 5000 Yomtachs to Velodoland for protection. Im saod terrotpru tjeor edicatopm was increased, allowing them to use more modern technology. In this the first Yomtach Military Divisions were made.

The Tritonian Yomtachs, which gained independance as the nation of Yomtachia were contacted by Asclan. In which they partnered up. Yomtachia intervened in the Tritonian War of Succession, annexing all of Tritonia and starting the Third Human-Yomtach War. Yomtachia then invaded Yetia, taking it over after assuming overlordship of the Yetian Yomtach Clans. High Chief Gus was put in charge of the nation. He was however removed from office by Yomtachia because Gus was incompetant, he was replaced by Uz'Wei. Then they attempted to retake Yata from the Humans and Pro-Human Yomtachs but failed after Spisos caused another spike in Pro-Human sentiment. The Human and Pro-Human Yomtachs manage to win the Third Human-Yomtach war and the "Council of 2" (Nuan Krovh hadn't joined yet) are exiled to a cave in Greenland.

General Esuap at this point had seized control of Nuan Krovh and joined the Council of 3. This caused Nuan Krovh to become expansionist and invade northern europe, which was met by the Iujado which managed to fight eachother to a stalemate. Nuan Krovh eventually left for Greenland to have its people along with the Council of 3 ready for their plans to take place.

During the brief period of Humans not existing on Yata due to Nihilantis, Anti-Human Yomtachs seized control of Yata, however this didn't last for long as they were swiftly forced back into Greenland.

After a while of inactivity the Anti-Human Yomtachs re-emerged for the Fifth Human-Yomtach War. Also known as the Yomtach Occupation or the Insurgency. In this the Yomtachs swarmed Yata, Finally taking it over as human remnants fought to retake Yata. They struggled for freedom for a while as Yomtachia Asclan and Nuan Krovh carved up Yata. This era ended due to Asophania setting the world's mostly abandoned laser array grid to Regenerate, and inserting genome changes to affect Yomtachs. This was launched causing 98% of Yomtachs to become instantly and permanently paralised. Ending Yomtachia and Asclan and killing off the leadership of Nuan Krovh as most survivors were in underground areas or sizzle. After this Yomtachs have struggled to regain their population and avoid notice by Asophania's genocide with them recovering from their previous 2 million survivors to 30 million.

Recovery Era

Following the catastrophic loss of life during the Second Yomtach Genocide, Yomtachs have struggled to regain any semblance of legitimacy in the world, with a few exceptions such as the nation of Nuarsakh.

A radical group in Sizzle got inspired by the YTA's space-arks, and over the span of 11 years constructed their own via crowdfunding. This was known as the Yomtach Exodus Project, which was finally, completed and launched in 323, arriving in the Sooz System in the mid rim of the galaxy, forming the nation of Ahteat-Keirhs. Following this a largescale Yomtach rights movement sprung up across Yata, with the Rogalk-Vad group spearheading this movement.