First Human-Yomtach War

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Year: 15638 BCE - 15081 BCE
First Human-Yomtach War
Date15638 BCE - 15081 BCE
OutcomeHuman Victory

First Human-Yomtach War was an irregular conflict that occurred in the distant, distant past of Yata's ancient history that had no clear "frontlines" or "soldiers" but was instead a slow series of confrontations and battles between Yomtachs and Humans as a whole when both of them were still largely hunter gatherers.

The war started approximately 1400 years after humans and Yomtachs made first contact with the threat of the Ancientfolk keeping both of them from fighting each other. The fighting broke out after a series of violent disputes near Northern Cascadia leading to violence. The word of this violence slowly spread from person to person leading to all out fighting between both sides leading to a truly horrifying war where nearly everyone who physically could fight was fighting.

The conflict lasted for 557 years and ended in a Human Victory as Humanity punished the Yomtachs by driving them into near extinction with the survivors going into hiding. Yomtachs primarily escaped to the deep jungles of the Amazon and New Guinea however the most notable group retreated into the glaciers in the north in which they had rarely dared to travel due to the extreme conditions. In there they settles in caves and oases of no glaciation. They remained there until the Second Human-Yomtach War began.

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