Linelandic Revolution

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Year: 66
Linelandic Revolution
OutcomeYakutia Government emerges victorious, Linelandic Empire established.

Due to a majority of Lineland's population now residing within its colonies of Linelandic Bergen and Linelandic Russia, unrest against the Tasmania-centric Linasburg Dynasty grew to the point of becoming a crisis as the Rus established the 'Yakutia Government', quickly occupying the major port city of Vanino as the Linelandic army and navy prepared alongside the Waclaw Protectorate to crack down on the revolt, which rapidly began spreading throughout its colonial territories. Linelandic forces quickly landed in the port of Kholodok and marched south, pushing back the rebel forces in Russia while Bergen quickly succumbed to the uprising. Despite its initial successes, a major rebel counteroffensive lead to the destruction of most government, forcing the government to put further funds into the war leading to more uprisings throughout the 'home territories', with the most notable of these being an uprising in Melbourne. Despite a desperate last stand in Linasburg and Kholodok, the rebel forces eventually came on top as the royal family fled to Yetia to escape the newly formed Linelandic Empire.

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