Ancient History

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Ancient History is a Team Project, meaning it is a collaborative page specifically designed to have input from multiple people.
Full Chronological Timeline Ancient HistoryExtinction of the AncientfolkFirst Human-Yomtach WarAncient HistoryThe Great Sleep (The Great Dream) • Lost ArchivesRising tensionsThe Empire WarsKalevian War of IndependenceCatherian eraLater Empire WarsFirst Void War - AftermathDiscovery of the EirnicsEighth Yetian RevolutionBeginning of the Eirnic-Yetia PartnershipSecond England WarVoid Energy DealInformation found about The Giver3 Day WarYetian ReformFounding of PoavakLuxurian InvestigationPoavak-Manzheboyi WarNew Empire WarEirnic Controversy and Alpine InvestigationNinth Yetian RevolutionTreaty of UkraineLiquimCzecho-Hungaria ConflictThe SnapWorld War 1Treaty of Taipei57 Scandimarian ElectionWaclaw Independence ReferendumYetian War of IndependenceThe ReversalEstablishment of Linelandic RussiaYetian Refugee CrisisThird England WarRed Leader's Investigation of YARSFourth England WarAbardean-Sizzlean WarLuxurian Military Base RaidYetian Wars of ReconquestThe PlagueKorean War of IndependenceEstablishment of ChorosLinelandic RevolutionWorld War 2Red Leader's collaboration with DragoTwelfth Yetian Civil WarProclamation of the Luxurian EmpireLuxurian-Spinese WarLuxurian-Sizzlean WarLuxurian-Abardean WarLuxurian-Linelandic WarSizzlean RevolutionWorld War 313th Yetian Civil WarSizzlean Succession CrisisSecond Abardean-Sizzlean WarPoavakian War of IndependenceFifth England WarLuxurian RestorationSpinese-Celtic WarYorican RevolutionBeginning of the Hongerswakan-Sarpistani AllianceDiscovery of NarakamHybrite Invasion of Yetia14th Yetian Civil War & Second Linelandic-Yetian WarNorth Italian War of IndependenceRed Leader's attack on YataDiscovery of the NLEYetian Constitutional CrisisSixth England WarSecond Sizzlean-Yetian WarLinelandic-Sizzlean WarSeventh England WarSizzlean-Yetian Acts of UnionAssassination of O;)(♤《ojn¤¤(♤▪️《○0《9♤(jinsjimxSYE-Waclaw WarSYE-Utsong WarInvestigation into the NLEChristmas RebellionSYE-Abard WarEighth England WarLuxurian Agent InterviewIslandian Civil WarWorld War 4A tale of a Sipedroan SoldierKatie Johnroo's Musical CareerDeath of Pedro El FiestaSecond Yetian War of IndependenceSizzlean Reunification WarExpansion of WalesRestoration of EnglandDiscovering the Empire of YataYear 81 IconicDragons-Pepperoni Rugby Match12 Day WarOperation Thunder & Operation SandstrikeSarpistani Civil WarInvestigating GreenlandYatan-Human ConflictDeposition of Henry El FiestaSecond Linelandic Civil WarSpinese Assassination AttemptSecond Human-Yomtach WarLuxurian PurgeScandimarian-Yumranrujg WarScandimarian-Nuan Krovh WarNLE-Luxurian WarWaclaw-British War15th Yetian Civil WarYetian Subjugation of AbardHarsens Disease OutbreakPortal IncidentThird Yetian-Kalevian WarSecond North Italian War of IndependenceKyrif Rogalk - Ahteat Tnes Ranrujg WarPatrky's RevolutionSecond Luxurian-Spinese WarRed Leader's Second Attack on YataAlicorn Civil WarSecond Scandimarian-Nuan Krovh WarEstablishment of PetoriaWorld War 5

{TIMESKIP DUE TO WIP}The InsurgencyOperation: Red MessiahAdriatic WarDivine ResurgenceTenno's TravelsFROM DUSK TO DAWN IN MIYAKI

Ancient History Extinction of the AncientfolkFirst Human-Yomtach WarThe Great Sleep
Skantos History Ancient History
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Ancient History of the Yata Universe.

Yata Ancient History

Everything that happened on Yata/Earth until 1 CE.

  • 7,840,630 Million BCE: A alien civilisation known as the Kaieuhth-Urhn Empire visits Yata and the moon. They attempted to colonise the planet, however eventually left due to setbacks in the colonisation efforts.
  • 2,073,203 Million BCE ~ The Ancient Tortoises gain sentience, beginning their civilisation.
  • 1,992,938 Million BCE : The Ancient Tortoises are wiped out during the Pliocene–Pleistocene boundary extinction event.
  • 16943 BCE: First contact between Humans and Yomtachs occurs in Alaska.
  • 16127 BCE: Most other intelligant Yatan species go extinct due to Yomtach and Human activity and attacks
  • 15638 BCE: Human and yomtach tribes enter into conflict over the planet, starting the Human-Yomtach war
  • 15081 BCE: The ending of the human yomtach war leads to the near extinction of the Yomtach species, forcing the survivors underground
  • 14325 BCE: The first recorded case of sleeping sickness.
  • ~11000 BCE: A nation known as the Hyacinthan Kingdom of Earth existed. This nation believed in the Hyacinthyte Faith and was sometimes known as the Hyacin Dynasty.
  • 9483 BCE: The rise of the Ancient Elemental Nations of Yata begins.
  • 9643 BCE: Beginning of the Alicorn Kingdom
  • 9400 BCE: Beginning of the Khat Society and the Yomtach Remnant tribes of: Nuan Krovh, Rtejh Ahteat, Asclan, Yomech, Khul and Trepjhe
  • 8701 BCE: The "golden age" of the Elemental Nations begins.
  • 3998 BCE: The Library of Eden is discovered.
  • 3996 BCE: The Library of Eden (Organization)'s branch on Yata is founded.
  • 3974 BCE: The Illuminati is founded in Valheim.
  • 3954 BCE: The Elemental Nations begin collapsing as people mysteriously begin losing faith in the gods.
  • 3456 BCE: The final remnants of the Elemental nations collapses.
  • 3013 BCE: The Tirarall discover and settle on the island of Annwn.
  • 2800 BCE: The Kingdom of Targoltos is founded, being a fundamentalist iranic state based out of the Altai mountains.
  • 2340 BCE: A confederation of tribes is founded on the coasts of the Volga river, known as the Volgan Confederation
  • 1900 BCE: The Kingdom of Targoltos transitions into the 'Tarqalan Empire', taking on its more well known expansionist and militarist traits.
  • 1854 BCE: the Hyacin Dynasty engaged in war against the Tarqalan Empire, in the Hyacinthan-Apollyonic War (1854 BCE).
  • 1832 BCE: After continuous fighting, the Tarqalans destroyed the Hyacin Dynasty with pure military force.
  • 1748 BCE: The Tarqalan Empire engages in war with the Volgan Confederation
  • 1600 BCE: Rise of the Mesopian and Sindu societies in Sarpistan and Synora
  • 1599 BCE: Rise of the Benghazi Society in Jeriya, Hel Society in Judea and Mycena Society in Choros.
  • 1595 BCE: Rise of the Sinai Civilisation
  • 1594 BCE: Rise of the Ajad Civilisation
  • 1589 BCE: Beginning of the Minorchon Civilisation
  • 1583 BCE: Blocha Civilisation
  • 1582 BCE: Beginning of the Uttrakhand, Lhasa and Khotanite civilisations
  • 1580 BCE- Beginning of the Syrani
  • 1579 BCE: Founding of the Yetai Empire
  • 1578 BCE: Rise of the Lhasa Empire
  • 1548 BCE: Founding of the Sekljuyan Civilisation
  • 1523 BCE: Founding of Zhonguo
  • 1503 BCE: The Tarqalan Empire is defeated by the Yetai Empire, temporarily pushing it out of central asia.
  • 1479 BCE: Zhonguo is conquered by Yetai
  • 1359 BCE: Yetai empire reaches its height
  • 1295 BCE: Zantozacoria was founded.
  • 1254 BCE: The Zhou uprising, which lead to Zhonguo regaining its independance as the Zhou Dynasty
  • 1230 BCE: Collapse of the Yetai Empire into East and West
  • 1228 BCE: The Kingdom of Anglia is founded
  • 1222 BCE: Founding of Yakamoto
  • 1203 BCE: The Kingdom of Telaka rebels from the East Yetai Empire
  • 1189 BCE: Eastern Yetai empire is dissolved and yetais in the east return to tribal life
  • 1183 BCE: The Tarqalan Empire reconquers much of Central Asia
  • 1175 BCE: Anglia expands across the British Isles
  • 1174 BCE: The Tirarall collapse, leading to Annwn falling under the control of the Fae.
  • 1157 BCE: Founding of the Chorosian city states of; Choros, Athenia, Moria, Doniya, Thrace and Constantinia.
  • 1123 BCE: An early probe of the Artificial Intelligence HAWK makes contact with Humanity. Consequently HAWK instates an espionage organisation under its care which would later become known as the Order of the Metal Mind.
  • 1098 BCE: Doniyan-Chorosian wars began in which Doniya fought multiple wars against Choros
  • 1068 BCE: Founding of Anhayas
  • 1056 BCE: Choros was conquered by Doniya
  • 1038 BCE: Atheno-Doniyan war occured.
  • 1023 BCE: Athenia was annexed by doniya after a victory in the war.
  • 1018 BCE: Kingdom of Telaka conquers most of india and the Yetai homelands, reforming itself into the Kingdom of Yata
  • 1011 BCE: Christianity is founded.
  • 998 BCE: Moria was conquered by Doniya
  • 974 BCE: Doniya defeated remaining West Yetai holdings in Choros.
  • 973 BCE: Inchyrosian empire formed by the Kingdom of Doniya, beginning to expand into Asia.
  • 970 BCE: Saccharos founded by Berber Merchants
  • 969 BCE: Thrace was conquered by Inchyros
  • 957 BCE: Constantinia-Inchyros wars began
  • 948 BCE: Constantinia annexed into Inchyros
  • 941 BCE: Kingdom of Roma founded, that was located in Italy
  • 937 BCE: Inchyros pushed Niedermitia and Zantozacoria out of the balkans
  • 927 BCE: Beginning of the Inchyros Eastern campaign against Enhayas, Mesopia and Aertha
  • 923 BCE: Inchyros eastern campaign complete by annexing all target nations. such as Aertha and Anhayas
  • 915 BCE: Founding of the Holy Niedermitian Empire
  • 907 BCE: Polish Explorers start a settlement the South American continent
  • 902 BCE: Inchyros fought a brief war with Zantozacoria over control of the south caucasus and won.
  • 900 BCE: Beginning of the Skonskavatse raiders
  • 892 BGE: The Knightly Order of Christ is formed.
  • 888 BCE: The Tarqalan Rump State is conquered by Zantozacoria following its expansion eastward after defeat by Inchyros.
  • 879 BCE: Founding of Wales
  • 874 BCE: Western Yetai empire is crushed in a war with the Inchyrosians, Survivors migrate to what is now known as yetia and mix in with locals making the first ‘Yetians’
  • 863 BCE: Founding of Prusia
  • 854 BCE: Founding of Anglia and Scotland
  • 847 BCE: The Empire of Apothelis secedes from Inchyros in a civil war.
  • 832 BCE: Final collapse of final parts of Inchyros, Leading to the Independance of many successor states leaded by former generals, Such as the nations of Apothelis, Mikros, Synora, Seleucia, Pontus, Constantinia, Erimos, Kathatar and (Khat
  • 813 BCE: Founding of Franchia
  • 808 BCE: Anhayas declares its independance from Pontus
  • 803 BCE: The Tarqalan Empire is destroyed by the Post-Inchyrosian State of Kathatar.
  • 789 BCE: Founding of Eire
  • 773 BCE: Eastern Franchia conquered by the Neo-Yetai State
  • 771 BCE: The Kingdom of Yata defeats the Tarqalan Empire in East Turkestan, seizing control over it
  • 764 BCE: Duchy of yetia founded
  • 763 BCE: The Kingdom of Pontus reaches its territorial height after the Pontus-Constantinian Wars
  • 754 BCE: The Kingdom of Yata is reorganized into the Yatan Empire following a series of military victories.
  • 748 BCE: Founding of the Apartian Caliphate
  • 747 BCE: The Tarqalan Empire collapses due to internal strife following a series of military defeats and losses of land
  • 745 BCE: To mitigate the spread of sleeping sickness, Zantozacoria invents the protein suppressor, a type of pill which corrects protein folding abnormalities which cause the sickness.
  • 723 BCE: Kingdom of Lineland founded
  • 702 BCE: Kingdom of Luxuria founded
  • 701 BCE: Alpesia secedes from Niedermitia
  • 698 BCE: Lineland-Yetia war, Duchy of yetia annexed by lineland
  • 690 BCE: Beginning of the Skye Empire
  • 689 BCE: Scotland conquers Eire
  • 688 BCE: Spisos founded
  • 685 BCE: The Knightly Order of Christ is disbanded by papal order.
  • 648 BCE: Founding of the Neo-Inchyros Empire by the successor state of Seleucia
  • 644 BCE: Niedermitia is dissolved
  • 637 BCE: Linelandic Empire formed
  • 633 BCE: Kathatar is founded by a mix of former Apothileans and Uzbeks
  • 632 BCE: Prusia forms the Empire of Niedereich
  • 630 BCE: Beginning of the Spinese-Luxurian Alliance
  • 627 BCE: Kingdom of Roma was invaded and Annexed by Lineland
  • 589 BCE: Neo-Inchyros Empire is dissolved in its attempts to restore the long lost empire, Most of seleucia is partitioned.
  • 565 BCE: Sultanate of Apartia formed
  • 473 BCE: The first spacecraft is launched.
  • 461 BCE: Sultanate of (South) Aparty secedes from Apartia. Apartia collapses shortly after
  • 443 BCE: Skye reaches its territorial height across the andes
  • 432 BCE: The Linelandic-Luxurian Wars
  • 420 BCE: First instance of the word “swag” written.
  • 419 BCE: Polish South America, now known as Nova Polska engages several wars against the other South American nations using paratech-enhanced soldiers, though they are eventually defeated. Nova Polska attempts to escape into space with a primitive stasis ship.
  • 398 BCE: Levantine Union gains independance from seleucia, Meanwhile apothelis manages to steal seleucia’s eastern land
  • 348 BCE: Sarpistan defeats Seleucia in a war and manages to take much of their eastern territory
  • 337 BCE: A world war happens between Yata's and Apothelis's allies. the Yatan Empire lost the war and lost much of its territories.
  • 333 BCE: Yatan Civil war breaks out, the confederalists overthrow the government. South Sizzle, Burma, Dai Viet and Bharat secede.
  • 328 BCE: Linelandic Colonial War begins in Nusantara.
  • 326 BCE: Abardean Liberation Movement declares insurrection in Gaidheil Ur against the apartheid system lead by Alban Colonists
  • 325 BCE: Xhosa declares itself to be a part of the ALM
  • 325 BCE: Franchia, Roma and Niederland intervene in the Linelandic Colonial War to stop warcrimes in the war.
  • 324 BCE: Lineland loses the Linelandic Colonial War, and the Linelandic East Indies are dissolved. Lineland scedes some bordering territories to Franchia, Roma and Niederland.
  • 324 BCE: the resurgent Yatan Empire invades Apothelis.
  • 323 BCE: The "East Indies Federation" is formed by Kalimantan and Sulawesi.
  • 323 BCE: Gaidheil Ur is defeated by Xhosa and the ALM. Forming the nation of Abard, with capetown and sizzle island remaining as part of a nation known as "Kaapstat"
  • 321 BCE: The Yatan Empire defeats and annexes Apothelis
  • 320 BCE: Semirechye's Bandits begin attacking Uighurstan
  • 319 BCE: An economic crisis ruins Zantozacoria, and many of the pharmaceutical factories shut down as people flock to neighbouring Zapadoslavia for work.
  • 318 BCE: Cases of sleeping sickness begin to rise, and the ill are quarantined in “dormitories”, large sleeping sickness colonies.
  • 317 BCE: the State of Guangdong rises in rebellion against south sizzle. This movement is absorbed by Sizzle leading to South Sizzle declaring war on Sizzle.
  • 315 BCE: Sizzle annexes South Sizzle
  • 313 BCE: Zapadoslavia Scandimar and Litva invade Niederland
  • 311 BCE: Niederland is defeated.
  • 310 BCE: Semirechye is annexed by Uighurstan.
  • 307 BCE: Khuree Uls conquers some borderlands from Mantetsu
  • 306 BCE: the Yatan Empire invades Zantozacoria. Managing to capture Volzhskiy.
  • 305 BCE: The Sleeping Sickness pandemic begins after the colonies grow full and the virus infects unsustainable amounts of people due to a shortage in protein suppressing pills that stops the prion from spreading due to factory closures.
  • 304 BCE: The Yatan Empire's invasion attempt of Zantozacoria collapses as the sleeping sickness overwhelms their forces spreading into the entire empire, causing it to collapse.
  • 301 BCE: Remnants of the Yatan Empire escape into space, and migrate to Vesta in ships.
  • 300 BCE: Remnants of humanity set up a redoubt in the Atlantic Ocean, named “Mei’ra”
  • 300 BCE: Mei’ra launches a distress satellite into space, called Project Stellar Saviour, hoping it can be intercepted by intelligent life.
  • 300 BCE: The sleeping sickness pandemic infects the last human, rendering everyone into a coma. Humans who discovered Mei’ra manage to survive.
  • 290 BCE: Polsk Colony gets turned around, and heads back for Alpha sol.
  • 276 BCE: The Nihilist Iujado arrive on Yata, but they find the entire planet to be asleep. After realising their sentience, they decide to preserve the species as a slave race, and they set up mining colonies while they try to awaken the humans. Albeit, humans would not wake up for nearly 300 years, so the Iujado resorted to manual labour themselves to mine void energy.
  • 271 BCE: The Stellar Saviour satellite passes the termination shock of Alpha Sol. Mei’ra discovers slight errors as a result, but the satellite keeps on moving.
  • 270 BCE: After SS 1 passed Alpha Sol’s termination shock, SS 2 is launched.
  • 269 BCE: SS 2 is intercepted by an Iujado frigate. They investigate it and continue launching it on it’s course as to not cause aggression with Mei’ra.
  • 263 BCE: Having been contaminated by Iujados, the now non-sterile SS 2 crashes on Titan while using Saturn as a gravitational slingshot to interstellar space. Life on Titan suddenly transforms after coming into contact with Iujado DNA.
  • 255 BCE: SS 1 passes the Sol system’s heliopoint. This causes serious damages and sends the satellite off course.
  • 254 BCE: First contact is made between the NI and Mei’ra Humans. Good relations were exchanged, but Mei’ra suddenly entered full lockdown and activated both shield AND cloaking as soon as the Iujado left the location. The Iujado never returned after this point.
  • 252 BCE: Mei’ra loses contact with Stellar Saviour One. Its fate is unknown to this day.
  • 215 BCE: All historical documents about Ancient Yata are eradicated by the Iujado.
  • 195 BCE: The Carpathian mountains are flattened in search for shallow primordial void energy deposits to supplement the Nihilantis entity. Palladia would later be built here.
  • 188 BCE: An expedition from the Alicorn Kingdom was sent to what would become Scotland, though they would never return.
  • 10 BCE: A Mei’ran espionage mission is sent to Tritoniyagrad, infiltrating the Iujado, to retrieve the source genetic code for a hidden sleeping sickness treatment. They take it back to develop a medication that can revive the sleeping.Testing it on humans was disastrous: 90% died and the 10% that survived were mentally damaged in such a way they were hostile towards normal people and incredibly arachnophobic. They were exiled in a secluded part of Mei’ra until the nurses and the patients would board a ship nearly 150 years later and set up in the ruins of West Floria Louisiana, nowadays called Sanatorium.
  • 3 BCE: The first sleeping human “Patient Zero” wakes up in Islandia. This was proven to be an anomaly.
  • 1 CE: Unbeknownst to Yatans, Stellar Saviour crosses the heliosheath of Beta Sol ready for a slingshot.

Theia & Doluro Ancient History

Everything that happened on Theia and Doluro until 115 CE.

  • 23093 BCE: The "Theian" Species gains sentience, originating from the south coast of the Gulf of Osnoa.
  • 12854 BCE: Beginning of Nations
  • 5042 BCE: Beginning of the "Age of the Great Wars"
  • 5041 BCE: Great tensions across Theia
  • 5023 BCE: First Great War
  • 4934 BCE: Second Great War
  • 4758 BCE: Third Great War
  • 4698 BCE: Fourth Great War
  • 4648 BCE: Fifth Great War
  • 4553 BCE: Sixth Great War
  • 4432 BCE: Final Great War
  • 4401 BCE: The Theian Gods begin taking charge of nations and consolidating them into more unified ones to prevent wars on Theia
  • 4329 BCE: The Theian Gods complete consolidating together the warring nations of Theia, unifying them into divinity-lead nations to stop the bloodshed
  • 4328 BCE: Official beginning of the Elemental Nations in Theia
  • 3600 BCE: Each Theian Species diverges from each-other due to the influence of Elemental Energy reacting to them in different ways.
  • ~2400 BCE: An early probe of the Artificial Intelligence known as HAWK arrives at Theia. Consequently HAWK instates an espionage organisation among it population known as the "Dark-chosen eyes". Remnants of said organisation would later merge with the Order of the Metal Mind after Theia was settled by Humanity.
  • 601 BCE: Bejriks arrive on Theia
  • 456 BCE: Beginning of the Kanar-Bejrik war, over influence of the entirety of theia
  • 375 BCE: The East Baiameans, who the Bejriks had discovered, began to migrate to Theia and worship Pilirin.
  • 297 BCE: Battling in Q’nar, capital of Kanar begins during the Kanar-Bejrik war
  • 283 BCE: Kanar loses the Kanar-Bejrik war
  • 276 BCE: Nihilantis, Hydro Archon, goes rogue and unleashes his rage upon Theia, ending pre-Cataclysm Theia.
  • 276 BCE: As a last resort, the Iujado attempted to save Theia and all its inhabitants by ejecting it into interstellar space (towards Yata) after Nihilantis went rogue. The Iujado blow up their home star and additionally they boost Theia’s travel to save as many as possible, creating the Q’nar crater in the process. As they tried to save Doluro, the command ships were boarded and only a weak shot was made, sending it on a slower trajectory. The Iujado on the command ships were taken hostage and used as genetic material for a Nihilist clone army which would travel to Yata 400 years ahead of time and colonise the planet.
  • 274 BCE: Until this point, the combination of Theia’s power plants had sustained the ahead-of-its-time planetary climate system. The Ingalina power plant suffers a catastrophic meltdown, disturbing the grid and depriving it of 75% of its energy. The climate system fails. plunging Theia into an eternal winter known as the “Alephis Epoch.”
  • 228 BCE: According to the Tritons, all other life on Theia had gone extinct by this point.
  • 87 BCE: Nova Polska's stasis ship which had left Yata several centuries prior meets the Rogue Theia by accident, crashing onto its surface. Due to the cold during this era the Stasis Pods do not unfreeze, and manage to remain secure until being opened by bandits in the late 100s.

Corecent Ancient History

Milky Way Galaxy Ancient History

Everything that happened in the Milky Way until 310 CE.

  • ~90,000,000 BCE: The Kings gained their 'current' highly powerful abilities at a cost to their immortality.
  • ~80,000,000 BCE: The first Galaxy, Galactus Supreme gains his title.
  • ~50,000,000 BCE: The Space Giraffes are created by the Kings in an experiment.
  • 19,365,009 BCE: The Sollurian Species gains sentience.
  • 19,363,072 BCE: The Sollurian Script is made.
  • 19,345,030 BCE: The Solar Empire is formed on Sollus, rapidly expanding outwards
  • 1,230,030 BCE: The Solar Empire at this point had destroyed and absorbed most major galactic civilisations, and thus shifting away from ultramilitarism and focusing more on holding its current territories, leading to the so called "Techno-Scientific Golden Age" in the Milky Way.
  • 1,095,302: The Varinn Confederacy is formed in what is now known as "Unknown Space", proving itself to be a worthy enemy of the Solar Empire, whom it manages to defeat in some engagements.
  • 1,014,193 BCE: Solar Standard becomes the dominant language across much of the galaxy.
  • 763,950 BCE: The Ancient Weapon located on Oueste-Glar is constructed by the Solar Empire for an unknown purpose.
  • 643,240 BCE: The Solar Empire slowly begins its decline, mostly due to internal factors and a series of military defeats to the Varinn Confederacy.
  • 469,430 BCE: The Qu Empire launches its first invasion of the Milky Way, pushing in from the Galactic "North" deep into the Solar Empire.
  • 468,984 BCE: The Qu Empire is defeated by the The Current Galaxy and Solar Empire after a costly campaign.
  • 461,304 BCE: As the Solar Empire's decline accelerates from the costly First Qu Invasion, the Solar Senate approves the division of the empire into 4 self-managing quadrants
  • 459,993 BCE: The Gamma-Quadrant section of the Solar Empire falls apart due to internal pressure due to the vast damage caused by the First Qu Invasion and the expansion of the Varinn Confederacy into the region.
  • 459,102 BCE: The Beta-Quadrant section of the Solar Empire falls apart due to the rise of various separatist species.
  • 458,422 BCE: The Alpha-Quadrant section of the Solar Empire falls apart due to the instability of the Beta-Quadrant spreading into it, albeit allowing for several minor rump states and warlords to remain for some time.
  • 457,948 BCE: The Delta-Quadrant section of the Solar Empire mostly falls apart due to the rampant instability caused by the collapsing empire and the expanding Varinn Confederacy
  • 457,607 BCE: The Solar Empire completely collapses, leading to the Galactic Dark Ages as technological advancement declines.
  • 394,032 BCE: The remaining Sollurian Rump-States and Warlords die out.
  • 393,932 BCE: The Sollurian Species slowly diverges into various species across the galaxy, as sentient life goes exist on Sollus.
  • 104,392 BCE: The Varinn Confederacy slowly retreats from its captured systems in the "northern" and "eastern" former Solar Empire as various traditional weaker powers such as the Ugandans and Kings became increasingly dominant in the area
  • 98,493 BCE: The Grays form their spacefaring civilisation, which eventually ends up spanning many carbon-dioxide rich worlds in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.
  • 39,392 BCE: The Grays' Civilisation is destroyed via unknown means. Survivors evolve into new species such as Martians, Yeqwiquans and Zeta Reticulans
  • 3023 BCE: Mars was unified under the Martian Empire
  • 2789 BCE: The Martian Empire became spacefaring, establishing its first colonies.
  • 1070 BCE: The UnitedRim-Chimera War begins.
  • 1056 BCE: With the aid of The Data-Source, the States of Terria manages to land a decisive victory against The Chimera.
  • 1055 BCE: As the victory of the Data-Source proved the possibility of success against The Chimera, the Kaiton Hegemony launched a series of pre-emptive strikes against The Chimera due to worries of its own security.
  • 1034 BCE: The Kaiton Hegemony wrecks The Chimera in a series of attacks with its vastly superior technology.
  • 1030 BCE: The Chimera splintered into several smaller warlord states following their defeat, who eventually transformed into a loose confederacy in order to combat the United Rim. One of these warlords was the Omnimoderati, became the United Rim's primary rival.
  • 900 BCE: The Terzan-2 Coalition is established in response to the expansion of the imperialistic Empire of the Twelve Suns.
  • 670 BCE: The Omnimoderati managed to field enough forces to begin a resurgence in the war, in which they did a great push towards Ziel, in this process they managed to encounter the fleet escorting the Data-Source towards the core worlds, and engaged in battle with the fleet. During this chaos, the Data-Source was struck by a Chimera vessel, sending it off course until it eventually crash landed on Yata.
  • 103 BCE: The Chimera Warlord Confederacy and United Rim agreed to a cease fire.
  • 74-100 CE: The conquests of the Luxurian Space Empire occurred.
Full Chronological Timeline Ancient HistoryExtinction of the AncientfolkFirst Human-Yomtach WarAncient HistoryThe Great Sleep (The Great Dream) • Lost ArchivesRising tensionsThe Empire WarsKalevian War of IndependenceCatherian eraLater Empire WarsFirst Void War - AftermathDiscovery of the EirnicsEighth Yetian RevolutionBeginning of the Eirnic-Yetia PartnershipSecond England WarVoid Energy DealInformation found about The Giver3 Day WarYetian ReformFounding of PoavakLuxurian InvestigationPoavak-Manzheboyi WarNew Empire WarEirnic Controversy and Alpine InvestigationNinth Yetian RevolutionTreaty of UkraineLiquimCzecho-Hungaria ConflictThe SnapWorld War 1Treaty of Taipei57 Scandimarian ElectionWaclaw Independence ReferendumYetian War of IndependenceThe ReversalEstablishment of Linelandic RussiaYetian Refugee CrisisThird England WarRed Leader's Investigation of YARSFourth England WarAbardean-Sizzlean WarLuxurian Military Base RaidYetian Wars of ReconquestThe PlagueKorean War of IndependenceEstablishment of ChorosLinelandic RevolutionWorld War 2Red Leader's collaboration with DragoTwelfth Yetian Civil WarProclamation of the Luxurian EmpireLuxurian-Spinese WarLuxurian-Sizzlean WarLuxurian-Abardean WarLuxurian-Linelandic WarSizzlean RevolutionWorld War 313th Yetian Civil WarSizzlean Succession CrisisSecond Abardean-Sizzlean WarPoavakian War of IndependenceFifth England WarLuxurian RestorationSpinese-Celtic WarYorican RevolutionBeginning of the Hongerswakan-Sarpistani AllianceDiscovery of NarakamHybrite Invasion of Yetia14th Yetian Civil War & Second Linelandic-Yetian WarNorth Italian War of IndependenceRed Leader's attack on YataDiscovery of the NLEYetian Constitutional CrisisSixth England WarSecond Sizzlean-Yetian WarLinelandic-Sizzlean WarSeventh England WarSizzlean-Yetian Acts of UnionAssassination of O;)(♤《ojn¤¤(♤▪️《○0《9♤(jinsjimxSYE-Waclaw WarSYE-Utsong WarInvestigation into the NLEChristmas RebellionSYE-Abard WarEighth England WarLuxurian Agent InterviewIslandian Civil WarWorld War 4A tale of a Sipedroan SoldierKatie Johnroo's Musical CareerDeath of Pedro El FiestaSecond Yetian War of IndependenceSizzlean Reunification WarExpansion of WalesRestoration of EnglandDiscovering the Empire of YataYear 81 IconicDragons-Pepperoni Rugby Match12 Day WarOperation Thunder & Operation SandstrikeSarpistani Civil WarInvestigating GreenlandYatan-Human ConflictDeposition of Henry El FiestaSecond Linelandic Civil WarSpinese Assassination AttemptSecond Human-Yomtach WarLuxurian PurgeScandimarian-Yumranrujg WarScandimarian-Nuan Krovh WarNLE-Luxurian WarWaclaw-British War15th Yetian Civil WarYetian Subjugation of AbardHarsens Disease OutbreakPortal IncidentThird Yetian-Kalevian WarSecond North Italian War of IndependenceKyrif Rogalk - Ahteat Tnes Ranrujg WarPatrky's RevolutionSecond Luxurian-Spinese WarRed Leader's Second Attack on YataAlicorn Civil WarSecond Scandimarian-Nuan Krovh WarEstablishment of PetoriaWorld War 5

{TIMESKIP DUE TO WIP}The InsurgencyOperation: Red MessiahAdriatic WarDivine ResurgenceTenno's TravelsFROM DUSK TO DAWN IN MIYAKI

Ancient History Extinction of the AncientfolkFirst Human-Yomtach WarThe Great Sleep
Skantos History Ancient History
Galactic History Ancient History
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