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"Skantoans" may also refer to a collective term for all individuals native to the planet Skantos
Flamundus Falomo
Biological Classification
Common NameSkantoans
Scientific NameFlamundus Falomo
Physical Characteristics
Average Height160 Centimetres
Skin ColourVaries...
Hair ColourVaries...
SexesMale, Female
Respiratory GasOxygen
Locomotive MethodBipedal
DistinctionsLook nearly identical to Humans despite no records of migration between Yata and Skantos.
Average Lifespan55 Years
Endemic toOrientine River Basin
InhabitsMost of Skantos
EndangeredLeast Concern
Sociocultural Characteristics
IntelligenceSapient, Sentient

Skantoans are a sapient humanoid species native to Skantos, being the most widespread species on the planet by a notable margin. Skantoans visually look nearly identical to Humans, despite no contact between the two planets ever occurring that would allow one to jump from one planet to the other. Skantoans are additionally much less technologically advanced compared to Humanity, largely lacking any form of advanced technology.