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Homo sapiens
Biological Classification
Common NameHumans
Scientific NameHomo sapiens
Physical Characteristics
Average Height1.7 Meters
Skin ColourVaries...
Hair ColourVaries...
Respiratory GasOxygen
Locomotive MethodBipedal
Average Lifespan132 Years
Endemic toEast Africa
Population~13 Billion
EndangeredLeast Concern
Sociocultural Characteristics

Humans (Homo sapiens) are a species of intelligent, nearly hairless, bipedal great apes that are the most abundant and widespread beings within the Alpha Sol System and the Yatan-Theian Accord as a whole.

Humans are highly social and tend to live in complex social structures composed of many cooperating and competing groups, from families and kinship networks to political states. As such, social interactions between Humans have established a wide variety of values, social norms, language, and rituals, each of which bolster human society. The desire to understand and influence phenomena have motivated humanity's development of science, technology, philosophy, mythology, religion, and other fields of study.

Humans are historically speaking a vaguely aggressive species, engaging in thousands of wars between Nations and Tribes. This issue has recently in modern times become less prevalent, as humanity has slowly begun to coalesce into larger federated states now that they have become a fairly notable force on the galactic stage. As humans have begun to spend increasingly long periods of time beyond their natural environment, various slightly differing adaptions have begun to emerge to adapt to new gravities and in some cases ecosystems or living environments, colloquially known as "Xenohumans".

Habitat and Population

Early human settlements were dependent on proximity to water and other natural resources used for subsistence, such as populations of animal prey for hunting and arable land for farming.

Nowadays, with the improvement of technology and industrialism Humans can generally inhabit anywhere on their homeworld of Yata, alongside worlds they have colonised such as Theia. Humans have also managed to settle on more hostile environments, with aid from their technology which is primarily based on Electricity.

Life Expectancy

The life span of an individual depends on two major factors, genetics and lifestyle choices. For various reasons, including biological/genetic causes, women live on average about four years longer than men. As of 431, the global average life expectancy at birth of a girl is estimated to be 134 years compared to 130 for a boy.


Humanity's unprecedented set of intellectual skills were a key factor in the species' eventual technological advancement and concomitant domination of Yata. Humans are easily capable of teaching generalizable information, which is a trait rare in known species except for sentient ones. innately deploy recursive embedding to generate and communicate complex concepts, engage in the "folk physics" required for competent tool design, or cook food in the wild.


While many species communicate, humans are truly unique for the variety of languages they speak, a defining feature of humanity as many other sentient species tend to speak one or a couple languages across their entire species Human language is open—an infinite number of meanings can be produced by combining a limited number of symbols.