The Furry Wars
The Furry Wars were a series of ingame 'events' started in 2018 by the at the time tiktok trend of Gamers vs Furries. It adapted into a convoluted storyline of conflicts and battles that had its final instalment in 2020 which are considered semi-canon in YATA Lore, both being things that DID happen yet also not really affecting other lore.
First Furry War | |||
Date | November 2018 | ||
Location | Global* | ||
Outcome | Gamer Tactical Victory | ||
Major Battles |
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Combatants | |||
Commanders | |||
First Furry War
The First Furry War was a military conflict between the Gamers And Furries in the early days of yata during the Lost Archives. The war had multiple battles and was during the mass production of airships era of yata, in which nations were rapidly industrialising with their new aircraft.
Battle of the Underground
After the Furries said they just wanted a place to be accepted, they retreated into the Undertale map and took control of it. This lead to the Battle of the Underground which turned out to be a fierce guerilla warfare campaign for the Gamers, at the end the Gamers eventually defeated the Furries in the Underground.
Yetian Antartic Research Station Confrontations and Investigation
The Gamers had recieved word that Furries were active in antartica, Specifically the YARS, nowadays known as Asolab. In which they investigated the facility for any activity and had some minor battles with them, mainly by their squad of 3 soldiers who were called Creepy, Hacked and Dognaps. In one of the battles in the generators of YARS Hacked died by falling into the engines.
The far eventually ended on its own, however it is noticeable that the Gamers de facto won the war, due to their victories in most battles.
Second Furry War | |||
Date | November 2018 | ||
Location | Southern Africa and South Atlantic | ||
Outcome | Inconclusive | ||
Major Battles | Battle of the South Atlantic | ||
Combatants | |||
Commanders | |||
Second Furry War
The Second Furry War was much shorter than the first, however shared the same premise. The Gamers and the Furries ended up in conflict once more.
Battle of the South-Atlantic
A airship which housed Uralic, Brother of Hacked and Dognaps within got attacked by Furry Aircraft. The battle was fierce however the furries won the battle and shot down the aircraft, Uralic and Dognaps survived it however had to retire from the war for a while.
The war ended on its own after a while, however it was much more inconclusive than the first with battles being either inconclusive or near equal victory coutns on both sides.
Third Furry War | |||
Date | November 2019 | ||
Location | Global | ||
Outcome | Gamer Victory | ||
Major Battles |
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Combatants | |||
Commanders | |||
xXUWUXx (Hayden) |
Third Furry War
The Third Furry War is the first activally documented furry war which included alot of lore. The Furries did not like their status in society after the previous 2 wars. So they had reportedly been making something in the antarctic, this worried the Gamers so they declared war and assembled their forces.
The Meeting
It started with our main cast of Alan, Zhroi and Dognaps all of whom were hanging out int heir own hoems in Yetia City until an event occured with the televisions in their homes. All televisions suddenly switched channel to a unknown channel in which a dark figure announced "The black figure begins to speak: "Hello, your channel has been stopped by FURRY INC. Us furries are tired of everybody treating us asa disgrace to society. So we have finally came up with a plan. Next week, we will make EVERYBODY BE FURRIES! WE WILL TAKE OVER THE GAMERS, VSCO GIRLS, FLAT EARTHERS. THEY'LL ALLBE FURRIES! YOU ALL WILL BE FURRIES! "1 Week left till everybody becomes a furry." afterwards, the televisions returned to normal. It caused freakout betweenst the trio. Alan met this win panic and a promise to honour their late father Uralic, Zhroi met it by committing various public decensy crimes running down the street, Dognaps met it with worry and a feeling he couldn't do anything due to his old age. Zhroi eventually met dognaps and yelled at him for a while to join him to stop the furries. Alan also found them and was confused by the yelling, however bonded with Dognaps due to Dognaps previously knowing Alan's Father and Uncle. Each of them discussed what to do and people they knew, like Hacked and Zack. Both of whom Zhroi and Alan had opinions on and Dognaps told about them due to knowing them when they were alive. They find out there is a Furry Club in Yetia and decide to interrogate them.
The First Interrogation
On the way, Dognaps discussed his violations of the Geneva Conventions against the furries. They met the club and Zhroi did alot of yelling. Yetian Furry was met with confusion and wondered why they were here and if they were interested in joining their club. This led to Zhroi calling them disgusting, which only confused Yetian Furry more. Alan said they heared about something on the TV about their plans, Yetian Furry was confused and told them to go talk with the Polish Furries due to them being into such things. The Trio begrudgingly accepted and said they were going to keep an eye on Yetian Furry.
On the road
They planned to go there via train however they didn't have enough money so they drove there through the Czecho-Hungaria Province roads. Meanwhile Zhroi and Dognaps argued about Zack and old age.
The Kidnapping
In poland they eventually find someone called Kace. Kace claims to know about the Furries and has kidnapped one of them, however was unsuccessful at gathering information. Zhroi responds by maybe his friends could do it while also racially insulting Alan. They enter Kace's home and find the Kidnapped Furry. The Kidnapped Furry yells at Kace for bringing friends, which dognaps responds to by ordering the Kidnapped Furry to be blindfolded. Alan does it with their scarf and they begin the interrogation. Dognaps puts a tire on Kidnapped Furry's head meanwhile Alan and Zhroi make car sounds which makes the Kidnapped Furry fear death and they start talking. Kidnapped Furry claims to know nothing other than going from England to Sizzle. Dognaps threatens to ram his head with the car if he doesn't tell the truth. Kidnapped Furry responds by in panic telng them that the Furries he was going to were behind Dognaps Gym. The Trio, n ow with their retrieved information begin planning on how to get to Sizzle. Kace tells them to wait, and asks how he could repay them. Alan says they need plane tickets to Sizzle, which Kace acceptsd and hands over. Then, they Fly to Sizzle.
Sizzle Confrontation
They arrive when the city of Xining is already becomming dark and move onto the Furry Club. The Sizzlean Furry aggressivally order them to tell why they are here and to listen to them when speaking. Dognaps says he used to kill them in the previous wars. This angers them, and leads to a fight. Both sides started using lethal force against eachother, in which Alan was wounded and most of the Furries died except one. The Sizzlean Furry refuses to tell anything, until Dognaps slaps him with a car. Sizzlean Furry who is in fear, tells them that all they know is they are going to use Mind Control. They then head to Dognaps' house in Xining.
Dognaps' House
They enter Dognaps' house, which Zhroi thinks is disgusting. Dognaps responds by "dognapsSR » does a special call and 10 boxers come out the gym" Zhroi claims Dognaps' bed due to him being Elite in Hongerswak. Zhroi then falls aSlseep, which Dognaps immediately drags him off of and puts in Zack's old room, which Zhroi wakes up to and calls Zack a bad person due to him being jealopus people recognised Zack more than him. Zhroi begrudginly gets on Zack's bed and immediately falls asleep. Alan sleeps on the sofa, from his bag the remains of his cyborg dad say something why is this canon. The trio all wake up and find a note in Dognaps' house which says ""We saw your little fight with the furries. And we came to a conclusion that you guys are gamers. So you are invited to the international Gamer Meeting. Please meet us in Spisos." They get in Dognaps' car and begin driving to Spisos.
The Gamer Meeting
a Hitchhiker named Hayden is found, whoc laims to need a ride due to being a Gamer and also needs to go. Dognaps warmly greets him and they talk about war stories. Zhroi and Dognaps argue more. they arrive at the meeting. They are greeted and the Gamer Leader begins to speak. They announce that the furries activities are suspicious, because there is a sudden dissapearance of alot of them. Gamer Leader suspects they have a hidden base somewhere in which they are congregating for their plan. It is revealed the Sizzle Confrontation caused the Furries to declare the Third Furry War against the Gamers. After the trio revealing they were responsible for it, they are awarded Pro Gamer badges. The Gamer Leader announces that he will be sending teams across Yata. Cody will be sent as a spie to sizzle, Josh and Joe to kalevala, and Dognaps' team is going to Sipedro. Gamer Leader warns the team that Sipedro has very sexual furries. Alan gives the team disguise masks and the Gamer Leader gives them guns. Yumeno will be sent to yakamoto, Gamer Leader dismisses them they find a Old Airship which they board and start heading to Sipedro.
The Flight to Sipedro
Hayden questions why they are friends with Zhroi due to him being loud and disagreeable. Dognaps says they are onmly with him for mutual interests. Hayden Alan and Dognaps discuss stories of the First and Second wars. Alan reveals he respects Dognaps and thinks he is a hero (despite him admitting he did warcrimes). They then arrive at Sipedro.
Sipedro Mission
The streets are full of people partying. they eventually find a building in an alleyway labeled "Not a secret furry base" that hads weird sounds inside, so they decide to investigate. They find many things i refuse to write on this wiki page. The Sipedroan Furries say the Luxurian Furries know where the base is, which afterwards they sleep the night and reboard their airship.
Luxuria Investigation
Zhroi says he doesn't trust Hayden and thinks he is sus. (ZHROI LITERALLY SAID HAYDEN WAS SUS IN 2019, THIS WAS BEFORE THE AMONG US MEMES HOW) Zhroi questions how Hayden found the Sipedro Base, Alan thinks its an valid point however Hayden says he just guessed due to the area being empty. Hayden shows his badges to prove he's innocent. Hayden also questions Zhroi not having any badges, Alan responds by saying they didn't have any either and that his dad and uncle fought in the wars. They eventually arrive at Alice Springs Occupation Zone, a area controlled by sizzle, due to it beign Sizzlean they are afraid due to the Sizzle Confrontation and call the police on the team. Zhroi begins running and everyone follows Zhroi due to him knowing Luxuria, They run to the Spinese Occupation Zone. They enter a saloon where they interrogate the bartender. They ask the bartender if he knows anything about the furries. The Bartender responds in SIGLAF they dont appreciate Gamers or Furries due to the Gamers not responding to their call for help during a furry attack. The Team says all they want to know is where the Furries are. the Bartender says there was a great spy for the gamers who would know, and he says the Gamer Spy lives in Perth, a city in the Sipedro occupation zone. They then ride the horses all the way to Perth. the Gamer Spy is found and asks what theyw ant, Dognaps recognises him as Alvin, a spy for the gamers. They enter Alvin'äs house and Alvin and Dognaps talk, Dognaps requests to know the location of the Furries. Alvin says the Furries are in Antartica near the Antarctic Peninsula. Alan reveals that's where his dad died in the Second war. Alvin shows them a teleporter to Antarctica which they step on and are sent to Antarctica.
The Gamer Outpost
They appear there and find an Igloo, they enter it to find warmth due to the freezing cold temperitures of the Antarctic. the Igloo turns out to be a Gamer Outpost to prepare an attack on the Furry Base. the Antarctic Gamers give them fursuits as disguises and weaposn. The Antarctic gamers claim the front door has a changing password. The Team now armed they head to the front door of the Furry Outpost to enter.
The team finds the door, at which Hayden says "OwO what's this?" and the door is opened. Inside they find a big statue of xXUWUXx, the leader of the Furries. Zhroi manages to get the tape off his mouth and demands to know how Hayden knew the password. Hayden ties up Zhroi so Hayden, Alan and Dognaps begin investigating. The trio find a fursuit factory, Hayden complimentrs the workers who are happy by this. The Factory Furries demand to know the third password, Alan guesses, however gets it wrong. The Factory Furries attack the trio, however are killed. The trio continue investigating, finding many furries working in office jobs. They eventually walk into a room, the door behind them locks. Hayden reveals he was a furry all along and was a spy. Hayden thanks them for information, proving zhroi right. Suddenly, alot of furries come in and beat Dognaps and Alan.
Dognaps and Alan wake up in a prison cell, and it is guarded by Guard Furry. Dognaps says he will enjoy killing hayden. Guard Furry says they are supposed to answer any of the duo's questions. Dognaps asks why they are doing this, the Guard Furryr esponds they are tired of being hated. After saying it is a sunday, Guard Furry gets shot. the perpetrator is revealed to be Zhroi. Zhroi frees them from the prison. Zhroi says the Gamers are ready to attack and will attack when they're free. They enter a fight with the Furry Armies assisted by the Gamers. Dognaps is injured in the battle, however survives. They all climb the building and find Hayden uptop. Hayden says killing him wont matter, which Dognaps responds to by shooting him in the leg. Hayden reveals he was the leader of the Furries all along. Dognaps understands why Hayden is angry, but Hayden doesnt listen and threatens to activate the mindcontrol. Zhroi shoots Hayden's arm and breaks the lever. Hayden then dies stopping the mindcontrol.. Afterwards, they go to mcdonalds.
A new apprentice
After everything is over, Dognaps runs into Brandon, brother of Zack. Dognaps apologises for running into him, however remarks how simmilar he is to zack. Brandon says Zack was his twin. Dognaps is surprised, which elads to brandon asking who he is. Dognaps reveals he is Dognaps. Brandon is shocked and honored. Dognaps offers to train Brandon and gives the adress of Dognaps Might Gym in Sizzle. After arriving, Dognaps greets Brandon there and begins training him. also alan joins the kalevian military.
Furry War Revenge
Zhroi's Apartment
A few months after the end of the last war Zhroi and his Girlfriend are in Zhroi's apartment in Newtown. They are met with knocking because Alan and Dognaps were coming over to have a meetup. In this it is revealed Zhroi is not a very good boyfriend as he insults his Girlfriend. There's strange marching outside but they ignore it. Dognaps accidentally breaks Zhroi's door but they sort it out as Girlie makes remarks at Dognaps being old. Zhroi makes food as outside some things are heared. "Are you sure about this?" "Yes the leader says we have to." They discuss their jobs as it is revealed that Alan is now a lieutenant and Dognaps has retired. Zhroi makes remarks about how Alan makes alot of money and Girlie makes remarks about if Alan is single. Suddenly the windows smash and bullets fly past. Up a grappling hook a furry come demanding that they must come with them. The 3 remarked that they can easily until the Furry smashes a bottle on the ground that turns out to be sleeping gas sending everyone unconcious.
Attempted Escape
The trio wake up in a large tube filled with water. It seems to be overgrown but they find a book telling them not to pull the lever in the tube. They pull it anyway blowing a hole in the wall leading to a large hallway. They traverse through the strange base with a few encounters with furry guards. On the way Zhroi and Dognaps keep arguing as usual. They figure out its where the Hybrites were made which confuses them as there are Furries there not the YNF. They disguise as furries and travel thru the facility. They find Kermit the Frog works there as a injector. They eventually find a elevator and try to use it. It however gets stuck. It however has a "emergency combust" button which they activate. They find someone called Peter. He claims to be trapped by the Furries which they accept as fact. They eventually find a railway which they go down to try to escape..
After finding the end of the railway they found multiple doors that they must open at the same time to continue into a invisible maze. Past it they walked down a hallway only for the floor to collapse into a strange office. The furry inside claims to be the director of the prison saying they have been captured. The 3 try to fight him but guards come in and escort them to 2 jailcells. Zhroi is in 1 and the other 3 are in another one. Zhroi finds a lever which opens his vent so he goes inside saying he will leave the others. Turns out to progress he must free the others. After this Dognaps reminds Zhroi of the importance of teamwork.
Finding a way out
After entering the vents they come across a small storage room. Alan notices a hole in the wall which they search the room for. Peter finds a strange red cube that when placed in the hole opens a secret door. Down the door they end up ion a sewer which Zhroi especially dislikes because "BRO MY GUCCI SHOES WE'RE SWIMMING IN FURRY PISS" After entering the room in a pipe coming into the sewer They find a key which they use to open a hatch. This leads to yet another prison cell which they enter. Inside they break out with a pickaxe finding some guns and explosives. They break through finding a room where Donald Trump is being tortured. They wear disguises to avoid trump's torturers in which they find a office space where a furry is offering coffee. This finally leads to a shaft which leads to a final hallway.
They run through the hallway, finding a pod on the way with the healing body of the Furry Leader. They explode the pod ending the Furry Leadership for good. They continue down the hallway causing some minor destruction on the way. They continue their escape as they finally find the exit. as they finally exit the facility after swimming through sewage and control rooms only to see lazers come out of the facility. It seems to be another mind-control lazer so they re-enter the facility to detonate it. This leads to the final destruction of the facility. Leaving them stranded but victorious in the wastes of Antarctica
Furry War Vengance
The background of FWV is that the Ellarian Government collaborated with the Palladian Government to figure out what was happening on Palladia's enigmatic undercity known as Sub-Palladia. They were having issues with this so the Yetian Government offered support in form of their experts from the former Furry Wars. Dognaps had also died inbetween Furry War Revenge and Furry War Vengance from old age.
Journey to Sub-Palladia
The trio wake up in the barn in Ellaria in which they had been staying preparing for the upcoming mission. They are in a barn and hang out. The people employing them to go ahead with this knocked on the door and sent them on their way. They fly to Tritonia City and have a conversation with the Ellarian Embassy for what they should do. they are handed the mission documents and board a train to Palladia for the investigation. They enter the unfinished Palladia Metro due to its possible connection to Sub-Palladia where they are to look for the Vault, a enigmatic location in which people from every nation were locked. They enter a strange flooded area under Palladia with a large vault door. Any doors on the side are locked. at the end is a large vault door which they blow open with explosives. This leads them towards sub palladia..
After blasting through the vault door they enter a series of rooms. It is very decayed with breaking down mechanisms and machines leading to the vault. Along the way there are many many books. After traveling through many on many vaults doors and mechanisms they finally enter Sub-Palladia. Which is in fact, just a decayed ruin of death and destruction with no one left remaining. They continue down the ruins, finding a dying Ellarian soldier., Dying in front of them they decide they have to get out of here. They find out the soldier was trying to escape. They feel even more urgency to get out and keep going through the many worn down and broken puzzles as it dawns on them that this is due to the Furries. They find a strange inhibitor in the exit, which from assumption seems to be for a superweapon. In the final book they find it mentions something about a "Scandimar Superweapon" which immeditately raised red flags because Scandimar owned the Doggerland Laser Array.
They board trains to Scandimar and enter a strange warehouse filled with traps. They go through passages upon passages to Doggerland to investigate it. The old and delapidated passages contrasted greatly to what they were about to encounter. They saw a absolutely gigantic satellite dish futuristic laser tower filled with strange creatures serving the furries. The trio advance through the mazes and traps surrounding it until they eventually reach the middle in which they notice they need to find 2 more of those inhibitors. They realise one is at the very top of the massive laser tower. They are forced to begin a immensely difficult climb of the tower, avoiding traps and guards shooting them down. Once they get it they jump all the way down and put them in. This shuts down the satellite dish. From this due to their injuries from this they head to the Tritonia City Hospital to recover.
Hospital and Final Confrontation
They are operated on and begin recovering. After discussing the battles they hear sounds, noticing that the creatures from earlier serving the furries had begun a attack on the hospital to hunt them down. They do their best to defend in themselves but they are too much and are forced to retreat into a hidden passage in which a gamer helps them out with equipment and recovery. They proceed onwards and grab the final inhibitor and enter the room to disable the furry weapon. They disable it only for it to explode causing Alan and Zhroi to nearly die. They stand there injured in which Peter turns on them and almost kills Alan who is knocked down. Peter releases weapons upon weapons upon them. Zhroi is barely able to survive. They fight Peter to the end until he disappears. Now they remain trapped in a pit critically injured until they are found by a stranger who lives above in a village known as Mikael who brings them to a hospital to recover from the previous events.