Catherian era

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The catherian era was a era of increased ammount of conflict in the world, however it established a select 2 nations in the world as the true world superpowers being Yetia and Sizzle.

Formation of Kalevala 13.7.2019

In the now fully independant nation of East Yetia the questionm was asked, to distance itself from its yetian past or adopt a new identity? A referendum was held and the Union of East Yetia was abolished and replaced with the Republic of Kalevala and leaded a expansionist expedition to the barents sea to secure a non baltic port for the new nation. This leaded to the founding of the port city of Muurmanni, later to be renamed "Murmansk".

Yetevian Restoration 14.7.2019

Eighth Yetian Revolution
VideoEighth Yetian Revolution
OutcomeHouse of Yetevia gains control of Yetia

Due to Yetia's loss in the Kalevian war of independance, the current government became very unpopular and thus in true Yetian fashion, caused a revolution. The revolutionaries aimed to restore the House of Yetevia back to power as a monarchy. The revolutionaries requested a remaining royal living in the Alps known as Catherine to take charge as the queen of Yetia, which she accepted. The revolution was swift and successful. This leaded to the republican faction running of into exile somewhere in Eurasia, now known as "True republic of yetia"

Reconstruction Period 16.7.2019-30.7.2019

In the new Kingdom of Yetia after many years of turmoil and wars a reconstruction period was begun. New buildings were built, farms were made to feed the people and a new Trans-Yetian Railway System was built. Sizzle followed suite, with constructions of new buildings in its brand new colony in Siberia and with becoming the world boxing champion. To mark the new rebirth of Yetia, the construction of a new city centre called "New Town" was begun. Along with this, Sizzle began a secret weapons project persumed to be a nuclear program. Along with it, the yetian Newtown project was created in the nuclear research site in Algeria.

Second Yetian-Sarpistani War
VideoSecond Yetian-Sarpistani War
OutcomeYetia retook anatolia.
Major BattlesBattle of Istanbul

Second Yetian-Sarpistani War 29.7.2019-31.7.2019

Angered by the continued Sarpistani occupation of Istanbul, Queen Catherine sent a contingent of the Yetian Royal Army to force out the sarpistani occupation force from the city. After the reconstruction period yetia was ready for war, and swiftly pushed out Sarpistani forces from Istanbul. Worried due to Sarpistan being a former ally, red city sent multiple aircraft to stop Yetian advancement however were not as successful as in East Yetia. Yetia prepared a invasion into sarpistani occupied cyprus. however they found out Sarpistan was not the one in charge, which lead to the next era and peace with sarpistan.

Full Chronological Timeline Ancient HistoryExtinction of the AncientfolkFirst Human-Yomtach WarAncient HistoryThe Great SleepLost ArchivesRising tensionsThe Empire WarsKalevian War of IndependenceCatherian eraLater Empire WarsFirst Void War - AftermathDiscovery of the EirnicsEighth Yetian RevolutionBeginning of the Eirnic-Yetia PartnershipSecond England WarVoid Energy DealInformation found about The Giver3 Day WarYetian ReformFounding of PoavakLuxurian InvestigationPoavak-Manzheboyi WarNew Empire WarEirnic Controversy and Alpine InvestigationNinth Yetian RevolutionTreaty of UkraineLiquimCzecho-Hungaria ConflictThe SnapWorld War 1Treaty of Taipei57 Scandimarian ElectionWaclaw Independence ReferendumYetian War of IndependenceThe ReversalEstablishment of Linelandic RussiaYetian Refugee CrisisThird England WarRed Leader's Investigation of YARS{TIMESKIP DUE TO WIP}The InsurgencyOperation: Red MessiahAdriatic WarDivine ResurgenceTenno's TravelsFROM DUSK TO DAWN IN MIYAKI
Ancient History Extinction of the AncientfolkFirst Human-Yomtach WarThe Great Sleep
Skantos History Ancient History
Galactic History Ancient History
Other Canon Events The Furry Wars214 Lutaria Conflict
Retconned / Uncanon Events Lineland ServerAncient History of YetiaAncient History of Lineland