The Empire Wars

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First Empire War
OutcomeScandimar gained Norway and all other lands were incorporated into the Sizzlean Empire
Major Battles
  • Battle of Beijing
  • Battle of Linasburg
  • Battle of Pietari
  • Battle of Niederbach
  • Battle of Yetia city

Rising Tensions 17.6.2019-18.6.2019

Abardean-Sizzlean alliance is made right as King Alex I becomes king of sizzle, The king decides to start a expansionist policy and Invades and annexes Scotland , Despite meeting considerable protests from the yetian government sizzle does not back down.

First Empire War 19.6.2019-22.6.2019

Lineland and Yetia disagreed with Sizzle's aggression, so they declared war. Lineland tried to naval invade sizzle but failed and was itself invaded and captured by sizzle. Sizzle attacked and captured East Yetia and pushed into the yetian mainland, which yetia set up trenches in to stop sizzlean advances. Yakamoto was invaded and annexed into the Sizzlean Empire. Sizzle meeting such heavy defences in yetia did not know how to advanced, So caleld in the Scandimarians and flanked yetia, Capturing the cities of Niederbach Vandam Helsinki Yetia City and much much more. Peace negotiations are attempted but fail. Sarpistan then rebels and gains its independance from yetia as a sizzlean ally. Sizzle breaks its alliance with abard and annexes it into Sizzle. Yetia then eventually also lost the war and met the same fate. Some insurrections are attempted but are swiftly crushed and pirates that tried to capitalise on the military assets ont rade lanes are also crushed.

Second Empire War
OutcomeSizzlean colonial possessions given independence
Major Battles
  • Battle of Yetia City

Second Empire War 25.6.2019-26.6.2019

Yetia leads a large rebellion against sizzle andmanages to liberate yetias south, however is stopped from invading Yetia City, All of this angered Sizzle and its King Alex I who leaded a genocide against yetians in its still controlled land which is considered one of the worst genocides in world histrory. Sizzlean lineland is given administration over the unstable and still suffering from the genocide yetia. The conflict starts to die down however Abard redeclared its independance, Shortly afterwards King Alex I declared there would be peace howevber he dies from sickness in mysterious circumstances, His son King Alex II is crowne dking of sizzle and leads sizzle tro try to retake Abard however their invasion force is defeated. Unpopular from his defeat King Alex II is dethroned and replaced with his grandson King William I. William I is against the empire and dissolves it giving independance to all the conquered territories, During the chaos the Yetian Rebels liberate their western lands in which the horrors of the yetian genocide are revealed.

Sizzlean War of Succession
OutcomeZanssi Tribe reunited sizzle under John Hunter
Major Battles
  • Battle of Beijing
  • Battle of Xining
  • Battle of Sizzle Island
  • Battle of Niederbach
  • Second Battle of Xining
  • Second Battle of Beijing


Zanssi-Sizlt Alliance


Tribal Forces


Sizzlean War of Succession 30.6.2019-2.7.2019

Alex II was disgusted by the decisions of William I so personally decided to hunt down William I. Yetia, still scarred from the memory of the yetian genocide sent support to William I in the fork of 100k soldiers. In response Alex II attempted to march a army on yetia but William I's forces dispersed the attack before it could arrive. Yetia however meets conflict with Scandimar and has to redirect its forces to defend from scandimar, which is important due to it losing much of its recruitable population. Many nations are allowed to have security administration over regions of yetia for defence. Meanwhile, Alex II catches up to William I and makes William I suffer a brutal death. Yetia is then put under control of a Military Junta. Sizzlean Empire supporters join Alex II's siide against the currently leaderless Sizzlean Government. Yetia manages to barely defeat scandimar and sends support back to sizzle. East yetia, Seeking recognition started sending support to Alex II, in direct opposition to the rest of yetia. In the chaos, NMany sizzlean warlords referred to as "Tribes" rise up and begfin vying for power. One of the more notable ones was the Zanssi tribe, Who attempted to fight Alex II however are defeated, Which enraged Alex II. Meanwhile, Sizzle crowned a new king Louis I, who was being hunted down by Alex II. Alex II, still enraged by zanssi attacks, started a attack against the Zanssi and managed to take much of their controlled territory. Alex II then managed to find Louis I and executes him, However he still only had control over Beijing, but required still to gainc ontrol over the rest so started defeating smaller tribes and slowly became the strongest force in sizzle. Abard attempted to itnervbbene against the Sizlt tribe however failed due to temperiture extremes on Sizzle Island. Alicorn kingdom was also founded around this point in the war.

Rise of Zanssi and Sizlt 11.7.2019-13.7.2019

During the chaos of the succession war, Alex II's sizzle declares war on abard and requests for assistance from the tribes however, They reject and help abard. This angered Alex II who sent a army to fight the tribes however John Hunter, Leader of the Zanssi and Adam Parker, Leader of the Sizlt, the strongest tribes join forces to fight against Alex II's army. Zanssi and Sizlt manage to capture Beijing, and alex II is forced to retreat, The alliance seems to be winning however leader of Sizlt, Adam parker is killed in the battle of Xining and the alliance is forced to retreat.. To avenge his friend, John Hunter, leader of the Zanssi goes ont o defeat Alex II and reunifies sizzle under a peaceful government.

Full Chronological Timeline Ancient HistoryExtinction of the AncientfolkFirst Human-Yomtach WarAncient HistoryThe Great SleepLost ArchivesRising tensionsThe Empire WarsKalevian War of IndependenceCatherian eraLater Empire WarsFirst Void War - AftermathDiscovery of the EirnicsEighth Yetian RevolutionBeginning of the Eirnic-Yetia PartnershipSecond England WarVoid Energy DealInformation found about The Giver3 Day WarYetian ReformFounding of PoavakLuxurian InvestigationPoavak-Manzheboyi WarNew Empire WarEirnic Controversy and Alpine InvestigationNinth Yetian RevolutionTreaty of UkraineLiquimCzecho-Hungaria ConflictThe SnapWorld War 1Treaty of Taipei57 Scandimarian ElectionWaclaw Independence ReferendumYetian War of IndependenceThe ReversalEstablishment of Linelandic RussiaYetian Refugee CrisisThird England WarRed Leader's Investigation of YARS{TIMESKIP DUE TO WIP}The InsurgencyOperation: Red MessiahAdriatic WarDivine ResurgenceTenno's TravelsFROM DUSK TO DAWN IN MIYAKI
Ancient History Extinction of the AncientfolkFirst Human-Yomtach WarThe Great Sleep
Skantos History Ancient History
Galactic History Ancient History
Other Canon Events The Furry Wars214 Lutaria Conflict
Retconned / Uncanon Events Lineland ServerAncient History of YetiaAncient History of Lineland