Archived/Ancient History of Lineland
Lineland was in another world. A different culture buildings and planet. They were strong and had allies such as the Alicorn Kingdom. Luxuria eventually invaded them but they survived this and came back stronger than ever after reconquering Lineland after being exiled to the Alicorn Kingdom. They found islands aswell. They named it "Islandia". Various incidents of dimensional travel as veveryone was being sent across dimensions. Many dimension-hops later. After many cycles of dimensional-transportation they found other natiosn in many. Such as Scandimar Goldaria and Poavak. After the final transportation they ended up in YATA alongside a tribe in their land known as the Yetians. They moved to the west of the land and set up a new country. But a mysterious plague was killing them off so not many linelandics were left so the Yetians became in charge and thus, Yetia was born. Lineland eventually was restored but it was now different.