World War 2

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Year: 67-
World War 2


As a consequence of The Plague, Sizzlean Abard had collapsed in 67, leading to the few survivors in the nation's rural areas to establish a new Republic of Abard opposed to Sizzle, blaming them for the deaths of its people. The monarchy in Poavak was left without a heir, allowing the Republic of Poavak to emerge. In Kalevala, an anti-monarchist rebel group known as the Lapua Movement was formed.

The first of these regime changes to reach out to one another was Abard, whom offered an alliance to the newly established Linelandic Empire, which they accepted. Now emboldened, Abard launched a raid into the Sizzlean city of Xining, though Sizzle was unable to track down where the attack had originated from. This act made Yetia fearful of such an incident occurring against them leading to them strengthening their recently established alliance with Sizzle by sending some of their own soldiers to assist in fortifying the Sizzlean-held Paliurio. Sizzle eventually managed to capture some Abardean raiders, although they still failed to ascertain where Abard was currently based, especially as Lineland threatened military action if Abard was to be threatened.

Linelandic Invasion of Europe

Hoping to prevent Yetia from preparing for war against them, Lineland declared war on Yetia and soon afterwards also Kalevala, marching its forces towards Europe and out of Waclaw. Sizzle was quick to support Yetia, though this of course led to yet another Abardean raid into Beijing that led to the capture and execution of the Sizzlean King. The Lapua Movement soon revolted in Kalevala on the side of Lineland, leading to Lineland devising that the optimal strategy would be to secure Kalevala before an advance into Yetia as Waclaw was already rapidly falling to Yetian forces, especially once Waclaw City had fallen. As Kalevala quickly fell into disarray as it failed to fight off both Lineland and the Lapua Movement, Yetia began to prepare for a seemingly inevitable invasion of its homeland. Seeing Yetia's defences in Germany as difficult to break through, Lineland signed a pact with Sarpistan to launch a joint invasion from the south, occupying the Suez to keep it secure from Yetian forces, which were forced to split into two as some remained in Germany and others quickly moved south.

After establishing the puppet/states of Linelandic South Kalevala and Linelandic Baltic, Lineland finally made its move on Germany by launching its naval invasion once Yetia had finally arrived at the southern front. As Germany had already had its defences weakened, Lineland smashed through with little difficulties, forcing Yetia to flee westward to Yetevia Province to set up a proper defensive line, though Yetia did at least manage to hold off the Linelandic navy via its fortifications in the Balaeric Islands and England. With Linelandic forces moving west, Kalevala began preparing for a counteroffensive of its own. While Yetia did rapidly lose ground, the other fronts such as Turkey and Kalevala quickly began to turn in Yetia's and Kalevala's favour, with enemy forces quickly being routed. As the Lapua Movement began to quickly crumble under the pressure of the Kalevian advance due to the lack of Linelandic support in the region, Lineland decided that in order to avoid a collapse of its survive lines it must seize control of the ex-Lapuan territories, launching a swift military operation to install a more loyal government known as Imperial Kalevala. Yetia continued to largely hold back the enemy and advance in Turkey despite a brief uprising in England, with Yetia even managing to largely collapse the southern front in its favour, leading to Lineland launching a military operation similar to the one done against Lapua in Sarpistan to align it to its side, though this ended much less cleanly as largescale resistance elements rose up on Yetia's side after a Pro-Lineland monarch was installed.

After a while, Sizzle uncovered evidence of its leaders execution in Abard, leading to it declaring war on Abard, dragging both of them into the war. Yetia and Sizzle quickly moved to gather more allies, with Ireland, Scotland, Argentina, and Islandia joining the war. Sizzle quickly attempted to raid Abard, although this soon failed. Yetia was quick to launch its major counteroffensive alongside Kalevala, quickly devastating Lineland's positions. With it being pushed back on all sides, Lineland quickly began to prepare a retreat from Europe as its forces fell into disarray. After a brief period of time, all Linelandic forces in Europe had either retreated or been captured.

Global Escalation

With Lineland's attempted invasion of Europe unsuccessful, the conflict continued on and even escalated further as various other nations joined in, with Poavak aligning itself with the Abard-Lineland Axis and Spisos aligning itself with the Allied League at the beginning of the year 68, leading to the fighting beginning to occur beyond Europe as well as Lineland went on its next offensive, seizing several Sizzlean territories and moving on Spisos as resources were diverted to other fronts. This other front would end up being the eastern Mediterranean as Linelandic forces swiftly recaptured the Sinai and launched an attack on Choros to cut off Yetian forces in the middle east, pulling both Choros and Sipedro into the war due to the two's alliance. In order to further secure the region, Lineland convinced the Sarpistani Resistance Government to defect to its side with promises of territorial gain, while also threatening an invasion of Sipedro to stop them from sending assistance to Choros, whom was pushed back to the point of being forced to relocate its government to crete as the north of the country was reorganized into a linelandic puppet regime. Poavak quickly proved itself to be a valuable member of the Axis as well, launching a highly effective naval campaign into the pacific, which was used by Lineland to launch an invasion of Sipedro to draw its armies away from europe. Yetia began to notice the increasingly dire situation in the south-east as Sarpistan and Lineland advanced through the region, deciding to pull its forces back to prepare a proper defensive line, allowing Lineland to rapidly advance throughout south-eastern Yetia, though it did still face issues elsewhere as the invasion of Sipedro began to rather quickly grind to a halt, forcing additional resources to be moved there that allowed both Yetia and Sipedro to begin pushing Lineland back, which was attempted to be rectified by a Poavakian invasion of southern Sipedro, which was partially successful.

Abard, Lineland, and Poavak increased their coordination, launching an assault on Ireland, pushing back Yetia's counter offensive, and once more advancing in Sipedro. The allies acted accordingly to prevent these advances by militarizing the alps, stopping a linelandic advance on Beijing, and attempting to defend against advances in more minor fronts such as Ireland. Sizzle completed its mobilization, quickly seizing the initiative by gaining air surperiority and launching a counter-offensive against Lineland, which coincided with a Scottish, Yetian and Irish advance in Europe, which together forced Lineland to retreat from Sizzle, prompting Abard to launch a invasion of Sizzle to stop the situation from becoming worse, gaining the help of Poavak to defend its homeland during this operation.

Full Chronological Timeline Ancient HistoryExtinction of the AncientfolkFirst Human-Yomtach WarAncient HistoryThe Great SleepLost ArchivesRising tensionsThe Empire WarsKalevian War of IndependenceCatherian eraLater Empire WarsFirst Void War - AftermathDiscovery of the EirnicsEighth Yetian RevolutionBeginning of the Eirnic-Yetia PartnershipSecond England WarVoid Energy DealInformation found about The Giver3 Day WarYetian ReformFounding of PoavakLuxurian InvestigationPoavak-Manzheboyi WarNew Empire WarEirnic Controversy and Alpine InvestigationNinth Yetian RevolutionTreaty of UkraineLiquimCzecho-Hungaria ConflictThe SnapWorld War 1Treaty of Taipei57 Scandimarian ElectionWaclaw Independence ReferendumYetian War of IndependenceThe ReversalEstablishment of Linelandic RussiaYetian Refugee CrisisThird England WarRed Leader's Investigation of YARSFourth England WarAbardean-Sizzlean WarLuxurian Military Base RaidYetian Wars of ReconquestThe PlagueKorean War of IndependenceEstablishment of ChorosLinelandic RevolutionWorld War 2{TIMESKIP DUE TO WIP}The InsurgencyOperation: Red MessiahAdriatic WarDivine ResurgenceTenno's TravelsFROM DUSK TO DAWN IN MIYAKI
Ancient History Extinction of the AncientfolkFirst Human-Yomtach WarThe Great Sleep
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Retconned / Uncanon Events Lineland ServerAncient History of YetiaAncient History of Lineland214 Lutaria Conflict