Establishment of Linelandic Russia
In early 58, Lineland began expanding its small outpost on the Siberian Coast, with a mission of exploring and incorporating the new found lands into Lineland. These expansion efforts were fully completed in November of the same year.
Establishment of Oblasts
Lineland established Oblasts, subdivisions whose purpose was to manage the new territories autonomously, of which the first two of these were Sakhalin and Khabarovsk. These oblasts began working on vast agricultural centres, which allowed Lineland to become one of the largest exporters of wheat and potatoes in the pacific.
Eventually the Yakutia Oblast was also formed, which became the location of the new capital for Linelandic Russia, and in the future the capital of all of Lineland as a whole.
Infrastructure Efforts
Lineland initially began by upgrading old abandoned Sizzlean roads in the region, alongside demolishing the Bering Strait Bridge in order to build a tunnel instead.
The infrastructure efforts were not over though, as Lineland began constructing highways deep into Siberia all the way to the Yenisei River. In this process Sizzle-Russia was finally connected to the Eurasian road system.
Population Efforts
Other than just Linelandic Colonists and assimilating native Rus into the nation, Lineland also approved to grant refugee Status to 2 Million Yetians suffering from the War of Yetian Independence.