Red Leader's collaboration with Drago

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Year: 68-69

After countless attempts, the Red Leader finally managed to access the Late Void, revealing a swirling mess of void energy with only occasional clumps of matter resembling asteroids to be seen. He was quick to try to assert himself, destroying one of the rocks which revealed further void energy within it, seeing how all the energy within this realm powered him further. He tried to return back to Yata's Dimension to exert his will upon it with this newfound power, although he seemingly was trapped here, only managing to make a small 'window' back there thru which he tried to convince an individual known as Drago to create a way for him to be released, promising peace and strength as well as the destruction of the 'Red Leader', whom had slain many in Drago's family.

Following this meeting, Yetia had moved to investigate a recently discovered war-android factory created by the First Yetian Empire during World War 1, which were seemingly never put into combat use. During these investigations they encountered Drago looting the place for parts, though he managed to escape before they caught him. Drago soon arrived in the abandoned YARS facility, constructing several sphere-like portal devices using various technologies such as advanced circuits and liquim with guidance from the leader, managing to establish a permanent connection between one another despite the leader not being able to fully exit the Late Void.

Drago's attempts at powering androids for Red Leader to access proved relatively futile at first, seeing as the Yetian ones he had access to operated on electricity instead of void energy. Later on he did manage to properly activate them and take them to Antarctica for Red Leader to use, corrupting them and promptly killing Drago before revealing his actual identity. Making use of the YARS facility as his base operations, he quickly got to work by procuring more androids with his own likeness.

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