Archived/Ancient History of Yetia

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In the beginning yetians were a mere tribe in the forests of Lineland. One day the forests had a fire and they moved to the mountains so they lived in the Alicorn Kingdom and Lineland. They lived there in peace until Luxuria invaded Lineland. Lineland escaped to the Alicorn Kingdom so the Alicorn Kingdom, Lineland and Yetians all fought together against luxuria and won. The land however collapsed and they went to a different dimension. They settled in the mountains again until something bad happened. People started dyign so they had to escape to a new planet, "YATA" They landed in Tibet and from there migrated to france. There wasn't many linelandics so Yetia came in charge of the country and they made the Kingdom of Yentevia. This eventually became Yetia. It was a constitutional monarhcy with House Linasburg as its kings. Some yetians went to other places in yata but no one knows where they live.

Full Chronological Timeline Ancient HistoryExtinction of the AncientfolkFirst Human-Yomtach WarAncient HistoryThe Great Sleep (The Great Dream) • Lost ArchivesRising tensionsThe Empire WarsKalevian War of IndependenceCatherian eraLater Empire WarsFirst Void War - AftermathDiscovery of the EirnicsEighth Yetian RevolutionBeginning of the Eirnic-Yetia PartnershipSecond England WarVoid Energy DealInformation found about The Giver3 Day WarYetian ReformFounding of PoavakLuxurian InvestigationPoavak-Manzheboyi WarNew Empire WarEirnic Controversy and Alpine InvestigationNinth Yetian RevolutionTreaty of UkraineLiquimCzecho-Hungaria ConflictThe SnapWorld War 1Treaty of Taipei57 Scandimarian ElectionWaclaw Independence ReferendumYetian War of IndependenceThe ReversalEstablishment of Linelandic RussiaYetian Refugee CrisisThird England WarRed Leader's Investigation of YARSFourth England WarAbardean-Sizzlean WarLuxurian Military Base RaidYetian Wars of ReconquestThe PlagueKorean War of IndependenceEstablishment of ChorosLinelandic RevolutionWorld War 2Red Leader's collaboration with DragoTwelfth Yetian Civil WarProclamation of the Luxurian EmpireLuxurian-Spinese WarLuxurian-Sizzlean WarLuxurian-Abardean WarLuxurian-Linelandic WarSizzlean RevolutionWorld War 313th Yetian Civil WarSizzlean Succession CrisisSecond Abardean-Sizzlean WarPoavakian War of IndependenceFifth England WarLuxurian RestorationSpinese-Celtic WarYorican RevolutionBeginning of the Hongerswakan-Sarpistani AllianceDiscovery of NarakamHybrite Invasion of Yetia14th Yetian Civil War & Second Linelandic-Yetian WarNorth Italian War of IndependenceRed Leader's attack on YataDiscovery of the NLEYetian Constitutional CrisisSixth England WarSecond Sizzlean-Yetian WarLinelandic-Sizzlean WarSeventh England WarSizzlean-Yetian Acts of UnionAssassination of O;)(♤《ojn¤¤(♤▪️《○0《9♤(jinsjimxSYE-Waclaw WarSYE-Utsong WarInvestigation into the NLEChristmas RebellionSYE-Abard WarEighth England WarLuxurian Agent InterviewIslandian Civil WarWorld War 4A tale of a Sipedroan SoldierKatie Johnroo's Musical CareerDeath of Pedro El FiestaSecond Yetian War of IndependenceSizzlean Reunification WarExpansion of WalesRestoration of EnglandDiscovering the Empire of YataYear 81 IconicDragons-Pepperoni Rugby Match12 Day WarOperation Thunder & Operation SandstrikeSarpistani Civil WarInvestigating GreenlandYatan-Human ConflictDeposition of Henry El FiestaSecond Linelandic Civil WarSpinese Assassination AttemptSecond Human-Yomtach WarLuxurian PurgeScandimarian-Yumranrujg WarScandimarian-Nuan Krovh WarNLE-Luxurian WarWaclaw-British War15th Yetian Civil WarYetian Subjugation of AbardHarsens Disease OutbreakPortal IncidentThird Yetian-Kalevian WarSecond North Italian War of IndependenceKyrif Rogalk - Ahteat Tnes Ranrujg WarPatrky's RevolutionSecond Luxurian-Spinese WarRed Leader's Second Attack on YataAlicorn Civil WarSecond Scandimarian-Nuan Krovh WarEstablishment of PetoriaWorld War 5

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Ancient History Extinction of the AncientfolkFirst Human-Yomtach WarThe Great Sleep
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