Archived/Living Rooms

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The Living Roomsis the first known safe, stable limspace.

It is accessible through Living Rooms Mansion, located east of Alephitis, Tritonien.

Living Rooms 1

The Entry Hallway

The entry to the Living Rooms is Living Rooms Mansion, in Alephitis, Tritonien. Known as "The Hallways," it is viewed as the central hub to the limspace. From here, many other significant subspaces can be found.

Living Rooms 2

The Apartment, pictured from the real world.

The first subspace of the main sequence, Living Rooms 2, otherwise known as the Modern Lounge, is the gateway to the rest of the most significant subspaces of the Living Rooms . Situated in an inaccessible apartment in Mylonagrad, Living Rooms 2 is therefore classified as a midspace, as it is part of a limspace although being situated within the real world. However, attempts to enter it from the real world without having taken the official route through Living Rooms 1 will prove ineffective.

The main room. A rare occurence can be seen in the bottom left - a purity from the Backrooms, another, albeit closed limspace had materialised into the room. Such occurences are extremely rare, and can result in death.

Living Rooms 2.2

The Garden

The second subbranch of Living Rooms 2, Living Rooms 2.2, better known as the Garden, is a small rectangular-sized plot of land used to grow exotic flowers, carrots and garlic. It is surrounded by many evergreen trees, as well as cliff edges around these trees. It bears striking resemblance to the 3rd "level" of the backroom limspace.