Nislandian Range

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Nislandian Range
General Information
TypeMountain Range
  • Nislandian Range
  • Central Nislandian Range
Parent LocationNislandia
Controlled ByTheian Federation
Demographic Information
Environmental Information
Historical Information
Discovered ByOsania
Discovered In118

The Nislandian Range, also known as the Central Nislandian Range, is a mountain range situated in the Theian region of "Nislandia" between the Nisla Range and East Nislandian Range (whom are both taller than it). The Nislandian Rangcan be found roughly in between Lake Saimaa and the Balnaara Ocean, surrounding the northern edge of the Saimaa Valley. The Nislandian Range is perhaps most well known for being located above, or slightly north of, the Nislandian Range Superorganism, whose 'entry orifice' is located in the Saimaa Valley to the south of the mountains.