The International Avant-Garde

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L'avant-garde Internationale
General Information
  • L'avant-garde Internationale
  • The International Avant-Garde
TypeArtistic Movement/Collective
HeadquartersAvant-Garde Gallery of Yetia City (Yetia City, Yatan Commonwealth)
Personnel Information
Member Count9840
Territorial Information
Notable Bases
Historical Information
Member GroupsClub de l'Insolite
Created byHakced
Controlled byHakced

"L'avant-garde internationale", Often known as "The International Avant-Garde" is an artistic movement and coollective that originally started in 136 in Yetia as an artistic movement forming around surrealism however it developed further into a more organized movement, registering itself as an official company called "L'avant-garde internationale" which hosts exhibitions and facilitates sales of such art. It was heavily involved in the L'Avenirist Regime in Yetia, as the government saw it as a prime example of Yetian Artistic talent and creativity.