Yorica (Disambiguation)
From YATA Wiki
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"Yorica" may refer to several countries across Yatan history. These typically inhabit the Eastern United States or sometimes the entire United States.
A list of every Yorican Nation here:
Yorica Successors
- Confederate Yorica
- Federal Yorica
- Federation of Yorica
- Neo-Confederate Yorica
- Socialist Yorica
- Socialist Union of Yorica
- Syndicalist Yorica
- United States of Yorica
- Yorican Junta
Non-Successor Yorican Nations
- California
- Cascadia
- Deseret
- Haudenosaunee
- Kentucky
- Lakotah
- Murica
- New Jersey
- Nuevopedro
- Oklahoma
- Omnistat
- Pacific States
- Texas