Wei'vir Realm

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Wei'vir Realm
Governmental Information
Common NameWei'vir Realm
Official NameWei'vir Realm
Organization TypeCollective Consciousness
Head of StateCollective Leadership
Societal Information
Capital WorldWei'vir
Official LanguageN/A
State ReligionN/A
Population28 Million
Major LanguagesWei'virs
RimUnknown Space
Grid CoordinateD12
GalaxyMilky Way
Historical Information
Date FoundedUnknown
Date Dissolved327
Succeeded ByHigh Priest's Fiefdom

The Wei'vir Realm was an independent society present within the Wei'vir Starcluster, ruled over by the Wei'virs, a hive-minded amorphoid species that inhabited the region. While the Wei'vir Realm may no longer exist de jure, it de facto holds significant control over the High Priest's Fiefdom in secret.



The origins of the Wei'virs, much like the Elder Gods, are shrouded in mystery to all that are not them, yet various rumours of their origins have circulated. A unusual consistency in these rumours asserts that the Wei'virs were created by the Elder Gods, Deities, or some other set of beings at the dawn of time to weave the universe together into something more complex beyond its previous simplicity despite its vastness, creating countless stars and planets across the universe to bring it to 'life'. No actual evidence to support these claims has ever been cited, and many claim that the Wei'virs themselves may have created these rumours due to their reality-warping capabilities, hoping to posture themselves akin to gods out of some-kind of narcissism.

A Homeworld

Regardless of the validity of their rumoured origins, it is considered possible that they had used their abilities to create their homeworld of Wei'vir to give themselves a proper life and existence akin to all the other species of the Milky Way. On this homeworld they formed their own society and culture, preferring a fairly isolationist stance uninvolved with the on-goings of the galaxy, which was successful to the point that The High Priest had no idea of their capabilities when he came across their homeworld.

Joining the High Priest

As the High Priest reached Wei'vir after securing Solarya and Vortakhx, he was completely unaware of the Wei'virs capabilities, rumoured history, or cosmic powers, only seeing them as a useful asset due to rumours of them being proficient 'crafters'. Little did he know, they were in fact much older and wiser than even him, leading to him swiftly being surrounded and captured by them. He raged, trying to break free from his imprisonment. Surprisingly enough, once he calmed and took a closer look, the Wei'virs were not so much different from himself, featuring very similar characteristics to him and his fellow Elder Gods. Upon this discovery, he decided that perhaps it would be wise to converse with these beings rather than subdue them.

He decided to explain his reasonings of conquest to these clearly intelligent beings, telling them about the corrupt Elder Gods and how he had been mistreated by them, explaining how he was gathering powerful races amongst the cosmos to engage in battle against them, and that the ones he had visited before were indeed worthy to join his army much like they were. The Wei'virs did not care though, seeing through his half truths. They were an moment away from erasing his existence, yet they hesitated. Even if the High Priest was devious and treacherous, his proposal still offered them something they had always craved, a purpose. They agreed that the Elder Gods had not treated the universe they thought they had forged with the respect they asserted they deserved, and even if the High Priest's goals were corrupt, they were still a goal, one they could work towards. Even if the High Priest was worse, they knew now that they could overpower him if necessary. They could re-forge the universe in a new image, a better image, one without the corrupting brought from the Elder Gods' machinations. None of these plans were shared with the High Priest though, since the Wei'virs were even more conniving and intelligent than even him. In the end, the Wei'virs decided to willingly join the Celestial Army, and let the High Priest believe he had subjugated them.

Much like his other conquests, the High Priest decided to modify some of the Wei'virs to become 'better' warriors able fit his image, as he had already done to the Solaryans and Vorxans. However, unbeknownst to the High Priest, the Wei'virs were not the only ones who were modified as the High Priest himself was modified by the Wei'virs', whom 'injected' a part of their collective consciousness into his mind, spreading throughout his mind as he directed them to create weapons of war. It even reached the essence of the Vorxan Matriarch, and promised her that once their new reality had come she and her people would have a place in it, securing themselves even more power. Now that all had been settled, once the High Priest's time had come to an end, a far greater threat may be unleashed on the universe, but for now the Wei'virs plans and influence lays dormant, allowing the High Priest to continue with his plans as they schemed in the shadows.

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