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Tuareg Confederation of Kel Ahaggar
General Info
Official Name
  • Tuareg Confederation of Kel Ahaggar
  • Iⵎⵓⵀⴰⴳⵀ ⵟⴰⴽⵓⵏⴼⵉⴷⵉⵕⴰⵍⵉⵜ ⴰⴽⴽ-ⴷ Iⵀⴰⴳⴳⴰⵔⵔⴻⵏ
  • Imuhagh Takunfidiṛalit akk-d Ihaggarren
Common Name
  • Kel Ahaggar
  • Ahaggar
DemonymAhaggarian / Ahaggari
AnthemNational Anthem of Ahaggar
GovernmentFederal Presidential Republic under a Military Dictatorship
Head of StateBekkai Ag El Mokhtar
Head of Government
LegislatureSayilaji Legislative Council
Ruling PartyAhaggari Tradition Party
Official Language(s)Tamahaq
State ReligionIslam
CurrencyAhaggari Dinar
Population156 Thousand
Ethnic GroupsNorthern Tuareg
Major Languages
Minority LanguagesArabic
Major Religions
Major Cities
GDP2,53 Billion
Soldier Count19 Thousand (Active-Duty)
Maritime fleetNone
Airforces20 Aircraft
Nuclear ArsenalNone
Other Assets
RegionWest Africa
Real-Life LocationSouthern Algeria
Historical Info
  • Officially founded in the year 306
  • Kel Ahaggari Revolt started in 295
Preceded byTamahaq
Succeeded byMaghreb
Created byHakced
Controlled byHakced

The Tuareg Confederation of Kel Ahaggar usually known as Ahaggar was a sovereign state located in west africa, being formed from the rubble of the Tuareg Crisis. Ahaggar had a population of roughly 156 Thousand and a active military force of 19 thousand soldiers.

Ahaggar bordered Ortilia and Jeriya to the north, and Ellaria, Hausaland and Aïr to the south. Ahaggar was a landlocked nation, and typically did its international shipping and trade via Ellaria or Ortilia. The nation was divided into 3 tribal districts, which split thenation into roughly 3 thirds. The capital Sayilaji, a city originally established as a Yetian outpost in southern Ortilia was located in the district of Adrar.

Ahaggar was dissolved in 348 as the newly formed Islamic Republic of the Maghreb demanded its subjugation into the IRM, which Ahaggar accepted to avoid bloodshed from a war it could not win.


Ahaggar was nominally a democratic nation, lead by Bekkai Ag El Mokhtar. However the nation wasn't exactly very democratic, as it was founded from a military coup. The military still had high positions of power and favour in the country with Bekkai himself being the grand-marshal of the Armed Forces. The Tribal Council was the legislature without really any set ideology or political party, it's more of a loose band of patriots and devotees to the nation who advise the leadership and debate on what laws should and shouldn't exist in the nation.

Ahaggar was predominately muslim, with 87% of its population adhering to Islam. In addition to that a vast majority of the nation was ethnically Tuareg. In some of the cities there are communities of Arabic or French speakers however, holdovers from when the territory used to be controlled by Yetia and Ortilia.


Kel Ahaggar was founded out of the chaos of the Tuareg Crisis, with the Ahaggari Tuareg alligning themselves with the Talahaq Military. With thwas position they promised to revitalise the struggling nation and fought hard. They were pushed back eventually by the Talahaq Government however the Ahaggari Rebellion gained support from Ortilia and Jeriya in turn for some concessions. They managed to win, however they lost some western and northern territories to Ortilia and had to give some oil rights in Illizi District to Jeriya.

After several decades of neutrality, the recently formed Islamic Republic of the Maghreb sent an ultimatum to Ahaggar in which Maghreb demanded that either Ahaggar voluntarily join it or be invaded. Ahaggar attempted to negotiate, although it was unsuccessful and was eventually forced to accept the demands, and thus was annexed by Maghreb.

Name Status Notes
Very positive
Ortilia and Ahaggar were very close allies, as Ortilia basically was the reason why Ahaggar Exists.
Jeriya supported Ahaggar during the Tuareg Crisis
Aïr was declared at a simmilar time, as a force originating from the original Ahaggari Revolt. They never really attacked eachother too much during the war so they had relatively neutral relations.
Ahaggar greatly distrusted Hausaland due to its brief offensive deep into Ahaggari land during the Tuareg Crisis.
Bornuvia launched several attacks towards Ahaggar with mixed success during the Tuareg Crisis, making Ahaggar see them as an enemy. This view was shared by Ahaggar's Ally Jeriya.
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