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Revision as of 07:27, 30 October 2024 by Hakced Adminless (talk | contribs)
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Astrographical Information
SunsAlpha Sol
RingsFormerly, Yes. (120s-290s)
Orbital Position1
Rotation Period27 Days
Orbital Period27 Days
Physical Information
ClassPlanetary-Mass Satellite
Diameter3,475 km
AtmosphereHas an Exosphere, though it is not breathable.
Societal Information
  • Lunar
  • Lunarian
Native SpeciesSDS-034-1
Immigrated Species
World Languages
  • Chinese
  • Korean
  • Russian
Population321 Thousand
Notable Nations

Luna[1] is Yata's sole "true" natural sattelite[2]. It was the first place being Yata to be visited by Humanity, despite the lack of any permanent colonies or moon bases until modern times due to various factors. Luna orbits at a distance of 384 Thousand Kilometers, making it the closest celestial body to Yata within its planetary system.

Luna was only de facto under the control of humanity between the 120s and late 200s due to the damage it suffered by weapons testing by the YNF in the 120s, leading to Luna being unsafe to visit due to the explosions in the weapons-testing ejecting a lot of material from Luna's crust into orbit, which took over a century to all impact back onto its surface.



Devanagrad is a human colony located towards Luna's south pole that is nowadays governed by Lineland, although it was first established by the Eurasian Confederacy in 377. Devanagrad is much less cosmopolitan and economically significant compared to the other major colony of Yueqiu.


Lunar-Area-76 is a SDS site built onto the far side of the moon with a permanent population of a few hundred. Primarily used for the containment of anomalies that are safer to contain in and extraplanetary environment and the research of lunar anomalies.


Yueqiu is the largest human colony on the moon, being governed by Sizhou with a significant Yanbian Korean minority. Yueqiu is home to several residential sectors, alongside a largescale spaceport to act as a trade hub for ships aiming to trade with Yata, considering the lack of needing ships capable of entering atmospheres.

  1. Also known as "The Moon" by some Yatans.
  2. Kanashi orbits a bit further away than Luna in a binary orbit.