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The Reversal

The Reversal was an international effort to undo Peter Griffin's Snap.

Initial Progress

After the chaos of World War 1, the dust began to literally settle. In order to calm the Yetians, the Coalition of Nations set a new directive. This directive was to Undo the Snap.

Meteleya Investigation

Lineland was the first to find a lead, discovering Peter Griffin's home at Meteleya, alongside sending an airship fleet to scout the area. During these investigations some crystal shards were discovered in the town, but the investigation team wasn't aware of what their purpose was yet, After a thorough search Lineland confirmed that Peter Griffin was no longer present at Meteleya, so their Airship fleet is sent into the ocean to look. After a while they did not find anything, so they split up the airship fleet until one of them found a crashed airship with Peter Griffin & Green's belongings.

Antarctica Investigation

Lineland theorised that due to them finding the crashed airship towards the south, that Peter Griffin headed south. So Sizzle sends a team to Antarctica to investigate, as it is the southernmost landmass from the region the airship was found. As they enter antarctica, they breach the doors of YARS.

The Quest

Two old friends called Marc and Hacked meet in Yetia City once more as Hacked asks Marc for help in an ambitious plan to undo The Snap, which Marc agrees to help, though they would need more people to aid them. They try to get someone called Babatunde to help them, but this doesn't work so instead they try to get a person Hacked knows called Mewy from Luxuria to help them, they travel there by plane and recruit Mewy, Pomar and Globox from Luxuria to help them.

Together they travel to several hidden locations across all of Yata to locate the Infinity Stones, bargainging with their protectors and making sacrifices to obtain them. Once all had been gathered they managed to defeat Peter Griffin once and for all, restoring the lost populations.[1]

Establishment of Linelandic Russia

In early 58, Lineland began expanding its small outpost on the Siberian Coast, with a mission of exploring and incorporating the new found lands into Lineland. These expansion efforts were fully completed in November of the same year.

Establishment of Oblasts

Lineland established Oblasts, subdivisions whose purpose was to manage the new territories autonomously. The first two of these were Sakhalin and Khabarovsk, the first thing to be made here is vast agricultural centres, which allowed Lineland to become one of the largest exporters of wheat and potatoes in the pacific.

Eventually the Yakutia Oblast was also formed, which ebcame the location of the new capital for Linelandic Russia, and in the future the capital of all of Lineland as a whole.

Infrastructure Efforts

Lineland initially began by upgrading old abandoned sizzlean roads in the region, alongside demolishing the Bering Strait Bridge in order to build a tunnel instead.

The infrastructure efforts were not over though, as Lineland began constructing highways deep into Siberia all the way to the Yenisei River. In this process Sizzle-Russia was finally connected to the eurasian road system.

Population Efforts

Other than just Linelandic Colonists and assimilating native Rus into the nation, Lineland also approved to grant refugee Status to 2 Million Yetians suffering from the War of Yetian Independence.

Yetian Refugee Crisis

Yetian Refugees from the ongoing Yetian War of Independence began flooding Sizzlean migrant centres, however Sizzle forcibly kicked them out, despite Yetia's protests.

Lineland however kept letting Yetian refugees in, taking in many millions into Linelandic Russia so that it may gain a stable and sustainable workforce for the colony to be managed effectively.

Efforts to get into Sizzle

Yetians despite being let into Lineland, also wanted into Sizzle so several instances of border smuggling, storming or hiding in the countryside began occuring in Sizzle leading to some public discontent.

Efforts to get into England

Several hundred thousand Yetian Refugees forcibly entered England, leading to mass famine and the escalation of the Third England War.

Red Leader's Investigation of YARS

Following his activity within the Third England War, the Red Leader decided to investigate the YARS Facility after hearing of strange documents regarding extradimensional travel within the facility, returning to it for the first time since the Later Empire Wars. Most of these documents were labeled under "D-Portal-Phantom", describing the YARS Scientists' attempts at creating an interdimenional portal. He managed to perfect their still work in progress technology, using it to create a portal to the Hell Dimension.

Within the Hell Dimension he managed to learn of its ease of access to the Late Void, which would be a significant advancement for his plans as his influence over Void Energy grows. As he made his way towards the gateway there, he subdued various native primal beings of the Hell Dimension, adapting their technology into his own arsenal, giving him control over the lava present within the dimension, following this he decides to attempt to make his way to the Late Void thru the portal present within the Hell Dimension, which unfortunately lead back to his home reality. Although he failed to access the Late Void, he had a lead on how it was possible thru the recovered technology from the Hell Dimension's natives.

  1. this whole plot was so weirdly written that im just putting a summary sorry not sorry