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Revision as of 15:13, 24 December 2024 by Hakced (talk | contribs)
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Astrographical Information
PlanetSaleuyth B
GalaxyMilky Way
RimCenter Rim
Grid CoordinateN19
Physical Information
ClassM-Type Red Dwarf Star
Diameter182912 Kilometres
Societal Information
  • Gamma Solar
  • Saleuythan

Saleuyth (Also known as Gamma Sol) is the smallest star in the Sol System, and is the first satellite star from Alpha Sol. The smallest by mass and radius, it is responsible for chaos in the outer Alpha Sol System, with the orbits of Sedna and even Beta Sol varying extremely in eccentricity. On the contrary, it has a noticeable effect on Neptune, though effects on planetary bodies between Saleuyth and Neptune are not widely studied. Saleuyth only has a single planet, known as Saleuyth B, located in the star's thin habitable zone.

The graphs show the correlation between Saleuyth's orbital position (it's true anomaly) and the eccentricity of Beta Sol, Kamaros and Sedna, with the eccentricity increasing when it is on the other side of the Sun. In the future, Sedna is projected to be ejected out of the Solar System entirely because of this.