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Biological Classification
Common NameKaphi'si
ClassificationMineralia kingdom
Physical Characteristics
Average Height1.8m
Skin ColourAny
Hair ColourAny
Respiratory GasN/A
Locomotive MethodTypically Bipedal
Average LifespanDepends on Mohs hardness (up to millions of years)
Endemic toKaphi Island, Gapa'hia, Theia
Population29 Million
Sociocultural Characteristics

Kaphi'si (Kaphi: Levsarae) are sentient minerals - in the field of nomenclature they refer to any sentient being of the kingdom Mineralia unique to Theia, all Kaphi'si were once minerals embedded into rocks, however the isles of Gapa'hia on Theia are imbued with elemental energy from the goddess Hecate, which established their sentience. Over 4,000 minerals are known to be naturally occurring on Theia, however only 1,200 have been documented to have a corresponding Kaphi'so. Individual types of Kaphi'si are often referred to as "gems", but depending on the mineral this may be a misnomer.

Native to the island of Kaphi in the Gapa'hia archipelago of Theia, Kaphi'si are of high interest to anthropologists and minerologists alike, the former having conducted many studies on Kaphi'sian hierarchy. Due to the nature of mineral distribution, coals are the most common Kaphi'si and are considered to be highly disposable, often used for fires despite their sentience or as slaves for other low-ranking gems. All the other gems have varying degrees of freedoms in society, and are each classified by their "natural roles."

Kaphi'si have become increasingly diverse due to the fleeting and convoluted nature of Hecate's residual elemental energy - although some gems are pure in build (such as Lazuli), others may appear to be human (such as Ruby, and Diamond-2.) However, they are still minerals, and possess Kaphi'sian powers.

Interestingly, Kaphi'si are known for their ability to fuse together to create new minerals. These are known as "inorganic Kaphi'si" or simply "gem fusions." Although some gem fusions are efficient with their roles and ability to carry out tasks, other dangerous fusions (such as Sapphire x Jade) exist as a means of escaping assigned roles in the hierarchial society. As such, all gem fusions must occur under the supervision of any "ruler" gem, and must be one of the ruler-approved fusions.

The leader of Kaphisi'an society is Black Opal, who is themselves a gem fusion. Other famous Kaphi'si include Carbonado.