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  • Oneirosphere
  • Oneiroi
  • Collective Unconsciousness
  • Dream Worlds
  • Dreamscapes
Inter-dimensional IndexDimension-Loc:7/4/187.0
Dimensional Information
Primary TypeLocational
MultiverseOneirosphere (Itself)
Dimensional FormAstral Form
Locational Sub-TypeMetaphysical Space
Parent DimensionEvery Noosphere*
Child Dimension(s)(Every Dreamscape)
Average Reality Stability141ξ
Topographical Information
  • Nightmares
  • Hostile Dream Entities
  • Hostile Egregores
Notable LocationsOneirospheric-Site-7
Demographic Information
Native Species
  • Oneiroi*
    • Corporeal Oneiroi
      • Transitory Oneiroi
    • Non-Corporeal Oneiroi
  • Dream Entities
  • Egregores
  • Nightmare Hiveminds
Immigrated Species
  • Noospheric Memetic Entities/Complexes
  • Sapient Beings[1]
Political Information
Controlled ByContested
Navigational Information
Discovered in
  • Several Thousand Years Ago (First Discovered)
  • Sometime in 400-300 BGS. (Initially documented, all records lost)
  • 187 (Somnium Patriae)
  • 354 (Entire Oneirosphere)
Accessible byDreaming
Interconnectivity Variable (To Yata's Dimension)10/10

The Oneirosphere[2] is a collective-unconsciousness fueled by the dreams of beings within corporeal-realms. It takes the form of an Astral Dimension deeply connected to every Noosphere, while also being its own separate realm composed of dreams. While various fully independent beings inhabit the Oneirosphere, a vast majority of beings living within the Oneirosphere are a part of an Egregore.


Each individual has an 'avatar' in the Oneirosphere, which can be used interact with their own and other people's subconscious worlds during sleep. There are many different types of 'avatars', or 'Oneiroi'. Many people are entirely unaware that they also exist in their dreams, or simply don't remember their activities as an Oneiroi when awake. Similarly, not all Oneiroi are able to travel between dreams. These abilities can be learned by anyone fairly easily, though.

Corporeal Oneiroi

"Corporeal Oneiroi"[3] are living beings[4] in Corporeal Reality that can interact-with and enter the Oneirosphere during sleep. Corporeals have a self-designed semi-physical form within the Oneirosphere known as a 'Shadow' or 'Avatar'.

Because of their background as living beings that simply 'connect' with the Oneirosphere, they tend to have significantly more limitations and disadvantages within the Oneirosphere than 'Non-Corporeals'.


Individuals that while not part of an Egregore, still visit or reside within one's 'territories'.

Non-Corporeal Oneiroi

"Non-Corporeal Oneiroi"[5] are individuals who have abandoned their physical bodies and fully[6] migrated to the Oneirosphere. They lack their own individual dreamscapes, instead primarily traveling through other people's dreamscapes. They are able to traverse through Dreamscapes much easier than Corporeals, and are entirely incapable of dying.

Other Entities

Dream Entities

"Dream Entities"[7] are beings native to the Oneirosphere that are derived from their hosts' subconscious, acting much like an NPC or AI. Their natures tend to be dependent on their host's mental state, which often determines if they are hostile or friendly. Unlike other beings in the Oneirosphere, most Dream Entities are not conscious or sapient. Due to their non-conscious nature, many Egregores have employed more passive Dream Entities for various purposes such as manual labour, navigating[8], etc.


Egregores[9] are vast hive-mind entities that inhabit the Oneirosphere. Each of them is a separate connected 'collective unconscious' that is fuelled by the brainpower created by sleeping beings connected to the Collective. Any group of connected minds can theoretically be a Egregore, although most Oneiroi tend to be connected to globe-spanning collectives. While most Egregores are completely contained within the Oneirosphere and their Hosts, several have managed to directly interact with reality in some form.

While some Egregores act as one singular consciousness, most of them consist fully autonomous individuals that are simply connected to their Egregores. This varies between Egregores as each of them have their own psychology and degree of influence over their members. Examples:

  • In more individualistic Egregores such as Oneiroi-Noctua, the Egregores's unified consciousness acts separately from its constituents as the combined will of its members.
  • In more cohesive Egregores such as the Eunoia Collective, each member is assimilated into a single consciousness. Such cases tend to be much more taxing on their host's mental state, and may even cause damage to the mental stability of people who simply contact them.

Egregores have been known to exist ever since the dawn of civilisation, with many Non-Corporeal Oneiroi claiming that they have existed since the ages before The Great Sleep[10]. Since then, Egregores have existed in everything, with members of countless influential organizations and governments having a connection to an Egregore whether they know it or not. Despite all of this this, public knowledge of their existence has been relatively limited over the years due to the difficulty of detecting or remembering them, though despite this various organizations have managed to document their existence and activities.

Some Egregores can interact with 'corporeal reality' to a limited degree by contacting individuals through joined dreams or telepathic thoughts. A common occurrence connected to such events are Egregores influencing people to create objects in reality directly linked to them with the purpose of recruiting more 'members'. Such interactions are the most common way that the existence of Egregores has discovered and documented.

List of Known Egregores

Nightmare Hiveminds

Nightmare Hiveminds are temporary Egregore-like hive-mind entities that may form due to the trauma emitted from a corporeal disaster or another widespread traumatic event. These tend to cause vast amounts of destruction in any region they form in until they eventually fade away.


Every living being[11] has their own unique Dreamscape[12], a 'dream world' connected[13] to a individual living being[14], in which an 'avatar'[15] known as an Oneiroi of the dreamer exists. This Dreamscape has its own dream-based ecosystem and Dream Entities that may change in response to their host's identity, real-life events, and subconscious factors. If they are skilled enough, Oneiroi can travel from their own Dreamscape to other people's Dreamscapes based on either physical proximity[16] in corporeal reality or through connecting to an Egregore. A notable portion of Oneiroi never learn how to accomplish this, instead never leaving their own Dreamscape.

Not everyone is able to clearly perceive and remember experiences in the Oneirosphere, often forgetting or misinterpreting the Dream Entities and Visitors they met in their dream, especially if their dreams are especially incoherent.


Dreamscapes can only really be described as "dream-like" and overwhelming to those not accustomed to them, often being abstract or confusing to interpret landscapes. Alongside actual landscapes the Oneirosphere can occasionally take the form of a manifestation of pure thought or a representation of this thought, such as a contemporary media outlet. Such manifestations usually are due to ones mind being incapable of interpreting the Dreamscapes in their true form. Traversing within a Dreamscape may be difficult at times as due to their tendency to switch landscapes and structure frequently.

Isolated Dreamscapes

While traversing through the Oneirosphere is generally fairly easy if one knows how to do it, travel may often be hampered by 'Isolated Dreamscapes', locations where the interconnection between two Hosts' subconscious is severed for whatever reason. Travel and communication through such areas is either highly difficult or impossible, forcing dreamers to find a way around such zones.

Egregores Eunoia CollectiveOneiroi-NoctuaSDS CollectiveSomnium PatriaeZhouwen
Beings Dream EntitiesEgregoresOneiroi
Inhabitants Rowan BerryStefan Stout
Locations Oneirospheric-Site-7
Related Pages The Great Dream
  1. Become Corporeal Oneiroi, and later on often become Non-Corporeal Oneiroi.
  2. Named after the ancient greek "Oneiros"
  3. Also known as Dreamers, Shadows, or Avatars.
  4. Any living being can access the Oneirosphere, regardless of sentience. The most notable example of this are plants, whom are known to interact with the Oneirosphere at a fairly regular basis.
  5. Also known as simply "Non-Corporeals", "Pures", etc.
  6. At least in a vast majority of cases. A few cases of Non-Corporeals taking control of another person's living body has occasionally been documented. How this is accomplished is not common knowledge.
  7. Also known as Dream Elements, Non-Consciousnesses, etc.
  8. "Crawler"
  9. Also known as Collectives, Thoughtforms, Oneiric Hiveminds, etc.
  10. During which Egregores managed to thrive for several centuries, spreading across most of Humanity's subconscious minds.
  11. Any living being has their own dream-world, even if they are not sentient. This extends even to plants.
  12. A completely independent realm inhabited by a singular dreamer that may be rarely occasionally by other Oneiroi.
  13. Each Dreamscape continues to exist even while the individual who hosts it is awake.
  14. Referred to as a "Host". Each individual "Host"'s dreamscape shares said person's name.
  15. Essentially a representation of themselves that can be customized to some degree
  16. From which they are able to travel further by using said people as 'relay points'