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Biological Classification
Common NameMartians
Physical Characteristics
Average Height138 Centimeters
Skin ColourPale Green
Respiratory GasCarbon Dioxide
Locomotive MethodBipedal
  • Large Eyes
  • Thin Limbs
  • Weaker Muscles (compared to a Human)
  • Technological Prowess
Endemic toMars
Population13.8 Million
Sociocultural Characteristics
HabitatDeserts & Glaciers

Martians are a sapient species native to Mars. Biologically they are either native to the planet or somehow descended from Grays[1] at some point during the far past, although it is unknown how they arrived at Mars initially in this case

Martian Civilisation has existed for much longer than Human Civilisation, becoming fully spacefaring in 2789 BCE. This empire would eventually also include the human homeworld of Yata as a protectorate following first contact and the severing of relations between the Martians and the Empire of Yata. This empire continued to thrive for several centuries after this point until they were attacked and wiped out by The Quhanim in 264, leaving the species extinct on its homeworld. Despite this devastation, several small communities of Martians managed to survive in the territories of their other spacefaring allies until they managed to eventually recolonise their homeworld with the help of the now also spacefaring humanity in 370.

  1. As may be inferred by their physical appearence