Extinction of the Ancientfolk
Following the first contact between Humanity and Yomanity, a swift and ruthless extermination of the Ancientfolk began. The ancientfolk were a even more ancient, more intelligent species, which still was tribal though. Together, the Humans and Yomtachs managed to drive all Ancientfolk to extinction. This ended in 16127 BCE, as by that point all Ancientfolk had been exterminated.
Following this, there was no one for the Humans and Yomtachs to compete against. Each of them only had one enemy to fight anymore, eachother.
First Human-Yomtach War
First Human-Yomtach war was a very atypical war compared to most wars in Yatan History. It had no clear "frontlines" or "soldiers" but was instead a immesurably large inter-species war between Yomtachs and Humans as a whole when both of them were still largely hunter gatherers.
The war started apporoximately 1400 years after Humans and Yomtachs made first contact with the hunting of the Ancientfolk being a thing that kept both of them from fighting eachother. The fighting broke out after a series of violent disputes near northern cascadia leading to violence. The word of this violence slowly spread from person to person leading to all out fighting between both sides leading to a truly horrifying war where nearly everyone who physically could fight was fighting.
The conflict lasted for 557 years and ended in a Human Victory as Humanity punished the yomtachs by driving them into near extinction with the survivors going into hiding. Yomtachs primarily escaped to the deep jungles of the Amazon and New Guinea however the most notable group retreated into the glaciers in the north in which they had rarely dared to travel due to the extreme conditions. In there they settles in caves and oases of no glaciation. They remained there until the Second Human-Yomtach War, under the command of Asclan.
Lost Archives
The Lost Archives refer to the period of Yata canon that was developed from 25.8.2019-27.1.2019. It is notable for having little to no documented information about it due to the 27.1.2019 raid, in which the original discord was deleted, thus it has no known documented event details. Most of the known plot from this time is from Hacked's memory and the little details found in in-game museums.
Due to a unexpected Genetic mutation somewhere in Islandia, Humanity which had been asleep for 300 years by the hand of the Sleeping Sickness finally woke up.
In Year 0 The nations of Luxuria(IN LORE, LUXURIA WAS TECHNICALLY FOUNDED AROUND YEAR 5) and Poland were founded. Luxuria existed peacefully for 2 years, which was ended by a coup by Creepy, The prince of the Space Giraffes. This lead to the Luxurian Genocide in which most of the coutnry fled or died.
In the year 3 the Kingdom of Yentevia was founded, and was a nation ruled by Yetians, Because many Linelandic people which had previously ruled it from before the Great Sleep. One year after being founded Yentevia had a anti-monarchy coup and was replaced by the Yetian Commonwealth. This begun the nation of Yetia.
A few years after Yetia was made the ingame Luxuria was formed. Shortly followed by Sizzle.
The first airship was invented in the city of Vandam, which was very important in warfare in Yata during its first 80 years.
A Yomtach Clan known as Asclan came out of the caves on Rapa Nui. They then took over the Island and stole airships, which they used to invade many countries. Starting off with Yetia, which was invaded and the Vandam airbase was annexed while Yetia became a puppet known as the Order State of Yetia. Following this Asclan attacked into Luxuria, fighting all the way to Alice Springs until being defeated by the Elite Infantry of Sizzle causing the Yetians to revolt against Asclan-lead Yetian Order State, defeating it in the First Yetian Revolution. causing Asclan to go into hiding. Shortly following this Yetia invaded Rapa Nui and annexed it, turning it into the colony of Polynesia.
The Luxurian Expedition by Yetia occurs, in which they investigated luxuria and found out there was a genocide there. Yetia made a government in exile and overthrew Creepy, recreating the Kingdom of Luxuria.
The Chungus War, also known as the Second Yetian Revolution was a war in Yetia following the coup of the government by Big Chungus. He became very tyrranical, and proceeed to Genocide the Linelandic people who lived in Waclaw. This caused the Yetian Free Army, Yetian Liberation Front and Linelandic Free Army to rise up against Chungus. Chungus almost beat them, until the Yetian Free Army shot a RPG into Chungus's office and went in and captured him, effectivally ending the war. Because of the war most Linelandic people escaped into exile, specifically to Tasmania which was leased to them. Chungus was imprisoned in Svalbard.
Sarpistan was founded sometime after the war.
The Yakamotian Wars are known to have happened at somepoint, however pretty much all information on them has been lost.
Yetia invaded and occupied Sarpistan on the final day of the Lost Archives.
Rising Tensions
The Rising Tensions era is marked by tensions increasing and wars becoming more frequent. At the time Lore wasn't done on the discord that frequently and DiscordSRV wasn't added yet so not much was recorded of the events but there was atleast some mention of them everywhere leading it to have more details than Lost Archives.
The beginning point of the Rising Tensions era is the founding of the nations of Spisos and Scandimar, aswell as the first online stores being made by the "DynaAuction" website by Dynamic.
Shortly after this Yetian and linelandic relations break down due the "waclaw question" referring if the waclaw district should be sceded to lineland due to its 98% linelandic population. The waclaw question has been delayed by the yetian government for years, the ammount of tesion may be too far and may lead to a eventual war. Waclaw workers go on strike due to the tensions. Yetia threatens to cancel the linelandic shelter treaty a treaty allowing yetian people to have control of the government until linelandic people are strong enough to reform the "greater" Lineland.
Peace however survived this, as Sizzle and Yetia formed the Trans-Eurasia company leading to the first road across eurasia to be built and extended all the way to the Bering Strait.
Yetia lifted the occupation of Sarpistan, allowing them to become independant.
Yetia sent expeditions to the amazon, to expand knowlege of the area due to its colony in Argentina.
A new king in Lineland was coronated.
After some controvercies, the Yetian Parliament declared the monarchy illegitemate and staged a coup to depose them, leading to the monarchists to flee to Britannia Province leading to Yetian Britannia being declared as a nation. Yetia and the Scotland Provencial Millitia attacked Yetian Britannia and defeated their airships. Yetia and Scotland invaded from both sides and defeated Yetian Britannia leading to Yetia becoming the Republic of Yetia. During this they also got a new flag.
Sizzle left the Waclaw Pact due to controversies following form this, including the First Sizzle-Yetian War with battles all across Eurasia between the 2, starting over the Scottish Rebellion. Yetia marched into scotland allowing Sizzlean forces to blitzkrieg across Yetia, capturing Yetia City. Yetia surrendered leading to Scottish independance and Yetia ended up in debt.
Yetia Sizzle and Scotland collaborated to overthrow the English Provencial Government, which had been influensing yetia in the war.
Yakamoto and Lineland made an alliance and attacked Sizzle. Yetia helped sizzle leading to Yakamoto and Lineland being defeated and Lineland ended up in isolation.
Following this there was a brief Yetian-Linelandic War which Lineland won however no other details of it were recorded.
Scandimar became communist and invaded Yetia. They captured all of West Yetia but Yetia eventually pushed them out.
Shortly afterward Abard was formed.
Sizzle and Yakamoto make an alliance and invade Yetia. Scandimar helped Yetia defend itself leading to Yetia being victorious and defeating its opponents.
Scandimar ended up in a far-right coup and invaded Yetia and won after conquering every city. Yetia then briefly tried to restabilise however it fell into chaos and revolution. The Yetian Resistance alligned with Lineland and conquered all the warlords and eventually defeated Scandimar aswell.
Lineland and Luxuria had a dispute over Victoria leading to a brief skirmish until Lineland conceded to Luxuria if it could keep Melbourne
Yetia makes a POW Camp on Svalbard and sends chungus there to be in prison. The natives dont like it so they make the Chiefdom of Svalbard and enter a guerilla war against Yetia.
Finland declares independance from Yetia and Sizzle guarantees their independance. Yetia demands sizzle back down however Sizzle doesnt.
Yetia has a war between its north and south over Authoritarianism or Democracy. The democrats won.
Alot of the Yetian Navy and Army defect and form the Indian Ocean Pirates, raiding Xining, Luxuria and many Yetian colonies.
Finland tries to fight Yetia and Sizzle but loses and is re-annexed.
SDP Coups Yetia, and turns it into a decentralised Constitutional Monarchy leading to conservative protests.
The UN is founded.
SDP is overthrown in Yetia and the Republic of Yetia is restored.
The Empire Wars
Abardean-Sizzlean alliance is made right as King Alex I becomes king of sizzle, The king decides to start a expansionist policy and Invades and annexes Scotland , Despite meeting considerable protests from the yetian government sizzle does not back down.
First Empire War
Lineland and Yetia disagreed with Sizzle's aggression, so they declared war. Lineland tried to naval invade sizzle but failed and was itself invaded and captured by sizzle. Sizzle attacked and captured East Yetia and pushed into the yetian mainland, which yetia set up trenches in to stop sizzlean advances. Yakamoto was invaded and annexed into the Sizzlean Empire. Sizzle meeting such heavy defences in yetia did not know how to advanced, So caleld in the Scandimarians and flanked yetia, Capturing the cities of Niederbach Vandam Helsinki Yetia City and much much more. Peace negotiations are attempted but fail. Sarpistan then rebels and gains its independance from yetia as a sizzlean ally. Sizzle breaks its alliance with abard and annexes it into Sizzle. Yetia then eventually also lost the war and met the same fate. Some insurrections are attempted but are swiftly crushed and pirates that tried to capitalise on the military assets ont rade lanes are also crushed.
Second Empire War
Yetia leads a large rebellion against sizzle andmanages to liberate yetias south, however is stopped from invading Yetia City, All of this angered Sizzle and its King Alex I who leaded a genocide against yetians in its still controlled land which is considered one of the worst genocides in world histrory. Sizzlean lineland is given administration over the unstable and still suffering from the genocide yetia. The conflict starts to die down however Abard redeclared its independance, Shortly afterwards King Alex I declared there would be peace howevber he dies from sickness in mysterious circumstances, His son King Alex II is crowne dking of sizzle and leads sizzle tro try to retake Abard however their invasion force is defeated. Unpopular from his defeat King Alex II is dethroned and replaced with his grandson King William I. William I is against the empire and dissolves it giving independance to all the conquered territories, During the chaos the Yetian Rebels liberate their western lands in which the horrors of the yetian genocide are revealed.
Sizzlean War of Succession
Alex II was disgusted by the decisions of William I so personally decided to hunt down William I. Yetia, still scarred from the memory of the yetian genocide sent support to William I in the fork of 100k soldiers. In response Alex II attempted to march a army on yetia but William I's forces dispersed the attack before it could arrive. Yetia however meets conflict with Scandimar and has to redirect its forces to defend from scandimar, which is important due to it losing much of its recruitable population. Many nations are allowed to have security administration over regions of yetia for defence. Meanwhile, Alex II catches up to William I and makes William I suffer a brutal death. Yetia is then put under control of a Military Junta. Sizzlean Empire supporters join Alex II's siide against the currently leaderless Sizzlean Government. Yetia manages to barely defeat scandimar and sends support back to sizzle. East yetia, Seeking recognition started sending support to Alex II, in direct opposition to the rest of yetia. In the chaos, NMany sizzlean warlords referred to as "Tribes" rise up and begfin vying for power. One of the more notable ones was the Zanssi tribe, Who attempted to fight Alex II however are defeated, Which enraged Alex II. Meanwhile, Sizzle crowned a new king Louis I, who was being hunted down by Alex II. Alex II, still enraged by zanssi attacks, started a attack against the Zanssi and managed to take much of their controlled territory. Alex II then managed to find Louis I and executes him, However he still only had control over Beijing, but required still to gainc ontrol over the rest so started defeating smaller tribes and slowly became the strongest force in sizzle. Abard attempted to itnervbbene against the Sizlt tribe however failed due to temperiture extremes on Sizzle Island. Alicorn kingdom was also founded around this point in the war. During the chaos of the succession war, Alex II's sizzle declares war on abard and requests for assistance from the tribes however, They reject and help abard. This angered Alex II who sent a army to fight the tribes however John Hunter, Leader of the Zanssi and Adam Parker, Leader of the Sizlt, the strongest tribes join forces to fight against Alex II's army. Zanssi and Sizlt manage to capture Beijing, and alex II is forced to retreat, The alliance seems to be winning however leader of Sizlt, Adam parker is killed in the battle of Xining and the alliance is forced to retreat.. To avenge his friend, John Hunter, leader of the Zanssi goes ont o defeat Alex II and reunifies sizzle under a peaceful government.
Kalevian War of Independance
After disdagreeing with Yetia's actions against Scandimar the East yetians declared their independance and began operating autonomously from the rest of yetia. Seeking recognition, East yetia sent its support to the opposing side in the Sizzlean war of successiont han what the rest of yetia did, So east yetia supported Alex II's forces. Requiring a army to defend itself from a possible war, East yetia detained all yetian soldiers in the area and then gave them a offer to join their army if they wanted freedom ,Which was accepted by around 3 thousand, With highly trained soldiers east yetia was ready to start planning its defence to the upcomming invasion. First minor battles began on the 8th as Yetian ships began engaging Eastern ships in the baltic. However, East Yetia was about to find a important ally. Red City was founded on Lake chad and alligned itself with East Yetia.
Yetian naval forces suddenly landed in the ports of Vabalinn and began a push throughout East Yetia's south, soon crossing the Riga Bridges and going all the way up the karelian isthmus. Yetian militaries push all the way to Helsinki however are managed to be halted. Red City began providing supplies to the Eastern forces, Using multiple gas attacks against yetia. East Yetian counteroffensives in Estonia are swiftly defeated however the Karelian isthmus becomes a major battleground
Red city began sending direct support with multiple air strikes. Red city navy continues to sink yetian navies attempting to make a landing on western helsinki. Yetian forces mahbgged to make a landing in the north and push far south however this was shortlived due to a new intervention from another ally of East Yetia, Yakamoto along with their ally Asgorth.
Sarpistan, wanting to have a coast on the levant joined the Eastern side and pushed through and captured the entirety of turkey. and eventually reaches Albania.
Despite yetia pushing them back again, with newfound support and su0plies East yetia managed to start pushing yetia south again. East Yetia Yakamoto and Asgorth defeated yetia in east yetian land and naval invaded Yetian Germany, Eventually pushing all the way to Yetia city where Yetia surrenderred to their enemies and east yetia was given independance, Which eventually became Kalevala in the following few days.
Lineland-Scandimar War
During the war, A uprising in Scandimar by linelandic people called "Kingdom of Linelandic Bergen" Which attadcked scandimar. Lineland supported the rebellion and east yetia