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Catherian Era

The catherian era was a era of increased ammount of conflict in the world, however it established a select 2 nations in the world as the true world superpowers being Yetia and Sizzle.

In the now fully independant nation of East Yetia the questionm was asked, to distance itself from its yetian past or adopt a new identity? A referendum was held and the Union of East Yetia was abolished and replaced with the Republic of Kalevala and leaded a expansionist expedition to the barents sea to secure a non baltic port for the new nation. This leaded to the founding of the port city of Muurmanni, later to be renamed "Murmansk".

Due to yetia's loss in the Kalevian war of independance, the current government became very unpopular and thus in true yetian fashion, caused a revolution. in which people aimed to restore the House of Yetevia back to power as a monarchy. The revolutionaries requested a remaining royal living in the Alps known as Catherine to take charge as the queen of yetia, which she accepted. The revolution was swift and successful. This leaded to the republican faction running of into exile somewherei n eurasia no wknown as "True republic of yetia"

In the new kingdom of yetia after many years of turmoil and wars a reconstruction period was begun. New buildings were built, farms were made to feed the people and a new trans-yetian railway system was built. Sizzle followed suite, with constructions of new buildings in its brand new colony in Siberia and with becomming the world boxing champion. To mark the new rebirth of yetia, the construction of a new city centre called "New Town" was begun. Along with this, Sizzle began a secret weapons project persumed to be a nuclear program. Along with it, the yetian Newtown project was created in the nuclear research site in Algeria.

Angered by the continued Sarpistani occupation of istanbul, Queen Catherine sent a contengent of the Yetian Royal Army to force out the sarpistani occupation force from the city. After the reconstruction period yetia was ready for war, and swiftly pushed out Sarpistani forces from Istanbul. Worried due to sarpistan being a former ally, red city sent multiple aircraft to stop yetian advancement however were not as successful as in East Yetia. Yetia prepared a invasion into ssarpistani occupied cyprus.. however they found out sarpistan was not the one in charge, which lead to the next era and peace with sarpiistan.

Later Empire Wars

During the Second Yetian-Sarpistani War 's end a Yetian invasion force was sent to cyprus, However it was discovered that Yetia was not in control of Cyprus and instead was controlled by surviving Sizzlean Empire Remnants.The fear from this made Yetia and Sarpistan sign a peacedeal, In which yetia annexed some parts of western sarpistan and sarpistan had to leave yetian turkey. The unknown nation sent multiple communications to the nation of red city, Most of which were vague warnings that they would take their revenge on the world, The only replies the unknown nation got was red city claiming they were not so naive. After public communications from Cyprus were sent with even more vague warnings, Sizzle and Yetia mobilised for war due to the threat it may pose, Shortly afterwards they were confirmed to be a group of people loyal to the Sizzlean Empire who called themself the "New Sizzlean Empire". The discovery of this caused some drama between Sizzle and Red City, Since Red city claimed itself to be a empire and created a reactor fueled with Void Energy which they claim will fuel a flying city which will be away from any damage caused by the New Sizzlean Empire. However sizzle disagreed, still being scarred from the Empire Wars , Due to these claims the people of Abard march to the borders of Red City to protest this due to their only recently gained freedom from the Sizzlean Empire , All protests were shut down by the Red City military, afterwars the abardeans make the Anti-Empire Republic outside of Red City before they are kicked out.. Meanwhile, Yetian spy drones found out that there was a general of the former Sizzlean Empire inside the fortress on cyprus, Which prompted both Sizzle and Yetia to begin setting up their armies on the Coast of Turkey nearest to the New Sizzlean Empire. As a response the New Sizzlean Empire assasinated prominant yetian political figures. Kalevala declared its neutrality due to them fearing being taken over like Finland was. To diffuse tensions Red City offered to join forces with abard however Abard denies due to Red City being an empire. Sizzle due to this begins questioning Red City further, leading to the confirmation of Red City's void superweapon. The New Sizzlean Empire at this point revealed their identitya fter being bribed by Yetia. This angered Sizzle, who declared war on the New Sizzlean Empire, joined shortly by Yetia. Lineland and Islandia shortlöy joined to assist Yetia and Sizzle, alongside Kalevian sanctions.

Fourth Empire War

Red City showed its might by destreoying tens of airships in one blast from its new Void Deatmonizer Cannon. Which made Sizzle ask if it could buy it to use against the New Sizzlean Empire, Which is shut down by Red City due to it being its primary self defence weapon. Red City however offers to sell sizzle a power source, which is accepted. New Sizzlean Empire also secretly purchases one. the Pirates try to steal it on the way, however their plot fails. This gave time for the New Sizzlean Empire to ready up its defences and repair its navy, beginning the Siege of Cyprus. Yetia sent an ultimatum to Sarpistan to assist them in the war which was accepted as well, leading to Sarpistani enterance to the war. Sarpistan aws also joined by Republican Yetia, Scotland, Yakamoto and Abard.

Sizzle and Yetia realise starving them out dont work, due to their agriculture and fishing, even if they are blockaded they cant wait them out leading to a naval bombardment. Red City begins sending supplies to New Sizzlean Empire due to their trade deal, which leads to Sizzle threatening them to stop hjowever Red City denies saying they can do what they want. The Anti-Empire Coalition began their assault on the New Sizzlean Empire, this however was difficult. Eventually after many attacks Kalevian forces managed to secure a landing in the north-east tip of Cyprus which was enough to capture that area. After breaching the walls of their fortresses from there the New Sizzlean Empire was forced to a retreat, in which they escaped on hoverbikes. Sizzlean and Yetian forces chased after them and were joiend by Red City. They eventually made it to the Yetian Antarctic Research Station.

New Sizzlean Empire forces were cornered, so they attempted to activate the technology within the Lab, including an attempt to revive Alex I, however this was thwarted by Yetia and Sizzle. Eventually, the New Sizzlean Empire forces in antartica surrendered. Yetia and Sizzle celebrated, however the Red City forces destroyed the exits to the lab trapping a majority of the Yetian and Sizzlean armies wuithin, ssaying that its time for a new order of the world.

First Void War

Yetian and Sizzlean forces eventually escaped the research station, leading to them having to make a trecherous journey to the sea in which trhey were picked up by naval vessels taking them back to Yetia, in which they prepared for the upcomming onslaught. Catherine I and John Hunter rallied their armies and began a journey to Red City for their final chance to take them down before it was too late.

Yetian and Sizzlean forces confronted the Red City forces in a difficult batlte on the ground, whiel Catherine I and John Hunter watched upon the red city superweapon on an airship, in which they were confronted by Ken Zayron. John Hunter launched his airship into the supwerweapon, causing a massive explosion sending John Hunter into an alternate dimension and completely destroying Red City. The wherabouts of Ken Zayron remaoin unlknown as an injured catherine returns to Yetia.

First Void War - Aftermath

Sizzle's king John I dissapeared during the battle, leading to him being persumed dead and his daughter taking charge of the nation.

Due to her injuries in the battle, Catherine I temporarily stepped down from rulership to recover. In this time there was a temporary regency council.

Many terrorist attacks occured across the world, The NSE claimed responsibility for all of them.

Yetian population growth overtook sizzle due to many sizzleans dying in the war.

During a victory parade in Yetia City, Red City caused a terrorist attack in which they announced they were not dead.

Due to its overpopulation, Lineland set out on a colonial policy in which they claimed Vancouver Island for themselves. On the war, strange new robotic beings poriginated from Red City known as Eirnics.

Discovery of the Eirnics

The first public instance of eirnics was reported on a linelandic colonial voyage ship, They send the eirnics to Linasburg for research.

News of the incident go around. a moral question of experimenting on sentient beings is being raised people are being divided on whether to find out the technology or to leave them be as they now claim to be alive. In the Linasburg Research Institute they are opened up and look inside to see why they are snetient, this leads to the Eirnics causing the scientists to unconcious and they leave graffiti saying "We're alive" "We are not war machines." "We are not weapons"." "We are alive."

Eighth Yetian Revolution

A red republic

Former President James of Yetia, current head of Republican Yetia passed away, leading to the group falling to a radical socialist movement, reorganizing Republican Yetia into the Yetian Red Army, claiming to be successors of the older  "Yetian Red Army" which was in control of Yetia City briefly during a Scandimarian invasion.

Beginning of the attack

The YRA invaded Yetia swiftly, igniting socialist uprisings across the country. Kalevala was worried by the revolution spreading, thus they they sent aid to Yetia which lead to kalevala being drawn into the war as Kalevian socialists took the opportunity to rise up with aid from the YRA. Sarpistan declared its neutrality, though despite this socialists overthrew Sultan Ahmed forcing him into exile. Lineland, Islandia, Taiwan, and Argentina sent assistance to Yetia and its allies, as they too began to deal with socialist revolts. Due to the crisis, Catherine I demanded emergency powers from Parliament which was approved, which she then used to pull back the Yetian Military to Yetia City as the People's Republic of Waclaw declared its independence and aligned itself with the socialists.


Yetian special forces managed to begin a slow push against the socialists alongside Kalevala, though the speed of the advance caused some degree of disappointment in the public. The Linelandic Navy landed in Kuwait, swiftly liberating Sarpistan from socialist rule. Concurrently Kalevala and Yetia launched largescale counteroffensives, with Yetia even able to defeat all YRA forces in its territory.

Final holdouts

The during the assault on the final socialist forces in southern Kalevala, mysterious airships claiming to be affiliated with "the Void" began showing up and attacking the anti-socialist coalition, only being driven off by Yetia's own airforces. Despite the destruction acros smuch of Europe, the Red Armies were soundly defeated.

Beginning of the Eirnic-Yetia Partnership

Reports show Androids returning to the remains to Red City rebuilding it as a home rather than the giant factory it was. These androids claim to be the sentient ones and are trying to rebuild a Utopia for Androids

Yetia will now permit sentient androids to live in yetia but their files must be searched before permanent settlement to make sure no bad things happen.

The androids declare that they do not wish to be called Androids anymore but instead called "Eirnics". They however respect Yetia's proposal and Yetia is provided with devices to scan their files to make sure nothing can go wrong. It will block weapon instructions so Yetia cant use their weapons.

The Eirnics moved back to Red City and began reconstructing it to their image, removing the factories and replacing it with a civilisation. They change the name to Omnia and requests factory building rights. The eirnic factory proposal however does not pass through yetian parliament.

Second England War

The YNC was founded in england as a arms dealing company. It disliekd the restrictions put upon it by the yetian government so it started making propaganda and paramilitaries. They also invested into EMP technology and became a pioneer of it. Due to many experiments yetia decided to investigate the company however all investigators were taken out by the paramilitaries. Due to all of the admiration and success CEO George, the leader of the company becamea cult leader declaring himself a god. He then leasd his paramilitaries into a quest for independance.

English forces were very successful in the early stages of the war, managing to push yetia all the way to wales. Due to this Yetia requested a deal with Scotland which was denied. England also tried to convince scotland by offering Yetian Scotland to be given to Scotland which tempted Scotland enough to demand it from Yetia which is swiftly denied by Yetia leading to Scotland joining the war on England's side. Due to this Yetia arms ireland and calls in the Yetian Commonwealth into the war.

Yetia begins a swift offensive because their plan was to defeat scotland as fast as possible then focus on england. Sizzle did not approve of Yetia's attack into scotland which caused their relations to diminish. Yetia responded with claiming that they are doing this in self defence. England plans with scotland to cut off Yetia's supplies in Scotland so they invade northern ireland and the isle of mann to blockade yetian scotland. Sizzle warns yetia again however yetia keeps claiming self defense.

Yetia demands scotland back down however due to scotlands successes at pushin gback yetia scotland denies the demand. Sizzle continues demanding Yetia's retreat from scotland which leads to Catherine I demanding the retreat. England continues to beg for assistance as it is being pushe dback by yetia. Due to this Scotland began advancing into yetia allowing england to begin a counter attack and invading back much of their lands they had been pushed out of. Red Leader showed up to England and offered an alliance. England was not sure to they contacted sizzle for what to do leading to sizzle demanding them to deny it.

English and scottish forces boarded planes in new castle and flew to Newtown in which they landed into the Yetevia royal palace breaking through the window. They try to attack towards Catherine I's quarters however Yetian guards begin attacking back alongside sizzleans. Omnia also sent reinforcements confusing sizzle into figbhting them however it ignored their attacks. Catherine I personally defended herself with her spear. Red City arrives on England's side shooting at the Yetians and Sizzleans. England and Scotland fight to the last man but they are no match to the combined forces of Sizzle Yetia and Omnia with Red City's forces being captgured by omnia. Scotland attempts to siege the palace however their efforts are getting more desperate. Red City forces are converted to omnia's side as Catherine I's royal guards asthe battle draws to a end. Catherine and Amelie, Leader of Omnia have a meeting after the battle with many Eirnics dead. Amelie requested that Yetia allows eirnic factories to compensate for the losses due to their help for yetia. Catherine accepts and promises to convince lineland to allow eirnics to know how Void Energy works.

Scotland and Yetia sign peace with Scotland annexing Yetian Scotland and Yetia regaining its occupied lands and gaining free access through scotland to ireland.

Yetia begun pushing england way back until Sizzle demanded yetia to leave scotland alone. Yetia was confused by this but due to england's requests Sizzle sent in soldiers to assist Yetia. Sizzle kept demanding but Yetia refused to back down. This led to Omnia building a large cannon on the frontlines with england sending a ultimatum to surrender or the cannon would be fired. Omnia dud not think it was moral to use it neither did Yetia so one of Red Leader's androids activated it causing devastating damage to England as a whole. Due to this Yetia becan evacuating and retreating in fear. Yetia attemlpts to hold a referendum of independance to end the war but it goes nowhere.

After recovering from the cannon England prepared an all out attack on yetia. Yetia having retreated due to the truce swiftly pushing through with materials from foreign support. They enter Yetia city and push all the way to the Yetevia Palace in newtown. starting the second palace battle in which Catherine I died. Adam II was coronated and Yetia started a aggressive counter attack killing every english soldier in their sight in a quest for revenge. England stood no chance to the counter attack with their army entirely crushed in their attempts. Yetia pushed england all the way out of Yetia proper and eventually completely crushed.

Yetia mourned Catherine's death deeply, with marches through the streets. Once the anthem rang across the city the broadcast got hacked and a new message began.

The anthem get cut out by a hacker
Kens voice comes out
"Oh Catherine the tyrant. How the times were too soon."
"I planned on killing you by my own two hands! But not all plans seem to go accordingly. Especially you Ralph."
"Weren't you a tough one to make, these fools don't even know how to unleash the full potential in you! You will come back to you're maker sooner or later… after you realize the truth."
"As for you little boy. You're mother barely was able to put a fight against rebels! And the poor thing always needed her new project to damage one of my ships."
"What tells you, you'll be capable, of holding of against me?!"
He starts laughing maniacally an a distorted wonder voice comes out of him for a second
"I look forward for our battles. And to you Omnia... don't forget you're god."
"May a plague fall upon all of you. Have a very very terrible day."
"Death to the royal family."
The broadcast has been shut off

Yetia made peace with sizzle after sizzle understood what just happened and was angry at england for killing Catherine. Sizzle joined forces with Yetia against any england remnants.

English remnants requested amnesty in Scotland however they were denied. England decided to do this by force so english forces began crossing into scotland as yetia chased them down. During the squabbles a new flag is raised in Dublin as the IRA formed to declare irish independance from yetian occupation in the war. IRA steals supplies from all combatants as it slowly captures ireland. English forces remain trapped in scotland with the goal of fortifying the hebrides orkney and shetland. Red Leader began secretly helping Yetia to defeat the IRA because they wanted england to lose. England however could not withstand all the attacks so started to slowly lose land to the coalition against it. Omnia eventually sent its navy against England which ended up being the killing blow necessary to fully defeat them as swiftly afterward England fell completely. Ireland gained its independance due to Yetia's innability to invade it.

Void Energy Deal

Eirnics were starting to run low on fuel due to them not understanding Void Energy. They eventuially however found a replacement fuel which worked as a fuel for them. It is called "Blarium Fuel" and was found in the remains of Red City. This worked as a fuel for them themselves but void weapons didn't function with it.

Despite the discovery of Blarium Fuel the Eirnics were still low on energy. Begrudgingly Lineland, the only nation left who knew how Void Energy works accepts to teach them if they are allowed to regulate it. Omnia agrees due to it being desperate.

Information found about The Giver

Eirinics appear to have found more info about the entity named The Giver and was willing to give info about them. It appears that The Giver entity was once with the old red city leader. Before the Leader became corrupt and started their criminal career The Giver was then devoted to stop the Leader at all costs, as they are the reason the Leader has gotten access to how to harness and use the Void. Old android recordings show that Anti-Void structures were used by Sizzle and Yetia And it's believed the Giver has given it to them

3 Day War

Abard became a empire and began expanding its holdings in africa under the rulership of King Henry I. They also demanded that Sizzle give back Sizzle Island which they briefly occupied during the War of Sizzlean Succession. Sizzle didn't agree to giving it to Abard so Abard offered to buy it from Sizzle which they also refused.

Abardean navy and bombers flew down to the island and did heavy damage to the sizzlean garrison before Sizzle had time to send reinforcements leading to a quick capture of the Island by Abardean forces.

Yetian Reform

After a series of protests in Yetia King Adam II restored democracy and constitutional monarchy. This caused the spread of a movement they called "Reformism" which advocated for democracy. It was especially high in Yetia, Omnia, Yakamoto and Sizzle.

Omnia refused to embrace reformism due to Eirnic Leaders being forced to be transparent and their intention predictable. The same could not be done with a human leader according to them. People kept demanding it but Omnia shut it down by saying why they should give up transparency and honesty inturn for democracy. Also citing that democracy can be manipulated by emotion.

Founding of Poavak

Poavak was founded in Java as a kingdom. Poavak shut downm any reform and started seeking allies.

Poavak seeked alliances with Lineland but was denied. They also asked Luxuria but were denied.

Luxurian Investigation

Rumours start going around about a strange cyborg creature moving around in Luxuria. People say that its a failed experiment of somekind and whereabouts it came from..

Liam accidentally gets his girlfriend pregnant after people protested for democracy because he misheared them. This happened to be who became Peppa Pig.

Lineland directs luxuria to investigate a weird futuristic house for the red leader or monster.. Luxuria sends 2 soldiers over there alongside 2 Linelandic Marines in which they meet a strange guy with bandages. The 4 question why he is there. The 4 come in to sit down and chat after the guy reveals he used to lived in Red City before the war. The guy says hes in hiding because people think he is Red Leader despite his house not being near that futuristic. The 4 soldiers get a bit suspicious but continue talking. The guy says the only thing red city in the house is the crystal on the roof. The 4 soldiers take notes and decide to leave thinking its no big deal. Until weird voices came from outside. The guy warns it is the monster the rumours are about. The monster grabs a gun and misfire sit. this startles it causing more damage until it leaves. The guy reveals it is one of Red Leader's creations he sent out into the world. On their way out the Linelandic Marines find a button which they press. this causes it to be revealed that the guy is ACTUALLY red leader. As they are being captured they press a button on their watches signaling to the militaries of the world that Red Leader has been discovered.

Poavak-Manzheboyi War

The Poavak-Manzheboyi war was destined to occur after the newly founded nation of Poavak discovered soem strange happenings in eastern java. This was revealed to be a seperate nation called Manzheboyi, which happened to be a NSE faction. Due to this Sizzle instructed Poavak to attack them which they did because they wanted control over all of java.

Poavak initially sent a smaller army to attack Manzheboyi but failed in this. This caused Manzheboyi to officially declare war on Poavak.

In retaliation Poavak ordered another attack into Manzheboyi territory which failed even worse leading to Manzheboyi to send a full on counter-invasion into Poavak which was successful. Omnia sent support into Poavak to stop them but this only slowed Manzheboyi down. Poavak started going across the indonesian islands to set up a force behind Manzheboyi lines. This lead Manzheboyi's siege of Jakarta to fail as Poavak sneaked behind them and captured Surabaya. This caused Manzheboyi to collapse to Poavak's attacks into their land leading to a Poavakian victory.

It caused the NSE Factions to unite against Omnia and its allies leading to the upcoming Imperial War. It also lead Eirnics to believe miracles during the war were doing of the Avakist gods leading to Avakism becoming a common ideology in eirnics.