Archived/Low Quality Articles
Archived articles are articles which are no longer in use, as their contents have been moved or rewritten, while the former content remains on pages like these. Archived pages often also include either outdated or retconned content.
Ranking of every country with information from most evil to least evil (most evil at top) Luxuria "California" Yetia Spisos Iujadogia Mei'ra Sizzle Hongerswak Hayah Yamalia Uganda Zina YNF Petoria Sipedro Lustland Poavak Asophania/Denasola Sarpistan Abard Lineland* Yakamoto Kauria Itachia Utsong Duloc England Shenguo/Sakkiang Nuevopedro Nakmai Scandimar Creepyland Goldaria Yamato Skye Kalevala Italy Charaland Luvakhia Piggy Island Ellaria CSY Jeriya Anakistan Khat Wanaoishi Luvuria/Cotunauinia Choros Vedaburg Cocala Titicaca Red Army Lizarb Osania Aparty Nilastan Bornuvia saharia Islandia Isernotaria Eteria Texas Malta SS Yorica Ireland Scotland Macanaland Apothelis Equatoria Drenemoria Floria Svealand Wales Luvamatrilia Alicorn Celtic Dina
Ancient Nations from before the Year 0
Flag | Name | Time of existance |
Ancient Apothelis | 847BCE-300BCE | |
Athenia | 1157BCE-1023BCE | |
Ancient Choros | 1157BCE-1056BCE | |
Constantinia | 1157BCE-948BCE 832BCE-300BCE | |
Doniya | 1157bce-973BCE/832BCE (Depends on definition) | |
Ancient Lineland | 723BCE-300BCE | |
Ancient Luxuria | ? | |
Eastern Yetai Empire | 1230BCE-1189BCE | |
Ancient Inchyros | 973BCE-832BCE | |
Mikros | 832BCE-300BCE | |
Ancient Moria | 1157BCE-998BCE | |
Ancient Skye | ? | |
Ancient Spisos | ? | |
Thrace | 1157BCE-969BCE | |
Ancient Wales | ? | |
West Yetai Empire | 1230BCE-874BCE | |
Yetai Empire | 1579BCE-1230BCE | |
Duchy of Yetia | 764BCE-698BCE | |
? | Zantozacoria | 1295BCE-300BCE? |
Asclan War
Around Year 20 Asclan re-emerged as the first Yomtach clan in modern Yata, They settled on Easter Island and from there industrialised and sought to take their revenge on the rest of Yata. Asclan traveled to Yetia and took control of their airship docks and created the Order of Yetia, a puppet regime under their control. From there they invaded Luxuria and fought as far as Alice Springs until Sizzle's elite swordsmen managed to defeat Asclan and forced them into retreat, this lead the Yetians to revolt and Asclan to be forced to flee back to Easter Island.
Subjugation of Easter Island
Many years later, Yetian airships and navy lead a strike on Asclan as revenge to its previous conquest by Asclan. Asclan fought hard however was no match due to the damage it sustained in the Asclan war, allowing Easter Island to be captured by Yetia. Asclan from there escaped to Bermuda, Wrangel and the caves of Easter Island
Second Human-Yomtach War
Asclan was rediscovered in 24.1.2020, in which it launched an in
The Basque are a minority population in Yetia notable for their distinct language that is mostly unrelated to others. Their homelands are where much of Newtown is built so most of them have assimilated into Yetian culture and language.
Bingland after being created in the wake of the Swagonian War rose up causing Bingustani forces to be cut off. This led to Bingustan and UFR signing a armistice with Swagonia ending the war which birthed Bingland. Bingland and Swagonia became allies because of the war. Bingland shortly afterward had its first election in which the Consus Party's "Buff Pepper" won the presidency. Bingland supported Swagonia and in the Second Swagonian War intervened on their side and fought Polsk head on. They were invaded by Bingustan and almost fully captured until Blingus rebelled leading to Bingland recapturing bingbong. Bingustan did a counterinvasion in which Bingland suffered a simmilar fate until they won in the third battle of Bingbong and managed to push back the bingustanis. Bingustani occupation zone collapsed as hard as Bingustan did and Bingus Loyalists took control in far northern Bingland. Bingland liberated the rest of its territories and is was planning a counter invasion of Bingustan. Bingland later joined in the third war to protect its ally Floppa City from other nations. They initially didn't do much until they allied with Jun-Swagoland because they were tired of everyone's shit. In this they invaded Konbatyscir. They then invaded and defeated Plompystan, establishing a democratic government there. Then the second elections happened in which the Action party won with Sproingus being elected. WIP
45% | Consus Party |
32% | Los Floppos Party |
16% | Democratic Party |
7% | Bingland Worker's Party |
29% | Action Party |
28% | Consus Party |
23% | Los Floppos Party |
12% | Democratic Party |
7% | Bingland Worker's Party |
Bingustan was made by Bingus as a country for the Orientalis Bingus Tribe. Bingustan became allies with the UFR and they fought together against swagonia in the UFR-Swagonia war. This caused Bongus, who had always been jealous of his brother Bingus to rally the communists in the country and overthrow Bingus. This made Bingustan flee to exile in Trenton. They eventually couldnt manage it anymore and escaped to UFR where they are now in exile in Floppascus plotting their reconquest of Bongustan. During the Theian World War Bingustan declared war on Polsk and tried to reconquer Bongustan who allied with Polsk. They however werent able to win the war. Bingustan attempted to reconquer its land again in the Swagonian War and this time succeeed with aid from the UFR. Bongustan remained in control of the western part but Bingustan was somewhat restored in eastern Bongustan. Bingustan was initially successful capturing half of Swagonia until Bingland revolted against him forcing him to retreat and sign a armistice.Bingustan also joined in on the Second Swagonian War. This led to Bingus being temporarily overthrown by rebels and a transitional government. These were eventually seized by Bongustan and Bingus made Second Bingustan in Bingland.
Bongus is the younger brother of Bingus. He is known to have been overshadowed by his older brother for most of his life so when he saw a chance to rallied the binguses under communism and overthrew Bingus forcing Bingus into exile. This has lead his family to not like him but he doesnt care because he thinks they never liked him anyway. Bongus is known to be a fan of Communism for unknown reasons. Bongus appreciated Polsk alot due to Polsk aiding his country but he still valued Swagonia more because Swagonia aided his initial uprising. This led to Polsk abandoning Bongustan when they ended up at war with Swagonia. Bongus helped the swagonian government until he saw no point and switched sides to the rebels. During this his brother Bingus alongside Big Floppa tried to conquer Bongustan but it ended up only dividing Bongustan in 2 countries. Bongus supported the Bingland Uprising aswell. When Polsk attacked Swagonia again in the Second Swagonian War Bongustan joined in because Bongus wantede to protect Swagonia. He was dragged into the Third Swagonian War aswell which eventually lead to his defeat and exile to Orieneido
The Soviet Republic of Bongustan more commonly known as Bongustan is a country located in Orientalis. It was created by Bongus because Bongus had bad relations with his brother Bingus, creator of Bingustan which was formerly in the area which is now Bongustan.
Bongustan is a communist country lead by Bongus. Bongus is a communist because his brother Bingus was very capitalistic which made Bongus dissappointed because he was neglected and grew up fairly poor compared to his brother.
Bongustan was created during the Floppa-Swagonia War because Bingustan was helping the UFR. Bongus used this chance to rally the Bongustan Communist Party against Bingus with support from Swagonia. The revolution succeeded and Bongus made Bongustan as a ally of Swagonia. During the Theian World War Bingustan and Bongustan briefly fought eahcother again but it ended when the Covenant attacked.
Bongustan has a space program called the Bongus Stellar Organization. It is not very advanced and they mainly use rocket-powered slingshots to launch capsules into space. They have a decomissioned cargo ship from Polsk which they are trying to reverse-engineer to have better ships.
Bongustan was involved in both Swagonian Wars. In the first Swagonian War bongustan initially allied with the Provisional Junta until they saw no point in it anymore and started supporting the anarchists. In the war Bingustan began a counter invasion of Bongustan and managed to take control of eastern Bongustan when they signed peace, dividing Bongustan in 2. In the Second Swagonian War Bongustan came back to aid the Anarchists and tried to reconquer Bingustan. They initially lost very bad until Bingustan fell into civil war leading to Bongustan retaking its land and coming to aid of the Bingus Red Guard. They managed to win the war and annexed the Bingus Red Guard reuniting Bongustan. Bingustan however survived in Bingland. In the Third Swagonian War Bingustan re-invaded Bongustan and with aid from toher nations defeated them early on in the war making Bongustan leave the war and sever ties with the Swagonians as it now became a nation only located in OrieneidoThis page is meant for listing real life religions which have been implied or stated to be canon in yata lore. More may be added if more are introduced.
Canon Real Life Religions
- Christianity
- Islam
- Judaism
- Hinduism
- Buddhism
- Tengrism
- *African Folk Religions
- Animism
- Shamanism
Possibly Canon Real Life Religions
- Shintoism
- Sikhism
Additional Real Life Religions featured in Spawn 2 (May or may not be canon)
- Wicca
- Neo-Paganism
- Scientology
Country | Name |
Abard | Abardean Mark |
Alicorn Kingdom | Alicorn Kingdom Bits |
Alinya | Alinyan Som |
Anakistan | Anakistani Som |
Aparty | Apartian Rial |
Asophania | Asophanian Pound |
Catania | Catanian Dollar |
Celtic | Spisos Dollar |
Celtic | Celtic Fish |
Choros | Chorosian Drachma |
Cornwall | Cornish Pound (Defunct) |
Cotunauinia | Regenerado peso (Defunct) |
Creepyland | Creepylandian Creepy |
Chungusland | Yetian Dollar (Defunct) |
Drenemoria | Drenemorian kral |
Duloc | Duloc Mark |
Eteria | Eterian Shilling |
Goldaria | Goldarian Birr |
Grandebaie | Catanian Dollar (Defunct) |
Hongerswak | Hongerswak Franc (Defunct) |
Hyperborea | Hyperborean Escudo |
Ireland | Irish Pound |
Islandia | Islandian Peso |
Italy | Italian Lira |
Kalevala | Kalevian Mark |
Kauria | Kaurian escudo |
Lineland | Linelandic Ruble |
Lineland | Linelandic Dollar (Defunct) |
Luvakhia | Luvakhian Ruble |
Luvakhia | Luvakhian Mark (Defunct) |
Luvamatrilia | Luvamatrilian Ruble |
Luxuria | Luxurian Gold Nugget |
Morduria | Mordurian Lira (Defunct) |
Nakmai | Nakmai Riel |
Nay'Bling | Nay'bling Riel |
Neo-Sarpia | Catnip |
Nilastan | Nilastian Rupee |
Nuan Krovh | Meat (They traded different meats) (Defunct) |
Nunland | Nunlandian Silver Coin |
Omnia | Eirnic Buck |
Pasagre | Pasagre Lats |
Peterland | Peterland Shilling (Defunct) |
Poavak | Poavakian Rupia |
Red Army | Red Army Krone |
Rome | Italian Lira |
Sarpistan | Sarpistani Dinar |
Sarpistan | Sarpistani Rupia (Defunct) |
North Sarpistan | Sarpistani Dinar (Defunct) |
South Sarpistan | Sarpistani Rial (Defunct) |
Scandimar | Scandimarian Kroner |
Sipedro | Sipedroan Peso |
Sizzle | Sizzlean Dollar |
Spisos | Spinese Dollar |
Sumera | Sumeran Rupee |
Taiwan | Taiwanese Dollar |
Tritonia | Tritonian Ruble |
Uganda | Ugandan Diamond |
Utsong | Utsong Tam (Defunct) |
Vedaburg | Vedan Forint |
Waclaw | Waclaw Euro |
Wales | Welsh Pound |
Wanaoishi | Wanaoishi Franc |
Yakamoto | Yakamotian Yen |
Yakamotomoto | Yakamotomoto Yen |
Yamalia | Yamalian Ruble |
Yetia | Yetian Dollar |
Yetia | Yetian Gold Nugget (Defunct) |
Yorica | Yorican Dollar |
Zina | Zinan Mark |
marc said he's canon on yata |}
Outdated pages are articles with outdated information due to recent events in lore, but can be updated to fix this. Please help by updating the info!
This is a roughly accurate tierlist of the technology level of Extrasolar Nations, to gain a point of reference in things such as battles and whatnot.
- Each tier is in alphabetical order, not in order of technology.
- The "+" tiers represent nations who are in a in between of two tiers or could be one or the other.
- The Technology Tier ≠ Power of a nation*, it is simply one part which makes up the power of a nation.
- This also includes extragalactic marked with a "+" prefix and former nations marked with a "†" prefix.
marc said he's canon on yata
Gobbledygook Alliance | |
Type | Military & Economic Pact |
Member States | Petoria, Hyperborea |
Historical Information | |
Founded | 230 |
Dissolved | 320 |
1st human-yomtach war - ancient idk humans won it
2nd human yomtach war - spisos wins the war with the power of love
3rd human yomtach war - spisos wins the war with the power of love 2
4th human yomtach war - islandia and sizzle carried everyone
5th human yomtach war aka the insurgency - asclan nae naes all of yata with yomtachia then asophania genetically paralises them and kills them allIreland was founded by a rebel group known as the IRA. The IRA gained success due to the Ireland Military District, the at the time administration of ireland being distracted due to its overlord Yetia being involved in the Second England War. Ireland afterwards continued its existance as a fairly neutral and peaceful nation until the World Wars began. Ireland was involve din many of them and was conquered in the First and Second World wars. Ireland however came out of this alive and eventually became a monarchy under King O'Connor for many years. Ireland afterwards was very involved in anti-communist movements and had occasional trouble or friendship with its eastern neighbours. Ireland eventually stopped being a monarchy as people got tired of it and revolted leading to Sean Kelly recreating a Irish Republic under a socialist government.
* Abard - Abardi
- Aghamb - Aahamina
- Alabama - Alabaama
- Albania - Albaania
- Alicorrn Kingdom - Alikornien Kuningaskunta
- Alinya - Alinia
- Almadina - Almadiina
- Anakistan - Anakistani
- Anexkhlaschlamega - Anekslamega
- Aparty - Apartia
- Apothelis - Apotelia
- Arcoradia - Arcoradia
- Ard Algharb - Lännenmaa
- Argentina - Argentiina
- South Argentina - Etelä Argentiina
- Arstotzka / Arstotska
- Ascension Island - Ascensionin Saari
- Asgorth - Asgortti
- Asophania - Asofaania
- Asleepia - Unimaa
- Astralo - Australo
- Azeria - Aseria
- Bangustan - Bangustani
- Bashkortostan - Baškiria
- Bayern - Baijeri
- Belarus - Valkovenäjä
- Bingland - Binglanti
- Bingterra - Bingerinmaa
- Bingustan - Bingustani
- Bongustan - Bongustani
- Bornuvia - Bornia
- Brazil - Brasillia
- Cajilia - Kajilanti
- California - Kalifornia
- Carbon - Hiilenkunta
- Cardyborad - Pahvia
- Cascisia - Kaskisia
- Catania - Kataania
- Catjam - Kissahillo
- Celtic - Keltti
- Charaland - Kaaranmaa
- Choros - Kooros
- Chungusland - Tsungilanti
- Cipheria - Sifernia
- Cocala - Kokaala
- Coconut Kingdom - Kookos Kuningaskunta
- Cornia - Maissinmaa
- Cotunauinia - Kotunauinia
- Creepyland - Kreepilanti
- Crystal Empire - Krystalli Valtakunta
- Cyprus - Kypros
- Derbyshire / Derbishire
- Dina - Diina
- Dreams - Unet
- Drenemoria - Drenemooria
- Duloc - Duulok
- Dunavodia - Dunavoodia
- Dzaphania - Tsafaania
- East Malia - Itämaalia
- East Tritonia - Itä Tritoonia
- East Yetia - Itä Yetia
- Eliasia - Eliaasia
- Ellaria - Ellaaria
- England - Englanti
- Equador - Ekuadori
- Equatoria - Ekuatooria
- Erbuja / Erbuuja
- Eteria - Eteeria
- Ezon - Eetson
- Feur Island - Feurin Saari
- Finland - Suomi
- Fish - Kala
- Floppa City - Flopin Kaupunkivaltio
- Flop Cong - Flop Kong
- Flopskadi - Flopski
- Flores - Floores
- Floria - Flooria
- Gamerlandia - Gamerlanti
- Gensokyo - Gensookio
- Geonosis - Geonoosi
- Gheyla - Geila
- Goldaria - Goldaaria
- Googalia - Guugalia
- Haudenosaunee - Irokeesien Liittovaltio
- Hayah - Hajanni
- Hayastan - Hajastani
- HMA Goliath - HK Jättiläinen
- Hongerswak - Hongerswakki
- Hoth - Hoth
- Hostage Box - Sotavankilan Laatikko
- Hyperborea - Hyperbooria
- Icosahedron - Ikosaedri
- Ifalia - Ifaalia
- Ireland - Irlanti
- Isernotaria - Isernotaaria
- Islandia - Islantia
- Infernia - Infernia
- Itachia - Itatsia
- Italy - Italia
- Iujadogia - Iutsadoogia
- Izumo - Itsuuno
- Jakaria - Jakaria
- Jakeprolandia - Jakeprolanti
- Jeriya - Jeeria
- Judea - Juudea
- Jun-Swagoland - Junswaginmaa
- Kalevala - Kalevala
- Kalmykia - Kalmyykkia
- Kanar - Kanarva
- Kangaroo Island - Kenguru Saari
- Kaphi - Kaffi
- Kauria - Kauri
- Khat - Niili
- Konbatscir - Kobantsi
- Koruma - Koruma
- Kyiv - Kyjiv
- Kirk - Kirkki
- Kitayato - Kitayaato
- Kronar - Kronaarva
- Largaria - Suurenmaa
- Lazonia - Latsonia
- Libatria - Libatria
- Lilaciah - Lilakki
- Lime Empire - Liimi
- Lineland - Liinnatia
- Lizarb - Litsarb
- Lustland - Tyydinmaa
- Lutaria - Lutaaria
- Lukaria - Lukaaria
- Luvakhia - Luvakia
- Luvamatrilia - Luvamatria
- Luvuria - Luvuuria
- Luxuria - Luksuuria
- Macanaland - Makaaninmaa
- Malagasia - Malakasia
- Maldives - Malediivit
- Malta - M alta
- Mei'ra - Meira
- Meninguo - Yakaannin Mongoolia
- Mephisia - Mefisinia
- Michigan - Mitsikan
- Midway - Midwaysaaret
- Mikono - Mikono
- Missisippi - Missisippi
- Mozambique - Mosambiikki
- Mustafar - Mustafari
- Mylatsk - Myylatsi
- Mylonagrad- Miloona
- Myoeland - Mjooni
- Naboo - Naboo
- Najova - Najoova
- Nakmai - Nakmai
- Nay'Bling - Nabliini
- Neo-Sarpia - Uus-Sarpia
- New Foundland - Kataanian Uusimaa
- NLE - Uusi Luksuurian Valtakunta
- New Sapporo - Uus Sapporo
- NSE - Uus Sitslen Valtrakunta
- New Sizzle - Uusisitsle
- New Yetia - Uus Yetia
- Niederland - Niiderinmaa
- Nilastan - Nilastia
- North Gensokyo - Pohjois Kensookio
- Nuevopedro - Uus-Sipedro
- Nunland - Nunnien Valtakunta
- Omnia - Omnia
- Omnistat - Omninmaa
- Ortilia - Ortilla
- Osania - Osaania
- Palladia - Pallaadia
- Pandaland - Pandanmaa
- Paraleis - Paraleesi
- Pasagre - Patšakre
- Petoria - Petooria
- Phillealand - Filinmaa
- Piggy Island - Possu Saari
- Plompystan - Plompia
- Poavak - Poavaakki
- Poland - Puola
- Polsk - Puolska
- Portosene - Portoseeni
- Pravda - Pravda
- Praxtus - Prakstus
- Rebecca - Rebekka
- Red Army - Puna Armeeja
- Red City - Punakunta
- Regialu - Rekiaalus
- Rome - Rooma
- Republia - Republia
- Red Ruthenia - Puna Ruteeni
- Rossiya - Venäjä
- Rusia - Moskova
- Saipulusi - Sitslen Kypros
- Samsung - Samsung
- Sarpistan - Sarpistani
- Savalonia - Savalooni
- Scandimar - Skandimari
- Scotland - Skotlanti
- Shenguo - Tsenguo
- Sipedro - Sipedro
- Sizzle - Sitsle
- South Sizzle - Etelä Sitsle
- Skoatia - Skoaatia
- Skye - Taivaanmaa
- Sogga Island - Servaali Saari
- Soggacire - Servaalikunta
- Sothro - Sotro
- Sozzle - Sotsle
- Spisos - Spisos
- Sumera - Sumeera
- Svealand - Suur Ruotsi
- Empire of Swaqgonian - Svakonian Emppiiri
- Swagonia - Svakonian Liittokunta
- Sycoryo - Sykoryo
- Synora - Sinoora
- Taiwan - Taivani
- Tanume - Tanuuma
- Tatooine - Tatooiini
- texas - Teksas
- Deadlands - Kuoleenmaa
- Tierra Flopeste - Flopestenmaa
- Titicaca - Titikaaka
- Torium - Toriumi
- Tripoli - Tripoli
- Tritonia - Tritoonia
- The Confederacy - Tritoonin Yhdysvallat
- Truck - Rekka
- Tubbo - Tubbo
- Turkestan - Turkinmaa
- UFR - Flopan Liitto Tasavalta
- Uganda - Ukanda
- Uighurstan - Uighurstani
- UQLSR - Kvatritoonian Ja Linnatsin Neuvosto Tasavalta
- Uriankhai - Uriankai
- Utsong - Utsonga
- Vedaburg - Vedapuri
- Veneto - Veneetto
- Viliky - Viliikki
- Waclaw - Vaklova
- Wales - Velssi
- Wanaoishi - Vanauishi
- Wapistan - Wapistani
- Westov - Lännenkunta
- West Malia - Länsi Malia
- Whoania - Vooni
- Wineland -Viinin Maa
- Yakamotomoto - Yakaamiimi
- Yakamoto - Yakaani
- Yamalia - Yamaalia
- Yamato - Yamooto
- Yangoon - Jangoona
- Yentevia - Jenteevia
- Yetia - Yetia
- YNF - Yetian Kansanliike
- Yorica - Yorika
- CSY - Yorikan Liittovalta
- SY - Yorikan Kansanvalta
- yyiyasiyah... - Kuukle Kääntäjä
- Zabloing - Tsabloing
- Zina - Tsiina
- Zirnec - Tsirnek
Gallery pertaining to Kalevala.
Catherine's Fault
For around 50 years the Karina Dynasty lived in isolation with little to no contact with the outside world. This ended when Karina III decided to join the Settlement Defense Force, which was later reorganised into the Theian Defense Pact. Sementing the Karina Dynasty as a firm Polsk Ally.
They requested polsk to "Fund them creating a large dome with unexplained intentions". This Lead to Polsk Agreeing after being assured it would be a good military investment. They also sent over some of their operatives to the frozen Asolab to steal YNF blueprints to start producing the GX-1 model of Karina Dynasty battle droids.
They went against Floppa Polsk when it took over Polsk. It didn't really do much in the conflict other than get nuked which caused them to start over in their military construction project.
Shortly after this Karina Dynasty enforced that in international politics it would no longer be referred to as "Geonosis" but as the Karina Dynasty. They also completed the dome project during this.
Karina Dynasty was involved in the Fifth Swagonian War on Polsk's side, initially just supplying them with immense ammounts of resources and ships. Polsk then did the mistake of letting the Karina Dynasty send its army over. With this they sent 200 million of their citizens with guns into Swagonia and proceeded to demolish Plompystan then did nothing of not other than bombard Swagonia and leave
Karina Dynasty then made alot of guns for YNF but they didnt have any use. Karina then was told to make ships for Polsk which they started doing in their factories
Karina D. and YNF then started working on a secret project they refused to tell the outside world"Kjelniks" or "Kjelnik" is a slur that Anthropophages use towards other species they dont like.
Kievans are the second largest ethno-cultural group in Palladia. Kievans are more closely related to the russian peoples of the region however are still distinct. Many of them were exiled or migrated to eastern lineland during Abyysky and Rossiyan rule.