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|A desolate liminal space located even deeper than the [[Backrooms]], being completely devoid of life.
|A desolate liminal space located even deeper than the [[Backrooms]], being completely devoid of life.
|[[The Edge|Dimension-Loc:4.2.001/3/151.1]]
|The Edge
|Locational Dimension
|Liminal Space
|A small forest facing a steep cross section of a forested field, which if climbed or crossed thru (via caves) will lead one to a highly cognitohazardous area which is not advised to be entered.

Revision as of 22:09, 27 October 2024

A Comprehensive Guide to Extradimensional Spaces.

Brought to the denizens of Dimension:Div:79.RedLeader.0/3 by the Cosmological Research Institute.

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What are Extradimensional Spaces?


An Extradimensional Space is anything outside of Yata's Home Dimension.

Full Explanation:

An extradimensional space is any location situated somewhere else in the omniverse than the dimension in which Yata takes place, in this case the dimension of focus in Yata is Dimension-002. Extradimensional spaces can take many forms, the important two primary types are Divergent Dimensions and Locational Dimensions. Sometimes dimensions may not fit into either category, and are thus known as "NA Dimensions"[1].

Divergent Dimensions

Divergent Dimensions[2] can be imagined as "timelines", forming every planck time based on binary choices taken in other universes no matter how significant or insignificant they are. This process is known as divergence, taking both a Standard and Advanced form. Standard Deviation is the previously explained method of universe formation, occurring every planck time. Advanced Deviation however is often both more unstable and unique, as it forms entirely new dimensions, with new properties and events[3]. The ratio of Advanced Divergence to Standard Divergence is measured with Castrovalence with 1 Castrovel being the "maximum" possible integer of Advanced Divergence, only usually being caused by a Dimensional Merger or Collision. There are some reports of Castrovalence Anomalies occurring in such events, in which its integer rises above 1, leading to the formation of an Atypical Locational Dimension or Dimensional Corruption.

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Locational Dimensions

Locational Dimensions[4] do not undergo divergence, and are formed by Castrovalence Anomalies. They take the form of a place instead of an universe, an example of this is Liminal Spaces, which take the form of infinite structures or environments. There are various different types of Locational Dimensions, as the term is generally very broad encompassing; Liminal Spaces, Liminal Systems, Transitional Spaces, Pocket Dimensions, Metaphysical Spaces, Synthetic/Digital Realities and some Alternate Realities. The main unifying factor of they are each physical spaces, instead of locations within a cosmos.

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Dimensional Forms

Additionally there are 4 other documented "Dimensional Forms" which may be attributed to Divergent or Locational Dimensions, but are not necessary for these to exist.

  1. Mathematical Form: An extension or reduction to the traditional "3 dimensional space", such as the 2nd or 4th dimension. They may still react with our reality, much like how a sphere would pass through a flat 2 dimensional plane. These kinds of dimensions do not exist as entirely separate realities from 'standard 3rd dimensional reality', instead taking up the same space in a "layer"[5] above it in the same general space.
  2. Temporal Form: A form of dimension dealing with Time in some form, such as the passage of it. While often having altered passage of time, such dimensions may also allow things such as Time-Travel to take place.
  3. Space-Time Form: Dimensions which simply coexist with our dimension within the Omniverse, they may take the form of an altered version of our home dimension either historically or physically, or something else physical and separate within the Omniverse.
  4. Astral Form: Dimensions which coexist with the material dimension that we exist within. Often takes the form of a psychic or spiritual connection or realm, such as the Noosphezre or one of the various Afterlives. Access to astral may be possible via methods such as religion, dreams, death and rituals, allowing for abilities such as psionics and mind-reading.

Many (But not all) "Astral form" dimensions are not applicable to the standard "Divergent" and "Locational" categories, and instead are classified as "NA" which stands for "Non Applicable"

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Dimensional Sub-Types

Dimensional "sub-types" are ways to describe the structure or nature of a dimension in a more specific topograhical sense.

  1. Alternate Reality are entire universes taking the form of a Locational Dimension.
  2. Sub-Dimensions are dimensions connected together, most known Subdimensions are Locational Space-Time dimensions that have connected and amalgamated together into what is known as Systems, the most notable type of these is Liminal Systems[6].
  3. Pocket-Dimensions are smaller dimensions, which are either too small or too connected to a larger reality to truly be considered their own "dimension", instead acting like a 'bubble' connected to a larger reality.
  4. Liminal Spaces take many forms and sub types, albeit all sharing common characteristics. They are typically an Architechtural or Environment based Locational Dimension, feeding off of nostalgia from the Collective Consciousness of its inhabitants to make an eerily familiar and nostalgic appearance[7].
  5. Synthetic/Digital Realities are computer-constructed realities, which often operate similarily to a Pocket Dimension.
  6. Interdimensional Constructs are metaphysical formations existing within and outside of multiple realities. They often act as nexuses allowing for travel into other realms.
  7. Metaphysical Spaces are more "abstract" realities, which typically cannot be interpreted or understood without risk of mental damage.
  8. Crossroads are dimensions accessible from a location[8] within a standard reality which leads to a dimension[9] housing several easily-accessible Gateways to other realities.
  9. Afterlives are realms where the soul or identity of a deceased being may end up. These may vary from paradise, to limbo, to perdition, to something completely different.

Liminal Sub-Sub-Types

There are several different types of types a Liminal Space can be such as;

  1. Liminal Systems are amalgamated/merged collections of other Liminal Spaces.
  2. Sub-Spaces are a Liminal System's Sub-Dimensions.
    • Enigmatic Sub-Spaces are more mysterious and difficult to access Sub-Spaces which typically lack a clearly defined ordinal placement.
  3. Transitional Spaces are situated in an intermediary position between reality and a liminal space/system. They are typically "bridges" between reality and a Liminal Space/System
  4. Semi-Transitional Spaces are a variant of Transitional Spaces with 2 different types.
    • System-Type Semi-Transitional Spaces physically exist within reality, but only can be accessed via a Liminal space/system
    • Baseline-Type Semi-Transitional Spaces are locations in reality which possess Liminal Properties, acting much like a Pocket Dimension. They do not necessarily lead to a Liminal Space/System.
  5. Intra-Spaces are distinct Liminal Spaces connected or related to a "parent liminal space".
  6. Inter-Spaces are typically smaller Liminal Spaces situated between two Liminal Spaces, acting as a form of bridge.
  7. Micro-Spaces are locations that are too small to be considered their own level, while still being distinct.
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Structure of the Omniverse

While much of known reality is vague with a lack of purpose, a pattern on how it functions can be still be documented. But first off:

What is the Omniverse?

The Omniverse[10] is the current overarching structure of our current reality, containing all known dimensions, realities and multiverses within it. Whatever lays beyond the bottomless void surrounding it is completely unknowable, and unreachable. At current times, there is no proven unifying explanation of how the Omniverse works, or was formed, although several philosophies, religions, and smaller institutes have proposed various explanations such as:

  • The Hyacinthan Religion describes the "current" omniverse as the Second Cradle, an all encompassing everything succeeding a preceding First Cradle, which was consumed into the Primordial Void, a infinite chaotic nothingness surrounding all of existence home to unknowable horrors.
  • The Crimson Faith views the Omniverse as a eternal construct devoid of any greater purpose, though the individual Universes within it may regardless begin or end. Some groups do however feature belief in a extra-omniversal location named the 'Pasna-svet', which shares remarkably similar characteristics to the Hyacinthan concept of the Primordial Void.
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"Unreality" is the term for the area on the periphery of the Omniverse where matter is no longer capable of permanently existing. Dimensions are generally not located within Unreality, though some abnormal realms are situated near the 'edge' of where matter survives, and where it fades away into the void such as The Wastes, Kurgan and Incarce.


The Omniverse is composed of several distinct layers of reality, known as "Multiverses" or "Realms", which all have distinct characteristics and rules. Each Multiverse is composed of several dimensions[11] which each inherit the traits and rules of their parent multiverse, while often having some of their own properties.

Each Multiverse is its own distinct layer of reality, being ordered from 'highest' to 'lowest' is based on each individual universe's "Average Reality Stability" (ARS) rating. ARS measures the stability of reality[12] by measuring how much 'reality'[13] exists within any given area or dimension, with dimensions that have a Low ARS score having a very unstable and fluctuating nature, dimensions with a Medium ARS score being generally similar to Baseline Reality, and dimensions with a High ARS score often appearing overwhelming or otherwise 'magical' in the eyes of standard beings that enter them.

Some Multiverse Trivia:
  • Each Multiverse has its own localised Noosphere, which may cause some issues with travel to other dimensions due to Noospheric Syndrome.
  • Multiverses aren't necessary fully self contained away from each other, and can physically overlap or otherwise exist in the same general area.
Below, case studies have been compiled for every known Multiverse in order of ARS Score (Highest to Lowest):
The Wastes
The Wastes is a mysterious realm composed of a vast floor stretch infinitely in every direction. Giant black spires, writhing masses[14], and warped shapes can be seen in the distance. These structures have been seen shifting at disappearing at random points in time. Despite no visible danger existing within The Wastes, all individuals whom have entered it have reported feelings of shortness of breath and extreme pressure whilst exploring it.

The Wastes is prone to extreme fluctuations in reality, causing tears in reality, and vast destruction to the ground itself. It is unknown where these tears lead, as none have ever returned after entering them.

Deareal is a highly magical multiverse that takes the form of a series of interconnected subdimensions. No divergent dimensions are known to exist within Deareal, as it is mainly composed of Locational Alternate Realities.

The inhabitants of Deareal are typically various interdimensional reality-warping humanoid beings of various species. The technology of these beings is fairly archaic, generally lacking modern digital or industrial technology or infrastructure.

Little is known about Deareal as many organized expeditions have lead to MIA situations, although several individuals have made their way there to enjoy the exotic experiences within its dimensions.

The Oneirosphere[15] is a Multidimensional Astral Realm connected to each and every Noosphere that exists. It is fueled by the dreams and collective unconsciousness of all sapient beings, whom may interact with it.

While the Oneirosphere does have various independently acting beings within it, it is dominated by massive and complex "Collectives", loose hiveminds composed of countless incorporeal and corporeal beings.

The Oneirosphere may initially seem to be fairly unstable, but due to the presence of native elements and dream-based entities it maintains a state of relative stability.

Baseline Reality
Baseline Reality[16] is the most well documented and most populated Multiverse, as it is the origin of Humanity and countless other sapient species.

Baseline Reality is primarily composed of various Divergent Dimensions, but it also is home to many Locational Dimensions and localised Pocket Dimensions.

The Afterlife is composed of various different post-mortem realities an individual may be sent to after death, acting as the resting place for the dead from countless realities.

It can only be safely accessed via death, as all living beings whom attempt to enter it through typical inter-dimensional travel methods such as Gateways or Portals often find themselves reduced to dust. Similarly, all the dead within the various Afterlives are not able to return back to the worlds of the living, as organic matter is physically incapable exiting the Afterlife. Despite this, some limited contact through mechanical drones or specialized communication devices is mostly possible.

The Backrooms is a infinitely large network of interconnected liminal dimensions that inhabit the space between existence and nonexistence[17]. While the cause behind its original formation remains mysterious, the Backrooms has managed to make itself known to several unfortunate souls across the Multiverse by causing countless individuals that have ended up falling out of their home reality to end up there.

While the true size of the Backrooms remains mysterious, many of its explored segments resemble warped and expanded interpretations of locations that at first glance seem like they could easily exist within baseline reality, only to seem like an impossibility once observed at a greater level.

Kurgan is a collection of ancient war-torn dimensions, with several unusual formations such as pitted and scarred grounds, partially-preserved corpses of strange creatures[18], and a few primitive mechanical constructs. Kurgan is situated in perpetual darkness, with the only natural lighting within the realm originating from the various formations present within the realm.

The ARS Rating of Kurgan is relatively stable in specific areas, though it may often greatly fluctuate over long distances. These fluctuations allow for some areas to have strange properties such as temporal disparity and lower gravity.

The reason for why Kurgan is so war-torn is unknown, as little to no records of the battles that took place there have been discovered partially due to age.


All explorers sent into Incarce have never returned, and are thus presumed dead.

At some point in history Incarce was home to a sapient humanoid species. This species was likely not that much different from humanity culture wise, having their own towns, relationships, and religions. This species was eventually subdued and wiped out by some kind of god-like being billions of years ago.

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Extradimensional Travel

Traveling to other dimensions may be difficult, but is still very possible as long as you know what you're doing. While dimensions may exist in the same "plane of reality", simply traveling beyond a universe and finding the next one over is not possible, you must instead use a more esoteric method of travel such as:


Gateways are naturally occurring spatial distortions[19] that connect dimensions and sub/pocket dimensions together, allowing long-distance interdimensional travel via the transfer of matter. These gateways can be traversed through with relative ease, as little to no physical ailments or aftereffects[20] are known to occur after the fairly seamless transition between the two points connected by the Gateway.

While some Gateways are naturally open, many need to be activated via a magical incantation or key phrase. Creating a new Gateway is much more complicated, requiring a thaumaturgic ritual. Gateways only connect dimensions together, never two points within the same dimension.

Whilst travel between dimensions of a single multiverse is completely safe, some complications may occur with extra-multiversal travel due to various factors, such as Noospheric Disorder.

Dimensional Tears


Chaos Tears



Via utilising advanced technology[21] or specialized rituals, it is possible to construct an artificial portal that acts as a gateway. Most organizations have not learned how to create such gateways, with notable exceptions such as the SDS Foundation. Archaic models of such a gateway resemble large circular doors, but modern ones function much like standard teleporters.


Psuedospace is a method of FTL Travel much like Hyperspace, although instead it uses the extradimensional void as its method of travel. How it works is that a machine known as a "Psuedospace-Drive" can be built into a space vessel, allowing for what is known as "Psuedospace Jumps". If a Psuedospace Jump is done correctly, it allows jumps to other dimensions by accelerating to >68 km/s/Mpc.

Maps of Gateways and Portals


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Noclipping is a phenomenon that may rarely occur in any standard reality forcefully sending someone or something into a Liminal Space/System. This phenomenon is also active within a Liminal Space, being a common method of travel between Sub-Spaces of a Liminal System.

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Reality Stability

"Reality Stability" is a unit of value which describes the integrity of reality itself in any given area with "Local Reality Stability" (LRS), and is also used to evaluate the stability of an entire dimension via "Average Reality Stability" (ARS) and the stability of a anomalous person via "Personal Reality Stability" (PRS). All 3 of these measurements are measured on a scale from 0-100+, with 0 representing a reality with no stability whatsoever, and 100 representing the baseline ARS level found within Yata's Dimension, numbers above 100 would represent a reality with a ARS rating higher than Yata's Baseline. Reality Stability is hard to explain, but is best explained as the 'amount' of reality in a given area or dimension, meaning that reality is weaker in a Low-ARS/LRS area, and reality is much stronger in a High-ARS/LRS area.

An area, person, or object with a higher LRS/PRS reading can often bend reality in an area with a lower LRS/ARS reading if the difference is significant. Even a normal person can theoretically have anomalous capabilities in a Low-LRS/ARS area, while already anomalous individuals & objects abilities are enhanced. For normal individuals these capabilities fade once they exit an area with much lower LRS/ARS. Weaker LRS/ARS also allows the existence of unusual things such as anomalies[22], whose effects still linger after exiting their origin area for unknown reasons.

An area, person, or object with a lower LRS/PRS reading lacks anomalous capabilities in higher LRS/ARS area, with already anomalous individuals & objects often having weakened or completely null anomalous capabilities. Such areas can often be overwhelming to lower LRS/PRS individuals and objects, as they can easily be overpowered by the anomalous energy within these areas.

Castrovalence affects Reality Stability in some form, with higher castrovalence dimensions typically having a Low ARS score.

Interconnectivity Variable

The Interconnectivity Variable (IV) is a rating of 1-10 that describes how easy it is to travel from 1 dimension to another dimension. The Variable applies specifically to the travel between 2 specific dimensions, instead of travel from/to 1 specific dimension. 10 represents travel being easy, while 1 represents travel being very difficult.

Temporal Anomaly Theory

Temporal Anomaly Theory is a possible explanation for false memories, the mandela effect, and historical inconstancies. The theory is that such 'anomalies' are caused by brief moments of dimensions intersecting each other, causing a brief anomaly within the Noosphere leading to such inconsistencies.

Temporal Disparity

Temporal Disparity is a phenomenon which may occur in various dimensions which causes the flow of time to be altered within them, either being faster of slower than standard time. Temporal Disparity is often associated with Temporal-Form Dimensions, but may occur elsewhere as well.

Temporal Misalignment

Temporal Misalignment is a phenomenon in which some timelines may hold the same events, but occur at completely different times on a multiversal scale, with some divergences of a "present" event taking place thousands of years in the past for example. This allows for further advanced or futuristic dimensions, or undeveloped and primitive iterations of Yata to co-exist with its "true" incarnation.

Interdimensional Index

The Interdimensional Index is a standardized numerical system for identifying a specific dimension without using a name.

How does the Interdimensional Index work?

In order to figure out the Interdimensional index for an individual dimension, follow this tutorial: Each index starts with "Dimension-" followed by "Div:" if it is divergent, and "Loc:" if it is locational.

Divergent Dimensions

If it is a Divergent dimension, follow "Div:" with the year the divergence took place, followed by a period and a 1 word describing what caused it, followed by a period and a number signifying which specific divergence caused by this thing on this year is. If this is the first or "prime" iteration of this divergence, have the number be 0. Then you can finally add a slash and the number of the specific dimensional form[23] it takes afterwards[24].

Example: "Dimension-Div:158.Yetia.3/3" This example is a the Third Divergent Spacetime Dimension caused by something in Yetia in the year 158.

If the specific divergence is unknown, then the middle section[25] is replaced with "MD", meaning missing data, followed by a slash, the year of discovery and then a period followed by a number signifying which specific divergent dimension with missing data is discovered in that year. If it is the first or only iteration of a MD divergent dimension on that year, have the number be 0.

Example: "Dimension-Div:MD/340.0/3" This example is the First Divergent Dimension to be discovered in 340 which does not have enough known about it to determine its divergence.

Locational Dimensions

If it is a Locational dimension, follow Loc: with the number of the Dimensional Sub-Type[26] In most cases (With 2 exceptions, which will be explained last.) this would be followed by a slash, the number of the specific dimensional form[23] followed by a slash, the year of discovery/documentation and if there are multiple such dimensional subtypes discovered on that year[27] followed by a period and which iteration of such a locdimensional subtype found on that year it is. If it is the first or only iteration of this locdimensional subtype on that year, have the number be 0.

Example: "Dimension-Loc:1/3/298.0" This example is the Only Locational Spacetime Dimension discovered in the year 298 classed as a "Alternate Reality".

As mentioned earlier in brackets, there are 2 exceptions. The First exception applies to the Dimensional Sub-Type section of a locdimension's index. If it is either a Subdimension, Pocket Dimension, or Synthetic/Digital reality add the middle part[28] of the dimension it is located within or connected to, albeit with the Div: or Loc: segment changed to just be the first letter and all periods removed.

Example: "Dimension-Loc:3.D341SDS4/3/363.2" This example is the Second Locational Space-Time Pocket-Dimension located within the fourth divergent timeline caused by the SDS in the year 341 to be discovered in the year 363.

The second exception is if it a non-standard Liminal Space, in which you would follow the Loc:4 with a period and the number of the specific Liminal Sub-Sub-Type. If the Sub-Sub-Type is a Semi-Transitional Space, follow the STS's number[29] with either a S or B depending on if it is a System-Type or a Baseline-Type, then add a period and the System's Liminal System Designation[30] if it is a System-Type, and the First Exception's system for identifying which dimension it is located in if it is a Baseline-Type . If it is a part of a Liminal System[31] follow the sub-sub type with a period and its Liminal System Designation[32].

Example1: "Dimension-Loc:4.1/3/150.0" This example is the first/only Liminal System to be discovered in the year 150.

Example2: "Dimension-Loc:4.4B.D231Luxuria0/3/290.0" This example is the First/Only Baseline-Type Semi-Transitional Space to be discovered in the First Divergent Dimension to be caused by something related to Luxuria in the year 231 to be discovered in the year 290.

Example3: "Dimension-Loc:4.2.001/3/193.2" This example is the Second Sub-Space within the Backrooms (Limsystem-001) to be discovered in the year 193.

Non-Applicable Dimensions

Some dimensions such as many Astral Form dimensions do not specifically apply to Divergent or Locational dimensions, replacing the middle segment[33] of an index with "NA-" followed by the dimensional form[34], then a slash, then the year of discovery and a number signifying which specific divergence caused by this thing on this year is. If this is the first only iteration of this NA Form to be discovered on the year, have the number be 0.

Example: "Dimension-NA:4/392.3" This example is the third Non-Applicable Astral Dimension to be discovered in the year 392

Other ways to name dimensions

While the Interdimensional Index is the multiversal standard method, several other methods have been locally used by individual organizations.

Name System

Some dimensions have a largely accepted name which goes above simply being one of many nicknames, and these dimensions are thus usually referred to by their name.

Timeline-### System

Several organizations in Dimension:Div:79.RedLeader.0/3[35]such as the Yatan-Theian Accord's Extradimensional Matters Division use a system of simply naming divergent dimensions based on the order they have discovered them, simply ordering them based on discovery. For example, the term they use for their home dimension is Timeline-002, since it is the second one they discovered.

List of Dimensions

(Ordered by Nickname)

Interdimensional Index Nickname Primary Type Form Sub-Type Liminal Sub-Sub-Type Multiverse Description
Dimension-Loc:4.5.001/3/197.0 A Room with nothing in it Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Intra-Space Backrooms A relatively small illuminated yellow room filled with levitating furniture that seemingly erases all memories of its existence if it is entered and then exited by an individual.
Dimension-Div:MD/227.0/3 Aleph Null Divergent Dimension Space-Time Baseline Reality A infinite white void with occasional radiobroadcasts containing only screaming. It was formed due to an anomaly causing ∞ Castrovels.
Dimension-Loc:3.D79RedLeader0/3/3013BCE.0 Annwn Locational Dimension Space-Time Pocket Dimension Baseline Reality A pocket-dimension connected to Timeline-002 accessible via a small ungoverned island in the Irish Sea.
Dimension-Loc:4.2.001/3/144.6 Antarctica Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Sub-Space Backrooms A vast frozen over underground laboratory beneath a vast glacier-covered continent with occasional scientific outposts scattered across it.
Dimension-Loc:4.1/3/141.0 Backrooms Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Liminal System Backrooms The Backrooms is the largest known Liminal System to be discovered thus far. Rather than as a Liminal Space, it is much better known as a series of enigmatic sub-dimensions where people from anywhere in the multiverse can end up, provided they noclip out of "reality".
Dimension-Loc:4.2.001/3/144.15 Blue Dreams Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Sub-Space Backrooms A dark, flooded, and cold cavern. The cavern itself is constructed around of a strange material that constantly emits weeping noises and secretes human tears.
Dimension-Loc:4.2.001/3/152.10 Borderzone Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Sub-Space Backrooms A infinitely long magenta-coloured hallway.
Dimension-Loc:4.2.001/3/152.4 Brick Stairs Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Sub-Space Backrooms A oversized staircase-like structure built out of bricks, taking the shape of a spiral of steps within a enclosed chamber.
Dimension-Loc:4.2.001/3/152.6 Corrupted Passages Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Sub-Space Backrooms An unusual series of rooms, hallways, and other spaces which house several environmental hazards such as steep drops or lava.
Dimension-Loc:4.2.001/3/144.16 Crush Depth Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Sub-Space Backrooms A oversized flooded house underneath a ice sheet. The house itself has a suburban design, and features a main house, a shed, and a garage.
Dimension-Loc:4.2.001/3/144.8 Decrepit Hospital Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Sub-Space Backrooms A abandoned-looking hospital within a vast boreal forest.
Dimension-Loc:5.D79RedLeader0/249.0 Digiverse Locational Dimension Digiverse[36] Baseline Reality A fully-immersive virtual world complete with full user customisation that can be accessed by a SDS-designed "Digiverse Prisms".
Dimension-Loc:7/4/394.0 Dimensional-Site-⌘ Locational Dimension Astral Metaphysical Space N/A (Interdimensional Void) A SDS Facility created in a meta-metaphysical space utilised for containing anomalies that cannot be contained in intelligible reality.
Dimension-Loc:9/4/11300000000BCE.0 Eizon Locational Dimension Astral Afterlife Second Cradle* The Hyacinthan afterlife specifically designed by Yarouh-cosm to be a beautiful ethereal plane that ensures all Hyacinthans may enjoy eternity within.
Dimension-Div:MD/13800000000BCE.0/3 First Cradle Divergent Dimension Space-Time First Cradle (Former Omniverse) A hypothetical former reality/omniverse present within Hyacinthan Mythology, which allegedly was the current omniverse's predecessor that was supposedly consumed by the Primordial Void billions of years ago.
Dimension-Loc:4.6.001/3/144.5 Four Dimensions Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Inter-Space Backrooms Incredibly unstable and warped environment taking the shape of a segmented sphere.
Dimension-Loc:1/1/374.0 Fourth Dimension Locational Dimension Mathematical (Fourth Dimensional) Alternate Reality Baseline Reality* A layer of reality situated above standard 3rd dimensional reality. Seemingly takes up the same space as the local multiverse.
Dimension-Loc:4.5.001/3/152.5 Flipped Reality Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Intra-Space Backrooms A flipped and warped version of The Lobby, which it is directly connected to.
Dimension-Loc:4.2.001/3/146.6 Heaven Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Sub-Space Backrooms A long ornate hallway. The hallway has countless windows on its sides, showing a view of a vast cloudy void. The Hallway seemingly goes on forever, as no one has ever managed to reach its end.
Dimension-Loc:9/3/142.0 Hell Locational Dimension Space-Time Afterlife Afterlife A realm of the Afterlife characterised by punitive suffering after death.
Dimension-Loc:1/3/60.0 Hell Dimension Locational Dimension Space-Time Alternate Reality Baseline Reality A hellish, featuring lava seas and unusual land formations. Despite this it is not actually hell.
Dimension-Loc:4.2.001/3/192.3 Honeycomb Insulation Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Sub-Space Backrooms A long and winding attic space that seemingly surrounds The Lobby.
Dimension-Loc:4.2.001/3/154.0 In Between Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Sub-Space Backrooms A series of floating magenta-coloured 'islands' that float around freely in a void-like space.
Dimension-Loc:4.2.001/3/144.3 Inverted Reality Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Sub-Space Backrooms A upside-down jungle.
Dimension-Loc:1/3/60.1 Late Void Locational Dimension Space-Time Alternate Reality Baseline Reality The supposed origin of void energy which exists between timelines. Nowadays acts as the home of the Red Leader.
Dimension-Loc:4.3.001/3/192.1 Latina Nuclear Plant Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Sub-Space Transitional Space A vast partially destroyed nuclear powerplant surrounded by forests and additional structures that could be found next to such a structure.
Dimension-Loc:8/3/6430BCE.0 Library of Eden Locational Dimension Space-Time Crossroads Baseline Reality A vast extradimensional library containing all knowledge that has been known, and will ever be known in written form.
Dimension-Loc:4.1/3/174.0 Living Rooms Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Liminal System Baseline Reality A safe liminal system accessible via a mansion in Alephitis, Tritonien.
Dimension-Loc:4.2.001/3/146.0 Lonely Road Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Sub-Space Backrooms A long, dark, and gloomy road. This road traverses through the entire subspace, beginning in a road tunnel in its south end, and continuing through the dark landscape, and eventually transitioning into The Maple Forest.
Dimension-Loc:4.2.001/3/144.17 Neverending Concrete Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Sub-Space Backrooms A vast labyrinth of concrete rooms, hallways, and chambers. Neverending Concrete is among one of the larger known Liminal Spaces, as its varying concrete rooms seemingly go on and on in every direction.
Dimension-Loc:4.2.001/3/144.9 Neverending Staircase Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Sub-Space Backrooms A vast stone staircase with a collection of boiler rooms at the top.
Dimension-Loc:4.6.002/3/153.4 New Frontier Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Inter-Space The Outer Rooms An extramultiversal Liminal Sub-Space that was previously accessible via a convoluted and unstable portion of 'our' Backrooms. The New Frontier is physically very similar to The Lobby, sharing the same lights, walls, and floor.
Dimension-Loc:7/4/187.0 Oneirosphere Locational Dimension Astral Metaphysical Space Oneirosphere (Itself) The collective manifestation of omniversal unconsciousness.
Dimension-Loc:9/1/204.0 Realm of the Forgotten Locational Dimension Mathematical Afterlife Afterlife A dark and incoherent shadow of the Fourth Dimension that functions as one of the many instances of "afterlife". Despite being an afterlife, it seemingly exists within the same reality as corporeal/living existence, just in a layer above it.
Dimension-Div:957BGS.Inchyros.0/3 Regnum Mediterraneum Divergent Dimension Space-Time Baseline Reality A dimension in which Constantinia wins the Inchyros-Constantinia wars leading to Constantinia going on to form the Inchyrosian Empire instead of the Doniyans. This civilisation manages to become dominant across much of the western world.
Dimension-Loc:1/3/168.0 Roblox Universe Locational Dimension Space-Time Alternate Reality Baseline Reality A dimension in which everything is roblox.
Dimension-Loc:3.D79RedLeader0/3/130.0 SDS-005-01 Locational Dimension Space-Time Pocket Dimension Baseline Reality A bountiful pocket dimension designated SDS-005-1, which appears to be a mirror image of the Mekong Delta in Nakmai.
Dimension-Loc:4.2.001/3/152.1 Suburb Street Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Sub-Space Backrooms A seemingly infinite suburban neighbourhood in a state of perpetual night that spreads out in every direction.
Dimension-Loc:4.2.001/3/144.2 The Chasm Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Sub-Space Backrooms Infinite stormy canyon mainly composed of gray-coloured rock. It has a fairly high population compared to many other limspaces.
Dimension-Loc:4.2.001/3/144.13 The Crooked House Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Sub-Space Backrooms A vast oversized house slightly tilted to its side, alongside various hidden rooms below it. The Crooked House section is the only populated and properly explored one, as the underground rooms have so far mostly been avoided by the pre-established populace to avoid unneeded risks.
Dimension-Loc:4.2.001/3/144.11 The Dark Forest Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Sub-Space Backrooms A dark muddy forest trapped in perpetual night time.
Dimension-Loc:4.2.001/3/144.12 The Dark World Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Sub-Space Backrooms A long, dark, and enclosed pathway. Most of the pathway is structured around steep cliffs and drops.
Dimension-Loc:4.1/3/281.0 The Deeprooms Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Liminal System Backrooms? A desolate liminal space located even deeper than the Backrooms, being completely devoid of life.
Dimension-Loc:4.2.001/3/151.1 The Edge Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Sub-Space Backrooms A small forest facing a steep cross section of a forested field, which if climbed or crossed thru (via caves) will lead one to a highly cognitohazardous area which is not advised to be entered.
Dimension-Loc:4.1/3/146.4 The Facility Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Sub-Space Backrooms A large and futuristic generator complex, which allegedly acts as one of the locations that powers the entire Backrooms' power network. The generator is not physically accessible, as the bulk of the Sub-Space's accessible environments are countless floors of circular hallways surrounding 4 large empty spaces which have the energy from the reactor blasting through them.
Dimension-Loc:4.5.001/3/151.0 The Fountain of Death Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Intra-Space Backrooms A dark stone fountain with unusual properties within a blue-coloured boreal forest.
Dimension-Loc:4.2.001/3/144.1 The Lobby Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Sub-Space Backrooms The "first" sub-space of the Backrooms System. It takes the form of a infinite empty office space with yellow walls, yellow carpets and eternally buzzing lights.
Dimension-Loc:4.2.001/3/146.1 The Maple Forest Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Sub-Space Backrooms A long road going through the middle of a blood-red forest. It is considered entirely habitable and rich with various resources, because of which it is considered one of the most favourable places in the entire Backrooms for one to reside.
Dimension-Loc:4.2.001/3/146.2 The Mist Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Sub-Space Backrooms A large, misty crater. This crater is surrounded by vast stone walls which seemingly go on forever. The most notable feature of the crater is the vast layer of grey mist.
Dimension-Loc:4.1/3/153.0 The Outer Rooms Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Liminal System Unknown A collection of now destroyed liminal spaces which were connected to an unknown divergent dimension.
Dimension-Loc:4.5.001/3/281.0 The Pizzeria Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Intra-Space Backrooms A large abandoned pizza establishment, with many areas either seemingly left as they were and other areas completely emptied out.
Dimension-Loc:4.2.001/3/144.14 The Sewer Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Sub-Space Backrooms A large sewer system filled with countless sharp corners, drops, sewagefalls[37], and occasional flooded areas.
Dimension-Div:0.Oneirosphere.0/3 Timeline-001 Divergent Dimension Space-Time Baseline Reality The original timeline that YATA took place in until the Red Leader seized control over the timeline, expelling Yata into Timeline-002 in the year 82.
Dimension-Div:79.RedLeader.0/3 Timeline-002 Divergent Dimension Space-Time Baseline Reality Yata's Home Dimension.
Dimension-Div:182.Odinarod.0/3 Timeline-812 Divergent Dimension Space-Time Baseline Reality An alternate timeline in which Odinarod was not overthrown, allowing its technological hivemind to advance to the point it could subdue all of humanity.
Dimension-Loc:4.2.001/3/152.0 Voidzone Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Sub-Space Backrooms A chaotic assortment of connected rooms which often house common themes of magenta-coloured walls or unusual messaging, being by far one of the most unusual locations to be discovered within the Backrooms.
Dimension-Loc:4.5.001/3/193.5 Yellow Land Locational Dimension Space-Time Liminal Space Intra-Space Backrooms A hilled forest landscape with several lakes, although completely composed of the materials in The Lobby's walls and floor.
Dimension-Loc:6/3/346.0 "Yggdrasil" (Proposed Name) Locational Dimension Space-Time Interdimensional Construct Baseline Reality A vast Interdimensional construct stretching across the local multiverse, taking the form of a 5th Dimensional Tree. SDS-000 theoretically allows easy transport across said dimensions.
  1. Meaning "Non Applicable Dimensions
  2. Also known as Universes, Timelines, Parallel Dimensions, Alternate Universes, etc.
  3. A "Universe-One", which later will undergo Standard Deviation
  4. Also known as Realms or Enigmatic Dimensions
  5. This "layer" is often imperceptible or unreachable to lower dimensional lifeforms.
  6. Although they also may be connected to Divergent Dimensions.
  7. See the "Liminal Spaces" article for more details.
  8. These are typically anomalous
  9. the Crossroad
  10. Also known as a "Cradle"
  11. Can be divergent, locational or anything else.
  12. See "Physics" Section
  13. As a semi-tangible concept or substance.
  14. These objects emit vast amounts of Divine Energy alongside strange sounds such as whirring cogs, chanting, and gasping.
  15. Sometimes known as the "Dream World" or some other similar variation
  16. Also sometimes referred to as the 'Local Multiverse'
  17. "Unreality"
  18. Many of these are quadrupedal, with additional appendages used for interaction
  19. Ie; "Portals"
  20. Though, some Gateways leave trace amounts of Tachyon Particles on matter that has passed through them. This is generally harmless.
  21. Typically Paratechnology or Technomagic
  22. Including Objects & Entities
  23. 23.0 23.1 See the "Dimensional Forms" section
  24. If Applicable
  25. After Div: but before /num
  26. See the "Dimensional Sub-Types" section
  27. If these are interdimensional why does it include the year of Yata's dimension? well the reason is it's simple and doesnt require me writing an entire standardized interdimensional timekeeping system.
  28. The Divergence or Sub-Type identifier alongside the Div or Loc Prefix
  29. 4
  30. See the first line under any Liminal System on the Liminal Spaces article.
  31. .1 would reefer specifically to the system.
  32. See the first line under any Liminal System on the Liminal Spaces article.
  33. The Divergence or Sub-Type identifier alongside the Div or Loc Prefix
  34. See the "Dimensional Forms" section
  35. Ie Yata's dimension.
  36. Named after this dimension.
  37. Waterfalls, but sewage water.