Crimson Faith
Crimson Faith | |
![]() | |
Aliases |
Gods |
Other Entities & Figures |
Monotheism or Polytheism | Syncretic |
Sects |
Books | Crimson Grimoire |
Locational Information | |
Holy Land | Kolydymy Empire |
Name of Religious Building | Church, Temple, Lodge, etc. |
Areas of Notable Minority Belief | Yata |
Important Individuals | |
Historical Information | |
Alignment | |
Organizations | Adytium |
Enemies | Mechanical Faith |
The Crimson Faith, also known as Crimsonism, is a set of related religious/philosophical systems encompassing a variety of traditions and beliefs attributed by their deified founder 'Jaanyn-utaryše'. Common practices include the likes of cannibalism, human sacrifice, various kinds of magic, and contacting otherworldy entities. Their most 'well known' practice, 'flesh magic', has allowed Crimsonists to often achieve anomalous states of being beyond the capabilities of most humans.
The general public tends to have little to no knowledge of the Crimson Faith due to their practitioners typically being fairly secretive, though various groups such as the SDS Foundation, United Occult Initiative, Concord of Armed Exorcists, and Mechanicalists[1] are aware of them. Out of these groups the Mechanicalists are by far the most notable, as a vast majority of their sects view the Crimson Faith in apocalyptic terms[2] due to them connecting the Crimsonists to 'The Flesh', a prophesied foe[3] from their own mythology.
Crimsonists can usually be classified into two distinct belief systems, Neo-Crimsonist cults and Proto-Crimsonist cults. Proto-Crimsonist cults tend to be located in closed off communities across Yata's more isolated regions[4], which are typically largely self-reliant and egalitarian[5] while additionally being somewhat technophobic and opposed to modernity. Instead of interacting with the modern world and its technologies[6] they prefer to close themselves off from the world, only openly operating in isolated regions.
Neo-Crimsonism displays only a superficial resemblance to Proto-Crimsonist groups, instead often embracing technology and modernity in a much more cosmopolitan and unified structure than the isolated and fragmented tendencies of Proto-Crimsonists. Neo-Crimsonist beliefs tend to have more uniform and distinct beliefs such as; that the individual can ascend to godhood with the ambition of usurping Jaanyn, that the individual's desires and exerting power are their primary driver, the sacramental consumption of gods they are opposed to, sacrifice of the many for the benefit of the individual[7], the importance of bloodlines and Crimsonist families, and the 'divine right' of augmenting life. Most[8] Proto-Crimsonist groups believe that Jaanyn, their supposed founder, has achieved or is in the process of achieving godhood, and will soon remake the universe into a paradise where many will achieve salvation. Neo-Crimsonists notably diverge from this as they tend to view Jaanyn with indifference, seeing him solely as the individual who came closest to achieving godhood.
While the two sects do clearly share many of the same practices and beliefs, they are largely distinct religions from each other, with each of them viewing the other as either backwards or heretical.
Crimsonists tend to organize themselves into 'cults', which are largely closed groups of practitioners that either operate in secret or in isolated regions. These cults are typically closed off from outsiders as they are usually more than capable of maintaining their own numbers, having a significantly lower mortality rate compared to most other groups.
The common Crimsonist hierarchy has remained largely unchanged across human history, though in certain groups there may be differences. The common 'ranks' featured in scripture are:
- Utaryše: Reserved for Jaanyn.
- Kugižӓn-šӓmӓn: Akin to 'apostles'.
- Šaman: Spiritual Leaders.
- Šajyštaš-yšan: Advisors to Šamans.
- Ӱl-tolkatel: Lower followers that regardless have some degree of power, exclusive to Neo-Crimsonists.
- Autsajder: The lowest rank consisting of outsider converts, exclusive to Neo-Crimsonists.
Crimsonists view 'this' universe as one among a number of other possible universes, which each consist of a number of distinct iterations. The omniverse each of these individual universes are within is eternal, unlike the universes themselves which can begin or end without purpose.
Jymytošty is regarded as the principal deity within the universe and an enemy of all living peoples, and is this largely viewed with fear and disgust by Proto-Crimsonists. It is viewed as both a destroyer and a creator as while it does destroy worlds, the process of destruction breathes further life into the cosmos in a never-ending cycle it partakes in out of pure instict. Jymytošty is though to be accompanied by a myriad of lesser beings derived from primordial chaos that carry out Jymytošty's will. Jaanyn-utaryše is said to have overcome both these lesser beings and possibly even Jymytošty and risen beyond their prison of mortality to usurp their power, although the success of this ordeal is viewed differently by each group.
Some groups believe that the lesser beings accompanying Jymytošty do not originate from this universe or even the multiverse, instead originating from the 'Pasna-svet', a primordial manifestation of nothingness beyond the cosmos. Due to their connection to this layer beyond reality they are believed to solely exist to consume worlds to become whole, and are thus tied to the darkness between the stars. These traits are remarkable for their similarities with those of the Hyacinthan Faith, despite the apparent lack of contact between the two groups.
Crimsonism is though to have emerged in ancient times within the Tarqalan Empire as he result of a highly radicalised slave-revolt lead by Jaanyn, whom had become an influential figure within the region where the revolt occurred. How true the various claims of Jaanyn and his supposed powers were is unclear, as it is likely the religion also came about as a mere consequence of the revolt justifying its methods. While Jaanyn was in fact the leader of this revolt, he was joined by four Kugižӓn-šӓmӓns as his key disciples assoociated with various epithets. Following the rapid expansion of the Revolt and the subsequent Kolydymy Empire under their rule various other civilisations including the Tarqalans became either greatly diminished or fully incorporated into the empire as the Koldymy Empire spread across much of the known world, only being defeated by a combined coalition of many of the era's extant nations. The fall of the empire would result in a widespread diaspora of surviving Crimsonist cults across much of Eurasia, with many continuing to live on to this day.
A majority of known Neo-Crimsonist cults appear to have descended from a few influential noble families that often had some presence in the courts of the various monarchies that were established in the first 50 or so years after The Great Sleep prior to the resurgence of republicanism. These families would then go on to greatly diverge and practicing their own unique interpretations of Crimsonism which would slowly spread across Yata, nowadays still holding some degree of covert influence.
As of now it is unclear how Crimsonism survived The Great Sleep considering how technophobic most of its followers, especially before the emergence of Neo-Crimsonism, were prior to its global spread, which likely discouraged any followers from migrating to the human redoubt at Mei'ra. The most common theory is that the reverence of disease as a purifier among most Crimsonists of both sects alongside their above-average resistance to disease is likely the reason for their persistence through the amnesiac-affects of Sleeping Sickness.
The most common 'capability' that Crimsonists make use of is Carnomancy, which is the creation and/or manipulation of living organisms through magical/anomalous means. Some of the results of the use of this ability include;
Name(s) | Appearance | Traits | Purpose |
Name(s) | Appearance | Traits | Purpose |
Jubiomassa |
Jyl-ju | Worm-like |
Prevents disease |
Leviafan |
Mary-idealʹnyj |
Communicate via Echolocation | |
Parnja |
Šolyštšo | Tentacle-like | Sedentary | Guarding |
Svjatoj | Living Structure | Genetically Human | Used for worship |
Fleshy Vines and Growths |
Affiliated Groups
(WIP, list of major cults)
- ↑ By far the most notable of these groups, seeing as the Mechanicalists near-universally view them in apocalyptic terms with few exceptions such as the Covenant of Wan, which sees them more as a metaphor.
- ↑ With few exceptions such as the Covenant of Wan, which sees them more as a metaphor.
- ↑ Crimsonists seem to have not made any similar connection, seeing them simply as an enemy rather than a spiritual prophetic foe.
- ↑ Though there are many exceptions to this, including groups present on Theia.
- ↑ Valuing traits such as humility and self-sacrifice
- ↑ Which they commonly attempt to get rid of or destroy if encountered.
- ↑ Contrasting greatly with Proto-Crimsonists more egalitarian views
- ↑ Some groups instead believe he sacrificed himself to protect humanity.