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The nature of SDS-001
Note that this was defined following a revision in 315 AGS, which is why many SDS entities/events may not have been classified in chronological order.
SDS-001 is not a sole entity - rather it is a code name for newfound entities that are (or have been) identified as the current largest threat to the security of a substantial human population. In other words, it is a label put on an anomaly or any anomalous event deemed by the Overseer Council to be the top priority of containment. Any anomalous event can be proposed as an SDS-001 candidate - it is up to the council whether to declare an SDS-001 event to easily allow the redirection of resources to containment. So far, the SDS has only declared two instances of SDS-001.
Confirmed SDS-001 Events
- Dr. Chen Li's Proposal "When day breaks" - SDS-028
- The Adriatic Theory - "Total Annihilation" - SDS-029
SDS-001 Proposals
- Aldren Tremar's Proposal - "Deep Impact" - Deemed unexplainable and uncontainable
- Carbonado's Proposal - "The Red Leader" - Disproven
- The Theian Cataclysm - Explained