SDS-031 "Diary of Targoltos"
Item#: SDS-031⠀ | Clearance Level 4: Secret |
Containment Class: Narakan | Disruption Class: 4/High |
Risk Class: 3/Warning |
Special Defensive Safeguards
SDS-031 is to be contained in a locked container in Storage-Site-4, and no one without authorization is allowed to enter its container to prevent the diary from being extended. Site-4 has since then been seized by the UOI, whom now manages containment efforts.
SDS-031, Also known as the "Diary of Targoltos" is a old hardcover book discovered in Turkestan which contains a detailed history of an ancient civilisation known as the "Tarqalan Empire", this book manipulates nearby humans to continue writing the book via any available liquid including human blood. This then changes history to fit the prolongued history of the Tarqalan Empire, pushing the date of its destruction forward. Reading the book normally also installs feelings of anxiety and paranoia in the reader.
Any fluid works in order to expand the diary, but by far the most potent is human blood, allowing the diary to be extended for much longer than other liquids can. Once available fluid begins to end, the book creates a conclusion for the empire, which has differed every time. Previous conclusions included conquest by the Yetai Empire, slave revolts leading to the rise of the Crimson Cults, Genocide by ancient Sizzleans, and various other conclusions which as of now have been expunged from records as of now.
Contents of the diary
SDS-031 contains a detailed account of the history and culture of an ancient (Pre-Great Sleep) civilisation situated in the Eurasian steppe and surrounding lands. Like all civilisations, the society of the Tarqalan Empire changes overtime in the diary, following natural societal changes. Main societal structures within the empire were typically vile, as much of the diary includes history of slavery, cannibalism, genocide, militarism and cult worship. It is vital for the SDS Foundation to prevent the vile practices of this empire from entering the modern age.
SDS-031 is notably detailed, providing lucid details of very intricate details of Tarqalan Society including sacrificial rites, battlefield descriptions, daily life, and other such.